Save Your Skin During the Holidays!

We’ve compiled 7 best ways to save your skin during the holidays, so you don’t have to play catch up in January. It is bad enough the credit card bills come piling in, do we also need the wrinkles and dry skin? Shopping, parties, family in town, traveling, etc. there are so many things going on this time of year, sometimes neglecting ourselves in the process and even our skin.

Healthy Skin in December

1. Wear Your Sunscreen- Even though the sun is gone, we still need to be aware of the UVA rays that are present year round. These are the rays that can cause skin cancer and premature aging.

2. If you’re stressed out, your skin will show it. I know that being “stress free” isn’t always an option but it’s important to take a time-out every once in a while. Go do some yoga, get a pedicure, a facial (call New Leaf Wellness) or just relax by the fire. We all know these things but we need to be reminded.

3. Manicures- All your running around at the malls and cooking are going to wreak havoc on your hands and nails. Mix any oil (olive, jojoba, grape seed) with a lotion or apply by itself for extra hydration to save your skin for cracking and bleeding.

4. Chapped Lips- This is when you need a Lip BALM, not a chapstick. A balm will heal your lips and a chapstick will protect your lips. Burt’s Bees is my absolute favorite.

Enjoy this post? See 5 Easy Tips for a Healthy Skincare Regimen for more ways to save your skin! >

5. Sore Feet- Peppermint is the answer. You can find it in scrubs and lotions and it will make your feet feel fantastic! Or add peppermint oil to your current favorite lotion!

6. Dry Skin-  Did you know that people with dry skin tend to age faster than those with oily skin? Yep, there is an advantage to oily skin. Keep your skin hydrated and not just your face. I’m obsessed with grapeseed oil right now so that is my go-to oil but whatever works for you is good. Just make sure you use it consistently. Those heaters can dry out our skin and make things worse.

7. Makeup- Keep it light and dewy and wash your face every night!


If you’re feeling like these tips are great, but you need more, we hear you! Take our quick assessment to understand what your skin needs!

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Dietary supplements: Do They Help or Hurt?

Published by Harvard Health Publishing

Original article:

What you need to know before taking a vitamin or mineral supplement.

The average American diet leaves a lot to be desired. Research finds our plates lacking in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and D. It’s no wonder that more than half of us open a supplement bottle to get the nutrition we need. Many of us take supplements not just to make up for what we’re missing, but also because we hope to give ourselves an extra health boost—a preventive buffer to ward off disease.

Getting our nutrients straight from a pill sounds easy, but supplements don’t necessarily deliver on the promise of better health. Some can even be dangerous, especially when taken in larger-than-recommended amounts.

How Much of Each Nutrient Do You Need?

Here are the recommended levels of daily intake for several important nutrients.

Nutrient How Much You Don’t Exceed
Calcium 1,000–1,200 mg 2,000 mg
Folate 400 mcg 1,000 mcg
Iron 8 mg 45 mg
Vitamin A 700 mcg RAE* 3,000 mcg RAE
Vitamin B 6 1.5 mg 100 mg
Vitamin B 12 2.4 mcg No established

upper limit

Vitamin C 75 mg 2,000 mg
Vitamin D 600–800 IU 4,000 IU
Vitamin E 15 mg 1,000 mg
*Retinol activity equivalents

The Excitement Over Supplements

We’ve heard a lot of encouraging news about supplements. A series of studies hailed vitamin D as a possible defense against a long list of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, depression, and even the common cold. Omega-3 fatty acids have been touted for warding off strokes and other cardiovascular events. And antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and beta carotene were seen as promising silver bullets against heart disease, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Here’s the big caveat: Many of those exciting supplement studies were observational—they didn’t test a particular supplement against a placebo (inactive pill) in a controlled setting. The results of more stringent randomized controlled trials haven’t yielded the same good news.

“Often the enthusiasm for these vitamins and supplements outpaces the evidence. And when the rigorous evidence is available from randomized controlled trials, often the results are at odds with the findings of the observational studies.”

