Slow the Effects of Menopause and Andropause Naturally

We often hear about menopause, and it is frustrating symptoms for women, but did you know that it can happen to men too? Male menopause, or andropause is real, and like in women, it can cause symptoms that range from uncomfortable to life-altering, even increasing your risk for diseases and other serious health issues. We are sharing 5 helpful tips to slow the effects of menopause and andropause naturally to better help you live your best life.

Did You Know?

Both types of menopause can cause the person to stop feeling like themselves. In women, these symptoms can start in the 30’s and 40’s and/or last until the 60’s. In men, by the age of 60 most will have hormone deficiencies, particularly in testosterone.

5 Natural Weapons to Fight Male and Female Menopause Symptoms:

1. Bio-identical Hormone Therapy
Natural Hormone Therapy is the most effective treatment for relieving symptoms and preventing age-related diseases. Individualized testing by a hormone therapy expert is necessary to safely and effectively restore the proper balance of all your hormones.

2. Remove Inflammatory Foods
We all know we should eat healthy to get healthy. But you may be eating “healthy” yet consuming foods that cause inflammation in your body. Pay attention to how you feel after you eat certain foods, or even better, take a food sensitivity test to know for sure.

3. Exercise
Regular strength exercises can help both men and women alleviate certain symptoms, build muscle and bone strength and reduce stress.

“They help me get my life back- play, work, sex and to feel great again! I feel young again!”

– Rodney W., New Leaf Wellness Patient

4. Try Meditation
The slow movements, focus on breath, and meditative nature of practices like yoga, tai chi and qi gong can help relieve symptoms like hot flashes and improve mental focus.

5. Reduce Stress
Everyday, chronic stress is toxic and leads to elevated cortisol levels and in turn, serious health issues and symptoms. Slow down, don’t sweat the small stuff, and make changes to remove stress-inducing triggers from your life.

Find out how you can take control of your menopause and andropause symptoms and what your personalized treatment might be at New Leaf Wellness, West Des Moines, IA!


Do you know where your hormone levels are now? Know more about your hormone health with our simple quiz that provides immediate results.

Hormone Health Checker- for Women

Hormone Health Checker- for Men

Overview of Intravenous Therapy

If you have been experiencing symptoms over a prolonged period of time and have tried many different treatment methods but nothing seems to be helping, then intravenous therapy might be the answer you have been looking for.

Overview of Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous therapy is a much more powerful treatment option than oral methods and works much faster. It bypasses the intestinal tract, which is often not functioning well in those who have been symptomatic for a long time, and delivers nutrients directly to the cells where they are needed most.

Often a remarkable improvement is seen after only 4 to 5 weekly treatments. It can also be used to boost the immune system during an acute infection, to speed recovery time dramatically.

Quick Results for a Quick Recovery

Intravenous (IV) therapy can deliver needed vitamins, minerals and nutrients directly into a patients’ circulatory system for quick absorption into the body. IV therapies can be used to treat nutritional deficiencies, introduce potent antioxidants into the body, rid the body of harmful toxins and boost immune function. It is extremely powerful and often succeeds where other treatment methods have failed.

Why use IV therapy?

IV therapy can be useful in situations where oral nutrients are not working. Sometimes a particular nutrient is not adequately absorbed orally due to poor functioning in the digestive tract. In other cases, the nutrient doses needed to achieve a therapeutic effect are so high they would cause side effects if they were taken orally. In these situations, IV therapy can deliver the needed nutrients directly to the cells more quickly and effectively than pills.

What types of IV therapy are offered?

New Leaf Wellness offers several different types of IV therapy including:

  • Meyer’s Cocktail
  • Immunity (High Dose Vitamin C)
  • Total Health
  • Weight Loss IV
  • Serenity Serum
  • and they can all come with a Boost of Glutathione!

What conditions can be improved through IV therapy?

  • Angina
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hepatitis C
  • High blood pressure
  • Influenza – Viral Infections
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Migraine or tension headaches
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • PMS
  • Recurrent Infections

What can patients expect?

A physician consultation will be necessary to determine if IV therapy is appropriate, and to determine which nutrients are needed. Upon approval, a series of treatments is scheduled for one or more times per week. The infusion is generally given through an IV catheter in the patient’s arm, over a period of 15 to 90 minutes. Patients sit comfortably in a reclining chair and are monitored closely by a registered nurse.

Are there any side effects?

