Part 2: How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne + Help You Lose Weight!

How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne and Help You Lose Weight! (Part 2)

I know from personal experience that leaving gluten out of the diet will help with overall health and so many people can drop weight and get smoother, more clear and even-toned skin. So, here is even more information as to our previous post sharing how gluten can affect your body and hinder optimal health.

Leaving Wheat Alone

Wheat is one of the biggest offenders when you’re looking at getting gluten out of your diet and keeping it away from your intestines (others are rye, spelt, and barley). Not only is the gluten an issue, but by avoiding wheat, you are potentially helping to avoid a pull to eat more and more junk food that can lead to weight gain or at least difficulty losing extra pounds.

Find Yourself Craving Carbs?

Wheat is addictive on its own and contributes to visceral fat because of the insulin spikes it causes (Nope, you Are not immune to those just by avoiding white bread!), but it also triggers you to seek out more refined carbs made with wheat flour. When you avoid gluten, you are avoiding all products with wheat and stopping the cycle. In turn, you are avoiding something that may increase inflammation in your body and contribute to the storage of visceral fat.

What Does That Mean?

Reduced acne, a smaller waistline, and increased Beauty Energy!

A Word of Caution: you can’t just cut out gluten and replace all those foods you used to eat with gluten-free pre-packaged snacks.

That won’t work. The amount of oils and other not-so-great ingredients they contain can also contribute to weight gain and acne over time. Gluten-free pretzels! Too good to be true. Yes, they are. We bring up pretzels, because they are a one number favorite junk food for many. There are gluten-free pretzels, but they are not the tastiest. So, if you must have pretzels, just take a handful and throw the rest of the bag away. They are a weakness of many, but in all other respects, avoid the junky gluten-free treats. It’s best to go gluten-free without all these distractions and just choose natural snacks from the produce section of the grocery store. Or try some better options, like Mary’s Gone Crackers which are made with higher quality ingredients.

Reset Your System After You Drop Gluten for Good

When you are removing gluten from your diet, it’s important to take some extra steps in order to restore the gut’s health and accelerate the healing process. Give the amount of beneficial flora in your gut a boost by taking your probiotics daily.

For all your supplement needs

Remember, the balance of the bacteria in your gut affects your skin, which is also an eliminative organ. Probiotics also assists with digestion, leading to less congestion and fat storage in the body. Another option might be a Glutathione Push, they are fantastic at supporting a cleanse. Eat more foods that decrease inflammation, like ginger, turmeric, leafy greens, broccoli, blueberries, flaxseed, avocados, and mushrooms. Stay away from the ones that cause inflammation, too, of course. If you are following a complete beauty plan in addition to eliminating gluten, you may notice your skin glowing in as little as just a few days. Remember, it may take a while to see dramatic results. The inflammation will not go down overnight. Give the gluten-free life a try for at least a couple of weeks before forming an opinion.


Have more questions? Call New Leaf Wellness Today to speak with a staff member. Call 888-728-7555

How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne + Help You Lose Weight

How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne and Help You Lose Weight! (Part 1)

Avoiding gluten may help you lose weight and clear up your acne for so many reasons. Some people say gluten avoidance is just a trend, but I know from personal experience that leaving gluten out of the diet will help with overall health and so many people can drop weight and get smoother, more clear and even-toned skin. It’s not a trend; gluten is bad news, and not just for those with Celiac disease. Avoiding gluten can prevent acne and help you lose weight and we are going to tell you how today!

Why Say No To Gluten?

Gluten (which is the protein found in wheat, barley and rye) is extremely prevalent in many types of processed foods. You’ll find it in everything from packaged energy bars, cereals and even soy sauce. Even if you don’t think you have a problem with gluten because you feel fine after eating foods that contain it, gluten could be the culprit if you are having trouble losing weight or getting rid of pimples/zits (ugh!). It has sticky, glue-like properties, which is not great for optimizing digestion! Not everyone with a gluten sensitivity knows they have it, and they keep dieting and trying new skin products to no avail.

