What is progesterone? 

What is progesterone? Progesterone is a hormone. Its name comes from “pro” — meaning to support, and “gest” — meaning gestation. It triggers pregnancy and keeps it going.

How It Works

Progesterone initiates birth by helping sperm get attracted to, swim towards, and penetrate into the deeper layer of eggs produced by the female. Once pregnant, the soon-to-be mom’s body secretes increasingly high levels of progesterone (up to 400 mg/day) to help “hold” the pregnancy to full term. Thus, progesterone is mostly thought of as a female pregnancy hormone.

But it’s so much more.

What Is It?

Progesterone is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, a brain protector in both sexes of all ages, a natural Ambien, and new science suggests it is so breast protective that some breast cancer survivors should be taking it!

Brain and nervous system. Progesterone protects your brain. Progesterone is part of a critical group of endogenous (naturally made) steroids (hormones) called neurosteroids. Neurosteroids protect brain and nervous system tissues. Progesterone is produced locally right inside the brain and throughout the mass of nerves inside the spinal cord to do just this. Progesterone production inside our brain and entire nervous system, including the one in our gut, happens in boys, girls, men, and women.

Neuroprotective. In the brain, gut and throughout the spinal cord, progesterone is neuroprotective. This means progesterone protects these tissues from damage from excess inflammation, regulates synaptic conversations, lubes neurotransmitters, and even protects outer nerve sheaths called myelin (one reason why progesterone therapy is helpful in some demyelinating diseases).

Progesterone protects brain volume. A healthy brain has an optimal size or volume. Aging shrinks brain volume, especially in the area where we keep memories and our sense of who we are (the hippocampus). Anything that protects brain volume promotes better thinking and loss of it (cognitive decline).

Progesterone therapy is even used to hasten brain recovery after brain injury or stroke. Progesterone does this by reducing cerebral edema, reducing excessive inflammation, and making the flux of minerals in and out of the brain more Zen-like. Both you body and brain adore ZEN.

Not many practitioners yet appreciate that progesterone wears so many protective nervous system “hats.”  At New Leaf Wellness, progesterone is one of 3 main hormones that Providers watch, monitor and adjust for Patients.

Want To Learn More?

We produce less progesterone as we age, so aging is a natural anti-progestin. But modern life is filled with unnatural molecules that can also block healthy progesterone signals and act as synthetic or environmental or toxic anti-progestins. One example is the pain medication family, many found over-the-counter, called NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Many studies show that regular daily use of NSAIDs, like Motrin, is linked to an increased risk of gut inflammation and ulcerations. Why? Motrin is an anti-progestin. It blocks the benefits of progesterone. And especially at the gut lining, as this medication is swallowed so it directly exposes the gut lining. For more information, contact your New Leaf Wellness!

The Truth About Your Night Sweats

Waking Up Drenched in Sweat?

If you wake up drenched in sweat, think of your armpits as evidence. You do not have to do sleuthing to figure out what is prompting your perspiration. Night Sweats. Therefore, we are uncovering the truth about your night sweats and what your body is really telling you.

Firstly, night sweats are common. In a study published in Annals of Family Medicine, one-third of primary care patients reported night sweats during the past month. Your body is signaling to you, are you listening?

“However, no one knows exactly how common the condition is, because most sufferers of night sweats never report the symptom to their doctor”, says study author James Mold, M.D., a professor of family medicine at the University of Oklahoma. Think of night sweats as smoke detector going off in the home, it means time find the root of the alarm.


Could Night Sweats Be Hormonal?

In a literature review published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, Dr. Mold and his colleagues revealed that several factors increase the likelihood of night sweats including: panic attacks, sleep problems, fever, numbness in hands and feet, anxiety and stress, and trouble breathing at night. Night sweats may also be a symptom of unbalanced hormones.

Much like hot flashes, low estrogen effects the hypothalamus is often specifically what causes night sweats in women. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls appetite, body temperature, sleep and sex hormones.

“No night sweats or hot flashes anymore. More energy!”

Rhonda S., New Leaf Wellness Patient, see more testimonials >>

So, it’s important to us to live your best life. We provide a variety of health and wellness services personalized to your body’s deficiencies.


Not Just Women Experience Night Sweats…

It is a common misconception that only women experience night sweats. When men experience low testosterone levels like andropausal, it commonly causes false signals to the hypothalamus producing night sweats. Additionally, men with high cortisol (stress) levels, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle which can contribute to night sweats.

