Understanding Common Thyroid Conditions

The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ located in the neck, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. Consequently, when the thyroid gland malfunctions, it can give rise to a range of thyroid conditions. These conditions, in turn, can exert a significant impact on overall health and well-being. Moreover, delving deeper, understanding common thyroid conditions becomes a pivotal step, allowing us to underscore the paramount importance of personalized therapies for the effective management and treatment of these conditions.

Types of Thyroid Conditions:

  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. The condition can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, depression, and cold intolerance. Personalized therapies for hypothyroidism may involve hormone replacement therapy. Synthetic or natural thyroid hormones are prescribed to restore optimal hormone levels. The dosage and type of medication can vary based on an individual’s specific needs, making personalized treatment crucial for achieving balance and symptom relief.
  • Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism is the opposite of hypothyroidism, characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormones. Symptoms may include weight loss, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and increased sensitivity to heat. Personalized therapies for hyperthyroidism aim to reduce thyroid hormone production and normalize hormone levels. Treatments may include antithyroid medications, radioactive iodine therapy, or, in some cases, surgery. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, severity of symptoms, and individual characteristics.
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland, leading to inflammation and eventual damage. This condition is a common cause of hypothyroidism. Personalized therapies focus on managing the autoimmune response and optimizing thyroid hormone levels. In addition, treatment may include hormone replacement therapy, immune-modulating medications, and dietary and lifestyle modifications.
  • Graves’ Disease: Graves’ disease is another autoimmune disorder that results in overactivity of the thyroid gland. Symptoms include weight loss, bulging eyes (exophthalmos), and an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter). Personalized therapies for Graves’ disease aim to suppress thyroid hormone production, manage symptoms, and regulate immune system function. Antithyroid medications, beta-blockers, radioactive iodine therapy, and surgery may be prescribed depending on the severity and circumstances.

The Importance of Personalized Therapies:

In essence, thyroid conditions are intricate and can present uniquely in each individual. Thus, a tailored approach to treatment is indispensable for the efficient management of these conditions. Personalized treatment plans take into account an individual’s symptoms, medical history, hormone levels, and lifestyle factors. This personalized approach enables healthcare providers to devise treatment strategies that cater to specific requirements, thereby optimizing outcomes.

By adopting a fresh perspective on personalized therapies, healthcare providers can empower patients to take an active role in their thyroid health journey. This entails vigilant monitoring of hormone levels, transparent communication with healthcare providers, and the exploration of complementary approaches such as nutrition, stress management, and exercise to bolster overall well-being.

Summary of Personalized Therapies:

In conclusion, comprehending prevalent thyroid conditions and embracing the tenets of personalized therapies stands as a pivotal foundation for effective management and treatment. Through the customization of treatments for each patient, healthcare providers play a crucial role in restoring equilibrium, alleviating symptoms, and enhancing the quality of life for individuals grappling with thyroid conditions. Together, let us embark on a journey that champions personalized approaches, fostering empowerment and optimal thyroid health. Discover the possibility of a thyroid condition and uncover your tailored treatment path at New Leaf Wellness, Omaha, NE!

Click for more information on Hormone Imbalance: For Women | For Men

menopause, Tictoc, BioTe

Embracing Food Sensitivity Test Results

Embracing Food Sensitivity Test Results: A Journey to Wellness

by guest author Rodrigo Raphael, CEO Biotrinetix Laboratory

Food sensitivities can have a profound impact on our overall well-being, affecting everything from our digestive health to our energy levels and even our mood. Discovering your food sensitivities through testing can be a game-changer, allowing you to make informed choices about what you put into your body. While the prospect of adjusting your diet may seem daunting at first, following your food sensitivity test results can be a rewarding and transformative experience if approached with the right mindset. In this blog post, we will explore how embracing your food sensitivity test results is not as hard as you may think, and how preparation, a positive mindset, and letting go of emotional attachments can lead you to success on your wellness journey.

1. Shift Your Perspective
The key to making the transition to a food-sensitivity-friendly diet easier lies in shifting your perspective. Instead of dwelling on the foods you should avoid, focus on the vast array of delicious and nourishing alternatives available to you. View this journey as an opportunity to explore new culinary horizons and nourish your body in a way that promotes optimal health. Remember, you are making choices that support your well-being, and that is a cause for celebration.

