Healthy Weight and Hormones

Many people struggle with weight and there are a lot of reasons why people keep excess weight on. Of course diet, exercise, and sleep are a critical component of a healthy body and sleep. Proper hormone balance is also critical. Healthy weight and hormones are a component we need to talk about for a minute.

There are many hormones involved in keeping a healthy weight. The most common hormones that are out of balance in your body are thyroid and testosterone. Thyroid is mainly responsible for your metabolic rate i.e. your ability to burn calories and keep your energy up. Cortisol is largely responsible for dealing with stress and inflammation, and storing fat is a part of that function. Insulin is responsible for metabolizing blood sugar, which is critical to your body, and also fat storage. Testosterone is known as the male sex hormone but is present in both men and women.

Testosterone has numerous functions, one of them being the ability to build muscle and enhance energy and fat burning.

Your body was not designed to deal with chronic, daily stress. Today’s world is extremely stressful: emotionally and physically.You are exposed to a lot of chemicals on a daily basis that is stressful on your body to deal with and process. You are also bombarded by daily “noise”—depressing news by radio/tv, constant access to cell phones, computers, financial stresses, etc.

Your hormones are there to keep you safe and healthy. There is no bad hormone. The problem is that with the chronic, daily stress your hormones become imbalanced. As a result you feel tired, become moody, gain weight, etc. The good thing is that you can fix that with proper hormone balancing with Natural Hormone Therapy combined with some healthy lifestyle changes. It just takes the desire to feel better to get started.

Take a look at our testimonials of people who once felt tired, lethargic and frustrated with their clothes not fitting or the scales only seeming to go up. They got tired of being tired. Are you ready to live your life better?

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Have questions? We’re here. Call 888-728-7555 !

Do You Know The Benefits of Exercise?

When we talk about exercise, we are usually working towards a goal of losing weight. Though it is a very important piece of the weight loss puzzle, exercise has many additional benefits.


Here are a few things you may not have known are impacted by exercise:


Protect Joints: By increasing your overall strength through exercise, you build muscle that helps
to protect and support joints. Light weights during exercise are all it takes. And remember to give each muscle group a day to rest in between so it can fully recover from the work done.

Increase Energy: Many people think they are too tired to exercise. Well, exercising can actually
change that feeling! It improves circulation as well as strengthening your heart. Thus
improving energy levels. So the secret to fatigue…move more!

Improve Sleep: Exercise helps to improve alertness during the day, thus helping to bring a more
restful sleep at night. It also is a stress reliever which allows you to rest your mind at night and
fall asleep faster.

Improve Concentration: Exercise actually releases chemicals that are key for memory and
mental alertness. It helps to increase focus as well.

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Overall, think of exercise as not only a way to lose weight and change your physical appearance, but as a large part of increasing your mental health! Anxiety, stress, heart health, mood, focus and so much more are all added benefits from taking time for you to be your very best.


At New Leaf Wellness, we not only can help you with Weight Loss but we move you to a healthier lifestyle. Our Lifestyle Support Journal is an amazing tool. It helps support everyone daily with having a healthy lifestyle, no matter where you are currently on the scale of “Not having a Healthy Lifestyle” to “Having a Very Heathy Lifestyle”.

Adrenal Fatigue – What You Need To Know

Adrenal Fatigue Explained:

The adrenal gland is located on top of each kidney–the human body has a total of two adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing a variety of hormones. They produce aldosterone–which helps with blood pressure, epinephrine–the fight or flight hormone, cortisol–affects the immune system and metabolism, and precursors that allow our bodies to make sex hormones– Progesterone, Estrogen, and Testosterone. In today’s world our adrenal glands are getting overwhelmed and this can lead to what we call adrenal fatigue.

The adrenal glands are not equipped to handle the constant stress that we have today. They are equipped to deal with intermittent stress and then be given a chance to recover. But, in today’s world of 24/7 emails, texts, negative news, traffic, increasing work demands, decreasing sleep, etc we demand more from the adrenal glands. These glands are not being given the rest that they need.

Adrenal fatigue is the term that we give to overworked adrenal glands. When the adrenal glands are overworked they are unable to keep up with the demand for the hormones that they produce. The result can be one or more of the following: feeling fatigued, having lower sex hormones, a decreased immune system, salt cravings, trouble getting up in the morning, increased energy at night, an increased reliance on caffeine, and an inability to handle stress.

Most people in today’s world have some adrenal fatigue.

Treating it takes a multifactorial approach…. Ways to get started:

  • The first thing to do is unplug and give your body rest.
  • Turn off your phone alerts and check your phone when you want to.
  • Turn off your phone at night and one day a week if you can.
  • Give yourself quiet time to sit and simply breathe.
  • Avoid watching or listening to news since they over dramatize things and cause mental stress.
  • Take yoga or tai chi.
  • Ensure that you get to bed at a reasonable time.
  • Picking one day per week to recharge and completely unplug would be a great goal to have.

