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Peptides are made from amino acids that are linked together. They can be thought of as a small protein.  They have many functions in the body including signaling and messaging. Some may act like neurotransmitters, while others may act like hormones. They bind to receptors on the cell surface and tell other cells and molecules what to do. Peptides are very specific which makes them safe, well tolerated, and more importantly allow them to control and influence how our bodies react to physical exercise, diet, healing, and weight loss just to name a few.

As we age, production of essential amino acids and peptides decreases. As a result, our bodies begin to show signs of aging and cease to perform at an optimal level. Peptide medications are administered subcutaneously.

Peptide therapy benefits may include*:

  1. Changes in Body Composition
    Changes in body composition due to decreasing levels of hGH are reflected by a decrease in lean body mass (muscle) and an increase in fat mass. Correcting hGH levels has been shown to reverse this state by improving muscle mass and reducing fat.
  2. Bone Mineral Density
    Research indicates that hGH deficiency in adults contributes to a reduction in bone density and therefore increased risk of osteoporosis. It has also been shown that hGH replacement therapy for greater than 12 months results in improved bone mineral density and hence, lower risk of osteoporosis.
  3. Muscle Strength
    Due to changes in body composition detailed above, muscle strength is understandably compromised. As hGH therapy corrects body composition and improves muscle mass, muscle strength also improves. The best results are gained after 12 months of hGH therapy.
  4. Joint Health
    By improving bone mineral density and increasing muscle mass and strength, hGH therapy can help to prevent joint deterioration that is a feature of arthritis. Optimal growth hormone levels are also essential for health of connective tissue such as the synovium found in joints.
  5. Exercise Performance
    Exercise performance is reduced in individuals with growth hormone deficiency. This appears to be partially due to reductions in bone density and muscle mass but also in part due to a reduction in oxygen uptake. hGH therapy for 6 months has been shown to improve exercise performance by improving muscle mass and also oxygen uptake.
  6. Heart Health
    There is evidence of a greater risk of heart disease in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and it has been hypothesized that this is due to a greater propensity to develop premature atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque inside the arteries which increases risk of heart attack and stroke). Growth hormone deficiency also results in changes in heart size and function. These changes have been demonstrated to be reversed after 6 months hGH therapy.
  7. Metabolism
    Growth hormone deficiency results in a reduced resting metabolism and replacement therapy reverses this decrease. hGH therapy has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, increase fat oxidation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. These favorable effects on metabolism may in part explain some of the other benefits of hGH including improved hearth health and body composition.
  8. Skin Thickness
    A reduction in skin thickness and all-important skin collagen is another result of growth hormone deficiency. Both conditions are improved by hGH therapy.
  9. Immune Function
    Although adults with growth hormone deficiency are not normally considered to have a compromised immune system, there is some evidence to suggest that hGH therapy can help regulate immune function.
  10. Libido
    It has been demonstrated that people with growth hormone deficiency have more difficulty with sexual relationships and reportedly, lower energy levels. Many individuals have found an improvement in energy, libido and sexual performance following hGH therapy, some men even claiming an improvement in problems with premature ejaculation.
  11. Quality of Life
    Reduced psychological well-being has been reported in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and hGH replacement has resulted in improvements in mood, energy and general feelings of well-being.
Approved weight loss injection works by mimicking a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that targets areas of the brain that regulate appetite and food intake; it is a powerful appetite suppressant. It also works by increasing the production of insulin and appears to enhance the growth of β cells in the pancreas, which are the sites of insulin production. Additionally, it inhibits glucagon, which is a hormone that increases blood sugar. It has been known to aid not only in weight loss but helps to lower glucose levels in those who are pre-diabetic or who have type 2 diabetes.

  • Allows food to stay in the stomach longer, allowing you to stay full for longer periods of time
  • Slows gastric emptying
  • Insulin helps move sugar from the blood into other body tissues where it is used for energy
  • Works to reduce appetite and control over-eating

This injection is dosed based on the motto for successful weight loss “start low and go slow.” We start at a low dose which will be increased gradually over 16 to 20 weeks

Since Medical Weight Loss Injections do not help increase energy or boost metabolism, we recommend pairing it with our Boost Program.


PT-141 has been shown to have a substantial effect on libido, generating sexual arousal in both men and women within minutes of administration.

Benefits of PT-141 May Include*:

  • More women reported moderate or high sexual desire following bremelanotide treatment vs. placebo.
  • Among women who attempted sexual intercourse within 24 hours after treatment, significantly more were satisfied with their level of sexual arousal following bremelanotide, compared with placebo.
  • Effects may be felt up to 12 hours from the time of administration and have been known to last for up to 3 days, diminishing each day.
  • PT- 141 has been shown to have significant results on male test patients, with what is described as “intense” and “frequent” erections lasting between 2-6 hours.
  • For women, sexual arousal has been experienced in a varied range of minutes to weeks
  • Bremelanotide PT 141 was developed from the peptide hormone Melanotan II
  • Effective in treating sexual dysfunction in men – impotence / erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
  • Effective in treating sexual dysfunction in women – sexual arousal disorder
  • Does not act upon the vascular system
  • Increases sexual desire via the central nervous system
You may want to know how you can benefit from using this therapy. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the potential benefits of hGH replacement therapy is to look at the symptoms of hGH decline and the effect hGH replacement has on those symptoms.

