Ultimate Guide to Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is one of the hottest new skin care services in the industry.  That’s right…you’re certainly intrigued now. Here’s our ultimate guide to dermaplaning…

It’s not really new though. Japanese women have been utilizing facial “shaving” as an anti aging treatment for decades.

Today, I would like to take you on an exfoliation endeavor. I will teach you all about dermaplaning, from what it is, to who should receive it, and why you’ll keep it up in the future.

What is Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a physical skin rejuvenation treatment that removes dead skin and vellus facial hair (peach fuzz), producing more radiant, smooth skin. An Esthetician or RN gently strokes a sterile blade along the surface of the skin to “shave” off unwanted cells and hair.

If you’re thinking to yourself now, “you want to put a what to my face?” – you are not the only one.

Yes, a sterile surgical blade is used, and yes, many women initially express concerns.

All of these women, though, quickly come to love the results (in my experience).

The service is completely safe and pain-free. It’s important to iterate the importance of finding a trained, licensed professional to perform this service. This is not something you can do at home. This is not something an inexperienced provider should do. Dermaplaning takes precision and must be performed by an experienced professional.

Dermaplaning vs. Shaving

Dermaplaning is not facial shaving, but it is. Have I lost you? Shaving is defined as “cutting the hair off one’s face with a razor.” Dermaplaning uses a scalpel blade, not a razor, but it does cut the hair off the face. Dermaplaning works in similar fashion to at-home razors but is significantly more aggressive.
Both the blade and razors are placed at a 45-degree angle to achieve optimum results with a minimal result in injury (you may experience the occasional nick).

So, what’s the difference?

  • Dermaplaning is more aggressive than shaving.
  • Dermaplaning uses a surgical, disposable blade.
  • Dermaplaning cannot be performed at home.
  • Dermaplaning blades are singular, whereas razors are usually stacked with 2-3 blades.
  • Dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment intended to remove dead skin cells and improve fine lines, wrinkles, and improve skin tone and texture.
  • Dermaplaning should not be used to get rid of terminal hair (such as beard hair).
  • Dermaplaning should not be received any sooner than 21 days apart.

Let’s now discuss the benefits so you may understand why the industry is abuzz over this service. 

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Fact: Did you know Marilyn Monroe regularly shaved her face?

  • Ask any skin care professional (or Hollywood actress) what the secret to flawless, youthful skin is, and they’ll tell you it’s exfoliation.
  • Dermaplaning is one of the best methods of exfoliation that has zero downtime – a major plus.
  • Some clients experience mild erythema (superficial reddening of the skin), but it subsides quickly. Besides that, and the radiant skin recently achieved, no one would ever know a service was rendered

Top 11 Benefits of Dermaplaning

  1. Eliminates vellus hair and dead skin cells.
  2. Increases product absorption and efficacy (products work better).
  3. Promotes cellular proliferation (your anti aging BFF.)
  4. Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Improves skin texture.
  6. Lessen acne occurrence.
  7. Makeup application is smooth and flawless.
  8. No down time. (Seriously, you can schedule this at lunch.)
  9. Brightens skin and reduces hyperpigmentation.
  10. Great alternative for those with sensitive skin or rosacea.
  11. Safe for all skin types.

Exfoliating the skin also stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the epidermal layers of the skin. The epidermis does not contain blood vessels and receives nutrients through diffusion. By stimulating blood flow, essential nutrients are delivered to the epidermis and thereby supports anti aging and radiant skin.

What is a Dermaplaning Service Like?

As mentioned earlier, dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment that is safe and highly effective without downtime. The service takes less than 1 hour with results lasting 4-8 weeks. It can be repeated monthly.

If you have questions or ready to schedule, contact a New Leaf Wellness staff member today! We’re now offering dermaplaning at all locations.

Inflammation & Healthy Living with Hemp Protein

We would like to invite you to listen to the Inflammation and Healthy Living with Hemp Protein webinar. Dr. James Blum and Dr. Sam Alawieh dive into the fascinating concept of strategic protein substitution and the new research involved in hemp’s abundance of necessary amino acids.

Guidance and suggestions will be presented on how individuals can eliminate inflammation with Biotrinetix Labs and enhance the quality of life with Hemp Protein and breakthrough medicine from New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy.

V I E W   V I D E O



For more on Hemp Protein, see our recent article https://newleafcenters.com/nlrx-nutrition-hemp-webinar/

Be sure to like us on Facebook – @NewLeafWellnessCenters

Healthy Weight and Hormones

Many people struggle with weight and there are a lot of reasons why people keep excess weight on. Of course diet, exercise, and sleep are a critical component of a healthy body and sleep. Proper hormone balance is also critical. Healthy weight and hormones are a component we need to talk about for a minute.

There are many hormones involved in keeping a healthy weight. The most common hormones that are out of balance in your body are thyroid and testosterone. Thyroid is mainly responsible for your metabolic rate i.e. your ability to burn calories and keep your energy up. Cortisol is largely responsible for dealing with stress and inflammation, and storing fat is a part of that function. Insulin is responsible for metabolizing blood sugar, which is critical to your body, and also fat storage. Testosterone is known as the male sex hormone but is present in both men and women.

Testosterone has numerous functions, one of them being the ability to build muscle and enhance energy and fat burning.

Your body was not designed to deal with chronic, daily stress. Today’s world is extremely stressful: emotionally and physically.You are exposed to a lot of chemicals on a daily basis that is stressful on your body to deal with and process. You are also bombarded by daily “noise”—depressing news by radio/tv, constant access to cell phones, computers, financial stresses, etc.