You can also support your adrenal glands by balancing your hormones with Bio-identical hormones. By doing this you take the stress of producing the sex hormone precursors off your adrenal glands. In today’s world Bio-identical hormones are needed by the majority of men and women over 35 years old in order to live optimally. Our hormones are depleted by the stressors and chemical toxins that are in today’s world. Our bodies need assistance to deal with this.

B vitamin complexes are helpful in supporting the adrenal glands. They help to lower cortisol naturally and to help metabolism. Beans, eggs, and dairy products are a great food source of B complex vitamins. I have also found B complex injections to be an effective way to ensure absorption of the B vitamins. In the beginning you may need B complex shots quite often, but as your adrenal glands recover you will find that you won’t need them as often.


TEST – for Women

Test – for Men

There are also adrenal support supplements that contain herbs that assist the adrenal glands. Typically these are only needed for a short time if you are taking the actions mentioned above.

Blood ozone therapy is also effective for rebooting your mitochondria and this includes regenerating your adrenal glands. Your mitochondria are the sources of energy in all of your cells. IV Ozone therapy can improve your overall energy and well-being by assisting your body in repairing itself. This is done in the office and takes about 45 minutes.

Adrenal fatigue is rampant in today’s world. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned it is advisable to get advice from a physician trained in Bio-identical hormones. Adrenal fatigue is not diagnosed by traditional tests. It takes the expertise of someone who understands the nuances of hormones.

You can lead a healthy and happy life if you take the time to take care of yourself. Be patient and give it some time. Adrenal fatigue did not happen over night and it won’t fix over night but it can be fixed.

Ready to learn more >>

Losing Weight + Keeping It Off

How to lose weight and keep it off…

Everyone seems to want the miracle for weight loss. Let’s face it–there is no such thing. There are plenty of places out there that make a lot of money selling the concept that there is such a thing but they don’t deliver long term results. However, there are doable things that you can do in order to achieve a healthy weight and stay there.

You must first realize that the goal is to feel great and once you feel great it is up to you to do the healthy things that it takes to reach a healthy weight. A healthy weight is not about the numbers on a scale, it is about having a good body composition with a lot of lean muscle, sturdy bones, and a feeling of strength and vitality. In order to do this your hormones must first be in balance.

Hormones and Weight Loss

We often see men and women who have been told by regular physicians that their hormones are fine. However, we find otherwise after thoroughly going through their symptoms and looking at their labs to see if they are at optimal levels.

Your thyroid must be in an optimal range in order for you to have the energy and metabolism to burn fat. In addition, your Testosterone, Estrogen, and Progesterone must be at optimal levels for you to be able to build muscle and burn fat, as well as have the energy and mental state to eat right and exercise. It is also common to see deficiencies of vitamin b12 and other nutrients that assist your body in having energy and fat burning capabilities. These issues must all be addressed properly by a hormone specialist at New Leaf Wellness.

Once these hormonal issues are resolved and your body is functioning more optimally, you will find that it is easier to do the things that are required to have a healthy weight. This is a long term fix that is entirely doable if you invest some time, money, and focus on your health.

Check your hormones with a quick quiz and immediate results!

TEST for Women

TEST for Men

How to Heal a Leaky Gut

Are you concerned about your gut health? If not, you should be. The health of your digestive system is crucial to the functioning of your immune system. In fact, 70-80% of your immune system is located in your gut. Your stomach is particularly important – it is home to trillions (yes that’s right–trillions) of cells that work with the rest of the body to repel foreign invaders and keep you healthy.

However, stomach-related issues can be very mysterious. They may seem to arise suddenly and have no direct or immediate cause. Or you may experience symptoms like rashes, acne, brain fog, anxiety or fatigue, which are seemingly unrelated to what’s going on with your digestive system, but in reality, they are connected. The sooner you can restore your gut to balanced function the better, but it could be necessary to try more than one treatment.

Leaky Gut Solutions: What You Need to Know

At the New Leaf Wellness, we believe in helping patients achieve optimal health by bringing the body back to a natural state of balance. We’ve developed a number of unique and specialized treatments to heal “leaky gut,” also known as intestinal hyperpermeability.

This chronic health condition causes high levels of inflammation throughout the body and has many uncomfortable symptoms, including diarrhea, gas, bloating and stomach or abdominal pain. However, people with leaky gut often experience no symptoms at all, or symptoms that they would never connect with a gut issue. If you want to find out if you have leaky gut, and heal your microbiome, we offer these options:

Food Sensitivity Testing

People suffering from leaky gut typically have a variety of food sensitivities that they are most likely unaware of. These sensitivities often produce relatively minor gastrointestinal discomfort, thus going unnoticed for months or years. When multiple sensitivities occur together, however, leaky gut syndrome becomes much more likely.

