Losing Weight + Keeping It Off

How to lose weight and keep it off…

Everyone seems to want the miracle for weight loss. Let’s face it–there is no such thing. There are plenty of places out there that make a lot of money selling the concept that there is such a thing but they don’t deliver long term results. However, there are doable things that you can do in order to achieve a healthy weight and stay there.

You must first realize that the goal is to feel great and once you feel great it is up to you to do the healthy things that it takes to reach a healthy weight. A healthy weight is not about the numbers on a scale, it is about having a good body composition with a lot of lean muscle, sturdy bones, and a feeling of strength and vitality. In order to do this your hormones must first be in balance.

Hormones and Weight Loss

We often see men and women who have been told by regular physicians that their hormones are fine. However, we find otherwise after thoroughly going through their symptoms and looking at their labs to see if they are at optimal levels.

Your thyroid must be in an optimal range in order for you to have the energy and metabolism to burn fat. In addition, your Testosterone, Estrogen, and Progesterone must be at optimal levels for you to be able to build muscle and burn fat, as well as have the energy and mental state to eat right and exercise. It is also common to see deficiencies of vitamin b12 and other nutrients that assist your body in having energy and fat burning capabilities. These issues must all be addressed properly by a hormone specialist at New Leaf Wellness.

Once these hormonal issues are resolved and your body is functioning more optimally, you will find that it is easier to do the things that are required to have a healthy weight. This is a long term fix that is entirely doable if you invest some time, money, and focus on your health.

Check your hormones with a quick quiz and immediate results!

TEST for Women

TEST for Men

How to Heal a Leaky Gut

Are you concerned about your gut health? If not, you should be. The health of your digestive system is crucial to the functioning of your immune system. In fact, 70-80% of your immune system is located in your gut. Your stomach is particularly important – it is home to trillions (yes that’s right–trillions) of cells that work with the rest of the body to repel foreign invaders and keep you healthy.

However, stomach-related issues can be very mysterious. They may seem to arise suddenly and have no direct or immediate cause. Or you may experience symptoms like rashes, acne, brain fog, anxiety or fatigue, which are seemingly unrelated to what’s going on with your digestive system, but in reality, they are connected. The sooner you can restore your gut to balanced function the better, but it could be necessary to try more than one treatment.

Leaky Gut Solutions: What You Need to Know

At the New Leaf Wellness, we believe in helping patients achieve optimal health by bringing the body back to a natural state of balance. We’ve developed a number of unique and specialized treatments to heal “leaky gut,” also known as intestinal hyperpermeability.

This chronic health condition causes high levels of inflammation throughout the body and has many uncomfortable symptoms, including diarrhea, gas, bloating and stomach or abdominal pain. However, people with leaky gut often experience no symptoms at all, or symptoms that they would never connect with a gut issue. If you want to find out if you have leaky gut, and heal your microbiome, we offer these options:

Food Sensitivity Testing

People suffering from leaky gut typically have a variety of food sensitivities that they are most likely unaware of. These sensitivities often produce relatively minor gastrointestinal discomfort, thus going unnoticed for months or years. When multiple sensitivities occur together, however, leaky gut syndrome becomes much more likely.

Food sensitivity testing helps uncover sensitivities you may not have been aware of before. After testing, you will receive clear and precise instructions about which foods are likely to contribute to your gut health concerns. Avoiding these foods goes a long way toward restoring peak health.

Dietary Changes

the biostation: How to Heal a Leaky Gut - Food

A nutritious, natural and gluten-free diet is the optimal way to manage leaky gut syndrome, however the most effective leaky gut and anti-inflammatory diet will be highly individualized. Starting a leaky gut treatment program at the New Leaf Wellness means you will receive one-on-one guidance from our nutritional experts. The experts will work closely with you to develop a gut-healing diet that suits your needs and lifestyle, and schedule follow up testing and monitoring as needed to ensure these changes are working.

Nutrient IV Therapy and Targeted Supplements

the biostation: How to Heal a Leaky Gut - Nutrient

Many gastrointestinal problems can be caused or made worse by poor nutrition. Even if you strive to eat right, when you have leaky gut, it is impossible to get all the nutrients you need from food because your body isn’t absorbing them properly. Nutrient IV Therapy gets targeted nutrition into your body instantly and optimally. By bypassing the gut and infusing your cells with these nutrients, you can guarantee 100% absorption. IV therapy is a must for patients with leaky gut. In particular, the powerful antioxidant glutathione can help detoxify your entire system and get you back on the road to optimal gastrointestinal health.