– Dr. JoAnn Manson, Chief of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Principal Investigator of a large randomized trial known as VITAL (Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial).

Because observational studies may not fully control for dietary factors, exercise habits, and other variables, they can’t prove whether the treatment is responsible for the health benefits. “People who take supplements tend to be more health conscious, exercise more, eat healthier diets, and have a whole host of lifestyle factors that can be difficult to control for fully in the statistical models,” Dr. Manson continues.

Diving Deeper

Some supplements that were found to have health benefits in observational studies turned out, with more rigorous testing, to be not only ineffective but also risky. Vitamin E, which was initially thought to protect the heart, was later discovered to increase the risk for bleeding strokes. Folic acid and other B vitamins were once believed to prevent heart disease and strokes—until later studies not only didn’t confirm that benefit but actually raised concerns that high doses of these nutrients might increase cancer risk.

How to Get Your Nutrients

We need a variety of nutrients each day to stay healthy, including calcium and vitamin D to protect our bones, folic acid to produce and maintain new cells, and vitamin A to preserve a healthy immune system and vision.

Yet the source of these nutrients is important. “Usually it is best to try to get these vitamins and minerals and nutrients from food as opposed to supplements,” Dr. Manson says.

What Are The Best Sources?

Fruits, vegetables, fish, and other healthy foods contain nutrients and other substances not found in a pill, which work together to keep us healthy. We can’t get the same synergistic effect from a supplement. Taking certain vitamins or minerals in higher-than-recommended doses may even interfere with nutrient absorption or cause side effects.

Food Sources of Nutrients

Nutrient Food sources
Calcium Milk, yogurt, sardines, tofu,

fortified orange juice

Folic acid Fortified cereal, spinach,

lentils, beef liver

Iron Oysters, chicken liver, turkey

fatty acids

Salmon, sardines, flaxseed,

walnuts, soybeans

Vitamin A Sweet potato, spinach, carrots,

cantaloupe, tomatoes

Vitamin B6 Chickpeas, salmon,

chicken breast

Vitamin B12 Clams, beef liver, trout,

fortified breakfast cereals

Vitamin D Salmon, tuna, yogurt,

fortified milk

Vitamin E Wheat germ oil, almonds,

sunflower seeds, peanut butter


How Dr. Manson Weighs Supplements

Before you take any supplements for disease prevention, it’s important to know whether the potential benefits outweigh the risks. To make that conclusion, you need to look at the results of well-designed studies. A recent randomized trial in men suggested multivitamins have possible benefits for cancer prevention. For many of the other popular supplements, including vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, results from randomized controlled trials should be available within the next five years, according to Dr. Manson.

Until then, be judicious about your use of supplements. If you’re lacking in a particular nutrient, ask your doctor whether you need to look beyond your diet to make up for what you’re missing—but don’t take more than the recommended daily intake for that nutrient unless your health care provider advises it.

Choosing supplements do not have to be hard with New Leaf Wellness‘s compounding pharmacy, New Leaf Rx. Learn more about you can have them delivered directly to your door step and formulated specifically for you!

Overview of Intravenous Therapy

If you have been experiencing symptoms over a prolonged period of time and have tried many different treatment methods but nothing seems to be helping, then intravenous therapy might be the answer you have been looking for.

Overview of Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous therapy is a much more powerful treatment option than oral methods and works much faster. It bypasses the intestinal tract, which is often not functioning well in those who have been symptomatic for a long time, and delivers nutrients directly to the cells where they are needed most.

Often a remarkable improvement is seen after only 4 to 5 weekly treatments. It can also be used to boost the immune system during an acute infection, to speed recovery time dramatically.

Quick Results for a Quick Recovery

Intravenous (IV) therapy can deliver needed vitamins, minerals and nutrients directly into a patients’ circulatory system for quick absorption into the body. IV therapies can be used to treat nutritional deficiencies, introduce potent antioxidants into the body, rid the body of harmful toxins and boost immune function. It is extremely powerful and often succeeds where other treatment methods have failed.