It is putting me in balance, and I am becoming active again.”

David B., New Leaf Wellness Patient, see more testimonials >>

Conclusively, if you wake up in a pool of sweat almost every night, you should give us a call at New Leaf Wellness to get your hormones checked.

Try our free assessment to check for your own hormonal balance. Click the appropriate link below to take the assessment and your results will be shown immediately!

Hormone Health Assessment For WOMEN

Hormone Health Assessment For MEN

Testosterone Pellets for Men and Women

We live in an imperfect world that has chemicals in our food, water, personal care products, cleaning products, etc. We are under stress from living in today’s rushed and “connected” world. We eat more processed foods and consume more sugar and gluten than past generations. All of this contributes to a hormone imbalance. Today, we want to explain the “why” of Testosterone pellets for men and women.

First, You Need To Know

Replacing your deficient hormones is one part of feeling optimal. Testosterone in particular is often found to be low in both men and women. Testosterone helps you to think more clearly, sleep better, have focus, be in a good mood, and recover better from exercise; among other things. When your Testosterone is low you may feel moody, grumpy, have more aches and pains, feel tired, have brain fog, etc. It is not just the “sex” hormone.

How Bioidentical Testosterone Pellets Can Help

Bioidentical Testosterone pellets are a great way to replace Testosterone for both men and women. They are about the size of a thin tic tac. The pellets are placed in the fatty area of your buttock area–somewhat near your hip in a simple procedure in the office. The Testosterone is released in small amounts on a consistent basis: just like your body should be doing but is not. When you have increased blood flow (from increased activity) your body will draw more Testosterone for its increased needs.

My strength and overall health has improved, sex life with my beautiful lady has been great. I sleep better and not [having] night sweats.

– Ken D., New Leaf Wellness Patient, More Testimonials

Bioidentical Testosterone pellets provide you with the Testosterone that your body needs in a manner that closely resembles what your body should naturally be doing but is not because of all of the hormone disruptors surrounding us. Proper hormone balancing is an important part of feeling optimal and getting out of the “rabbit hole” of not feeling good.

Don’t wait for symptoms to keep you from living your best life. Take our free and easy Hormone Health Quiz. Click the matching link below.

Hormone Health Quiz for MEN

Hormone Health Quiz for WOMEN

Part 2: How Do Bio-Identical Pellets Work?

Bio-identical pellets are made of an inert substance that holds it together along with either bio-identical Testosterone or Estradiol. If you require Estradiol it is one small pellet. Men, and also women, require Testosterone. There are different dosages (mg) of Testosterone pellets (25 mg up to 200 mg) and which mg pellet and how many Testosterone pellets you receive depends on the end dose that you require. This dosage is based on whether you are a man or woman, your weight, your baseline Testosterone level, and your activity level; among other things. A hormone specialist can determine what you require after your consultation. Want to learn more about how do bio-identical pellets work?

The Bio-identical pellets release a small amount of the hormone that they contain into the blood stream at a fairly constant level–a lot like your glands would do if they were functioning properly. When you have an increased cardiac output (I.e. with exercising) then you will get an increased amount of the hormone. This helps you to recover better from exercising.

The bio-identical hormone pellets give your body what it needs in as close to physiologic doses as is possible. Your body uses up the pellets at an individual rate and most people require a re-pellet after 3-6 months. Over time most people end up being able to have their pellets last 5-6 months.

Are you ready to check your hormone health? Take a short quiz to recognize what to look for when considering if you would be a good candidate for bio-identical pellets.



Read Part 1: What are Hormone Pellets?

Declining Hormones

Imagine moving around and being able to do the things that you love to do. Perhaps, you are already feeling vital and strong, but perhaps you are like the majority of people out there who yearn for a body that serves them better. Are you feeling tired, achy, moody, flabby or just feel that you have passed your peak?? Declining hormones? Men and women both can feel this way and it is not the way that you have to age. Having a slow decline in your health is not your destiny—you can live with vitality and when it is your time to go, leave this earth quickly and not after a slow deterioration over 30, or more years.

Improving the Quality of Life As We Age

With modern sanitation, medicine, and an abundance of food we are living longer lives. Unfortunately with longer lives we are seeing a marked increase in the number of chronic illnesses and the number of years that an individual is alive but is in a deteriorating state. We can not avoid dying but we can shorten the dying process and increase the number of years that we live feeling younger. If you are all about the quality of life then continue reading.

