Most of us know that a healthy intimate relationship feels good and improves all of our relationships while giving us a bit of pep in our step the following day. However, most women have no idea that good intimate relationships release hormones that improve how our entire body works. Hormones are pretty incredible.

They serve as messengers between body systems to regulate behavior, digestion, metabolism, respiration, tissue function, sleep, stress, growth, movement, reproduction, and mood. Hormones tell your body when you are hungry, sleepy, stressed, or getting a little frisky.

Orgasms increase the brain chemical dopamine, which provides a sense of well-being, even in the midst of high stress. Overall, orgasms immediately induce a calming effect on the nervous system and move us from a state of “survival” to a state of “rest and relax,” which our entire system is crying out for at the end of a stressful day. This Valentine’s Day enjoy all your relationships including your intimate ones! ❤️❤️❤️

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about bioidentical hormones and how they can help you

Gray, Stephanie. Your Longevity Blueprint, Advantage Media Group, 2017.
Donovitz, Gary, and Cotten, Mandy. Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone: Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study. European Journal of Breast Health (2021): 17, 2. 150-156.
Donovitz, Gary. Testosterone Matters… More! The Secret to Healthy Aging in Women, Wheatmark Publishing, 2020.
Sieman, Robert S. Live Life Better with Natural Hormone Therapy, New Leaf Wellness, 2017.


By Brenda Lee Herrod, APRN, MSN, WHNP-BC


Some people think of estrogen as the female hormone and testosterone as the male hormone. The truth is that testosterone is very important to women too. Testosterone is important for men and women as it protects every organ and body system. Your overall well-being and life quality are maintained by testosterone. It is a source of youth, longevity, and vitality. By age 40, a woman has lost half of her testosterone production. In today’s environment, we also have a lot of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that reduce our testosterone too. They are found in personal care products that we use daily, like lotions, make-up, nail polish, soap, pharmaceuticals, and plastics.

By having your hormone levels optimized, you can feel your energy increase, enjoy better sleep quality and mental clarity, be able to achieve your goal body composition, increase your sex drive, and protect your bones, brain, heart and lower your breast cancer risk as a woman. You will be able to gain confidence, feel stronger and be more vibrant to enjoy life more. Isn’t that what life is all about?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) using pellets is the best way to optimize your testosterone levels to achieve energy, longevity, and wellness. The hormone powder of wild yams is compounded in a special pharmacy and pressed into a tiny pellet, the size of a grain of rice. Lidocaine is injected into the fatty tissue of the upper buttocks and the pellet is inserted using sterile technique and secured with steri strips and a small dressing. The gradual release of pellets simulates the body’s natural hormone release of testosterone and estradiol. The pellets are released slowly over three to six months according to your cardiac output. They are conserved when you are sleeping, as you don’t need high levels of hormones while you are in a state of rest and relaxation.

Pellets are more convenient than other methods of HRT such as using daily types of hormones like messy creams, gels, sublingual troches, or getting weekly injections. Another important benefit is that your hormone levels do not fluctuate with pellets like they do with other forms of HRT. Pellets mimic the natural release of estradiol and testosterone and levels stay steady much longer, avoiding the ups and downs of your hormones. Hormone levels are allowed to rise higher because they are placed subcutaneously and not metabolized in the liver such as injectable testosterone or oral forms.

At New Leaf Wellness, we will work with you to set expectations, closely monitor your labs and symptoms to help you safely achieve the full benefits of hormone optimization. We want to improve your outcome so you can have an improved sense of well-being and outlook. This stage of life can be very fulfilling and rewarding when you feel amazing again! You deserve this!

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about bioidentical hormones and how they can help you

Gray, Stephanie. Your Longevity Blueprint, Advantage Media Group, 2017.
Donovitz, Gary, and Cotten, Mandy. Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone: Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study. European Journal of Breast Health (2021): 17, 2. 150-156.
Donovitz, Gary. Testosterone Matters… More! The Secret to Healthy Aging in Women, Wheatmark Publishing, 2020.
Sieman, Robert S. Live Life Better with Natural Hormone Therapy, New Leaf Wellness, 2017.


Moving forward and finding joy or connecting to the feeling of joy gives us hope. Having a healthy lifestyle helps us heal and move forward!  Some tips to move forward from the point that we are at:

• Eating a balanced diet. Choose a variety of colorful fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Limit processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol.
• Drink water!
• If you are a smoker, try to quit. Smoking can trigger hot flashes, weaken bones, and irritate the bladder.
• Incorporate regular physical activity into your daily routine. Exercise improves bone density, reduces weight gain, and elevates your mood.
• Stress management techniques like meditation and yoga improve coping skills.