Gluten + Inflammation

Inflammation and Acne Gluten sensitivity can trigger inflammation. If you are sensitive (not the same as celiac disease or an allergy), the gluten in your food can irritate the inside and outside of the digestive tract, but it does not actually destroy the intestinal wall the way Celiac disease does. The body thinks the gluten is an intruder (which, in reality it is), so it initiates an immune system response: inflammation. Inflammation doesn’t stay localized and only cause digestive discomfort. Instead, it spreads. And because there’s a link between gut health and your skin, acne appears. The best way to determine if you are having inflammation issues to due to gluten is to have a food sensitivity test.

Gluten Is Lurking in Foods You Shouldn’t Really Eat Anyway.

You will generally lose weight and notice clearer skin when you skip the foods gluten is in simply because you’ll be eating less processed food and more whole fruits and vegetables that nourish your body. However, you will experience a decrease in inflammation and cravings for junk food may also subside.

“…. Prior to doing the test, I experienced bloating, sluggishness, and very dry skin. My results were very easy to read and showed that I had an intolerance to many foods that I had been consuming daily! Coffee was the biggest culprit on my list of “to be avoided” items. The ALCAT representative [at New Leaf Wellness] helped me with a plan to eliminate these from my routine and just a few weeks later, I started to feel better….”

– Angie R., New Leaf Wellness Patient

These benefits work in tandem with the superior diet to contribute to better skin and a naturally slimmer figure much more quickly and easily (and your results will be effortless to maintain!).

If you are committed to avoiding gluten to at least give the gluten-free lifestyle a trial run, you should know that it shows up in some unexpected places, like:

  • Soy sauce
  • Some pickles (if malt vinegar was used)
  • Licorice
  • Veggie burgers (not all, but some. check labels)
  • Processed grains (try to get oat groats or steel cut, and ones labeled as manufactured in a gluten-free facility)
  • Processed meats
  • Ice cream
  • Some soups
  • Dressings
  • Sauces (including soy sauce)
  • Snack foods
  • Chips and crackers
  • Beer

*unless specifically marked gluten-free

“…. The first thing I noticed was my bloating and stomach pain started to subside. I no longer felt sluggish and my complexion started to shine again. The dry skin I had experienced before was no longer an issue. Although it was difficult for me to eliminate coffee from my diet, I feel it has made a huge difference in the way I feel each day. I am grateful for what I learned through the ALCAT test and feel more educated on what I should be putting into my body!”

– Angie R., New Leaf Wellness Patient

None of these have a beneficial place in a healthy diet when you are purchasing the pre-packaged, processed version at the grocery store (like most soups, sauces, and dressings). If you want a burger without the meat, you can make your own alkaline grain burgers from millet and amaranth flour instead of taking a chance with the store-bought ones.

Learn the fascinating science behind how you’re FEELING and the FOODS you’re eating! Come for a Food Sensitivity Test at a nearby New Leaf Wellness Center! Schedule it now by contacting us here or calling 888-728-7555!

Male Menopause?

Male Menopause? What’s that?

Even though there is more public talk about women and menopause, men also encounter a hormonal imbalance as they age (andropause). Because women tend to have a more abrupt hormonal change they are more likely than men to realize that their symptoms are from a hormonal imbalance. Men tend to have a more gradual change–with symptoms slowly appearing over 20 year period. Often the symptoms are not seen as a hormonal decline.

Male menopause (called andropause) has many different symptoms. These symptoms come from a drop in Testosterone.

Andropause (male menopause) Symptoms:

  • depression
  • irritability
  • decreased morning erections
  • longer recovery time from workouts
  • stiffness and pain in joints and muscles
  • decreased concentration
  • decreased ability to build muscle
  • lowered mental acuity
  • loss of the competitive edge
  • overall loss of vitality
  • fatigue
  • sleep disturbances
  • and more

A man may still have a good libido (sex drive) but be suffering from a decrease in his Testosterone levels because he does not realize that Testosterone performs many functions in the body. Testosterone is not just a “sex” hormone.

“I feel back in balance. I have more energy and feel more focused.”
– Charlee P., New Leaf Wellness Patint

Strong associations between low Testosterone and…..

  • bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • dementia
  • type 2 diabetes
  • elevated LDL cholesterol
  • arthritis

There is a lot of incorrect information about the negative side effects of Testosterone and when you research the studies you will find that when bio-identical Testosterone is prescribed and monitored by a hormone specialist, Testosterone is a benefit to the overall health and vitality of men and has not been shown to cause cancer or heart disease. Proper hormone balancing for men results in a man who feels great, thinks clearly, moves easier, and enjoys life better.

We at New Leaf Wellness like to help you live life better. To get started, contact us for a complimentary consultation.

Testosterone and Heart Attacks

Testosterone replacement is safe and helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Let’s take a look at the link of testosterone and heart attacks.

Due to media hype and the misrepresentation of studies done on Testosterone, let’s revisit this topic. Sadly, there are news reports that discourage the use of Testosterone despite overwhelming evidence. Properly administered Testosterone actually helps patients with many medical issues, including reducing the risk of heart attacks. It is actually low levels of Testosterone and higher levels of Estrogen in men that have been shown to be associated with an increased heart disease risk. The misrepresentation of Testosterone arose from studies that did not look at Estrogen levels. Testosterone replacement without looking at Estrogen levels can cause problems. Proper Testosterone replacement while addressing Estrogen elevation is a different story. When Testosterone is optimized while making sure Estrogen stays in an optimal range, the men studied had fewer heart attacks and also felt more vital.

In fact, A common cause of disability and death is actually related to low Testosterone. Low levels of Testosterone are associated with diabetes, increased belly fat, insulin resistance, and various arterial changes that increase the risk of heart attacks. Conversely, when Testosterone is replaced to optimal levels by a specially trained physician there is increased muscle mass, decreased belly fat, improved insulin sensitivity, improved memory, increased energy, better sleep, happier moods, and an improvement in cardiovascular health.

In conclusion, testosterone is simply not evil. In fact, it is critical for your optimal health and well being. The key is to have it replaced with proper oversight and the hormone experts at New Leaf Wellness can do this!

Get started today and get heart healthy by checking your hormone levels with a New Leaf Wellness medical staff! Yes, I want to be healthy!

Take our Hormone Quiz:



Is What You’re Eating Making You Sick?

Do you make eating a healthy diet a priority? Did you know that some of the healthy foods you eat, even ones that you eat frequently, may actually be making you feel bad, as well as harming your overall health?

Sometimes even a ‘good’ food can be ‘bad’ for a certain individual, due to their personal allergies and sensitivities. 

For optimal health, it is beneficial to determine the best foods for you to eat to help you feel, look and live your best, as well as determine the foods that you should avoid.

You may think that you don’t have any food sensitivities, but perhaps the symptoms have gone unnoticed. Your body, however, is very aware of the sensitivity and it is affecting you internally.

There are two types of allergic reactions to food. One is easier for you to identify, the other often goes unnoticed and unaddressed.

The 2 Types of Allergic Reaction

Immediate Reaction: this occurs within hours of ingesting the specific food item

Symptoms can vary including:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Throat Constriction
  • Tingling Extremities
  • Diarrhea

Because of the immediate, usually strong reaction after eating a certain food, it is usually easier to tell that you are allergic to something and what that specific item is.

Delayed Reaction: these symptoms occur up to 72 hours after food is ingested.

Because of the delayed reaction, it’s often difficult to tell which food you have sensitivity to (think of all the different things you eat in a 3 day period!)  Unidentified food sensitivities can actually contribute to many serious illnesses including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Infections and even Eczema, as well as many others.

Foods that you have a sensitivity to can cause internal inflammation in your body, which opens the door to potential future serious health conditions.

The Most Common Sensitivity Causing Foods Are:

  • Milk
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Tree Nuts

Though these items are the most common foods people have sensitivities to, there are many others foods that can cause a inflammation reaction as well. This is why we test for 90 different foods in our patients with the Food Sensitivity Test.  Once the offending foods have been determined, we can customize an eating and treatment plan to address your needs.

The end result?

  • Inflammation is greatly reduced in your body, preventing many different diseases
  • Sensitivity symptoms are eliminated: everything from excess bloating to skin irritations related to your sensitivity dissipate
  • Overall health and quality of life, including energy, will greatly improve.  Your body will be functioning at it’s optimal level based on the customized fuel you are feeding it.