Why use IV therapy?

IV therapy can be useful in situations where oral nutrients are not working. Sometimes a particular nutrient is not adequately absorbed orally due to poor functioning in the digestive tract. In other cases, the nutrient doses needed to achieve a therapeutic effect are so high they would cause side effects if they were taken orally. In these situations, IV therapy can deliver the needed nutrients directly to the cells more quickly and effectively than pills.

What types of IV therapy are offered?

New Leaf Wellness offers several different types of IV therapy including:

  • Meyer’s Cocktail
  • Immunity (High Dose Vitamin C)
  • Total Health
  • Weight Loss IV
  • Serenity Serum
  • and they can all come with a Boost of Glutathione!

What conditions can be improved through IV therapy?

  • Angina
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hepatitis C
  • High blood pressure
  • Influenza – Viral Infections
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Migraine or tension headaches
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • PMS
  • Recurrent Infections

What can patients expect?

A physician consultation will be necessary to determine if IV therapy is appropriate, and to determine which nutrients are needed. Upon approval, a series of treatments is scheduled for one or more times per week. The infusion is generally given through an IV catheter in the patient’s arm, over a period of 15 to 90 minutes. Patients sit comfortably in a reclining chair and are monitored closely by a registered nurse.

Are there any side effects?

Potential side effects vary depending on the IV treatment given, but are minimal with most therapies. The most common side effect is pain at the injection site (easily relieved with heat or cold compresses). Occasionally patients will experience lightheadedness or hypoglycemia symptoms. Eating and being well hydrated before IV treatments will limit the potential of experiencing side effects. Patients should bring a snack if the treatment is expected to last longer than an hour.

More on IV Therapy at New Leaf Wellness >>>

Yes, I would like to schedule a consultation!

Supplements Every Guy or Gal Needs

Mixed messages, misguided information, supplement companies partnering with other industries  as ambassadors for their brand and it is all so confusing what to believe. So, today we can at least shed some light on supplements every guy or gal needs.

Supplements Every Guy or Gal Needs

You try to eat healthy, but there are still those splurges on nachos, beer, and pizza (and that’s just the short list of your cheat foods). So, you are likely nowhere close to getting all the nutrients you need each day. You are not alone. Who really eats nine servings of fruits and veggies every day? That’s where a few well chosen capsules can help.

“Supplements won’t counteract poor eating habits, but they can help to make a healthy diet better.”   – Dr. Robert Sieman, Medical Director of New Leaf Wellness

In other words, while you still need all the fruits and vegetables you can stomach, on those days when you opt for a beer rather than a smoothie, the right supplements can help to fill in the gaps from a less than ideal diet.

Like Multivitamins

No rocket science here, but it’s surprising just how many guys and gals still do not take a multi. The key to making them work is to make them part of your routine. Instead of stashing the bottle on a shelf, keep it by your toothbrush or coffee pot- something you hit every day without fail.


We have carefully crafted a multi for both guys and gals that helps fill in the gaps to ensure you are getting the most nutrition everyday. So, if you want to splurge on the nachos on Friday night, go for it.

Learn more about Xena Vitality Women’s Multi Complex or Alpha Vitality Men’s Multi Complex at:


Feel like you need more than a multi? Are you struggling with a disease that is attacking your immune system? Do you have a bug and no time to let it run its coarse? Check out our IV Therapy options!


Could Glutathione be the Key Against Aging?

Glutathione Series Part 2 of 3:

If there were such a thing as a supplement that “does it all”, glutathione would have to be a top contender for the number one spot. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that can repair and protect the body from harmful toxins and other dangers we encounter in our polluted environment.

Briefly, Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide comprised of three amino acids, cysteine, glutamic acid (ionic salt from glutamate), and glycine. All three of these amino acids are considered to be non-essential, meaning our body synthesizes them.

