More On Microneedling at New Leaf Wellness

Micro-needling also called derma rolling or collagen induction therapy is very popular amongst celebrities. Micro-needling, also known as skin needling is a procedure using a device covered with tiny, shallow needles to essentially poke holes in the skin surface. The therapy is very therapeutic, since they cause a ‘micro injury’ that prompts skin to stimulate collagen production, filling in fine lines, plumping the skin and contributing to a younger looking appearance. It’s a medical breakthrough because it can produce collagen without permanently injuring the top layer of the skin. Here’s more on micro-needling at New Leaf Wellness and how it works.

Concept of Micro-needling

The concept is quite simple when skin is injured or punctured fibroblast cells which are responsible for producing collagen fill the holes or injured areas with collagen, filling in fine lines, wrinkles and scarring. Micro-needling works great for sunken areas on the skin caused by acne or chickenpox, as well as for fine lines, discoloration and general skin rejuvenation. This safe procedure isn’t just for the face, though. It can also be used on many areas of the body, including the arms, neck, legs, abdomen, back and hands. The process typically takes less than 30 minutes, and afterward, your skin can be somewhat red, similar to a sunburn. It takes only a couple of days for skin to look fairly normal, but results gradually become apparent. Natural collagen growth happens over weeks and months, so it isn’t an instant fix, but your skin will be much improved over the long term.

“I love that New Leaf has added aesthetics! I have done Botox as well as Micropenning and have seen great results! My skin is clearer and just has a fresh look about it. It is great that New Leaf offers services that can help you from the inside out!”    – Caitlin S., New Leaf Wellness Patient, more testimonials here

You may need more than one treatment.

This isn’t a one and done procedure. Depending on the skin areas treated and what you’re trying to achieve, somewhere between three and six micro-needling treatments are typically required for optimal results. Those looking to treat deep wrinkles, stretch marks, severe sun damage or scarring may need six or more micro-needling treatments. To ensure the safety of your skin, treatments are usually spaced out three weeks to a month apart. Medical micro-needling belongs only in the hands of a skilled professional trained in the technique. Perish the thought of anyone going around and poking their own face in pursuit of skin health and beauty. Life happens but, in the right hands and with the right tools, it doesn’t have to show on your skin. Micro-needling can also be used as an easy complexion pick-me-up. Combined with antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, micro-needling can deliver instant plumping, making it a great treatment to do several days before a big event. But that comes with a big proviso that you’ve had it tested first to know for a fact that your skin can tolerate it. It’s not uncommon that after the first few treatments at least, your skin will be slightly red and may feel sunburnt.

To have a New Leaf Wellness specialist answer your additional questions to schedule a micro-needling service with our aesthetician, contact us here.

Declining Hormones

Imagine moving around and being able to do the things that you love to do. Perhaps, you are already feeling vital and strong, but perhaps you are like the majority of people out there who yearn for a body that serves them better. Are you feeling tired, achy, moody, flabby or just feel that you have passed your peak?? Declining hormones? Men and women both can feel this way and it is not the way that you have to age. Having a slow decline in your health is not your destiny—you can live with vitality and when it is your time to go, leave this earth quickly and not after a slow deterioration over 30, or more years.

Improving the Quality of Life As We Age

With modern sanitation, medicine, and an abundance of food we are living longer lives. Unfortunately with longer lives we are seeing a marked increase in the number of chronic illnesses and the number of years that an individual is alive but is in a deteriorating state. We can not avoid dying but we can shorten the dying process and increase the number of years that we live feeling younger. If you are all about the quality of life then continue reading.

Declining hormones, along with poor lifestyle choices, are largely responsible for the slow deterioration that we are seeing all around us. The good news is that we have the capability to prevent this slow deterioration, and even reverse some of it . This gives us the ability to live long AND vital lives, not just long lives.

What You Need To Know About Reversing The Years

Decreased levels of Testosterone, Thyroid, Estrogen (women only), Progesterone, and Growth Hormone are often experienced for years before a person seeks medical attention. The decline can be subtle, especially for men, and is often misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety, the normal aging process, or simply that nothing is wrong with the person. The problem lies in the fact that the majority of doctors are not specially trained in detecting hormone imbalances as they are taught to look at normal values and they are not allowed the proper time to get to know you and your unique needs. Let’s face it–you do not want to be average, you want to be above average, right?? The “normal” values do not represent optimal.