Balance your hormones! Hormone therapy is an option for men and women. Your New Leaf Wellness health provider will help educate you regarding the benefits and together you will decide on a treatment plan that is right for you.

Schedule an appointment to review your symptoms, medical history, family history, and lifestyle. Your provider will work with you to tailor a treatment to meet your needs to reduce symptoms, improve your quality of life!

When you are busy with your own emotions – worrying about the future, regretting the past, thinking about what others have done wrong – you are missing what this moment has to offer.

What is really important right now is living life with JOY. But you cannot fill a cup that is already full. You have to empty the cup to let new energy come in. Follow the tips above to empty “your cup”! If you are open, you can find joy, things to be grateful for, and move forward.  However, if you are filled with all types of stress and negative emotions it is challenging to move forward.

Let lifestyle changes and balanced hormones help you move forward and better yet…move forward with JOY!

Schedule a FREE Consultation to start moving forward with Joy!


Please join me in the celebration of the opening of New Leaf Wellness, Omaha. My name is Brenda Herrod and I am a nurse practitioner with an incredible passion for overall wellness! Please come for a free consultation at New Leaf Wellness to find out how we can support you in your journey for a healthier lifestyle! You deserve to feel confident, strong, and healthy. Self-care is very important and YOU are the only one who can do it for yourself. We have so many personalized services to offer.

• Free B-12 injections with Free consultations
• Free Express Back Facial with Hot Stones! Enjoy the relaxing, relieve your stress treatment!
• Free Revision samples with a skin analysis
• Free samples of Myers Immune Boost
• 50% off one area for Plasma Pen – new clients
• 50% off Microneedling with PRP – new clients
• 50% off Lash Lift – new clients
• 25% off Dermaplaning – new clients
• $9.00 Botox with the Glow Plus package
• Free tours through the new facility

• Plasma Pen Treatment (valued at $600)
• Microneedling with PRP (valued at $349)

*Giveaways will be drawn after the final event. Must meet with a consultant to confirm eligibility!


By Brenda Lee Herrod, APRN, MSN, WHNP-BC


Do you suffer from brain fog? Do you complain of anxiety and have endless nights without sleep, resulting in a lack of energy, fatigue, and mood swings? Are you frustrated from gaining fat around the midsection and losing muscle, no matter how well you are eating, or how hard you are working out? How is your libido? Many women (and men too) suffer from these symptoms, as well as hot flashes, incontinence, vaginal dryness, accelerated skin aging, and joint pain. They are discouraged when told that it’s just “midlife changes” and to deal with it.

You don’t have to live with it and continue to suffer. There are options available. If you have decreased hormone production and some of the before-mentioned symptoms, I strongly recommend checking into bioidentical hormone therapy to optimize your hormones. Age-related decline in hormone production is one the most common causes of hormone imbalances. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, and lifestyle choices can also cause hormonal issues and make you feel like “crap.” In our early 30’s our hormones start diminishing and continue to plummet as we age, especially by the time we are in our 50’s and 60’s. Chronic disease can develop if left untreated. Restoring your hormones can actually slow down the aging process and prevent issues like cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death in men and women. Other health issues that can result from low hormones are Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and likely breast cancer.

Often the biggest fear that people have is that hormones can cause cancer. Cancer is not caused by hormones. The elderly have the greatest risk for cancer and they have the lowest level of hormones, while twenty-year-olds have the highest levels of hormones and a much lower risk of cancer. The important part is the type of hormones, the safest dose, route of administration, and having a provider closely monitor your labs, as well as the patient’s individual symptoms. It is essential and the best practice to treat patients on symptoms they are experiencing, as well as doing frequent lab work to monitor blood levels.

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical at the molecular level to those naturally produced by our bodies and are made from wild yams. Synthetic hormones are derived from animal parts or urine and have a different molecular structure than what our body produces. Biodentical replacement therapy can be a part of a personalized health management program, but only when administered by providers specializing in natural hormone replacement therapy. These hormones include estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

In the meantime, you can use the form below to…
Schedule a free consultation to learn more about bioidentical hormones and how they can help you!