At  New Leaf Wellness, we also offer targeted, pharmaceutical-grade supplements specifically designed to nourish your body.  To achieve optimal results in any of our therapies, having a healthy gut is critical. Call today to set up your free consultation.

DHEA Facts

DHEA is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is a precursor to other sex hormones.

In addition to having its own hormone effect, it results in a shift to an anabolic or protein building state.

It reduces cardiovascular risk by increasing lipolysis or breakdown of fat.

It also stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat.

Recent studies point to DHEA as an anti-stress hormone, reversing the effects of stress on the immune system.

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Are you feeling fatigued???

Do you get tired more easily?  Feel older than your chronological age?? Lack the energy to do the things you want to do??

Fatigue, feeling tired, is a common complaint. You want to get a work up for this as it can be caused by many things: sleep apnea, heart issues, anemia, infections, poor water intake, poor nutrition, lung issues, etc. It is important to have your physician, who knows you well, evaluate you to make sure everything is OK.

The problem arises when your evaluation is “normal” and there is no apparent cause of your fatigue. This is where anti depressants are often prescribed (sometimes they are needed but generally they are not). This is when you really should think about a hormonal imbalance  causing your issues—especially if you are between 35 and 55 years old. Of course, hormonal imbalances can affect men and women younger or older than this.

Most people think of low thyroid as a cause of fatigue and it can be overlooked by physicians when the levels are “normal” but not optimal. However, low Testosterone in men and women is more often missed in traditional office settings and is a common cause of fatigue, as well as brain fog, muscle mass loss, loss of overall vitality, etc. Men are typically not treated until their Testosterone levels are critically low, and then they are only offered synthetic replacements and their Testosterone levels are not even brought up to optimal levels. Women are generally not even treated at all for low Testosterone in a traditional medical setting.  Medical training programs forget that women need Testosterone too, just at lower levels than men.

The long term risks of not correcting low Testosterone is bone loss (osteoporosis), dementia, possible increased heart disease risk, etc. plus an overall decrease in vitality and energy. If you feel that you may have a hormonal imbalance and you have not gotten the help you need, you naturally want that help.

Take Hormone Quiz for MEN

Take Hormone Quiz for WOMEN

Why Men Should Consider Bio-identical Hormone Therapy

NHT (Natural Hormone Therapy) is not just for the ladies, so guys pay attention! Why? Because your hormones have been on a decline since your 20’s (sad but true), and if you are approaching middle-age, are currently there, or have surpassed it, there’s a good chance you are experiencing hormone imbalance or even andropause (the unofficial medical term for “male menopause” and the result of a gradual drop in testosterone).

Certain signs of andropause and other related hormone imbalance issues:

  • Memory loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep problems
  • Lower sex drive
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Urinary problems
  • Memory loss
  • Night sweats
  • Erectile dysfunction

While hormone imbalance and replacement treatments tend to be a hot topic amongst women, men seem to have a harder time discussing their own issues with hormone imbalance and the symptoms causing them discomfort. However, many men (the ones that want to talk about it) can attest to the many benefits to hormone restoration and treatments such as NHT. Therefore, not only should men start to feel more comfortable with the conversation of hormone issues, they should be open to the idea of fixing them. Here are a few reasons why…

Testosterone Balance May Reduce Risk for Disease

Several studies have linked low testosterone levels to diabetes, stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, and other chronic diseases. By choosing hormone restoration treatments such as BHRT, you not only feel better, you also take drastic measures to protecting your health.

Balanced Hormones Help Men Feel Younger

We all want to know the secret to feeling younger, and NHT might just be the answer. Results of hormone imbalance such as memory and muscle loss, fatigue, depression, lower sex drive, and other symptoms listed above can improve or even be reversed with hormone restoration treatments.

Why should you live everyday life with the discomfort of hormone imbalance?

With NHT, you can live the active lifestyle that you desire, and there’s no better time than now to take action! For more information on our Natural Hormone Therapy, please give us a call.

What You Need To Know About Melatonin

Melatonin has commonly been used as an over-the counter remedy to sleep better. But it is so much more! Here’s what you need to know about Melatonin:

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland. It is a circadian rhythm hormone- thereby affecting the patterns of sleep. Research has shown that the cells of the body rejuvenate and repair during the deeper stages of sleep. It is during the deeper stages of sleep that the body produces natural killer cells or CD4 cells.

Melatonin increases the deep stage of sleep and stage IV sleep, thereby increasing and enhancing immunity.

Improved sleep patterns serve to energize the body and improve mood.

Melatonin has powerful antioxidant effects which accounts for disease prevention qualities.

Melatonin has tremendous cancer prevention effects due to its enhancement of the immune system.