Symptoms of Declining Hormones can Include:

  • Emotional changes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of muscle strength
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Increased wrinkles
  • Loss of focus
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Loss of vitality
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Osteoporosis
  • Brain fog or decreased memory
  • Increase in body aches/pains
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Decrease in morning erections for men

Can You Replace What’s Lost?

Replacing your declining hormones with bio-identical hormones is the best form of hormone replacement since it replaces your hormones with a man made bio-equivalent hormone. This means that your body sees these replacement hormones as if your body made it on its own. There is no chemical difference between what your body makes and the bio-identical hormones given to you. This is different than man made “synthetic” hormones that have chemical differences from the hormones that your body makes. These differences are so that the “synthetic” hormone can be patented. These chemical differences can result in dangerous side effects. Doesn’t it make sense to replace your hormones with bio-identical hormones that are exactly the same chemically as the ones that your body naturally makes?

Bio-Identical Hormones Explained

Pellets, capsules, creams, and gels are different ways that you may get your bio-identical hormones. Which form you use depends on the hormone(s) that you need as well as your personal preference. You can only decide this after an informed discussion about the pros and cons of each form.

Taking bio-identical hormones are an important piece of the optimal wellness pie, it is also important to make lifestyle changes that enable your body to function optimally. A healthy organic whole food based diet that is low in sugar, devoid of gluten (as much as possible), and with no (or very little) processed food is also an important piece. Regular exercise and regular sleep are two other very important pieces. Living a full and vital life is within your reach. You first have to decide that you wish to go down that path and then obtain the personalized guidance that you require. You can reach your goals one step at a time with the right guidance.

If you’re ready to add some quality back to your years, and you want to do it with bio-identical hormone therapy, call us!

Testosterone and Fatigue

Learn More about Testosterone and Fatigue

“Mark”, a 48 year old gentleman came to my office complaining of fatigue, an increase in aches/pains, an increase in irritability, and a decreased ability to build muscle. He still has a good libido but had noticed a decrease in morning erections. “Mark” had seen his regular doctor who told him his labs were normal and that he needed to exercise more but he was too tired to do that. He knew there was something else going on. When NLW doctor reviewed his symptoms and lab results, we both agreed that he suffered from low Testosterone. At first, “Mark” was concerned about the risks associated with replacing Testosterone based on recent news releases. We went over the study that the news was citing. The news reports were telling men that Testosterone replacement increased heart disease risk.

However, the study being cited had tested older, high heart disease risk men whose Testosterone level was never in an optimal range and they were treated for too short a time to even show a benefit. Optimal Testosterone levels are around 600-1400 depending on the male, men in this study were averaging levels in the 300 range. This was a poorly done study, and it is a shame that it was used to scare men away from seeking help.

More on Testosterone Studies

In fact, there are many studies showing that when Testosterone levels are optimized and given enough time to work, that Testosterone actually is protective for the heart as well as the brain. Remember that the normal Testosterone lab values are not optimal–they are simply the expected values based on testing the male population—both ill and healthy. You want optimal levels if you want a life of vitality.

Optimizing a man’s Testosterone level involves replacing his Testosterone along with starting healthy lifestyle changes. Testosterone is best replaced with bio-identical Testosterone–biologically identical to what your body is designed to respond to. Mark was given the choices on replacing his Testosterone. Creams which are applied twice a day. There are synthetic gels and patches on the market but they are not bio-identical-using them can cause unforeseen complications since they are chemically different from what your body is designed to work with. A compounding pharmacy makes the bio-identical Testosterone. You can not buy it at a regular pharmacy. A quality compounding pharmacy offers safe and effective bio-identical creams.

What Are Other Options?

Creams are painless but you do need to remember to apply them daily and there can be a pulse like absorption after application. In addition, you do need to be careful about getting the Testosterone cream on others. Testosterone injections are another possible form of Testosterone replacement, and they tend to be more effective than creams but your liver has to process it into a bio-identical Testosterone. There is also a pulse like absorption, and you need an injection once to twice a week. This mode of replacement requires the most monitoring by lab work.

Testosterone pellets are bio-identical and are absorbed on a more constant level with a natural increase when your cardiac input increases–similar to your natural physiology. They work very effectively. Testosterone pellets have been well documented to protect the heart, bones, and brain as well as resolve symptoms. It does involve an in office procedure where the pellets are inserted in the fatty tissue of your buttocks and it is the more costly of the three choices. Which form of Testosterone replacement a man chooses depends on the individual.

What about “Mark”?

“Mark” chose Testosterone pellets, and after about 2-3 weeks he felt better- he has energy, is able to build muscle, feels mentally balanced and can pole vault out of bed again. He also has the focus to get back into the gym and fine tune his diet to include more vegetables (organic) and less processed foods.

