Sugar and Memory Connection

We should all be able to live a long time and with a good memory. Losing your brain function is not normal, nor should it be accepted. It is time that we all realized that we are meant to live vibrantly and not slowly deteriorate for many years. So, let’s talk about the relationship of sugar and memory.

Sugar and Memory

In today’s society, many people lose brain functioning as they age and there are many causes. Of course we all know about Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease but did you know that stress, nutrition, and hormonal imbalance all can cause a bit of brain fog? I have seen a lot of patients get evaluated for memory loss, only to find out that it was one of those three things.

Sugar and Gluten

Sugar and gluten are two of the big culprits I see in a person’s diet that can affect memory. Excess alcohol/caffeine and artificial sweeteners are other things that can impact memory. Also a lack of certain nutrient can cause you to have an issue with memory. Low testosterone is often a cause and rarely checked for by doctors. If you are having memory issues that no one can figure out for you, then I advise a full nutritional evaluation, hormonal evaluation, and an evaluation of how you can manage your stress. You will be surprised how easy it can be to fix your brain when you appropriately find the problem.

Tired of Being Tired?

A common symptom we see in first-time visitors is brain fog or fatigue. Most patients say something to the tune of, “I am tired all the time” or “I am so tired of being tired“. Feeling energetic is also one of the first after effects of being a NLW patient. Like Kim and other NLW patients, they enjoying life much better!

“More energy, weight control, better sex drive, sleep better, no hot flashes or night sweats anymore.”

– Kim S., NLW Patient

More Testimonials from Women >

“Before [NLW] therapy, I was always tired and lethargic, not much get up and go, not much interest in sex, low exercise tolerance, irritability and mood swings. lack of sleep. All around not too happy. Now since [treatment], sex drive sky rocketed, more energy, better nights sleep, much much happier person and happy wife.”

– Dan H., NLW Patient

More Testimonials from Men >


To learn more about NLW services, visit our service page:

NLW services for MEN

NLW services for WOMEN

Overview of Intravenous Therapy

If you have been experiencing symptoms over a prolonged period of time and have tried many different treatment methods but nothing seems to be helping, then intravenous therapy might be the answer you have been looking for.

Overview of Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous therapy is a much more powerful treatment option than oral methods and works much faster. It bypasses the intestinal tract, which is often not functioning well in those who have been symptomatic for a long time, and delivers nutrients directly to the cells where they are needed most.

Often a remarkable improvement is seen after only 4 to 5 weekly treatments. It can also be used to boost the immune system during an acute infection, to speed recovery time dramatically.

Quick Results for a Quick Recovery

Intravenous (IV) therapy can deliver needed vitamins, minerals and nutrients directly into a patients’ circulatory system for quick absorption into the body. IV therapies can be used to treat nutritional deficiencies, introduce potent antioxidants into the body, rid the body of harmful toxins and boost immune function. It is extremely powerful and often succeeds where other treatment methods have failed.

Why use IV therapy?

IV therapy can be useful in situations where oral nutrients are not working. Sometimes a particular nutrient is not adequately absorbed orally due to poor functioning in the digestive tract. In other cases, the nutrient doses needed to achieve a therapeutic effect are so high they would cause side effects if they were taken orally. In these situations, IV therapy can deliver the needed nutrients directly to the cells more quickly and effectively than pills.

What types of IV therapy are offered?

New Leaf Wellness offers several different types of IV therapy including:

  • Meyer’s Cocktail
  • Immunity (High Dose Vitamin C)
  • Total Health
  • Weight Loss IV
  • Serenity Serum
  • and they can all come with a Boost of Glutathione!

What conditions can be improved through IV therapy?

  • Angina
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hepatitis C
  • High blood pressure
  • Influenza – Viral Infections
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Migraine or tension headaches
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • PMS
  • Recurrent Infections

What can patients expect?

A physician consultation will be necessary to determine if IV therapy is appropriate, and to determine which nutrients are needed. Upon approval, a series of treatments is scheduled for one or more times per week. The infusion is generally given through an IV catheter in the patient’s arm, over a period of 15 to 90 minutes. Patients sit comfortably in a reclining chair and are monitored closely by a registered nurse.

Are there any side effects?

Potential side effects vary depending on the IV treatment given, but are minimal with most therapies. The most common side effect is pain at the injection site (easily relieved with heat or cold compresses). Occasionally patients will experience lightheadedness or hypoglycemia symptoms. Eating and being well hydrated before IV treatments will limit the potential of experiencing side effects. Patients should bring a snack if the treatment is expected to last longer than an hour.

More on IV Therapy at New Leaf Wellness >>>

Yes, I would like to schedule a consultation!