Sermorelin Therapy Benefits May Include*:

  1. Changes in Body Composition
    Changes in body composition due to decreasing levels of hGH are reflected by a decrease in lean body mass (muscle) and an increase in fat mass. Correcting hGH levels has been shown to reverse this state by improving muscle mass and reducing fat.
  2. Bone Mineral Density
    Research indicates that hGH deficiency in adults contributes to a reduction in bone density and therefore increased risk of osteoporosis. It has also been shown that hGH replacement therapy for greater than 12 months results in improved bone mineral density and hence, lower risk of osteoporosis.
  3. Muscle Strength
    Due to changes in body composition detailed above, muscle strength is understandably compromised. As hGH therapy corrects body composition and improves muscle mass, muscle strength also improves. The best results are gained after 12 months of hGH therapy.
  4. Joint Health
    By improving bone mineral density and increasing muscle mass and strength, hGH therapy can help to prevent joint deterioration that is a feature of arthritis. Optimal growth hormone levels are also essential for health of connective tissue such as the synovium found in joints.
  5. Exercise Performance
    Exercise performance is reduced in individuals with growth hormone deficiency. This appears to be partially due to reductions in bone density and muscle mass but also in part due to a reduction in oxygen uptake. hGH therapy for 6 months has been shown to improve exercise performance by improving muscle mass and also oxygen uptake.
  6. Heart Health
    There is evidence of a greater risk of heart disease in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and it has been hypothesized that this is due to a greater propensity to develop premature atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque inside the arteries which increases risk of heart attack and stroke). Growth hormone deficiency also results in changes in heart size and function. These changes have been demonstrated to be reversed after 6 months hGH therapy.
  7. Metabolism
    Growth hormone deficiency results in a reduced resting metabolism and replacement therapy reverses this decrease. hGH therapy has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, increase fat oxidation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. These favorable effects on metabolism may in part explain some of the other benefits of hGH including improved hearth health and body composition.
  8. Skin Thickness
    A reduction in skin thickness and all-important skin collagen is another result of growth hormone deficiency. Both conditions are improved by hGH therapy.
  9. Immune Function
    Although adults with growth hormone deficiency are not normally considered to have a compromised immune system, there is some evidence to suggest that hGH therapy can help regulate immune function.
  10. Libido
    It has been demonstrated that people with growth hormone deficiency have more difficulty with sexual relationships and reportedly, lower energy levels. Many individuals have found an improvement in energy, libido and sexual performance following hGH therapy, some men even claiming an improvement in problems with premature ejaculation.
  11. Quality of Life
    Reduced psychological well-being has been reported in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and hGH replacement has resulted in improvements in mood, energy and general feelings of well-being.


MIC injections can help stimulate the breakdown of lipids (fat) during metabolism. They also reduce the accumulation of excess fat in the liver and other tissues.

Lipotropic nutrients are a class of natural ingredients that play important roles in the body’s use of fat. These compounds enhance liver and gallbladder’s role by decreasing fat deposits and speeding up metabolism of fat and its removal. Our formula of Lipotropics has been formulated and perfected by our panel of doctors. The main amino acids used to make these shots are Methione, Inositol, and Choline.

Methionine: An amino acid that will prevent excess fat buildup in the liver – preventing fatigue.

Inositol: A nutrient that aids in metabolism of fats and helps reduce blood cholesterol.

Choline: An 8-vitamin nutrient that facilitates the movement of fats into the cells. It is essential for the health of the liver and kidneys.

Lipo Injection is commonly prescribed to:

  • Help stimulate the breakdown of lipids (fat) during metabolism*
  • Reduce the accumulation of excess fat in the liver and other tissues*

Injection​ ​​Programs​ are ​under the direct supervision ​of ​New Leaf Wellness Providers and comply with all regulations.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

NAD+ injections (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is the active coenzyme form of vitamin B3. It plays an essential role in the energy production of every human cell.

Patients using NAD+ Injections may experience:

  • Boost Metabolism.  NAD+ has emerged as a vital cofactor that can rewire metabolism, activate sirtuins, and maintain mitochondrial fitness.*
  • Reduce Pain.  NAD+ has helped reduce pain up to 2 days after the last injection.*
  • Beat the Fatigue.  NAD+ therapy can address conditions from anxiety to depression to chronic fatigue.*
  • Maximize Brain Power & Protects Brain Cells.  Studies have found replenishing cellular levels of NAD+ can repair DNA, and protect brain cells.*
  • Supports Anti-Aging.  NAD+ helps cells heal and helps with cellular biogenesis.*
  • General Wellness.  The overall benefits of NAD+ therapy includes general wellness and longevity.*

Injection​ ​​Programs​ are ​under the direct supervision ​of ​New Leaf Wellness Providers and comply with all regulations.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


G.A.C. Injections or Troches offer:

Glutamine, Arginine and Carnitine are three combined amino acids that have many important functions within the body. Glutamine acts as an energy source within the body, Arginine plays a role in wound healing and immunity, and Carnitine acts within the mitochondria to facilitate energy production. GAC troches are specifically formulated for rapid weight loss and enhanced athletic performance via the stimulation of the body’s metabolism.

Patients using GAC Injections or Troches may experience:

  • Improved exercise performance. When GAC levels are high, muscle damage and recovery time are reduced dramatically.*
  • A balanced metabolism. GAC is considered the natural metabolism booster, shifting fat production to muscle development.*
  • Reduced inflammation. GAC allows for faster healing and decreased pain.*
  • Increased energy. GAC is also known for supplying your body with energy reducing a weak feeling, or inability to stay awake, or get out and do things.*
  • Improved overall health. GAC helps stimulate all the right responses for getting you the slim, lean and energetic body you want.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We offer numerous high-quality peptides, so whether you’re looking for a natural solution to slow down aging, improve health, or repair an injury, New Leaf Wellness can help with your peptide therapy. Please contact us for details.

Injection​ ​​Programs​ are ​under the direct supervision ​of ​New Leaf Wellness Providers and comply with all regulations.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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