Do you have symptoms similar to Mark? Take our hormone health quiz for a quick, overall checkup! Click here > Hormone Health Test for Men

We also offer a Hormone Health Test for Women!

Sleep without Medication

Want to know how to sleep without medication?

Do you ever have trouble sleeping?? Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?? You are not alone! Lack of quality sleep is a big problem and it is a cause of many other problems.

There are prescription medications that can help you, but they can be addictive and have side effects. If you want to avoid prescription medications and still get good sleep, you can!

What first…

First, you want to try to figure out why you are not sleeping. If it is something that is on your mind then you will want to seek the help of a counselor. Daily journaling and regular exercise has proven to help calm your mind. If you are drinking caffeine limit your intake to 1 or 2 cups a day and no later than 1 pm. Be sure that you are eating small meals throughout the day and keeping your blood sugar balanced. If it is hot flashes or night sweats that wake you up, then get your hormones checked. Balancing your progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen definitely help hormonal symptoms.

Take a quick Hormone Health Quiz to check!



Please note: If you think that you have any underlying medical concern affecting your sleep, you should get a medical evaluation.

What’s safe?

There are several natural supplements that can help you to sleep. Melatonin, kava, and valerian are the most effective. It also helps to take slow deep breaths when lying in bed and keeping your bedroom dark and quiet.  With a little effort on your part, you can get great sleep without medication!

We offer a free consultation to discuss these symptoms and figure out if you are in need of hormone balancing. Contact us to get started!

Taking the Mystery Out of GAC Injections

GAC injections – what are they?

GAC stands for “GlutamineArginineCarinitine”. It may sound like Latin, but these are actually three separate amino acids contained in a single high performance injection. It’s a key supplement for anyone looking to lose weight, keep it off and maintain strong energy levels.

Weightloss in 1-2-3!

The first step in weight loss is burning fat. To help give the body a kickstart it can often be helpful to get a boost of Carinitine. As a supplement to the amount already produced by the liver and kidneys, it can help a body pick up the pace by converting more fat to energy. More energy means more fuel to burn the fat, and the process just keeps going!

The next step is Glutamine which is the most plentiful of the amino acids. If Carinitine helps break down parts of the body, Glutamine helps put them back together stronger and better than before. It makes exercise recovery more efficient which leads to better response times and endurance. Not only that, but it also converts energy stores to glycogen instead of fat, making energy much more accessible for immediate use and preventing weight gain due to fat.

The last step is Arginine. This is a speed booster for your system, assisting in increasing blood flow and affecting performance in a number of positive ways. And if you think it’ll help your exercise regime, just wait – it also gives a welcome boost to sexual performance. By raising hormone levels and facilitating blood flow, it can result in a higher sex drive and better ability to meet it.

Weightloss for YOU!

So that’s GAC, a little acronym with big benefits. If you’re interested in weight loss, higher energy and better performance in more ways than one, GAC could be a big help.

Call New Leaf Wellness. We’ll schedule a time that works for you to share your goals and hopefully start you on the path to achieving them.

Ultimate Guide to Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is one of the hottest new skin care services in the industry.  That’s right…you’re certainly intrigued now. Here’s our ultimate guide to dermaplaning…

It’s not really new though. Japanese women have been utilizing facial “shaving” as an anti aging treatment for decades.

Today, I would like to take you on an exfoliation endeavor. I will teach you all about dermaplaning, from what it is, to who should receive it, and why you’ll keep it up in the future.

What is Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a physical skin rejuvenation treatment that removes dead skin and vellus facial hair (peach fuzz), producing more radiant, smooth skin. An Esthetician or RN gently strokes a sterile blade along the surface of the skin to “shave” off unwanted cells and hair.

If you’re thinking to yourself now, “you want to put a what to my face?” – you are not the only one.

Yes, a sterile surgical blade is used, and yes, many women initially express concerns.

All of these women, though, quickly come to love the results (in my experience).

The service is completely safe and pain-free. It’s important to iterate the importance of finding a trained, licensed professional to perform this service. This is not something you can do at home. This is not something an inexperienced provider should do. Dermaplaning takes precision and must be performed by an experienced professional.

Dermaplaning vs. Shaving

Dermaplaning is not facial shaving, but it is. Have I lost you? Shaving is defined as “cutting the hair off one’s face with a razor.” Dermaplaning uses a scalpel blade, not a razor, but it does cut the hair off the face. Dermaplaning works in similar fashion to at-home razors but is significantly more aggressive.
Both the blade and razors are placed at a 45-degree angle to achieve optimum results with a minimal result in injury (you may experience the occasional nick).