Food sensitivity testing helps uncover sensitivities you may not have been aware of before. After testing, you will receive clear and precise instructions about which foods are likely to contribute to your gut health concerns. Avoiding these foods goes a long way toward restoring peak health.

Dietary Changes

the biostation: How to Heal a Leaky Gut - Food

A nutritious, natural and gluten-free diet is the optimal way to manage leaky gut syndrome, however the most effective leaky gut and anti-inflammatory diet will be highly individualized. Starting a leaky gut treatment program at the New Leaf Wellness means you will receive one-on-one guidance from our nutritional experts. The experts will work closely with you to develop a gut-healing diet that suits your needs and lifestyle, and schedule follow up testing and monitoring as needed to ensure these changes are working.

Nutrient IV Therapy and Targeted Supplements

the biostation: How to Heal a Leaky Gut - Nutrient

Many gastrointestinal problems can be caused or made worse by poor nutrition. Even if you strive to eat right, when you have leaky gut, it is impossible to get all the nutrients you need from food because your body isn’t absorbing them properly. Nutrient IV Therapy gets targeted nutrition into your body instantly and optimally. By bypassing the gut and infusing your cells with these nutrients, you can guarantee 100% absorption. IV therapy is a must for patients with leaky gut. In particular, the powerful antioxidant glutathione can help detoxify your entire system and get you back on the road to optimal gastrointestinal health.

At  New Leaf Wellness, we also offer targeted, pharmaceutical-grade supplements specifically designed to nourish your body.  To achieve optimal results in any of our therapies, having a healthy gut is critical. Call today to set up your free consultation.

DHEA Facts

DHEA is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is a precursor to other sex hormones.

In addition to having its own hormone effect, it results in a shift to an anabolic or protein building state.

It reduces cardiovascular risk by increasing lipolysis or breakdown of fat.

It also stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat.

Recent studies point to DHEA as an anti-stress hormone, reversing the effects of stress on the immune system.

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Are you feeling fatigued???

Do you get tired more easily?  Feel older than your chronological age?? Lack the energy to do the things you want to do??

Fatigue, feeling tired, is a common complaint. You want to get a work up for this as it can be caused by many things: sleep apnea, heart issues, anemia, infections, poor water intake, poor nutrition, lung issues, etc. It is important to have your physician, who knows you well, evaluate you to make sure everything is OK.

The problem arises when your evaluation is “normal” and there is no apparent cause of your fatigue. This is where anti depressants are often prescribed (sometimes they are needed but generally they are not). This is when you really should think about a hormonal imbalance  causing your issues—especially if you are between 35 and 55 years old. Of course, hormonal imbalances can affect men and women younger or older than this.

Most people think of low thyroid as a cause of fatigue and it can be overlooked by physicians when the levels are “normal” but not optimal. However, low Testosterone in men and women is more often missed in traditional office settings and is a common cause of fatigue, as well as brain fog, muscle mass loss, loss of overall vitality, etc. Men are typically not treated until their Testosterone levels are critically low, and then they are only offered synthetic replacements and their Testosterone levels are not even brought up to optimal levels. Women are generally not even treated at all for low Testosterone in a traditional medical setting.  Medical training programs forget that women need Testosterone too, just at lower levels than men.

The long term risks of not correcting low Testosterone is bone loss (osteoporosis), dementia, possible increased heart disease risk, etc. plus an overall decrease in vitality and energy. If you feel that you may have a hormonal imbalance and you have not gotten the help you need, you naturally want that help.

Take Hormone Quiz for MEN

Take Hormone Quiz for WOMEN

Why Men Should Consider Bio-identical Hormone Therapy

NHT (Natural Hormone Therapy) is not just for the ladies, so guys pay attention! Why? Because your hormones have been on a decline since your 20’s (sad but true), and if you are approaching middle-age, are currently there, or have surpassed it, there’s a good chance you are experiencing hormone imbalance or even andropause (the unofficial medical term for “male menopause” and the result of a gradual drop in testosterone).

Certain signs of andropause and other related hormone imbalance issues:

  • Memory loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep problems
  • Lower sex drive
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Urinary problems
  • Memory loss
  • Night sweats
  • Erectile dysfunction

While hormone imbalance and replacement treatments tend to be a hot topic amongst women, men seem to have a harder time discussing their own issues with hormone imbalance and the symptoms causing them discomfort. However, many men (the ones that want to talk about it) can attest to the many benefits to hormone restoration and treatments such as NHT. Therefore, not only should men start to feel more comfortable with the conversation of hormone issues, they should be open to the idea of fixing them. Here are a few reasons why…

Testosterone Balance May Reduce Risk for Disease

Several studies have linked low testosterone levels to diabetes, stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, and other chronic diseases. By choosing hormone restoration treatments such as BHRT, you not only feel better, you also take drastic measures to protecting your health.

