Bio-identical Hormone Pellets

Bio-identical Hormone Pellets

When replacing your hormones with bio-identical hormones you have several options: capsules, creams, troches, and pellets. Pellet therapy is not well known but has been around for decades. It is a safe and effective way to get Testosterone (for men and women) and Estrogen (for women). The dosage that you receive is customized based on your age, sex, weight, activity level, symptoms and lab work. Bio-identical hormone pellets are not a one size fit all solution.

Personalized Medicine

Bio-identical pellets are about the size of a tic-tac (but thinner)and are placed in the fat in the upper outer quadrant of your buttocks. This is done in an office setting after local anesthesia is applied. The procedure takes a mere minutes and is very well tolerated. The area is slightly sore for a few days for women and about a week for men. It is easily tolerated and the incision site is so small no sutures (stitches) are needed.

Message for Women…

For women, it is advised that for four days to avoid exercise that works the buttocks muscles and avoid baths and jacuzzi tubs. Basically, you are not to immerse your incision site in water or heavily work your buttocks for four days after the procedure. Walking and showering is fine.

For Men…

For men, we advise the same restrictions but for seven days. Men get more Testosterone pellets than women do which can be a little bit larger incision for additional pellets. So again, you are not to immerse your incision site in water or heavily work your buttocks for seven days after the procedure.

Could your hormone levels be off? Is that what is causing YOUR SYMPTOMS?

Find out now with our Hormone Health Test that provides immediate results!

Hormone Health Test- for Men

Hormone Health Test- for Women

For Everyone

The hormones in the pellets are released over time and most closely resemble the body’s natural hormone production. With initial pellet therapy, it may take one to three weeks to feel the effect of the hormones and then the results are maintained over a period of three to six months. If there is no effect four weeks after the initial pellet insertion then consult with your physician. Most individuals can start to feel a difference in a week. **Lab work and a possible booster may be in order if you are not seeing bodily changes after a month.

We have had the pleasure of working with thousands of individuals who like you are just searching to find something to feel better or on the verge of accepting these aging symptoms as the new quality of life, and we are here to share with you the thousands of people have chosen not to accept this as good as it gets. To read our testimonials from our patients, click here! 

Testimonials from Men

Testimonials from Women

Once your hormones balance, your physician will work with you individually to come up with an optimal time for you to re-pellet. This is dependent on your body’s needs and usage of Testosterone and/or Estrogen. Bio-identical hormone replacement is a customized therapy that is individualized to you! To schedule a complimentary consultation, please contact us today and start living a better life!

Male Menopause?

Male Menopause? What’s that?

Even though there is more public talk about women and menopause, men also encounter a hormonal imbalance as they age (andropause). Because women tend to have a more abrupt hormonal change they are more likely than men to realize that their symptoms are from a hormonal imbalance. Men tend to have a more gradual change–with symptoms slowly appearing over 20 year period. Often the symptoms are not seen as a hormonal decline.

Male menopause (called andropause) has many different symptoms. These symptoms come from a drop in Testosterone.

Andropause (male menopause) Symptoms:

  • depression
  • irritability
  • decreased morning erections
  • longer recovery time from workouts
  • stiffness and pain in joints and muscles
  • decreased concentration
  • decreased ability to build muscle
  • lowered mental acuity
  • loss of the competitive edge
  • overall loss of vitality
  • fatigue
  • sleep disturbances
  • and more

A man may still have a good libido (sex drive) but be suffering from a decrease in his Testosterone levels because he does not realize that Testosterone performs many functions in the body. Testosterone is not just a “sex” hormone.

“I feel back in balance. I have more energy and feel more focused.”
– Charlee P., New Leaf Wellness Patint

Strong associations between low Testosterone and…..

  • bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • dementia
  • type 2 diabetes
  • elevated LDL cholesterol
  • arthritis

There is a lot of incorrect information about the negative side effects of Testosterone and when you research the studies you will find that when bio-identical Testosterone is prescribed and monitored by a hormone specialist, Testosterone is a benefit to the overall health and vitality of men and has not been shown to cause cancer or heart disease. Proper hormone balancing for men results in a man who feels great, thinks clearly, moves easier, and enjoys life better.

We at New Leaf Wellness like to help you live life better. To get started, contact us for a complimentary consultation.

What You Can Expect as a New Patient

You’re tired of being at the mercy of your hormones. You’ve noticed all kinds of troubling symptoms since you reached middle-age. It’s the point when your reproductive system is getting ready to eventually shut down. As a result, your reproductive hormones are dropping. This can wreak havoc on your system. Fatigue, a loss of stamina, weakness and insomnia are only a few of the troubling symptoms that can come with hormonal fluctuations. Loss of libido and the inability to concentrate are common as well. Unexplained weight gain is another problem. If you’ve decided to take charge of your hormonal imbalance with hormone therapy, it is likely that you want to know what to expect as a new patient doing hormone therapy.