Declining hormones, along with poor lifestyle choices, are largely responsible for the slow deterioration that we are seeing all around us. The good news is that we have the capability to prevent this slow deterioration, and even reverse some of it . This gives us the ability to live long AND vital lives, not just long lives.

What You Need To Know About Reversing The Years

Decreased levels of Testosterone, Thyroid, Estrogen (women only), Progesterone, and Growth Hormone are often experienced for years before a person seeks medical attention. The decline can be subtle, especially for men, and is often misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety, the normal aging process, or simply that nothing is wrong with the person. The problem lies in the fact that the majority of doctors are not specially trained in detecting hormone imbalances as they are taught to look at normal values and they are not allowed the proper time to get to know you and your unique needs. Let’s face it–you do not want to be average, you want to be above average, right?? The “normal” values do not represent optimal.

Symptoms of Declining Hormones can Include:

  • Emotional changes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of muscle strength
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Increased wrinkles
  • Loss of focus
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Loss of vitality
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Osteoporosis
  • Brain fog or decreased memory
  • Increase in body aches/pains
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Decrease in morning erections for men

Can You Replace What’s Lost?

Replacing your declining hormones with bio-identical hormones is the best form of hormone replacement since it replaces your hormones with a man made bio-equivalent hormone. This means that your body sees these replacement hormones as if your body made it on its own. There is no chemical difference between what your body makes and the bio-identical hormones given to you. This is different than man made “synthetic” hormones that have chemical differences from the hormones that your body makes. These differences are so that the “synthetic” hormone can be patented. These chemical differences can result in dangerous side effects. Doesn’t it make sense to replace your hormones with bio-identical hormones that are exactly the same chemically as the ones that your body naturally makes?

Bio-Identical Hormones Explained

Pellets, capsules, creams, and gels are different ways that you may get your bio-identical hormones. Which form you use depends on the hormone(s) that you need as well as your personal preference. You can only decide this after an informed discussion about the pros and cons of each form.

Taking bio-identical hormones are an important piece of the optimal wellness pie, it is also important to make lifestyle changes that enable your body to function optimally. A healthy organic whole food based diet that is low in sugar, devoid of gluten (as much as possible), and with no (or very little) processed food is also an important piece. Regular exercise and regular sleep are two other very important pieces. Living a full and vital life is within your reach. You first have to decide that you wish to go down that path and then obtain the personalized guidance that you require. You can reach your goals one step at a time with the right guidance.

If you’re ready to add some quality back to your years, and you want to do it with bio-identical hormone therapy, call us!

Testosterone and Fatigue

Learn More about Testosterone and Fatigue

“Mark”, a 48 year old gentleman came to my office complaining of fatigue, an increase in aches/pains, an increase in irritability, and a decreased ability to build muscle. He still has a good libido but had noticed a decrease in morning erections. “Mark” had seen his regular doctor who told him his labs were normal and that he needed to exercise more but he was too tired to do that. He knew there was something else going on. When NLW doctor reviewed his symptoms and lab results, we both agreed that he suffered from low Testosterone. At first, “Mark” was concerned about the risks associated with replacing Testosterone based on recent news releases. We went over the study that the news was citing. The news reports were telling men that Testosterone replacement increased heart disease risk.

However, the study being cited had tested older, high heart disease risk men whose Testosterone level was never in an optimal range and they were treated for too short a time to even show a benefit. Optimal Testosterone levels are around 600-1400 depending on the male, men in this study were averaging levels in the 300 range. This was a poorly done study, and it is a shame that it was used to scare men away from seeking help.

More on Testosterone Studies

In fact, there are many studies showing that when Testosterone levels are optimized and given enough time to work, that Testosterone actually is protective for the heart as well as the brain. Remember that the normal Testosterone lab values are not optimal–they are simply the expected values based on testing the male population—both ill and healthy. You want optimal levels if you want a life of vitality.

Optimizing a man’s Testosterone level involves replacing his Testosterone along with starting healthy lifestyle changes. Testosterone is best replaced with bio-identical Testosterone–biologically identical to what your body is designed to respond to. Mark was given the choices on replacing his Testosterone. Creams which are applied twice a day. There are synthetic gels and patches on the market but they are not bio-identical-using them can cause unforeseen complications since they are chemically different from what your body is designed to work with. A compounding pharmacy makes the bio-identical Testosterone. You can not buy it at a regular pharmacy. A quality compounding pharmacy offers safe and effective bio-identical creams.