Your hormones are there to keep you safe and healthy. There is no bad hormone. The problem is that with the chronic, daily stress your hormones become imbalanced. As a result you feel tired, become moody, gain weight, etc. The good thing is that you can fix that with proper hormone balancing with Natural Hormone Therapy combined with some healthy lifestyle changes. It just takes the desire to feel better to get started.

Take a look at our testimonials of people who once felt tired, lethargic and frustrated with their clothes not fitting or the scales only seeming to go up. They got tired of being tired. Are you ready to live your life better?

Testimonials – WOMEN

Testimonials – MEN

Have questions? We’re here. Call 888-728-7555 !

DHEA Facts

DHEA is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is a precursor to other sex hormones.

In addition to having its own hormone effect, it results in a shift to an anabolic or protein building state.

It reduces cardiovascular risk by increasing lipolysis or breakdown of fat.

It also stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat.

Recent studies point to DHEA as an anti-stress hormone, reversing the effects of stress on the immune system.

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Why Men Should Consider Bio-identical Hormone Therapy

NHT (Natural Hormone Therapy) is not just for the ladies, so guys pay attention! Why? Because your hormones have been on a decline since your 20’s (sad but true), and if you are approaching middle-age, are currently there, or have surpassed it, there’s a good chance you are experiencing hormone imbalance or even andropause (the unofficial medical term for “male menopause” and the result of a gradual drop in testosterone).

Certain signs of andropause and other related hormone imbalance issues:

  • Memory loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep problems
  • Lower sex drive
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Urinary problems
  • Memory loss
  • Night sweats
  • Erectile dysfunction

While hormone imbalance and replacement treatments tend to be a hot topic amongst women, men seem to have a harder time discussing their own issues with hormone imbalance and the symptoms causing them discomfort. However, many men (the ones that want to talk about it) can attest to the many benefits to hormone restoration and treatments such as NHT. Therefore, not only should men start to feel more comfortable with the conversation of hormone issues, they should be open to the idea of fixing them. Here are a few reasons why…

Testosterone Balance May Reduce Risk for Disease

Several studies have linked low testosterone levels to diabetes, stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, and other chronic diseases. By choosing hormone restoration treatments such as BHRT, you not only feel better, you also take drastic measures to protecting your health.

Balanced Hormones Help Men Feel Younger

We all want to know the secret to feeling younger, and NHT might just be the answer. Results of hormone imbalance such as memory and muscle loss, fatigue, depression, lower sex drive, and other symptoms listed above can improve or even be reversed with hormone restoration treatments.

Why should you live everyday life with the discomfort of hormone imbalance?

With NHT, you can live the active lifestyle that you desire, and there’s no better time than now to take action! For more information on our Natural Hormone Therapy, please give us a call.

What You Need To Know About Melatonin

Melatonin has commonly been used as an over-the counter remedy to sleep better. But it is so much more! Here’s what you need to know about Melatonin:

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland. It is a circadian rhythm hormone- thereby affecting the patterns of sleep. Research has shown that the cells of the body rejuvenate and repair during the deeper stages of sleep. It is during the deeper stages of sleep that the body produces natural killer cells or CD4 cells.

Melatonin increases the deep stage of sleep and stage IV sleep, thereby increasing and enhancing immunity.

Improved sleep patterns serve to energize the body and improve mood.

Melatonin has powerful antioxidant effects which accounts for disease prevention qualities.

Melatonin has tremendous cancer prevention effects due to its enhancement of the immune system.

Melatonin deficiency results in poor sleep, jet lag, irritability, hypersensitivity and premature aging.

What Is The Difference Between Bio-identical And Synthetic Hormones?

What is the difference?

In our last post we noted that many foods have been genetically modified, but unanticipated, negative effects of these products in the human body have caused many health conscious people to choose a nonGMO alternative to consume. 

Similarly, the hormones we produce in our own body are different from synthetic hormones produced by a pharmaceutical manufacturer.  The synthetic variety has enough similarity to the bio-identical hormone that it does turn on the main function in the body, but its unique structure allows it to be patented by the pharmaceutical company and thus sold for a profit. 

In contrast, a bio-identical hormone, being identical to that formed in our body, cannot be patented by a pharmaceutical company.  Equally important is the fact that the bio-identical form acts just as our own native hormone to produce the desired function without increasing risk, while the unique structure of the synthetic hormone also turns on effects in our bodies that does increase risk.  That is why “hormones” get a bad rap: the increase in heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and cancer  associated with synthetic hormones is enough to make anyone think twice before using them! 

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Do You Read Labels?

A quick visit to your local grocery store confirms the American public reads labels on the boxes and cans of food purchased for consumption. In bold letters, many products proudly display that no genetically modified organism (nonGMO) is used in the production of the food, signifying that it is a much healthier product!

How many of you who select a nonGMO product over one that has been genetically modified use the same discretion in selecting your hormone replacement? Yes, both guys and gals!

Hormone therapy, like food products, comes in the “natural” variety and also a “modified” version, better known as synthetic.  Just as GMO modified foods have potential for harm in our bodies, synthetic hormones have potential harm associated with using them in our bodies, while the “natural” or better called bio-identical hormones have a safety and benefit record for long term health and wellness! 

If that “wets your appetite” for more information, look for our next blog entry to give you more specifics on the differences…and keep reading those labels!