Balanced Hormones Help Men Feel Younger

We all want to know the secret to feeling younger, and NHT might just be the answer. Results of hormone imbalance such as memory and muscle loss, fatigue, depression, lower sex drive, and other symptoms listed above can improve or even be reversed with hormone restoration treatments.

Why should you live everyday life with the discomfort of hormone imbalance?

With NHT, you can live the active lifestyle that you desire, and there’s no better time than now to take action! For more information on our Natural Hormone Therapy, please give us a call.

5 Awesome Ways to Prepare Your Skin for Fall

Summer is drawing to a close. Is your skin ready? It’s in store for a fairly dramatic transition. After becoming accustomed to the warm, sunny, moist weather of summer, your skin must adapt to the drier, cooler air of fall. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to do it alone. By taking the right steps and using the right products, you can lay the foundation for a seamless transition from summer to fall–and for glowing, beautiful skin throughout the year.

Five Tips for Preparing Your Skin for the Fall

1. Keep Using Sunscreen

One of the worst mistakes that people make when fall rolls around is to stop using sunscreen. Just because the weather gets cooler and less sunny doesn’t mean that your skin isn’t still pummeled continuously by damaging UV-A and UV-B rays. You don’t have to use a separate sunscreen if you don’t want. Instead, choose a primer that contains SPF 30 or higher.

2. Use a Serum Under Your Moisturizer

During the summer, a lightweight moisturizer is all that’s typically needed to keep skin from drying out. Cooler weather brings drier air, however, so you’ll need to switch to something heavier and creamier. It’s a bit soon for that, though, so try using a serum beneath a medium-weight moisturizer instead. This gives you the added benefit of using thicker moisturizer while shielding your skin from pore-clogging cream.

3. Keep Exfoliating

Skin gets drier during the fall, and this makes it more susceptible to damage. Still, don’t stop exfoliating. Just take it a bit easier when you do. After all, the dryness of the season will cause dead skin cells to accumulate quickly. Keep your skin looking fresh and new by using a gentle exfoliant twice a week. After exfoliating, apply a serum and moisturizer.

4. Protect the Area Around Your Eyes

The skin around your eyes is especially fine and fragile. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t cope well with constant exposure to dry, cool air. Ward off fine lines and wrinkles in this area by using a moisturizing eye cream. They have special formulas that can be worn at night for exceptional moisture, and there are lighter weight formulas that are perfect for use by day.

5. Eat Right

Fall is often a busy time of year. It’s easy to fall off the healthy eating wagon. Healthy skin starts within, though, so get back on track by eating right. Stick with whole foods that are rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. Fish like salmon and seafood like oysters are good for this. As for antioxidants, you’ll get your fill from carrots, blueberries, cucumbers, cauliflower and many other fruits and veggies.

After being so careful to protect your skin throughout the summer, don’t let that hard work go to waste. By keeping the above advice in mind, you can transition your skin from moist, humid, hot summer weather to cool, dry fall weather with ease. Get on track now to ensure that your skin stays in tip-top shape into the New Year and beyond.

Take our skin care quiz to know what condition your skin is in!



Can the Advanced HCG Weight Loss Diet Help You Lose That Weight for Good?

A number of high profile media outlets like CNN, the Morning Show, and Dr. Oz have all endorsed the HCG Diet as an intense yet effective weight loss plan for those struggling with obesity. But the question is, can the HCG Diet help you reach your specific weight loss goals? It essentially pairs the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, with a low-calorie meal plan in order to generate fast, dramatic, and efficient weight loss results.

How the HCG Diet Works

HCG is a hormone that exists naturally in the body to help produce even more hormones. This means that HCG is responsible for placing the body in the anabolic state that supports muscle-building and prevents muscle-breakdown. This is critical because rapid weight loss tends to cause muscle loss as well. With HCG, your body will burn pure fat while retaining important muscle, meaning your metabolism will remain stronger and further propel your weight loss.

If those benefits weren’t enough, HCG can reduce feelings of hunger and cravings, so it supports the ability to stick to a lower-calorie meal plan than you might be used to. HCG even has the potential to help balance hormone-related conditions like hypothyroidism, menopause, and andropause that lead to unwanted weight gain.

Components of the HCG Diet Program

The HCG Diet program is simple and streamlined. After talking to a doctor about your plans, you will receive a prescription for the HCG injections, which have been proven to work. Under medical supervision, you will use the injections along with a lower-calorie diet of healthy, wholesome foods to lose your weight. By the time you are done with the HCG injections, you will have lost your unwanted weight and adjusted to the lifestyle habits that will ensure you keep the weight off.

Medical supervision is the key to a successful HCG Diet, because only a professional can properly gauge your doses of HCG and track your progress appropriately.