2. Preparation is Key
Success in following your food sensitivity test results starts with preparation. Take the time to research and plan meals that align with your dietary needs. Create shopping lists and keep your pantry stocked with ingredients that you can turn to when cooking or preparing snacks. With a bit of preparation, you’ll find it much easier to stick to your new dietary guidelines without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Letting Go of Emotional Attachments
Food is often associated with emotions, memories, and comfort. Letting go of emotional attachments to the foods you used to enjoy can be challenging, but it is an essential step towards embracing your food sensitivity results. Instead of feeling deprived, remind yourself of the positive changes you’re making for your health. Seek comfort in new recipes and the joy of discovering flavors that are both delicious and nourishing.

4. Seek Support
Remember, you don’t have to embark on this journey alone. Seek support from Biotrinetix, friends, family, or online communities and individuals with similar dietary needs. Sharing experiences, tips, and recipes can make the transition feel less isolating and more empowering. Surround yourself with a positive support system that encourages and celebrates your commitment to your well-being.

5. Focus on the Positive
Rather than focusing on the reactive foods on your test results, concentrate on the vast array of foods that you can still enjoy without any adverse reactions. Celebrate the fact that you are taking charge of your health and making choices that align with your body’s needs. As you start to feel the positive effects of your dietary changes, you’ll find that the sacrifices are well worth it. Following your food sensitivity test results doesn’t have to be as hard as it may initially seem. With a positive mindset, preparation, and support, you can embrace this journey toward improved health and well-being. Letting go of emotional attachments to certain foods and focusing on the abundance of nourishing alternatives will make the transition smoother and more enjoyable. Remember, you are making choices that prioritize your health and vitality, and that is a powerful step towards a happier and healthier you. So, go forth with confidence, and may your food sensitivity journey be one of growth, discovery, and wellness.

Food Sensitivity Testing

Watch this video to learn more about Food Sensitivity Testing.

Continue reading “Food Sensitivity Testing”

Wellness Coaching

Just as a sports coach can help an athlete develop and excel at a sport, Wellness Coaching can help anyone excel at living their life, even if they have chronic medical conditions.

The coaching process is similar to talk therapy in that it involves two people discussing ideas and issues. The process is different in that the person, who is being coached, is in the driver’s seat, creating their goals as well as the strategies on how to arrive at their goals.

What Does a health coach do?

People tend to hire Wellness Coaches to help them with health issues, such as weight loss, stress reduction, chronic condition management, improving diet and exercise, addiction, and adjusting to a life-altering health event, like a heart attack. There is an overlap between what a Wellness Coach and what a life coach does. A life coach’s domain is much broader, includes career issues, executive coaching, and professional effectiveness.

Unlike health fads that come and go, wellness coaching has strong evidence behind it backing its effectiveness for improving health and well-being. At New Leaf Wellness, a Wellness Coach promotes happiness, builds resilience, saves money, and helps people live longer and more fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, take control of your health and the health of your employees with help from your dedicated Wellness Coach wherever you are via Zoom. Save yourself from High Healthcare costs. Sign up for our online or in-person consultation services and receive personal attention! FREE 20-minute First session!

Health Coaching can help with :

  • Weight loss
  • Stress reduction
  • The management of chronic conditions
  • Improving diet and exercise
  • Preventive care and wellness
  • Illnesses and injuries prevention education
  • Disease management
  • Multi-Cultural Workplace Wellness
  • And so much more!

Are you tired or feeling sluggish? Has your get up and GO… GONE? Call New Leaf Wellness and schedule a FREE 20-minute session with a Wellness Coach.

menopause, Tictoc, BioTe

Hormones & Food in Omaha, NE

Weight gain, pain, and fatigue are just a few symptoms of hormonal imbalances. If you found this blog post, then you probably have a pretty good understanding of the importance of hormones and how they can affect your day-to-day life. Or maybe you are experiencing some imbalances and want to do something about it. Hormones & Food education can be found at our New Leaf Wellness clinic in Omaha, NE. What if there was a way that you could help with your imbalance symptoms while you’re doing something everyone does every single day? Eating. More specifically, your daily food choices.

How Food Choices Affect My Hormones

“Food can affect the production and secretion of hormones by direct actions on the gut, by nervous reflexes, through changes in the concentration of various metabolites in the blood, or secondary to changes in circulating gut hormone levels.” PubMed

The food you eat can impact the amount of certain hormones that are made in your body and how much those hormones are dispersed. We can manipulate some of these hormones through specific foods. But what foods should you be looking for?