How Soon Will You See Results?

As a new patient, you need to understand that hormone therapy is going to make a difference in your life. However, these changes didn’t happen overnight to your body. As such, you can’t expect an instant fix. With consistent treatment, however, you will begin to see positive changes. In the first few weeks that you start your hormone therapy regimen, improvements should begin to happen. Your energy levels will go up. Your moods will become more balanced. You’ll find it easier to stay focused and get a good night’s rest. You’ll no longer be crushed by fatigue.

“[NLW Nurse Practitioner named] Angela was very informative and made me feel comfortable with moving forward. Can’t wait for the test results.”

– Kathryn, NLW Patient in Clive, Iowa

As time goes by and you continue with hormone therapy, your libido will make a comeback. You’ll be able to get your weight under control again and may even see those excess pounds melting away. Positive changes in your eating habits and exercise routines can also help you to have positive results.

Our Doctor Can Monitor Your Progress and Make Changes

Your hormone therapy program is going to be tailored to suit your needs. After a simple blood test to detect hormonal changes, our doctor can prescribe your hormone therapy, the dosage will meet your needs. Our team will monitor your progress as a new patient over the course of the coming months, note any concerns and make adjustments, if necessary. The main thing you need to remember is you have to be patient and stick with the program. You will gradually feel more like yourself as you continue with your hormone treatment.

“Where to start…Everything! New Leaf hormone replacement has changed my life! I have more romantic desire, no more hot flashes or night sweats and my focus and physical stamina is off the charts! I have been a client for over 2 years and my husband makes sure I get here for appointments as he does not want me to go back to the “old” me! Thank you New Leaf!”

– Jacquie, NLW Patient in Clive, Iowa

Learn More About Natural Hormone Therapy

The only way that you are going to restore balance to your hormones is to replace depleted levels. New Leaf Wellness providers can help you to get on the right track. Come to our office for an appointment to discuss your bothersome symptoms. As you begin your hormone replacement therapy, pay attention to the changes in your body. You are going to see a difference.

Contact us today to schedule a new patient appointment for natural hormone therapy!

Recipe: Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, your body must be able to utilize its fat stores and turn the fat into energy. All of the cells in your body prefer to burn fat rather than glucose for energy, with the exception of your brain cells who prefer glucose. Fat is more efficiently stored than glucose (a simple carbohydrate). So, whose ready to know the recipe for weight loss?

We wish it was as simple as gathering ingredients and mixing it together. However, the body is more complex and to further complicate things, all of our bodies need different things. Luckily, we have specialized in formulating the right “recipe” for weight loss for many years!


The food that we eat gets mainly stored as fat for usage at a later time, only a small amount is used immediately for energy. Our bodies are designed for a world where the next meal is in question. This is why our bodies have a system to store dietary calories as fat. This fat can be turned into energy later when an immediate good source is not available.

Of course, we live in a world where food is readily available for most of us. Our bodies still have the system in place to conserve the energy from our dietary intake. In order to lose weight, your body must be able to take the stored fat and convert it to energy.


There are quite a few things that interfere with your body’s ability to do this. The more carbohydrates you eat the less likely your body is to use its fat stores. Our diets today are full of carbohydrates. Another major factor that blocks fat utilization is hormonal deficiencies. In particular, deficiencies of Testosterone, Thyroid, and Growth Hormone will reduce your body’s ability to “burn” it’s fat stores.

More energy, weight control, better sex drive, sleep better, no hot flashes or night sweats anymore. – Kim S. from Clive, Iowa

Poor fat utilization leads to poor oxygen utilization which leads to decreased energy production. This shows up as increased weight along with decreased energy and wellbeing.


Proper nutrition, supplements, exercise, and hormonal balancing all help your body to regain it’s fat utilization capability. We specializing in repairing bodies to life a better life. To learn more about our services, contact us!

Take our Quiz:

Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR WOMEN

Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR MEN

Testosterone Series: Men & Hormones

Men are more likely to have their hormonal imbalance under diagnosed than woman are. New Leaf Wellness has provided a simple questionnaire that you can use to determine if you (or the man you love) may have a hormonal imbalance.

Man and woman on couchINSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions with none, mild, moderate, severe, or extremely severe. Your answers will help you to better understand the severity of your hormonal imbalance if an imbalance exists.

Are you experiencing the following symptoms?