Melatonin deficiency results in poor sleep, jet lag, irritability, hypersensitivity and premature aging.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

 Many people are turning toward hormone therapy due to its many benefits and long lasting healthy effects on the human body. These hormone replacement therapy methods are mostly required as a person gets older, probably in their thirties or after. People turn towards NHT because there must have been changes in his or her body and life that could be interfering with productivity, healthfulness, pleasure, vitality, and enjoyment. Hormone treatments are not just taken up by everyone, blood analysis is used to determine what will best suit for that specific individual.

Estrogen/testosterone therapy:

Women go for estrogen and progesterone hormone therapy. Mostly, men think about testosterone hormone replacement therapy to aid them in proper erectile function and improve their muscle tone. NHT also improves immunity and recovery, enhances cognitive abilities, stimulates production of thicker and fuller hair, enhances memory and concentration, improves sexual functioning, desire and also is known to lower cholesterol levels.

Anti-aging benefits:

For some people HT is a lot about the anti-aging benefits that you can get with it. The list of physiological enhancements talks about the inner working of the body like improved regeneration of new cells of skin, hair, muscles, nails, bones. All this along with improved lean muscle mass of a physically toned body and a lot more. Keep in mind that each of the main types of hormone replacement therapy that are used in adults has a particular purpose. It is not just a treatment that will help you age gracefully without putting your lives basic functions at rest. Detailed blood testing is what will show if any of these vital levels has declined in the body, and if you are in need of a hormone treatment or not, if so, which ones and to what extent.

Take our Hormone Health Quiz!



Why To “IV”- The Benefits Of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy

What is a Myers’ Cocktail, and what conditions does it address?

A Myers’ “Wellness” Cocktail is a nutritional “cocktail” given intravenously (IV), or through a vein.  It consists of magnesium, calcium, various B vitamins, and vitamin C.  The Myers’ Cocktail has been used to treat general fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia, relieve acute asthma attacks, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinus infections, seasonal allergies, migraine headaches, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, as well as to support recovery from endurance athletics. Many relatively healthy patients choose to receive periodic Myers’ Cocktail injections because it enhances their overall well being for variable periods of time.

This cocktail is named after John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland.  He treated patients with IV nutrient therapy for over 25 years. Since then, thousands of patients nationwide have received this cocktail with great benefits.

How does IV nutrient therapy work?

IV administration of nutrients can achieve blood concentrations not obtainable with oral (pills or liquid), or even intramuscular (IM) administration. For example, an IV of Vitamin C can raise the blood levels 50 – 100 times higher than what a person can do taking it orally.  Because of this, a person doesn’t develop diarrhea and at these higher blood levels, IV vitamin C can exert effects similar to pharmaceutical drugs such as antivirals (e.g. influenza drugs), anti-histamines (e.g. Benadryl or Claritin), or smooth muscle relaxants (e.g. asthma and angina drugs).

IV nutrient therapy may be more effective for correcting nutrient deficits inside cells, where they are needed.  In certain disease states, the capacity of nutrients to get in and stay inside the cells may be diminished.  IV administration helps get those nutrients inside the cell.  If cells are repeatedly “flooded” with nutrients, the improvement may be cumulative in their ability to heal, and improve their illness/condition.

When treating patients with IV nutrition, some patients get progressively better and after a series of treatments no longer require therapy.  Other patients need regular injections in order to better control and counteract their medical conditions. In some cases, continued IV therapy may be necessary because a person’s disease state is too advanced to be reversible, therefore ongoing IV nutritional support is recommended.

I’m tired all the time or I am getting a cold. Is a Myers’ Cocktail right for me?

One of the biggest reasons we recommend and administer Wellness IVs is because a person is run down, fatigued, under moderate to severe stress or is at the beginning of an illness such as flu or cold.  Many patients respond to treatment with results lasting days to several months.  About 50% of the people we have given IV Myers’ for an oncoming flu/cold/respiratory bug get immediate relief and resolution of their illness.  Others get a significant reduction in illness severity and length.

Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or fibromyalgia usually improve with weekly or twice monthly injections.  In some cases, the improvements are after the first IV, others after 3-4 treatments.  As mentioned above, some patients become progressively healthier and eventually stop treatment.  Other patients maintain periodic injections to help them function better and restore more energy.

Other conditions we have treated with good success include depression, recovery from athletic training or endurance events, allergies, drug withdrawal, and menstrual cramps.

What are the side effects, if any?

Does feeling better and having great stamina and energy count as a side effect?  IV Nutrient Therapy is generally very safe and poses minimal if any negative side effects.