Gray, Stephanie. Your Longevity Blueprint, Advantage Media Group, 2017.
Donovitz, Gary, and Cotten, Mandy. Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone: Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study. European Journal of Breast Health (2021): 17, 2. 150-156.
Donovitz, Gary. Testosterone Matters… More! The Secret to Healthy Aging in Women, Wheatmark Publishing, 2020.
Sieman, Robert S. Live Life Better with Natural Hormone Therapy, New Leaf Wellness, 2017.


Are you experiencing symptoms like WEIGHT GAIN, DIFFICULTY SLEEPING, or DECREASED ENERGY?
Frequently related to these symptoms is…hormones!

Hormones play an important role in our overall wellness. They are part of the endocrine regulatory system and secreted by endocrine glands acting as messengers to trigger or subdue parts of our body. Hormone-sensitive target cells in tissues and organs make changes when exposed to hormones. The hormones are broken down or metabolized slowly, but function in very powerful ways. Even tiny amounts cause big changes, controlling and coordinating activities throughout cells, organs, or even our whole body. These changes control most major bodily functions from basic needs like hunger to complex systems like metabolism, growth and development, reproduction, and even emotions and mood.

Major endocrine glands: pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, and testes.

Hormones you may have heard of: thyroid, insulin, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Starting as early as age 25-30, our hormone levels can start to change becoming imbalanced and producing effects like weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, lack of energy, mood fog, anxiety, and depression. Often a hormone imbalance goes unrecognized. We might just identify the symptoms and chalk it up to getting older or being stressed and might possibly take medications to treat individual symptoms. These symptoms and more are why too much or too little of a certain hormone can be serious.

Schedule a free consultation if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.


Have you ever noticed that when you eat poorly, you feel tired and worn out? And then when you start to make healthy food choices, you feel more energetic and able to accomplish more? This is because our bodies respond to the nutrients (or lack of nutrients) in the food we eat. So when you switch from eating fast food and begin eating wholesome, home-cooked meals, you’re giving your body more of what it needs to function efficiently.

Now imagine: what if you could take some of those wholesome nutrients from your home-cooked food and inject them directly into your body? You’d probably feel pretty darn good, right? Well, that’s exactly what vitamin injections do. They provide you with the nutrients that aid in the optimal functioning of your body.

What does this mean for weight loss? Sometimes, when diet and exercise alone don’t produce results, it’s because the body does not have everything it needs to work properly. So no matter how little a person eats or how many hours they spend on the treadmill, the weight still won’t come off. Or maybe that person just can’t seem to muster the energy needed to even get to the gym. Often, vitamin deficiencies are to blame. And at New Leaf Wellness, we’ve found that in many cases, vitamin injections are the key to reaching weight loss goals.

Vitamin C helps keep your immune system healthy, and it can also help you burn body fat during moderate exercise.

Vitamin B6 aids in stress reduction and helps keep your hormones in balance. In addition, it helps your body extract nutrients from food. So if you’re counting calories and eating a small lunch, vitamin B6 will help make sure you get the most out of every chickpea and green bean in your salad.

Vitamin B12 is the energy vitamin. When you’re low on B12, you’re going to be low, period. If mustering the energy to get outside for a bike ride is your biggest challenge, vitamin B12 injections might be exactly the right next step on your weight loss journey.

All the B vitamins at once? Yes! The benefits of B-complex injections include increasing your good cholesterol and lowering the bad, metabolizing fats and carbohydrates into energy, protecting the immune system, and providing anti-aging effects.

Weight Loss Specialists at New Leaf Wellness, we specialize in weight loss, and if you’re struggling to lose weight, we can help. Our individualized programs include cutting-edge weight loss technology and one-on-one support by qualified and certified weight loss experts. Contact us by calling 888-728-7555. Let us help you reach your weight loss goals.


Which would you like to feel like?
Would you like to feel your age or would you like to feel 20 years younger?

When we are young, it is the abundance and perfectly tuned balance of hormones that makes us vital, wrinkle-free, sexually active and quick to recover from colds and flu. Hormones keep us fertile, and our joints limber and well- lubricated. It is our hormones that help us think well, remember where we put our keys and relate to others in intimate, connected ways.

As we age, hormones begin to fade, though exposure to toxins, eating badly processed foods, leading sedentary lives and not getting enough sleep also play their parts.

We can reverse or at a minimum stall the ravages of aging with hormone support. There are many types of hormones that work together to create the puzzle that becomes our lives and the more pieces (hormones) we put together in proper balance and in the right formulations, the more likely we are to age in a healthy, vibrant and beautiful way.