So, what’s the difference?

  • Dermaplaning is more aggressive than shaving.
  • Dermaplaning uses a surgical, disposable blade.
  • Dermaplaning cannot be performed at home.
  • Dermaplaning blades are singular, whereas razors are usually stacked with 2-3 blades.
  • Dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment intended to remove dead skin cells and improve fine lines, wrinkles, and improve skin tone and texture.
  • Dermaplaning should not be used to get rid of terminal hair (such as beard hair).
  • Dermaplaning should not be received any sooner than 21 days apart.

Let’s now discuss the benefits so you may understand why the industry is abuzz over this service. 

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Fact: Did you know Marilyn Monroe regularly shaved her face?

  • Ask any skin care professional (or Hollywood actress) what the secret to flawless, youthful skin is, and they’ll tell you it’s exfoliation.
  • Dermaplaning is one of the best methods of exfoliation that has zero downtime – a major plus.
  • Some clients experience mild erythema (superficial reddening of the skin), but it subsides quickly. Besides that, and the radiant skin recently achieved, no one would ever know a service was rendered

Top 11 Benefits of Dermaplaning

  1. Eliminates vellus hair and dead skin cells.
  2. Increases product absorption and efficacy (products work better).
  3. Promotes cellular proliferation (your anti aging BFF.)
  4. Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Improves skin texture.
  6. Lessen acne occurrence.
  7. Makeup application is smooth and flawless.
  8. No down time. (Seriously, you can schedule this at lunch.)
  9. Brightens skin and reduces hyperpigmentation.
  10. Great alternative for those with sensitive skin or rosacea.
  11. Safe for all skin types.

Exfoliating the skin also stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the epidermal layers of the skin. The epidermis does not contain blood vessels and receives nutrients through diffusion. By stimulating blood flow, essential nutrients are delivered to the epidermis and thereby supports anti aging and radiant skin.

What is a Dermaplaning Service Like?

As mentioned earlier, dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment that is safe and highly effective without downtime. The service takes less than 1 hour with results lasting 4-8 weeks. It can be repeated monthly.

If you have questions or ready to schedule, contact a New Leaf Wellness staff member today! We’re now offering dermaplaning at all locations.

Losing Weight + Keeping It Off

Have you struggled with losing those few extra pounds that you put on? Or are you struggling to lose more? Do you seem to yo-yo up and down with your weight? You are not alone. Everyone knows what to do to lose weight and yet if it were that simple, no one would have any weight issues. Losing excess weight and keeping it off for the long term involves balancing a complex network of your mind, your diet, your sleep patterns, your hormones, your exercise and your toxic load.


Our suggestion is to start with one piece of the puzzle and get that piece working, and then move onto the next. If you can work on several pieces at once, that is great; however, many people feel overwhelmed and fail if they take on too much at once. Your goal is long term weight loss, with you maintaining a healthy weight: feeling vital and having the energy to do the things that you want to do in life for the long term. With that goal in mind, it makes sense to focus on one piece of the puzzle and then another, and another; doesn’t it? It is a continual process that gets you to your goal and keeps you there. And, yes, change takes work and change does not always come easily; but it is worth it!!! First decide that you want to achieve a healthy weight, then next decide what you want to focus on first.

I have been doing New leaf Wellness weight loss program for approximately 4 months. I have lost 35 pounds and have felt wonderful. My energy levels are higher and my attitude is better. I eat real foods and my hunger levels are very low. – Lori. H from Coralville, Iowa

Then next, break it down into small easy steps that are achievable until you reach your major goal. The key is to set achievable goals each week so that you can attain them and reach success. It may seem slow at times, but slow and steady wins the race!! (remember the story of the tortoise and the hare??) You want long term results, not the yo yo frustration that so many people live through.

Many people do not relate hormone imbalance with weight but they are intimately connected. As I stated above, hormone balance is a significant piece to the optimal weight puzzle. Hormones are chemicals in your body that stimulate reactions and bodily functions to take place. A bodily function such as weight loss is definitely affected by hormones. When your hormones are out of balance you can experience difficulty in losing weight. Insulin, Thyroid, Cortisol, Testosterone, and Estrogen are key hormones in the weight loss game.