Potential side effects vary depending on the IV treatment given, but are minimal with most therapies. The most common side effect is pain at the injection site (easily relieved with heat or cold compresses). Occasionally patients will experience lightheadedness or hypoglycemia symptoms. Eating and being well hydrated before IV treatments will limit the potential of experiencing side effects. Patients should bring a snack if the treatment is expected to last longer than an hour.

More on IV Therapy at New Leaf Wellness >>>

Yes, I would like to schedule a consultation!

Part 2: How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne + Help You Lose Weight!

How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne and Help You Lose Weight! (Part 2)

I know from personal experience that leaving gluten out of the diet will help with overall health and so many people can drop weight and get smoother, more clear and even-toned skin. So, here is even more information as to our previous post sharing how gluten can affect your body and hinder optimal health.

Leaving Wheat Alone

Wheat is one of the biggest offenders when you’re looking at getting gluten out of your diet and keeping it away from your intestines (others are rye, spelt, and barley). Not only is the gluten an issue, but by avoiding wheat, you are potentially helping to avoid a pull to eat more and more junk food that can lead to weight gain or at least difficulty losing extra pounds.

Find Yourself Craving Carbs?

Wheat is addictive on its own and contributes to visceral fat because of the insulin spikes it causes (Nope, you Are not immune to those just by avoiding white bread!), but it also triggers you to seek out more refined carbs made with wheat flour. When you avoid gluten, you are avoiding all products with wheat and stopping the cycle. In turn, you are avoiding something that may increase inflammation in your body and contribute to the storage of visceral fat.

What Does That Mean?

Reduced acne, a smaller waistline, and increased Beauty Energy!

A Word of Caution: you can’t just cut out gluten and replace all those foods you used to eat with gluten-free pre-packaged snacks.

That won’t work. The amount of oils and other not-so-great ingredients they contain can also contribute to weight gain and acne over time. Gluten-free pretzels! Too good to be true. Yes, they are. We bring up pretzels, because they are a one number favorite junk food for many. There are gluten-free pretzels, but they are not the tastiest. So, if you must have pretzels, just take a handful and throw the rest of the bag away. They are a weakness of many, but in all other respects, avoid the junky gluten-free treats. It’s best to go gluten-free without all these distractions and just choose natural snacks from the produce section of the grocery store. Or try some better options, like Mary’s Gone Crackers which are made with higher quality ingredients.

Reset Your System After You Drop Gluten for Good

When you are removing gluten from your diet, it’s important to take some extra steps in order to restore the gut’s health and accelerate the healing process. Give the amount of beneficial flora in your gut a boost by taking your probiotics daily.

For all your supplement needs

Remember, the balance of the bacteria in your gut affects your skin, which is also an eliminative organ. Probiotics also assists with digestion, leading to less congestion and fat storage in the body. Another option might be a Glutathione Push, they are fantastic at supporting a cleanse. Eat more foods that decrease inflammation, like ginger, turmeric, leafy greens, broccoli, blueberries, flaxseed, avocados, and mushrooms. Stay away from the ones that cause inflammation, too, of course. If you are following a complete beauty plan in addition to eliminating gluten, you may notice your skin glowing in as little as just a few days. Remember, it may take a while to see dramatic results. The inflammation will not go down overnight. Give the gluten-free life a try for at least a couple of weeks before forming an opinion.


Have more questions? Call New Leaf Wellness Today to speak with a staff member. Call 888-728-7555

How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne + Help You Lose Weight

How Avoiding Gluten Can Prevent Acne and Help You Lose Weight! (Part 1)

Avoiding gluten may help you lose weight and clear up your acne for so many reasons. Some people say gluten avoidance is just a trend, but I know from personal experience that leaving gluten out of the diet will help with overall health and so many people can drop weight and get smoother, more clear and even-toned skin. It’s not a trend; gluten is bad news, and not just for those with Celiac disease. Avoiding gluten can prevent acne and help you lose weight and we are going to tell you how today!

Why Say No To Gluten?

Gluten (which is the protein found in wheat, barley and rye) is extremely prevalent in many types of processed foods. You’ll find it in everything from packaged energy bars, cereals and even soy sauce. Even if you don’t think you have a problem with gluten because you feel fine after eating foods that contain it, gluten could be the culprit if you are having trouble losing weight or getting rid of pimples/zits (ugh!). It has sticky, glue-like properties, which is not great for optimizing digestion! Not everyone with a gluten sensitivity knows they have it, and they keep dieting and trying new skin products to no avail.