To learn more about our Food Sensitivity Test and more options to relieve your symptoms and understand what is causing them, give us a call at 1-888-728-7555 or contact us.We look forward to you having your best year yet!

What Now?

Follow the Dr’s recommendation on the elimination diet. Test yearly for the latest information on what is causing inflammation in your body. Be sure you are getting your follow up tests completed and you will not have chronic health problems due to inflammation caused by sensitivities of food.

Weight Loss Workshop

Many people try to lose weight but are simply unable to lose it or to keep off their weight loss. Often, people turn to commercial diet programs since their ads tout ease of use and unbelievable before and after photos. Some even try fad diets. In the meantime, they continue to get fatter.

If you want to lose weight and stay healthy and satisfied in the process, the best way to do this is through a lifestyle change program. This approach treats chronic health problems, such as high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and unhealthy body composition. A lot of programs help you to lose weight temporarily but you are not healthy in the process, and your body puts the fat right back on when you are done with the program. With the Advanced weight loss program, you eat regular food and you get to eat a lot. It is all in eating the right foods and in proper proprotions.

There are three partss to our healthy weight loss program. The first part is also focused on getting the water balance in your body corrected. The second part is the personalized weight loss plan. You will need to count calories. We encourage you to eat throughout the days–we educate you on the right types of foods to eat.. You get to feel full and satisfied. We guide you on eating a variety of foods that keep your body healthy and help rid it of unwanted fat. The third part is using a very specific dose of hCG as monitored by the New Leaf Wellness Provider. When you are at your weight loss goal, we help transition you to maintenance. We will make sure that you have life long success in maintaining your healthy body and weight.

During the Advanced weight loss program, we can support you with vitamin, Lipo(MIC) or GAC shots that help to enhance weight loss. We focus on repairing nutritional deficiencies with food, not supplements. The goal of our program is to give you the support that you need–both emotionally and physically–so that you can achieve a healthy weight.




Healthy Weight and Hormones

Many people struggle with weight and there are a lot of reasons why people keep excess weight on. Of course diet, exercise, and sleep are a critical component of a healthy body and sleep. Proper hormone balance is also critical. Healthy weight and hormones are a component we need to talk about for a minute.

There are many hormones involved in keeping a healthy weight. The most common hormones that are out of balance in your body are thyroid and testosterone. Thyroid is mainly responsible for your metabolic rate i.e. your ability to burn calories and keep your energy up. Cortisol is largely responsible for dealing with stress and inflammation, and storing fat is a part of that function. Insulin is responsible for metabolizing blood sugar, which is critical to your body, and also fat storage. Testosterone is known as the male sex hormone but is present in both men and women.

Testosterone has numerous functions, one of them being the ability to build muscle and enhance energy and fat burning.

Your body was not designed to deal with chronic, daily stress. Today’s world is extremely stressful: emotionally and physically.You are exposed to a lot of chemicals on a daily basis that is stressful on your body to deal with and process. You are also bombarded by daily “noise”—depressing news by radio/tv, constant access to cell phones, computers, financial stresses, etc.

Your hormones are there to keep you safe and healthy. There is no bad hormone. The problem is that with the chronic, daily stress your hormones become imbalanced. As a result you feel tired, become moody, gain weight, etc. The good thing is that you can fix that with proper hormone balancing with Natural Hormone Therapy combined with some healthy lifestyle changes. It just takes the desire to feel better to get started.

Take a look at our testimonials of people who once felt tired, lethargic and frustrated with their clothes not fitting or the scales only seeming to go up. They got tired of being tired. Are you ready to live your life better?

Testimonials – WOMEN

Testimonials – MEN

Have questions? We’re here. Call 888-728-7555 !

DHEA Facts

DHEA is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is a precursor to other sex hormones.

In addition to having its own hormone effect, it results in a shift to an anabolic or protein building state.

It reduces cardiovascular risk by increasing lipolysis or breakdown of fat.

It also stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat.

Recent studies point to DHEA as an anti-stress hormone, reversing the effects of stress on the immune system.