Many things can affect your hormone balance: stress, aging, nutrition, toxins. By balancing your nutrition you can actually help your hormones. This can be done by eliminating foods that you are sensitive too, by eating healthy foods, and by focusing on a balanced vegetable, fruit, protein diet. People underestimate the effect that nutrition has on their body but it is a major player for affecting how you feel, as well as the weight that you carry. Food sensitivities are highly under diagnosed and unrecognized by patients and doctors alike. Do not rely on blood tests to diagnose food allergies. Be aware of your body and pay attention to how it responds to certain foods. If you know that a food makes you feel bloated or tired, avoid it; even if a test showed you that you were not allergic to that food. Trust your own body! But a Food Sensitivity Test is really the best way to determine if you have any food sensitivity and New Leaf Wellness can conduct this for you. The results are very specific and exact.

I was always been a big kid, but ten years after football I found myself at 420 Ibs., and nowhere near the athlete I used to be. Last October I knew something drastic had to change and that’s when I went to New Leaf Wellness. I had heard about HCG years ago but thought it was just another fad. But instantly after meeting with the staff I knew that with the support of New Leaf’s incredible staff I was going to be successful. Like any diet, at first it was hard. But because of the drastic changes I saw almost overnight it was easy to stay dedicated. Three months later, I’m down almost 70 Ibs. and I’m starting to get the athleticism I’d lost back! I feel better than I ever have and continue to see drastic changes every week, even 3 months in! I will never be able to thank the amazing staff at New Leaf Wellness enough for giving me my life back. – Sam M. from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Stress reduction is a key component to your overall well being as well as helping to keep your hormones and weight balanced. Turn off the news and focus on positive things in your life. Breathe out for longer than you breathe in–this is a great way to immediately reduce stress. Take a few breaths throughout the day where you breathe in slow for the count of 3 and breathe out for the count of 5 – 7. This also helps you if you are having trouble sleeping. Remember to regularly allow yourself to have fun and to turn off your phone as much as you can. You do not have to be connected 24/7. And, of course fit exercise into your schedule no matter how small amount the time is. Some movement is better than no movement.


Achieving hormone balance and a healthy weight is complex but we hope that these tips have helped you to focus on a few things to start with. Even when prescribed a customized bio-identical hormone  Rx, we highly encourage patients to do the above things at New Leaf Wellness. Everything is important for your health–they are all pieces to the optimal health puzzle!! Decide that you want change, and then start with a small step now to achieve your long term goals!

When you are ready to get started, give us a call at 888-728-7555 or contact us!

Healthy Weight and Hormones

Many people struggle with weight and there are a lot of reasons why people keep excess weight on. Of course diet, exercise, and sleep are a critical component of a healthy body and sleep. Proper hormone balance is also critical. Healthy weight and hormones are a component we need to talk about for a minute.

There are many hormones involved in keeping a healthy weight. The most common hormones that are out of balance in your body are thyroid and testosterone. Thyroid is mainly responsible for your metabolic rate i.e. your ability to burn calories and keep your energy up. Cortisol is largely responsible for dealing with stress and inflammation, and storing fat is a part of that function. Insulin is responsible for metabolizing blood sugar, which is critical to your body, and also fat storage. Testosterone is known as the male sex hormone but is present in both men and women.

Testosterone has numerous functions, one of them being the ability to build muscle and enhance energy and fat burning.

Your body was not designed to deal with chronic, daily stress. Today’s world is extremely stressful: emotionally and physically.You are exposed to a lot of chemicals on a daily basis that is stressful on your body to deal with and process. You are also bombarded by daily “noise”—depressing news by radio/tv, constant access to cell phones, computers, financial stresses, etc.

Your hormones are there to keep you safe and healthy. There is no bad hormone. The problem is that with the chronic, daily stress your hormones become imbalanced. As a result you feel tired, become moody, gain weight, etc. The good thing is that you can fix that with proper hormone balancing with Natural Hormone Therapy combined with some healthy lifestyle changes. It just takes the desire to feel better to get started.

Take a look at our testimonials of people who once felt tired, lethargic and frustrated with their clothes not fitting or the scales only seeming to go up. They got tired of being tired. Are you ready to live your life better?

Testimonials – WOMEN

Testimonials – MEN

Have questions? We’re here. Call 888-728-7555 !

DHEA Facts

DHEA is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is a precursor to other sex hormones.

In addition to having its own hormone effect, it results in a shift to an anabolic or protein building state.

It reduces cardiovascular risk by increasing lipolysis or breakdown of fat.

It also stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat.

Recent studies point to DHEA as an anti-stress hormone, reversing the effects of stress on the immune system.

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