The first items you want to put in your shopping cart are cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, and bok choy. These veggies help our livers metabolize estrogen and protect us from estrogen-dominant cancers. It really does pay to eat your vegetables, kids.

Carbs or No Carbs

Another thing you’ll want to look for is high-fiber carbohydrates. A good rule of thumb is the “half/fourth rule.” Half the meal is full of nonstarchy vegetables, and a fourth of the meal is starchy vegetables like potatoes or whole grains. A high-fiber diet can help clear out some excess hormones from your body, along with regulating melatonin and cortisol. So grab some carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash to that shopping cart too.

Finally, let’s talk about fat. Fat and cholesterol are the building blocks of hormones. It is important to stock up on fats high in omega-3s. Some foods that include healthy fats are salmon, albacore tuna, walnuts, flaxseeds, olive oil, chia seeds, and avocados.

Small life changes like choosing what foods to eat can affect how your hormones interact with the rest of your body. And they’re not even gross or obscure dishes that are impossible to find. Most likely you have some of these ingredients in your kitchen already. If you need some starting ideas, try looking up some healthy recipes including any of the foods listed above. Help your taste buds and your body! For more help, go to New Leaf Wellness, Omaha, or one of the other New Leaf Wellness clinics near you.

Click here to learn more about Hormone Replacement Therapy: Women | Men

menopause, Tictoc, BioTe

Avoiding Ultra-Process Foods


Many people suggest we avoid ultra-processed food and choose whole foods instead. What are ultra-processed foods? According to Harvard Health, food processing often involves adding ingredients like sugar, salt, fat, artificial colors, preservatives, flavors, and/or stabilizers, so these processed products are “made mostly from substances extracted from foods, such as fats, starches, added sugars, and hydrogenated fats.” In other words, it feels like a bit of a stretch to call them food in the first place.


Unfortunately, the typical American diet (and grocery store) is chock-full of these products, from cookies and crackers to frozen meals and sugar-packed sodas.

One 2022 report noted that a whopping 73% of the U.S. food supply can be considered ultra-processed—partially because these “Frankenfoods” are much more profitable for manufacturers, costing on average 52% less than minimally processed options. However, for the humans consuming them, they have many impacts that are far from positive—in fact, they’re downright health-destroying. Let’s look at just some of the ways in which they harm the entire human body, over both the short and long term.


One study, published in late 2022 in the journal Addiction, evaluated these foods according to the criteria established when researchers examined the impacts of tobacco in the 1980s. The findings noted that these addictive hallmarks include:

  • Loss of control over intake, such as seen with compulsive or binge eating
  • Intense cravings, or strong urges that are difficult to resist
  • Inability to reduce consumption—for example, eating even when not hungry
  • Continued use despite negative consequences, including serious health concerns like obesity

The study estimated that roughly 14% of adults and 12% of children exhibit signs of food addiction.


We already know that high-glycemic, low-fiber foods and other nutritionally empty culprits, are potential memory destroyers. More specifically, a study presented at the 2022 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, published in JAMA Neurology and reported by CNN, stated that consuming more than 20% of the daily calorie intake (that is, 400 calories of a 2,000-calorie diet) via ultra-processed foods may increase the risk for cognitive decline. This decline occurred at a rate of 28% faster among men and women who consumed large amounts of these foods, and they also experienced a 25% faster decline in executive function. Unfortunately, many Americans consume far more than 20% of their daily calories in ultra-processed foods, with one 2017 study reporting that number at 57.5% among its survey participants.


A 2022 review of 17 studies researched the links between processed foods and mental health disorders. The findings stated that “greater ultra-processed food consumption was cross-sectionally associated with increased odds of depressive and anxiety symptoms” and “was associated with increased risk of subsequent depression.” Correspondingly, another study from 2020 found that participants whose ultra-processed food intake made up more than 73% of their total energy intake had a 35% higher risk of depressive symptoms, compared with those who consumed 34% or less of their total calories from ultra-processed foods. Clearly, there is a reason why the Standard American Diet spells SAD!


In 2019, two large European studies were published in The BMJ. These studies established a positive association between eating highly processed foods and the risk of cardiovascular disease and even death. The first study, from NutriNet-Santé, surveyed 105,159 French adults (79% of whom were female, with an average age of 43 years). The conclusion was that a “10% increase in the proportion of ultra-processed food in the diet was associated with significantly higher rates of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease (an increase of 12%, 13%, and 11%, respectively).” Meanwhile, a diet higher in unprocessed or minimally processed foods is correlated with a lower risk of all these health issues.