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Can the Advanced HCG Weight Loss Diet Help You Lose That Weight for Good?

A number of high profile media outlets like CNN, the Morning Show, and Dr. Oz have all endorsed the HCG Diet as an intense yet effective weight loss plan for those struggling with obesity. But the question is, can the HCG Diet help you reach your specific weight loss goals? It essentially pairs the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, with a low-calorie meal plan in order to generate fast, dramatic, and efficient weight loss results.

How the HCG Diet Works

HCG is a hormone that exists naturally in the body to help produce even more hormones. This means that HCG is responsible for placing the body in the anabolic state that supports muscle-building and prevents muscle-breakdown. This is critical because rapid weight loss tends to cause muscle loss as well. With HCG, your body will burn pure fat while retaining important muscle, meaning your metabolism will remain stronger and further propel your weight loss.

If those benefits weren’t enough, HCG can reduce feelings of hunger and cravings, so it supports the ability to stick to a lower-calorie meal plan than you might be used to. HCG even has the potential to help balance hormone-related conditions like hypothyroidism, menopause, and andropause that lead to unwanted weight gain.

Components of the HCG Diet Program

The HCG Diet program is simple and streamlined. After talking to a doctor about your plans, you will receive a prescription for the HCG injections, which have been proven to work. Under medical supervision, you will use the injections along with a lower-calorie diet of healthy, wholesome foods to lose your weight. By the time you are done with the HCG injections, you will have lost your unwanted weight and adjusted to the lifestyle habits that will ensure you keep the weight off.

Medical supervision is the key to a successful HCG Diet, because only a professional can properly gauge your doses of HCG and track your progress appropriately.

The Benefits of Testosterone

Modern science has taught us much about the benefits and importance of the body’s hormones. Scientists and doctors now understand how important the balance of hormones in our bodies is, and how critical it is to maintain that balance.

Imbalance Side Effects

The side effects of a testosterone imbalance can be dangerous, and this is true for both men and women. In men, low testosterone is most commonly linked to a low sex drive, causing disruptions in romantic partnerships, as well as self-esteem issues. Clearly, the issue goes far beyond sexual performance.

Pros of Testosterone in Men

Properly balanced testosterone in a man results in decreased fat and increased muscle mass, impacting cardiovascular and muscular health. Recent studies have also found an interesting link between low testosterone and life expectancy. Men with less testosterone are statistically more likely to have shorter lives than men with high testosterone.

Women too?

Women also feel the effects of testosterone imbalance. Common knowledge holds that testosterone is just for men, but that’s not true. Low testosterone in women results in a wide variety of hard to diagnose symptoms: fatigue, anxiety, sleeplessness, depression, and weight gain are some common symptoms. These effects are commonly seen after menopause, but hormone imbalances can happen at any age. Properly balancing the body’s natural testosterone and estrogen levels prevents these symptoms.

Men + Women

In both men and women, imbalances in testosterone result in health issues like diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and osteoporosis. So testosterone is important for more than just men’s health issues; it crosses gender boundaries and affects all areas of the body. The Providers at New Leaf Wellness are aware of the risks and inconveniences that imbalanced hormone levels bring to the human body, and we are pleased to offer Natural Hormone Therapy to our clients.

NHT works to reach a targeted level of hormones in your body, restoring your body’s natural ability to keep healthy and fit. Hormones are beneficial at any age, but most commonly we administer the therapy to people in their 40’s, when your body naturally begins to slow production of certain hormones. Supplementing these declining hormones can keep your body fit and active for much longer. Bio-identical hormones are made from plants and are identical to the hormones naturally produced by your own body. We never use synthetic hormones, which have been shown to increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Benefits of Natural Hormone Therapy include:

  • Increased bone density
  • Weight loss
  • Sleep improvement
  • Increased vitality and energy
  • Higher libido
  • More muscle mass

Our clients love the results and energy they’ve get once their hormonal levels are fully balanced. Because hormones are so important, we’re proud to lend our medical expertise to ensure all our hormonal treatments are tailored to your specific needs. If you’re curious about NHT, you can take a short quiz to see if NHT would be a good fit for your body.