Why Men Should Consider Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

NHT (Natural Hormone Therapy) is not just for the ladies, so guys pay attention! Why? Because your hormones have been on a decline since your 20’s (sad but true), and if you are approaching middle-age, are currently there, or have surpassed it, there’s a good chance you are experiencing hormone imbalance or even andropause (the unofficial medical term for “male menopause” and the result of a gradual drop in testosterone).

Certain signs of andropause and other related hormone imbalance issues:

  • Memory loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep problems
  • Lower sex drive
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Urinary problems
  • Memory loss
  • Night sweats
  • Erectile dysfunction

While hormone imbalance and replacement treatments tend to be a hot topic amongst women, men seem to have a harder time discussing their own issues with hormone imbalance and the symptoms causing them discomfort. However, many men (the ones that want to talk about it) can attest to the many benefits to hormone restoration and treatments such as NHT. Therefore, not only should men start to feel more comfortable with the conversation of hormone issues, they should be open to the idea of fixing them. Here are a few reasons why…

Testosterone Balance May Reduce Risk for Disease

Several studies have linked low testosterone levels to diabetes, stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, and other chronic diseases. By choosing hormone restoration treatments such as BHRT, you not only feel better, you also take drastic measures to protecting your health.

Balanced Hormones Help Men Feel Younger

We all want to know the secret to feeling younger, and NHT might just be the answer. Results of hormone imbalance such as memory and muscle loss, fatigue, depression, lower sex drive, and other symptoms listed above can improve or even be reversed with hormone restoration treatments.

Why should you live everyday life with the discomfort of hormone imbalance?

With NHT, you can live the active lifestyle that you desire, and there’s no better time than now to take action! For more information on our Natural Hormone Therapy, please give us a call.

A Closer Look At Natural Hormone Therapy (NHT)

Hormone balance is essential for optimal health and wellness, but as we age, our body’s hormone levels naturally decrease. Other factors can also contribute to hormone loss such as menopause, disease, or trauma. Without these important hormones, our physical and mental health begins to deteriorate, thus starting an accelerated aging process. Typically, by the age of 40 (sometimes earlier), we begin to lose hormones, which is why starting treatments such as Natural Hormone Therapy (NHT) is important to achieving the long-term protective benefits of hormone balance. Let’s take a closer look at the process…

Who needs NHT?

Anyone experiencing hormone imbalance, typically starting over the age of 40 and in some cases in the 30’s. As we age, we experience a natural decline of hormones due to environmental and dietary toxins. If you experience any of the symptoms listed below, you may be a good candidate for NHT.

  • Weight gain
  • Limited Energy
  • Hair Loss
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Mood Swings
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor Concentration
  • Memory Loss
  • Fatigue

What is the difference between bio identical hormones and synthetic hormones?

Bio-identical hormones come from natural sources, such as yams, and are designed to replicate the same chemical structure as the hormones naturally produced by the human body. Synthetic hormones are manufactured hormones produced in a lab.

There are many advantages to using bio-identical over synthetic. Because bio-identical hormones are derived naturally, our bodies can metabolize them properly. On the flip side, because synthetic hormones are produced in a lab, they cannot metabolize correctly in our bodies. This often leads to side effects such as bloating, bleeding, and mood swings, and in some cases have been linked to both breast and uterine cancers.

Pharmaceutical companies cannot patent bio-identical hormones because each regimen is specifically formulated to treat patients on an individual basis. Synthetic hormones use a “one size fits all approach”, and are therefore patentable.

How does the process work?

First you will meet with one of our highly trained physicians that will provide comprehensive lab testing and an in depth questionnaire to determine your specific needs. You will then be given a personalized treatment plan often including pharmaceutical grade supplements.   Based on your hormone levels, a specialized compounding pharmacy will individually tailor a bio identical hormone specifically designed for you.

For additional information on our Natural Hormone Therapy or to schedule a consultation, please give us a call at 888-728-7555, we have 4 convenient locations to serve you.

Morning or Night Workouts: Which is Best for Weight Loss?

Welcome Kris Wiese, fitness expert from MyGenetx today for her guest blogging for New Leaf Wellness.

Whether you are an early bird that gets the worm or a night owl that burns the oil, a workout regimen based on your optimum time of day can provide benefits. According to many sources, one is not better than the other. They both have advantages.

Morning Workout Benefits:

  • Boosting endorphins in the morning revs up your metabolism for the day!
  • Raising your body temperature helps wake you up quickly.
  • The quiet of the morning can mean less distractions and temptations to to ditch the workout.
  • When you finish an early workout, the tone is set for the day and you are more likely to eat healthy.
  • Sleep should come easy after a morning workout and full day of activity.

Evening Workout Benefits:

  • Late afternoons and early evenings are great to work off any stress of the day, which will reduce your levels of the stress hormone, cortisol that can lead to over eating.
  • Less warm-up time is required. (You may need an hour or two cool down before bed to prepare your body for good night’s sleep.)
  • Between 2pm-6pm is the peak time for a workout based on enzyme activity and muscular function.
  • If the workout is the last task of the day, you will have no time constraints.

On days when you feel great, you can extend your workout time!

When combined with a healthy diet, four workouts a week are encouraged for weight loss. If you are not sure what your optimum time is, try two morning workouts and two night workouts the first week to determine the best fit.

Information provided by Kris Wiese, Healthcare Content Specialist Director of Communications at MyGenetx. For more on fitness, contact Kris at info@newleafcenters.com.


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What Is The Difference Between Bio-identical And Synthetic Hormones?

What is the difference?

In our last post we noted that many foods have been genetically modified, but unanticipated, negative effects of these products in the human body have caused many health conscious people to choose a nonGMO alternative to consume. 

Similarly, the hormones we produce in our own body are different from synthetic hormones produced by a pharmaceutical manufacturer.  The synthetic variety has enough similarity to the bio-identical hormone that it does turn on the main function in the body, but its unique structure allows it to be patented by the pharmaceutical company and thus sold for a profit. 

In contrast, a bio-identical hormone, being identical to that formed in our body, cannot be patented by a pharmaceutical company.  Equally important is the fact that the bio-identical form acts just as our own native hormone to produce the desired function without increasing risk, while the unique structure of the synthetic hormone also turns on effects in our bodies that does increase risk.  That is why “hormones” get a bad rap: the increase in heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and cancer  associated with synthetic hormones is enough to make anyone think twice before using them! 

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