Gluten + Inflammation

Inflammation and Acne Gluten sensitivity can trigger inflammation. If you are sensitive (not the same as celiac disease or an allergy), the gluten in your food can irritate the inside and outside of the digestive tract, but it does not actually destroy the intestinal wall the way Celiac disease does. The body thinks the gluten is an intruder (which, in reality it is), so it initiates an immune system response: inflammation. Inflammation doesn’t stay localized and only cause digestive discomfort. Instead, it spreads. And because there’s a link between gut health and your skin, acne appears. The best way to determine if you are having inflammation issues to due to gluten is to have a food sensitivity test.

Gluten Is Lurking in Foods You Shouldn’t Really Eat Anyway.

You will generally lose weight and notice clearer skin when you skip the foods gluten is in simply because you’ll be eating less processed food and more whole fruits and vegetables that nourish your body. However, you will experience a decrease in inflammation and cravings for junk food may also subside.

“…. Prior to doing the test, I experienced bloating, sluggishness, and very dry skin. My results were very easy to read and showed that I had an intolerance to many foods that I had been consuming daily! Coffee was the biggest culprit on my list of “to be avoided” items. The ALCAT representative [at New Leaf Wellness] helped me with a plan to eliminate these from my routine and just a few weeks later, I started to feel better….”

– Angie R., New Leaf Wellness Patient

These benefits work in tandem with the superior diet to contribute to better skin and a naturally slimmer figure much more quickly and easily (and your results will be effortless to maintain!).

If you are committed to avoiding gluten to at least give the gluten-free lifestyle a trial run, you should know that it shows up in some unexpected places, like:

  • Soy sauce
  • Some pickles (if malt vinegar was used)
  • Licorice
  • Veggie burgers (not all, but some. check labels)
  • Processed grains (try to get oat groats or steel cut, and ones labeled as manufactured in a gluten-free facility)
  • Processed meats
  • Ice cream
  • Some soups
  • Dressings
  • Sauces (including soy sauce)
  • Snack foods
  • Chips and crackers
  • Beer

*unless specifically marked gluten-free

“…. The first thing I noticed was my bloating and stomach pain started to subside. I no longer felt sluggish and my complexion started to shine again. The dry skin I had experienced before was no longer an issue. Although it was difficult for me to eliminate coffee from my diet, I feel it has made a huge difference in the way I feel each day. I am grateful for what I learned through the ALCAT test and feel more educated on what I should be putting into my body!”

– Angie R., New Leaf Wellness Patient

None of these have a beneficial place in a healthy diet when you are purchasing the pre-packaged, processed version at the grocery store (like most soups, sauces, and dressings). If you want a burger without the meat, you can make your own alkaline grain burgers from millet and amaranth flour instead of taking a chance with the store-bought ones.

Learn the fascinating science behind how you’re FEELING and the FOODS you’re eating! Come for a Food Sensitivity Test at a nearby New Leaf Wellness Center! Schedule it now by contacting us here or calling 888-728-7555!

Supplements Every Guy or Gal Needs

Mixed messages, misguided information, supplement companies partnering with other industries  as ambassadors for their brand and it is all so confusing what to believe. So, today we can at least shed some light on supplements every guy or gal needs.

Supplements Every Guy or Gal Needs

You try to eat healthy, but there are still those splurges on nachos, beer, and pizza (and that’s just the short list of your cheat foods). So, you are likely nowhere close to getting all the nutrients you need each day. You are not alone. Who really eats nine servings of fruits and veggies every day? That’s where a few well chosen capsules can help.

“Supplements won’t counteract poor eating habits, but they can help to make a healthy diet better.”   – Dr. Robert Sieman, Medical Director of New Leaf Wellness

In other words, while you still need all the fruits and vegetables you can stomach, on those days when you opt for a beer rather than a smoothie, the right supplements can help to fill in the gaps from a less than ideal diet.

Like Multivitamins

No rocket science here, but it’s surprising just how many guys and gals still do not take a multi. The key to making them work is to make them part of your routine. Instead of stashing the bottle on a shelf, keep it by your toothbrush or coffee pot- something you hit every day without fail.


We have carefully crafted a multi for both guys and gals that helps fill in the gaps to ensure you are getting the most nutrition everyday. So, if you want to splurge on the nachos on Friday night, go for it.