The best hormones to use are the bioidentical ones and that is what New Leaf Wellness uses. They are prescription medications estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid and adrenal support, and they are pharmaceutically made to look identical to the hormones our own bodies make when we are young and healthy.

With the proper hormones, prescribed by New Leaf Wellness providers who are trained and experienced in how to use them and when to use them safely and effectively, we spend less money on health care, on going from doctor to doctor and test to test with no hope of improvement in sight.

With hormones in balance we don’t need yo-yo dieting. Our bodies stay at their optimal weight, and exercise is pleasant with results we can be proud of. With hormones we find ourselves getting sleep again and feeling refreshed in the morning.

Hormones are safe and they protect us from diseases of aging. They protect our bones from osteoporosis and our hearts and brains from deterioration.
Yes, it may sound like hormones are the fountain of youth, but all you have to do is ask and look at those who take them and compare them to their peers who don’t.

When we see patients for the first time we ask: If you didn’t know how old you were, how old would you think you are? The answer from people on hormones is always 20 years younger. From those who don’t take hormones, it’s always at least 20 years older. Which would you like to be?


Celebration of Health
June 3, 2021  |  9am – 5pm

We are offering give aways, demo’s and specials that we have never offered before!
We are giving all who attend a FREE B-12 injection!  Please join us!

New Leaf Wellness has a simple mission – your health. Our commitment is not only the science, the reports and diagnosis, but also the healing, comforting and support that you need.

New Leaf is a partner with you for your life in wellness. What makes us able to help YOU uniquely? The fact that many of us are patients and have dealt with the same issues you are dealing with. That’s what makes our lives so enriched – holding your hand with understanding as you take each step of a journey we have walked ourselves. This last year all of us learned how precious health is so we are having a Celebration of Health on June 3rd.

Remember there is good news for those who suffer from hormone deficiencies, weight issues, migraines, or other health concerns: There are solutions. Schedule a time for a complimentary consultation and sit comfortably one on one with a coordinator to explore what you want from life, what the journey can look like, and how to reach your goals with help from New Leaf. There are no shortcuts to wellness and happiness. We’ve helped thousands  – let New Leaf help you reclaim the life you love and come to the Celebration of Health.

Plasma Pen Treatment (valued at $600)
Microneedling with PRP (valued at $349)
3 Month IV Vitamin Therapy Club Membership (valued at $765)

Hydration IV $39.00
Botox EXCLUSIVE pricing (limited)
Special Offers on Hormone, Low T and Weight Loss Evaluations
25% off Supplements & Skincare
50% OFF Plasma Pen, Microneedling and Facials
One Day Only Special Prices!
FREE B-12 Injections for EVERYONE!*

*Must meet with a consultant to confirm eligibility!


Winter is almost over, but with winter months come more illness. There are good reasons why we tend to see more illness during the winter months. One of those reasons is lower Vitamin D levels. As spring approaches it is vital you get your Vitamin D levels back to their optimal levels.

Humans are supposed to get over 90% of their vitamin D from the sun (diet provides very little), and the recommended Daily Value (or previously the RDA) assumed that most people received plenty of vitamin D from the sun. Our ancestors (both ancient and recent) spent a lot of time outdoors in the sun. However, in today’s modern world many people do not get enough vitamin D even during the summer months. People living in northern locales get even less. If you haven’t had your vitamin D levels checked (and most people have not) we highly recommend asking your New Leaf Provider about it. In America, most people test insufficient or deficient for this important vitamin. It is thought that most people need from 7,500-20,000 IUs per day (from all sources, including sun) to meet our needs; we need more when we’re sick or stressed.

Vitamin D helps our immune systems stay balanced during the cold and flu season. There are Vitamin D receptors and activating enzymes on the surfaces of all White Blood Cells. The role that vitamin D plays in keeping the immune system healthy is very complex because the immune system has to be perfectly balanced. If there is too much stimulation, autoimmune diseases can set in. If there is not enough immune system activity, frequent infections can occur.

Low levels of vitamin D have been linked with both extremes, including being associated with worsening autoimmune diseases. Low levels of vitamin D are not the underlying cause of the autoimmune disease, but low levels of vitamin D can make autoimmune disease states worse. Low levels of vitamin D have also been associated with frequent infections. In 2009, the National Institute of Health warned that low vitamin D levels are associated with frequent colds and influenza.

So it appears that vitamin D helps keep the immune system balanced much like a gymnast walking on a balance beam. It is important that daily and weekly vitamin D supplementation help keep your immune system balanced during the cold and flu season.