The second study investigated the link between eating ultra-processed foods and the risk of death from any cause. Like the first study, it surveyed participants over 10 years. The BMJ results demonstrated that “higher consumption of ultra-processed foods (more than 4 servings per day) was associated with a 62% increased risk of all-cause mortality compared with lower consumption (less than 2 servings per day). Each additional daily serving of ultra-processed food is correlated with an 18% relative mortality risk increase. These two studies point to possible links between Frankenfoods and poorer quality of life. More research is needed to establish cause and effect.


Though eating anything that fits into the ultra-processed or highly processed categories interferes with optimal full-body health, researchers have hypothesized that certain foods are more likely to trigger addictive-like behaviors. For example, a pair of studies from 2015 compared the making of these toxic food products to the processing that transforms a coca leaf into cocaine—in other words, both have been altered to speed up absorption into the bloodstream.

Ultra-processed foods have large glycemic loads. Glycemic load relates to the food’s dosage of refined carbohydrates and the resulting blood sugar spike. A 2018 study noted that carbs with a high glycemic index “elicit a rapid shift in blood glucose and insulin levels, akin to the pharmacokinetics of addictive substances.” Like with other commonly abused drugs, glucose and insulin levels influence dopamine concentration, so sugar creates cravings and addiction. Accordingly, the these studies referenced above pointed to high-glycemic-load foods as the worst offenders.


Some of the worse ultra-processed foods that you should nix from your diet include the following 15 nutritional disasters:

  1. Processed meats (sausages, hot dogs, and deli meats)
  2. Sugary breakfast cereals
  3. Sodas and energy drinks
  4. Frozen pizzas
  5. Mashed potato flakes
  6. Packaged cookies
  7. Blended coffee drinks and flavored creamers
  8. French fries
  9. Pretzels
  10. Baked goods
  11. Candy
  12. Instant noodles
  13. Flavored chips and cheese puffs
  14. Processed cheese sticks
  15. Barbecue sauce


Researchers at Northeastern University have created an online tool that rates foods. This online tool rates foods within the same product category on a scale from 1-100 from least processed to ultra-processed. For example, in the “Spread & Squeeze” category, Whole Foods’ 365 brand almond butter scores 5/100 while the same brand of “Cookie Butter” spread is rated at 77/100. This tool can help us make better food choices.

Whole foods, of course, may contain sugar (like you’d find in fruit). Whole foods also contain fiber, protein, and water, making it slower to hit the bloodstream and do not cause that same feeling of a sugar rush. Stick to unprocessed or minimally processed foods in the produce section, such as nuts or legumes. Unprocessed foods promote maximum health and longevity over the long haul.

Finally, for more help in taking control of your health, New Leaf Wellness has a dedicated Wellness Coach. Join wherever you are via Zoom & save yourself from High Healthcare costs. Sign up for our online or in-person consultation services and receive personal attention! FREE 20-minute First session!


  • Weight loss
  • Stress reduction
  • The management of chronic conditions
  • Improving diet and exercise
  • Preventive care and wellness
  • Illnesses and injuries prevention education
  • Disease management
  • Multi-cultural Workplace Wellness
  • And so much more!

Are you tired…feeling sluggish? Has your get up and GO …. GONE?
Contact New Leaf Wellness and schedule a FREE 20-minute session with a Wellness Coach by emailing healthcoach@newleafcenters.com.

Weight Loss vs. Bloating

Do you really need to lose weight or could it be something else?
Watch this video to learn more about Weight Loss vs Bloating.

Continue reading “Weight Loss vs. Bloating”

Weight Loss with Dr. Samuel Augustus

Watch this video to learn about Weight Loss the New Leaf way.

Continue reading “Weight Loss with Dr. Samuel Augustus”

Support Weight Loss with B12 & MIC

Supporting Weight-loss with B12 & MIC

Whether you’re just starting B12 & MIC or considering them to support your weight-loss journey, we’ve got what you need. Our goal at New Leaf Wellness is to help you make the best decisions regarding your health and wellness.

First – what is B12?