Learn more about Xena Vitality Women’s Multi Complex or Alpha Vitality Men’s Multi Complex at:


Feel like you need more than a multi? Are you struggling with a disease that is attacking your immune system? Do you have a bug and no time to let it run its coarse? Check out our IV Therapy options!


DHEA Facts

DHEA is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is a precursor to other sex hormones.

In addition to having its own hormone effect, it results in a shift to an anabolic or protein building state.

It reduces cardiovascular risk by increasing lipolysis or breakdown of fat.

It also stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat.

Recent studies point to DHEA as an anti-stress hormone, reversing the effects of stress on the immune system.

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What You Need To Know About Melatonin

Melatonin has commonly been used as an over-the counter remedy to sleep better. But it is so much more! Here’s what you need to know about Melatonin:

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland. It is a circadian rhythm hormone- thereby affecting the patterns of sleep. Research has shown that the cells of the body rejuvenate and repair during the deeper stages of sleep. It is during the deeper stages of sleep that the body produces natural killer cells or CD4 cells.

Melatonin increases the deep stage of sleep and stage IV sleep, thereby increasing and enhancing immunity.

Improved sleep patterns serve to energize the body and improve mood.

Melatonin has powerful antioxidant effects which accounts for disease prevention qualities.

Melatonin has tremendous cancer prevention effects due to its enhancement of the immune system.

Melatonin deficiency results in poor sleep, jet lag, irritability, hypersensitivity and premature aging.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

 Many people are turning toward hormone therapy due to its many benefits and long lasting healthy effects on the human body. These hormone replacement therapy methods are mostly required as a person gets older, probably in their thirties or after. People turn towards NHT because there must have been changes in his or her body and life that could be interfering with productivity, healthfulness, pleasure, vitality, and enjoyment. Hormone treatments are not just taken up by everyone, blood analysis is used to determine what will best suit for that specific individual.

Estrogen/testosterone therapy:

Women go for estrogen and progesterone hormone therapy. Mostly, men think about testosterone hormone replacement therapy to aid them in proper erectile function and improve their muscle tone. NHT also improves immunity and recovery, enhances cognitive abilities, stimulates production of thicker and fuller hair, enhances memory and concentration, improves sexual functioning, desire and also is known to lower cholesterol levels.

Anti-aging benefits:

For some people HT is a lot about the anti-aging benefits that you can get with it. The list of physiological enhancements talks about the inner working of the body like improved regeneration of new cells of skin, hair, muscles, nails, bones. All this along with improved lean muscle mass of a physically toned body and a lot more. Keep in mind that each of the main types of hormone replacement therapy that are used in adults has a particular purpose. It is not just a treatment that will help you age gracefully without putting your lives basic functions at rest. Detailed blood testing is what will show if any of these vital levels has declined in the body, and if you are in need of a hormone treatment or not, if so, which ones and to what extent.

Take our Hormone Health Quiz!



A Closer Look At Natural Hormone Therapy (NHT)

Hormone balance is essential for optimal health and wellness, but as we age, our body’s hormone levels naturally decrease. Other factors can also contribute to hormone loss such as menopause, disease, or trauma. Without these important hormones, our physical and mental health begins to deteriorate, thus starting an accelerated aging process. Typically, by the age of 40 (sometimes earlier), we begin to lose hormones, which is why starting treatments such as Natural Hormone Therapy (NHT) is important to achieving the long-term protective benefits of hormone balance. Let’s take a closer look at the process…

Who needs NHT?

Anyone experiencing hormone imbalance, typically starting over the age of 40 and in some cases in the 30’s. As we age, we experience a natural decline of hormones due to environmental and dietary toxins. If you experience any of the symptoms listed below, you may be a good candidate for NHT.

  • Weight gain
  • Limited Energy
  • Hair Loss
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Mood Swings
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor Concentration
  • Memory Loss
  • Fatigue

What is the difference between bio identical hormones and synthetic hormones?

Bio-identical hormones come from natural sources, such as yams, and are designed to replicate the same chemical structure as the hormones naturally produced by the human body. Synthetic hormones are manufactured hormones produced in a lab.

There are many advantages to using bio-identical over synthetic. Because bio-identical hormones are derived naturally, our bodies can metabolize them properly. On the flip side, because synthetic hormones are produced in a lab, they cannot metabolize correctly in our bodies. This often leads to side effects such as bloating, bleeding, and mood swings, and in some cases have been linked to both breast and uterine cancers.

Pharmaceutical companies cannot patent bio-identical hormones because each regimen is specifically formulated to treat patients on an individual basis. Synthetic hormones use a “one size fits all approach”, and are therefore patentable.