So if the body produces its own glutathione, then why is it necessary to consume foods or take supplements that support glutathione production? The simple answer: Oxidation.

Oxidation is caused by nutrient-deficit diets, a polluted environment, pharmaceuticals (prescribed and over-the-counter), physical and emotional stress, electromagnetic stress, and radiation.

Oxidative stress is a primary cause of aging, sickness and disease. The oxidation of cholesterol is the root cause of heart disease and arteriosclerosis, not necessarily cholesterol levels as so many believe.

Glutathione is found in every cell of the body. It is thought that the younger you are the more glutathione your body produces.  However don’t be misled by statements such as this because there are two very different explanations for decreased Glutathione levels:

  1. As we get older glutathione decreases due to the “normal aging process”, and
  2. The oxidative stress of our environment, the chemicals in our food, and both normal and unnecessary emotional stressors in life, cause glutathione levels in the body to decrease, thus compromising our immune systems and the body’s ability to detoxify.

And although the first explanation may be grounded in some truth, the second is far more logical. In fact, it is because of decreased immune function that we have an increase in all major diseases today!

Glutathione is vital for protecting against:

  • Aging
  • Autoimmune
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Dementia

Undisputedly, glutathione is needed in the body not just for normal functioning of the immune system, but also for optimal functioning. Remember the term oxidation? Glutathione is ‘the’ master anti-oxidant that aids all other anti-oxidants, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E, in free radical scavenging.

For years, vitamins have been touted as free-radical killers and not only has this been proven by research, we now know that Glutathione is the most valuable player of them all! Imagine if you would, a football team. Each and every player has a vital role in moving the team toward its major goal—to win. If we were to think of each player as a different supplement, both offensive and defensive, a very interesting analogy would come about.  When a team’s offense is on the field, they need to block or counter every move the defense makes in order to stay alive in the game.  And which player is the one that is most often considered the MVP (most valuable player) on the winning team?   The quarterback. A great quarterback can actually help the other players to excel in their roles on the field. In other words, he helps his teammates shine.

And the quarterback in the body’s fight against oxidation, and thus disease, is glutathione. The goal of glutathione and all of the free-radical scavengers in the body is simple—life!

The correlation between glutathione and the fight against free radicals has been known for quite some time, so it is unfortunate that a majority of the general public likely hasn’t heard of it. To learn more, contact a New Leaf specialist today.

What is Glutathione and why do we need it?

Glutathione Series Part 1 of 3:

Glutathione is the master antioxidant and detoxifier of every cell in your body.

It is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids- cysteine, glutaminic acid and glycine. Glutathione is the most important antioxidant produced by the body. It prevents cellular damage caused by free radicals and peroxides. Some of its antioxidant functions in the body include:

  • Maintaining vitamins C and E in their reduced, active forms
  • Tightly regulating the production of hydrogen peroxide
  • Neutralizing lipid peroxides-breakdown products of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in our cell membranes
  • Assisting in making drugs and other toxic chemicals more water-soluble for easier excretion


Frequently asked questions about this important antioxidant!

Q. Where does Glutathione come from?
A. Glutathione is synthesized in the body from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and glycine. The amino acid cysteine is responsible for the biological activity of Glutathione. Supplies of cysteine are the rate-limiting factor in Glutathione synthesis by the cells, since cysteine is relatively rare in foodstuffs. Furthermore, if taken as the free amino acid, cysteine is toxic and spontaneously destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma.

Q. Why is Glutathione important?
A. Increasing cellular Glutathione can dramatically raise energy levels, strengthen the immune system, fight inflammation, improve athletic performance, detoxify the body, aid in cellular repair and slow down the aging process.

Q. What depletes Glutathione in the cells?
A. Environmental pollutants, pharmaceutical drugs and a poor lifestyle all lead to lower levels of Glutathione.