Given too fast, an IV may lower blood pressure causing warmth, dizziness or faintness (so we don’t do that!).  The only known allergic reaction to IV nutrients has been when using those with preservatives, and these reactions are quite rare.  Some patients may experience burning at the localized IV site.  As with any injectable treatment, there is always a risk of infection or phlebitis, although it is also very rare.

I have been administering IV nutrients for over 10 years, am a licensed medical provider in the state of Colorado and have an extensive background in intensive/critical care.  Experience counts if there is ever an urgent or emergent situation, and although chances are quite minimal of this occurring it can happen.  From a legal standpoint, a patient should seek IV treatment from a properly licensed medical professional who can legally obtain and administer medication and who also has advanced training in dealing with medical emergencies.  These laws vary from state to state as to what constitutes and defines a medical provider, so be sure to seek a professional who is licensed in the state in which they are currently practicing.

Glutathione Treatments

Glutathione Series Part 3 of 3:

Glutathione, commonly referred to as the master anti-oxidant, is a compound produced in the body that is present in various tissues, acting as a neutralizer of toxins and promoting repair.

Glutathione has been used to treat neurodegenerative disorders and as adjunctive to chemotherapy. There are various reports of it being used for anti-aging purposes with the rationale that the aging process involves damage from free radicals and glutathione neutralizes the toxins and promotes healing and repair. Various studies have demonstrated correlation of glutathione levels to the health of the tissue.

Feedback from individuals receiving IV or IM glutathione frequently mentions the improvement in skin health and appearance.  People using IV glutathione or booster shots are generally seeking wellness to improve overall health.

This master anti-oxidant is formed by the combination of three different amino acids and exists in two forms, active and inactive. The body uses Glutathione in cellular repair and in detoxification of toxic metabolites and to prevent cellular damage. In the process glutathione is transformed from its active to inactive form. During times of stress, the ratio of active:inactive glutathione can even serve as a marker of tissue toxicity.

Oral supplementation of glutathione is less efficacious as it get’s broken down by the enzymes in the digestive tract. Therefore, the only ways to increase the levels are by IV glutathione supplementation. New Leaf Wellness offers many different IV’s and Glutathione can be done as an IV push after an IV or by itself.

What is Glutathione and why do we need it?

Glutathione Series Part 1 of 3:

Glutathione is the master antioxidant and detoxifier of every cell in your body.

It is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids- cysteine, glutaminic acid and glycine. Glutathione is the most important antioxidant produced by the body. It prevents cellular damage caused by free radicals and peroxides. Some of its antioxidant functions in the body include:

  • Maintaining vitamins C and E in their reduced, active forms
  • Tightly regulating the production of hydrogen peroxide
  • Neutralizing lipid peroxides-breakdown products of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in our cell membranes
  • Assisting in making drugs and other toxic chemicals more water-soluble for easier excretion


Frequently asked questions about this important antioxidant!

Q. Where does Glutathione come from?
A. Glutathione is synthesized in the body from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and glycine. The amino acid cysteine is responsible for the biological activity of Glutathione. Supplies of cysteine are the rate-limiting factor in Glutathione synthesis by the cells, since cysteine is relatively rare in foodstuffs. Furthermore, if taken as the free amino acid, cysteine is toxic and spontaneously destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma.

Q. Why is Glutathione important?
A. Increasing cellular Glutathione can dramatically raise energy levels, strengthen the immune system, fight inflammation, improve athletic performance, detoxify the body, aid in cellular repair and slow down the aging process.

Q. What depletes Glutathione in the cells?
A. Environmental pollutants, pharmaceutical drugs and a poor lifestyle all lead to lower levels of Glutathione.

Q. What toxins affect Glutathione levels?
A. Toxins affecting Glutathione include:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other pharmaceuticals
  • Acetone, solvents, paint removers, fuels, fuel by-products
  • Pesticides, herbicides
  • Benzopyrenes: From tobacco smoke, barbequed foods, and fuel exhaust
  • Alcohol
  • Housewares: Certain non-stick coating of pans, plastic containers, plastic linings of tin cans and other food packaging
  • Formaldehyde and styrene: From photocopiers and toner printers
  • Chlorine in treated water
  • Medical X-rays
  • UV radiation

Q. What lifestyles affect Glutathione levels?
A. Life style factors that deplete Glutathione include:

  • Poor diet: Glutathione has to work hard to cover for missing or insufficient nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Strenuous exercise: Though not a toxic substance it produces many free radicals in the body.
  • Stress

Q. How can I increase my Glutathione levels?
A. Get a Glutathione Push at New Leaf Wellness.