How does the process work?

First you will meet with one of our highly trained physicians that will provide comprehensive lab testing and an in depth questionnaire to determine your specific needs. You will then be given a personalized treatment plan often including pharmaceutical grade supplements.   Based on your hormone levels, a specialized compounding pharmacy will individually tailor a bio identical hormone specifically designed for you.

For additional information on our Natural Hormone Therapy or to schedule a consultation, please give us a call at 888-728-7555, we have 4 convenient locations to serve you.

Why To “IV”- The Benefits Of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy

What is a Myers’ Cocktail, and what conditions does it address?

A Myers’ “Wellness” Cocktail is a nutritional “cocktail” given intravenously (IV), or through a vein.  It consists of magnesium, calcium, various B vitamins, and vitamin C.  The Myers’ Cocktail has been used to treat general fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia, relieve acute asthma attacks, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinus infections, seasonal allergies, migraine headaches, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, as well as to support recovery from endurance athletics. Many relatively healthy patients choose to receive periodic Myers’ Cocktail injections because it enhances their overall well being for variable periods of time.

This cocktail is named after John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland.  He treated patients with IV nutrient therapy for over 25 years. Since then, thousands of patients nationwide have received this cocktail with great benefits.

How does IV nutrient therapy work?

IV administration of nutrients can achieve blood concentrations not obtainable with oral (pills or liquid), or even intramuscular (IM) administration. For example, an IV of Vitamin C can raise the blood levels 50 – 100 times higher than what a person can do taking it orally.  Because of this, a person doesn’t develop diarrhea and at these higher blood levels, IV vitamin C can exert effects similar to pharmaceutical drugs such as antivirals (e.g. influenza drugs), anti-histamines (e.g. Benadryl or Claritin), or smooth muscle relaxants (e.g. asthma and angina drugs).

IV nutrient therapy may be more effective for correcting nutrient deficits inside cells, where they are needed.  In certain disease states, the capacity of nutrients to get in and stay inside the cells may be diminished.  IV administration helps get those nutrients inside the cell.  If cells are repeatedly “flooded” with nutrients, the improvement may be cumulative in their ability to heal, and improve their illness/condition.

When treating patients with IV nutrition, some patients get progressively better and after a series of treatments no longer require therapy.  Other patients need regular injections in order to better control and counteract their medical conditions. In some cases, continued IV therapy may be necessary because a person’s disease state is too advanced to be reversible, therefore ongoing IV nutritional support is recommended.

I’m tired all the time or I am getting a cold. Is a Myers’ Cocktail right for me?

One of the biggest reasons we recommend and administer Wellness IVs is because a person is run down, fatigued, under moderate to severe stress or is at the beginning of an illness such as flu or cold.  Many patients respond to treatment with results lasting days to several months.  About 50% of the people we have given IV Myers’ for an oncoming flu/cold/respiratory bug get immediate relief and resolution of their illness.  Others get a significant reduction in illness severity and length.

Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or fibromyalgia usually improve with weekly or twice monthly injections.  In some cases, the improvements are after the first IV, others after 3-4 treatments.  As mentioned above, some patients become progressively healthier and eventually stop treatment.  Other patients maintain periodic injections to help them function better and restore more energy.

Other conditions we have treated with good success include depression, recovery from athletic training or endurance events, allergies, drug withdrawal, and menstrual cramps.

What are the side effects, if any?

Does feeling better and having great stamina and energy count as a side effect?  IV Nutrient Therapy is generally very safe and poses minimal if any negative side effects.

Given too fast, an IV may lower blood pressure causing warmth, dizziness or faintness (so we don’t do that!).  The only known allergic reaction to IV nutrients has been when using those with preservatives, and these reactions are quite rare.  Some patients may experience burning at the localized IV site.  As with any injectable treatment, there is always a risk of infection or phlebitis, although it is also very rare.

I have been administering IV nutrients for over 10 years, am a licensed medical provider in the state of Colorado and have an extensive background in intensive/critical care.  Experience counts if there is ever an urgent or emergent situation, and although chances are quite minimal of this occurring it can happen.  From a legal standpoint, a patient should seek IV treatment from a properly licensed medical professional who can legally obtain and administer medication and who also has advanced training in dealing with medical emergencies.  These laws vary from state to state as to what constitutes and defines a medical provider, so be sure to seek a professional who is licensed in the state in which they are currently practicing.