Q. What toxins affect Glutathione levels?
A. Toxins affecting Glutathione include:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other pharmaceuticals
  • Acetone, solvents, paint removers, fuels, fuel by-products
  • Pesticides, herbicides
  • Benzopyrenes: From tobacco smoke, barbequed foods, and fuel exhaust
  • Alcohol
  • Housewares: Certain non-stick coating of pans, plastic containers, plastic linings of tin cans and other food packaging
  • Formaldehyde and styrene: From photocopiers and toner printers
  • Chlorine in treated water
  • Medical X-rays
  • UV radiation

Q. What lifestyles affect Glutathione levels?
A. Life style factors that deplete Glutathione include:

  • Poor diet: Glutathione has to work hard to cover for missing or insufficient nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Strenuous exercise: Though not a toxic substance it produces many free radicals in the body.
  • Stress

Q. How can I increase my Glutathione levels?
A. Get a Glutathione Push at New Leaf Wellness.

Glutathione- The Master Anti-oxidant

Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein molecule, or tri-peptide that is formed by three amino acids which include Glycine, Cysteine and Glutamic acid. Glutathione is found in a large quantity in the liver and it plays a key role in supporting the immune system. Medical experts say that glutathione is the most effective and efficient endogenous anti-oxidant. It is important to note that the accumulation of oxidative damage which is a biochemical mechanism is closely related to aging. There is a direct relationship between the decrease of Glutathione concentrations and aging. Most scientists are now convinced that a high level of Glutathione will reduce the rate of aging, detoxify your liver, support the immune system and protect body cells from free radicals.


Supplementing Glutathione

As people grow older, the levels of Glutathione drop and the ability of the body to detoxify free radicals decreases. Glutathione is produced inside the human cells where the production is determined by Glutathione precursors such as the amino acid cysteine. You are advised to consume foods that have high Glutathione amino acid precursors such as raw fruits, vegetables and whey proteins. The faster and easier way to increase your GSH levels is through direct supplementing or “push” that gives immediate results. Supplementing Glutathione levels in your body is a fantastic way to improve your health and longevity potential. Recent studies have shown that above the age of 20 the production of Glutathione decreases by 1 percent each year due to toxic overloads, poor diet and free radical stress. We’re more than happy to explain the benefits in more detail and help you get started on Glutathione Therapy at New Leaf Wellness


Three Main Benefits of Glutathione

a.) Anti-oxidation and Free Radical Hunters

Glutathione is a natural antioxidant found in the bodies cells. There are other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E which depend on glutathione to function effectively. Alpha lipoic acid is also an antioxidant which depends on Glutathione for its functions. Free radicals are waste products that remain after cells consume oxygen and nutrients. These radicals are picked up by vitamins C and E, and then passed to GSH. Glutathione is used to neutralize the free radicals that are very harmful to the body. With low levels of glutathione, even the best vitamins cannot perform their functions effectively. Any person interested in slowing down the rate of the aging process should take the advantage of anti oxidation and neutralization of free radicals provided by Glutathione.


b.) Increased Immune System

The immune system is used to protect your body against diseases and foreign matter which can cause the flu, cancer, and allergies among others. The immune system is able to protect your body in two ways, the first way is by producing antibodies that fight foreign cells in your body. The second way is by lymphocytes that keep on circulating in the blood stream. Glutathione boosts the immune system by availing the B and T cells which are fighter cells that are used to attack any foreign cell in your body. GSH will replenish the fighter cells in your body after attacking the harmful foreign cells.


c.) Detoxifier and Neutralizer

A high concentration of glutathione is found​​ in the liver, lungs and kidneys. These organs help to eliminate toxins, wastes and heavy metals. Glutathione binds with toxins and poisons in your body, and make them water soluble so that they can pass through your body. By increasing glutathione in your body you will able to support your liver, lungs and kidneys in eliminating wastes, along with every living cell in your body. When you eliminate the toxins and waste from you body you will notice increased energy, faster healing and decreased pain.  Also your metabolism is better balanced, your sleep is improved and you can think more clearly.