Be A Food Detective

Many people try keeping a food diary or cutting out certain foods, but it can be hard to ascertain what the culprits are and a diet suitable for one person may not help another as every individual has his or her own food triggers.

What does it mean to be a food detective?

Understanding your personal food and drink intolerances or ‘food fingerprint’ can help you identify what you are reacting to. The Biotrinetix Food Sensitivity blood testing program can pinpoint precisely which foods are causing elevated levels of IgG antibodies in your blood, as it tests reactions to foods, and shows degree of reaction through a ‘traffic light’ system – red for high, amber borderline and green for no reaction. It is also important to get expert nutritional advice, so you can replace your trigger foods with balanced alternatives.

A lot of people now are self-diagnosing, the fad being gluten-free and dairy-free. People are doing that without any support and sometimes without replacing eliminated foods with something equally nutritious. They are doing that on their own and starting an elimination diet with no knowledge at all. What Biotrinetix Test provides is a starting point for an elimination diet, with results that reflect the body’s needs. The IgG antibodies are there in your blood, we measure them accurately and let you know about the foods your body is fighting. “ – NLW Provider

We encourage anyone who experiences negative symptoms after eating and drinking that they think may be attributable to food or drink ingredients to find out what’s personally holding them back from being the healthiest they can be. We’ve learned from our customers’ feedback that a diet personalized not only holds the key to good health but losing weight too.

“One man’s meat is another man’s poison.”

– Titus Lucretius Carus, Roman poet and philosopher

Want to know more what all our food sensitivity test can pinpoint? Call us today so, we can answer your questions!

Learn more about our Food Sensitivity Testing

Taking the Mystery Out of GAC Injections

GAC injections – what are they?

GAC stands for “GlutamineArginineCarinitine”. It may sound like Latin, but these are actually three separate amino acids contained in a single high performance injection. It’s a key supplement for anyone looking to lose weight, keep it off and maintain strong energy levels.

Weightloss in 1-2-3!

The first step in weight loss is burning fat. To help give the body a kickstart it can often be helpful to get a boost of Carinitine. As a supplement to the amount already produced by the liver and kidneys, it can help a body pick up the pace by converting more fat to energy. More energy means more fuel to burn the fat, and the process just keeps going!

The next step is Glutamine which is the most plentiful of the amino acids. If Carinitine helps break down parts of the body, Glutamine helps put them back together stronger and better than before. It makes exercise recovery more efficient which leads to better response times and endurance. Not only that, but it also converts energy stores to glycogen instead of fat, making energy much more accessible for immediate use and preventing weight gain due to fat.

The last step is Arginine. This is a speed booster for your system, assisting in increasing blood flow and affecting performance in a number of positive ways. And if you think it’ll help your exercise regime, just wait – it also gives a welcome boost to sexual performance. By raising hormone levels and facilitating blood flow, it can result in a higher sex drive and better ability to meet it.

Weightloss for YOU!

So that’s GAC, a little acronym with big benefits. If you’re interested in weight loss, higher energy and better performance in more ways than one, GAC could be a big help.

Call New Leaf Wellness. We’ll schedule a time that works for you to share your goals and hopefully start you on the path to achieving them.

Morning or Night Workouts: Which is Best for Weight Loss?

Welcome Kris Wiese, fitness expert from MyGenetx today for her guest blogging for New Leaf Wellness.

Whether you are an early bird that gets the worm or a night owl that burns the oil, a workout regimen based on your optimum time of day can provide benefits. According to many sources, one is not better than the other. They both have advantages.

Morning Workout Benefits:

  • Boosting endorphins in the morning revs up your metabolism for the day!
  • Raising your body temperature helps wake you up quickly.
  • The quiet of the morning can mean less distractions and temptations to to ditch the workout.
  • When you finish an early workout, the tone is set for the day and you are more likely to eat healthy.
  • Sleep should come easy after a morning workout and full day of activity.

Evening Workout Benefits:

  • Late afternoons and early evenings are great to work off any stress of the day, which will reduce your levels of the stress hormone, cortisol that can lead to over eating.
  • Less warm-up time is required. (You may need an hour or two cool down before bed to prepare your body for good night’s sleep.)
  • Between 2pm-6pm is the peak time for a workout based on enzyme activity and muscular function.
  • If the workout is the last task of the day, you will have no time constraints.

On days when you feel great, you can extend your workout time!

When combined with a healthy diet, four workouts a week are encouraged for weight loss. If you are not sure what your optimum time is, try two morning workouts and two night workouts the first week to determine the best fit.

Information provided by Kris Wiese, Healthcare Content Specialist Director of Communications at MyGenetx. For more on fitness, contact Kris at


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