Vitamin B-12 plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function, and the production of DNA, the molecules inside cells that carry genetic information. The body of evidence in support of these claims is substantial. But, perhaps the best proof of B12’s superpowers is what happens when it is not adequately present in the body. Individuals with known B12 deficiencies or those prone to a potential deficiency due to lifestyle must supplement vitamin B12. Failure to do so may lead to a variety of health issues including anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, intestinal problems, nerve damage, and mood disturbances, to name a few examples. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is not super common in the U.S.; however, vegetarianism or veganism is increasingly so. Unfortunately, the parameters of plant-based diets restrict individuals from the very foods where B12 is naturally occurring – mainly, fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Deficiencies are also seen in older adults and people with digestive tract conditions or pernicious anemia. These individuals can receive an injectable form of the vitamin, which altogether bypasses the gastrointestinal tract. B12 injections (Boost Program) are more readily absorbed in the body and do not have to be administered as often as oral tablets. As a result, injectable B12 has become a popular choice for anyone seeking B12 supplementation, not just those with poor digestive health.

What is B12 + MIC? Or the Boost Program?

The full formula and the roles of its various components are as follows:

  • B12 is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the metabolism that helps the body use fat & carbohydrates for energy & to make new protein
  • Methionine is an essential amino that speeds up fat removal within the liver & neutralizes toxins, promoting lean muscle growth
  • Inositol is an essential amino that plays a critical role in metabolic function
  • Choline is an essential nutrient that helps to regulate memory, mood, muscle control & many other functions

This combination is most effective when used as part of a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. B12 & MIC can help support energy levels, help build lean muscle mass, and even help initiate modest weight loss. For some, it can help to jump-start weight loss.

Patients looking to help push beyond a sticking point in their health goals, short-term B12 & MIC use might be appropriate. For others looking for a longer-term solution, the B12 & MIC formulation can be a regular tool in an arsenal of weight management strategies.

As stated previously, B12 & MIC is likely to be most effective when used as part of a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Supporting Weight-loss with B12 & MIC are fine to use short-term or long-term, depending on your health goals. You should discuss B12 & MIC or the Boost Program use with your provider at New Leaf Wellness, Omaha, NE and the other New Leaf Wellness clinics and develop a plan that is right for you.

Note: The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Click for more information on B12: For Women | For Men

menopause, Tictoc, BioTe

What is Hormone Imbalance?

What is Hormone Imbalance?

Hormone imbalance is a common health condition that affects millions of people, including those in North Liberty, IA. Hormones are responsible for regulating many essential functions in the body, including weight, metabolism, energy, mood, and libido. When the levels of these hormones are out of balance, it can cause a wide range of symptoms that can impact a person’s overall health and well-being.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, it’s important to seek treatment to restore balance and improve your quality of life. In this blog, we’ll explore why North Liberty, IA patients should choose New Leaf Wellness for hormone imbalance

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, such as metabolism, mood, energy, and libido. However, when the delicate balance of hormones in your body is disrupted, it can lead to a host of unpleasant symptoms and health issues.

Hormone imbalance is a common condition that affects both men and women of all ages. Factors such as stress, aging, and environmental toxins can disrupt the normal production and distribution of hormones in the body, leading to a range of symptoms.

Some common symptoms of hormone imbalance include:

  • fatigue
  • weight gain
  • mood swings
  • hot flashes
  • low libido
  • depression
  • anxiety

These symptoms can significantly affect your quality of life and make it difficult to perform daily tasks and activities.

Testing & Treatments

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek treatment from a reputable and experienced healthcare provider. Above all, New Leaf Wellness is a leading wellness clinic in North Liberty, IA, that specializes in hormone replacement therapy and other natural treatments.

At New Leaf Wellness, we offer comprehensive hormone testing and personalized treatment plans to address your unique needs and symptoms. Our team of experienced and compassionate healthcare professionals will work closely with you to determine the root cause of your hormone imbalance and develop a tailored treatment plan to restore balance to your hormones.

Our hormone replacement therapy treatments use bio-identical hormones. These hormones are identical in structure and function to the hormones produced naturally in your body. This approach ensures that your body can easily recognize and utilize the hormones, altogether leading to optimal results with minimal side effects.

In addition to hormone replacement therapy, we offer other natural treatments such as Food Sensitivity Testing, supplements, and lifestyle modifications. These treatments support your overall health and wellbeing.

New Leaf Wellness in Omaha Cares

At New Leaf Wellness, we are committed to providing the highest quality care and support to our patients. We understand the impact that hormone imbalance can have on your life, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness.

If you are experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team at New Leaf Wellness. Personalized treatment and commitment to patient care make us the premier hormone therapy clinic in North Liberty, IA and our other locations. Don’t let hormone imbalance affect your quality of life – contact us today to learn how we can help!

Click for more information on Hormone Imbalance: For Women | For Men