What Are Other Options?

Creams are painless but you do need to remember to apply them daily and there can be a pulse like absorption after application. In addition, you do need to be careful about getting the Testosterone cream on others. Testosterone injections are another possible form of Testosterone replacement, and they tend to be more effective than creams but your liver has to process it into a bio-identical Testosterone. There is also a pulse like absorption, and you need an injection once to twice a week. This mode of replacement requires the most monitoring by lab work.

Testosterone pellets are bio-identical and are absorbed on a more constant level with a natural increase when your cardiac input increases–similar to your natural physiology. They work very effectively. Testosterone pellets have been well documented to protect the heart, bones, and brain as well as resolve symptoms. It does involve an in office procedure where the pellets are inserted in the fatty tissue of your buttocks and it is the more costly of the three choices. Which form of Testosterone replacement a man chooses depends on the individual.

What about “Mark”?

“Mark” chose Testosterone pellets, and after about 2-3 weeks he felt better- he has energy, is able to build muscle, feels mentally balanced and can pole vault out of bed again. He also has the focus to get back into the gym and fine tune his diet to include more vegetables (organic) and less processed foods.

Do you have symptoms similar to Mark? Take our hormone health quiz for a quick, overall checkup! Click here > Hormone Health Test for Men

We also offer a Hormone Health Test for Women!

MIC Injection for Weight Loss

What is in MIC Injections?
It can be said that MIC Injections will reteach the body how to function. MIC Injections can give weight loss efforts a boost and the benefits of weight loss will be seen sooner.

What is in MIC Injections? The name stands for the MIC injection’s ingredients:

  • Methionine: This is one of the ten essential amino acids. Methionine is considered a lipotropic amino acid, so it is responsible for reducing fat and cholesterol levels. It is the M in MIC injections.
  • Inositol: This is a co-factor that works with Vitamin E, C, and B vitamins to also metabolize fats and cholesterol, but also does the extra work of transporting and redistributing fat in the body so that it can be used where it is actually needed (not around the belly or in the thighs, for example). It is the I in MIC injections.
  • Choline: This is a co-factor that works beautifully with Methionine because it also is responsible for metabolizing lipids. It is the C in MIC injections.

Exactly How Can MIC Injections Benefit People Who Are Overweight?

As a team, the combined work of the three ingredients in MIC injections help your body learn to use fat properly, breakdown fats, and prevent the body from storing extra fat. Combining MIC injections with Vitamin B12 shots can also will get even better results. The Vitamin B12 shot makes a great compliment to the MIC injections for weight loss as it speeds up the metabolism, boosts energy and mood, and reduces stress. MIC injections and the Vitamin B12 shot make a powerful combination of nutrients that conquer not only the causes of excessive weight gain (fat utilization) but also the effects (weight gain, low energy, and depression). Together, the MIC injection and Vitamin B12 shot reteach your body how to lose weight, and keep you motivated in your new diet and exercise lifestyle through increased mood and energy, without giving you the jitters or stress that often come from taking pharmaceutical drugs or caffeine as a metabolism booster. MIC and Vitamin B12 injections help your body naturally learn how to lose the weight and feel great, until it is ready to do it completely on its own through diet and exercise.

Do MIC Injections Replace The Need For A Change In Diet Or Lifestyle?

MIC injections do not replace the body’s need to change a diet or lifestyle. It helps the body learn what to do with the fat that the body is still ingesting in the new diet and combined with exercise, will help burn the fat better. Changing the diet and increasing exercise is essential to losing weight. MIC injections will help see the effects faster and help the body maintain the weight loss longer because it helps reprogram the metabolism.

To learn more, talk to one of our NLW team members to get your questions answered. Contact us today!

Testosterone and Heart Attacks

Testosterone replacement is safe and helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Let’s take a look at the link of testosterone and heart attacks.

Due to media hype and the misrepresentation of studies done on Testosterone, let’s revisit this topic. Sadly, there are news reports that discourage the use of Testosterone despite overwhelming evidence. Properly administered Testosterone actually helps patients with many medical issues, including reducing the risk of heart attacks. It is actually low levels of Testosterone and higher levels of Estrogen in men that have been shown to be associated with an increased heart disease risk. The misrepresentation of Testosterone arose from studies that did not look at Estrogen levels. Testosterone replacement without looking at Estrogen levels can cause problems. Proper Testosterone replacement while addressing Estrogen elevation is a different story. When Testosterone is optimized while making sure Estrogen stays in an optimal range, the men studied had fewer heart attacks and also felt more vital.