  • Decline in your feeling of general well-being (general state of health, subjective feeling)
  • Joint pain and/or muscle aches (lower back pain, joint pain, pain in a limb, general increase in aches and pains)
  • Excessive sweating (unexpected/sudden episodes of sweating, hot flushes independent of your activity level)
  • Sleep problems (difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up early and feeling tired, poor sleep, sleeplessness)
  • Increased need for sleep, often feeling tired
  • Irritability (feeling aggressive, easily upset about little things, moody)
  • Nervousness (inner tension, restlessness, feeling fidgety)
  • Anxiety (feeling panicky)
  • Physical exhaustion/lacking vitality (general decrease in performance, reduced activity, lacking interest in leisure activities, feeling of getting less done or of achieving less or of having to force oneself to undertake activities)
  • Decrease in muscular strength
  • Depressive mood (feeling down or sad, on the verge of tears, lack of drive, mood swings, feeling nothing is of any use)
  • Feeling that you have passed your peak
  • Feeling burnt out, having hit rock bottom
  • Decrease in beard growth
  • Decrease in ability/frequency to perform sexually
  • Decrease in morning erections
  • Decrease in sexual desire/libido (lacking pleasure in sex or desire for sexual intercourse)

How To Determine Results:

After answering the above questions, look at how many you answered with mild or more severe symptoms. This will give you an idea of the severity of your hormonal imbalance.

If this questionnaire has shown you that there may be an issue with your hormones, then the next step is to get your hormone levels evaluated by your New Leaf Wellness provider who specializes in hormone balancing.​

Contact us to get started!

Call 888-728-7555 or e-mail us.


Testosterone Series: Low Testosterone & Sex

Males with Low Testosterone And How it Affects the Libido

Common Question: Can I have low Testosterone and still have a sex drive?

Men typically ignore their symptoms of low testosterone or often referred to as low-T. They think that if they have a sex drive and can still get an erection that they have a good Testosterone level. Things could not be further from the truth.

Common Myth: Your Testosterone levels are good if you still have a sex drive and can still get an erection.

Low Testosterone can show up in many ways. You can have low energy, poor focus, feel grumpy or irritable, and/or have trouble sleeping. You may have trouble recovering from workouts and have problems building muscle. There may be a general feeling of not being at your best. And yet, you may still be able to get erections and have a sex drive.

Common Signs of Low-T:

  • Low Energy
  • Lack of Focus
  • Just Not Feeling Normal
  • Irritability/Grumpy
  • The word testosterone written on a sticky noteSleep Apnea

At New Leaf Wellness, we have found that many men do not realize that a low Testosterone can be the cause of their symptoms. Optimal Testosterone levels are important for your overall health and vitality. Testosterone performs a wide variety of functions and you need an optimal level to function at your best. You can have sub-optimal Testosterone that is affecting your body and still be having erections and have a libido.


If you feel that you are not functioning at an optimal level you will want to get your hormones evaluated by your New Leaf Wellness Hormone Specialist.


Contact us to get started!

Call 888-728-7555 or e-mail us.

Testosterone Series: Lacking Testosterone?

As you are reading this and the words on this screen are going through your mind, you may be wondering if you or someone you know is suffering from a hormonal imbalance. If you are a man or woman over 35 years old the odds are that you do have a hormonal imbalance (and this can be the case even if you are younger).

A hormonal imbalance can present as fatigue, sleep issues, an inability to lose weight, depression, anxiety, a lack of vitality, an increase in aches and pains, difficulty healing and recovering, etc.

Hormone imbalances are not just about hot flashes and night sweats, and both men and women are affected by imbalances.

The symptoms can come up suddenly or gradually–everyone is different. If left untreated hormone imbalances can lead to osteoporosis, dementia, and other hormone related diseases including a frailty and decline of health in the last few decades of life.

Most people simply feel their slow deterioration is simply a part of aging and they settle for not feeling their best.

A great case showing this is the story of Brian. Brian’s wife had great success with Natural Hormone Therapy so, she sent her husband to the office.


Brian did not think anything was wrong with his hormones–a common issue.

Brian still had a good libido and was exercising. However, he was tired and did not want to do much outside of work. He was also slightly more irritable and grumpy. Upon further questioning, New Leaf Wellness’ physician found that he was not gaining muscle or recovering from workouts like he should. He was only 45 years old but was slowly losing vitality. He thought this was normal aging but it is not. His primary doctor had told him he was fine and he had accepted his symptoms as normal.

After a personalized evaluation of his symptoms and lab work, Brian was found to have sub-optimal testosterone and a few vitamin deficiencies. Testosterone replacement for men is safe and effective when the estrogen level is properly monitored. High estrogen and low testosterone is what poses dangers for a man’s health. Optimal testosterone levels and keeping estrogen levels low help to prevent certain diseases as well as eliminate symptoms for men.

After optimizing Brian’s testosterone and correcting his vitamin deficiencies, he finds himself having the energy to enjoy his family and life outside work. He is sleeping better and has improved memory, mood and focus. He runs his own business and has found his productivity and revenue have grown. Brian is saving time and money by functioning at a higher level. He is now living his life at an optimal level thanks to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) at New Leaf Wellness.

Check your hormone levels with our quick quiz!

We will email you your results immediately!

Hormone Quiz- FOR MEN

Hormone Quiz- FOR WOMEN