In fact, A common cause of disability and death is actually related to low Testosterone. Low levels of Testosterone are associated with diabetes, increased belly fat, insulin resistance, and various arterial changes that increase the risk of heart attacks. Conversely, when Testosterone is replaced to optimal levels by a specially trained physician there is increased muscle mass, decreased belly fat, improved insulin sensitivity, improved memory, increased energy, better sleep, happier moods, and an improvement in cardiovascular health.

In conclusion, testosterone is simply not evil. In fact, it is critical for your optimal health and well being. The key is to have it replaced with proper oversight and the hormone experts at New Leaf Wellness can do this!

Get started today and get heart healthy by checking your hormone levels with a New Leaf Wellness medical staff! Yes, I want to be healthy!

Take our Hormone Quiz:



Recipe: Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, your body must be able to utilize its fat stores and turn the fat into energy. All of the cells in your body prefer to burn fat rather than glucose for energy, with the exception of your brain cells who prefer glucose. Fat is more efficiently stored than glucose (a simple carbohydrate). So, whose ready to know the recipe for weight loss?

We wish it was as simple as gathering ingredients and mixing it together. However, the body is more complex and to further complicate things, all of our bodies need different things. Luckily, we have specialized in formulating the right “recipe” for weight loss for many years!


The food that we eat gets mainly stored as fat for usage at a later time, only a small amount is used immediately for energy. Our bodies are designed for a world where the next meal is in question. This is why our bodies have a system to store dietary calories as fat. This fat can be turned into energy later when an immediate good source is not available.

Of course, we live in a world where food is readily available for most of us. Our bodies still have the system in place to conserve the energy from our dietary intake. In order to lose weight, your body must be able to take the stored fat and convert it to energy.


There are quite a few things that interfere with your body’s ability to do this. The more carbohydrates you eat the less likely your body is to use its fat stores. Our diets today are full of carbohydrates. Another major factor that blocks fat utilization is hormonal deficiencies. In particular, deficiencies of Testosterone, Thyroid, and Growth Hormone will reduce your body’s ability to “burn” it’s fat stores.

More energy, weight control, better sex drive, sleep better, no hot flashes or night sweats anymore. – Kim S. from Clive, Iowa

Poor fat utilization leads to poor oxygen utilization which leads to decreased energy production. This shows up as increased weight along with decreased energy and wellbeing.


Proper nutrition, supplements, exercise, and hormonal balancing all help your body to regain it’s fat utilization capability. We specializing in repairing bodies to life a better life. To learn more about our services, contact us!

Take our Quiz:

Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR WOMEN

Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR MEN

Testosterone Series: Optimal Testosterone Levels

As people age they often find that they have past sports injuries that flare up. Men and women both notice an increase in their aches and pains, as well as an increased time to recover from workouts and a decreased ability to build muscle. While diet and your exercise regimen does play a role, a declining Testosterone level is a huge culprit. We’re sharing how to have optimal testosterone levels…

Testosterone is a hormone that performs numerous functions in the body for both men and women. It is critical in repairing injured musculoskeletal tissues and in building muscle. Testosterone also helps your memory and increases your energy level. It also helps you sleep better and improves your mood.Testosterone is not just a hormone for sex drive.

The normal values that laboratories list for Testosterone are sadly incorrect for both men and women. Optimal levels of Testosterone are the levels at which men and women feel great, think clearer, and have minimal, if any, side effects. Optimal levels of Testosterone are obtained by having your levels evaluated and treated by a physician specially trained in bio-identical hormones. If you rely on a regular physician, your symptoms will be ignored and the doctor will tell you your levels are fine because they fall in the “normal” range.

The question you must answer is this:Do you want to function in the average range (suffering from pain, poor energy, difficulty losing weight, etc.)?

Or do you want to function in the optimal range- able to build muscle and burn fat, having energy, less pain, and living a life of vitality?  If your answer is “Optimal”, contact New Leaf Wellness today!

Contact us to get started!

Call 888-728-7555 or e-mail us.

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Hormone Quiz- FOR MEN

Hormone Quiz- FOR WOMEN