Replenishing the Essentials

Welcome Kristin Dwyer, Pharmacist In Charge at New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy, today for her guest blogging for New Leaf Wellness.
IV therapy is the most efficient method of delivering vital nutrients and vitamins to the body.  When they are given via an IV, there is 100% absorption and they are immediately available in the bloodstream for use.
Dr. John Myers was the pioneer of intravenous micro-nutrient therapy, which he started studying in the 1950’s.  He used the “Myer’s Cocktail” to treat a wide variety of medical conditions, including (but not limited to!) fatigue, depression, chest pain, palpitations, asthma, fibromyalgia, and migraines.
The version of the Myer’s Cocktail specially formulated for New Leaf Clinic contains a combination of magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, and multiple B-vitamins.  It is a 45-minute infusion that hydrates the body and leaves most patients feeling refreshed and energized. It is a great introduction to IV micro-nutrient therapy for patients who are new to IV treatments.
The Liquid Health Cocktail contains a blend of magnesium, B-vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and folic acid. It contains higher concentrations of nutrients than the Myer’s cocktail, so it requires a longer infusion time.  This IV therapy results in even greater cellular hydration and nutrition and may assist with flushing out toxins from the body.
The Super Immunity Infusion is made up of high dose vitamin C, magnesium, B-vitamins, and calcium.  Supplementation with vitamin C has been shown to improve various functions of the immune system.  When people are stressed or ill, the concentration of vitamin C in the plasma and white blood cells declines, so this IV assists in replenishing the body with vitamin C. Vitamin C can also shorten the duration of respiratory infections and colds.
I would like to invite you into New Leaf Wellness to try one of these amazing IV’s, as a Pharmacist, I have personally approved of all of them.  The benefit you will get of repairing, rebuilding and vitamin nourishment at the cellular level is 100% that will last weeks possibly months depending on which IV you choose.

Do You Know The Benefits of Exercise?

When we talk about exercise, we are usually working towards a goal of losing weight. Though it is a very important piece of the weight loss puzzle, exercise has many additional benefits.


Here are a few things you may not have known are impacted by exercise:


Protect Joints: By increasing your overall strength through exercise, you build muscle that helps
to protect and support joints. Light weights during exercise are all it takes. And remember to give each muscle group a day to rest in between so it can fully recover from the work done.

Increase Energy: Many people think they are too tired to exercise. Well, exercising can actually
change that feeling! It improves circulation as well as strengthening your heart. Thus
improving energy levels. So the secret to fatigue…move more!

Improve Sleep: Exercise helps to improve alertness during the day, thus helping to bring a more
restful sleep at night. It also is a stress reliever which allows you to rest your mind at night and
fall asleep faster.

Improve Concentration: Exercise actually releases chemicals that are key for memory and
mental alertness. It helps to increase focus as well.

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Overall, think of exercise as not only a way to lose weight and change your physical appearance, but as a large part of increasing your mental health! Anxiety, stress, heart health, mood, focus and so much more are all added benefits from taking time for you to be your very best.


At New Leaf Wellness, we not only can help you with Weight Loss but we move you to a healthier lifestyle. Our Lifestyle Support Journal is an amazing tool. It helps support everyone daily with having a healthy lifestyle, no matter where you are currently on the scale of “Not having a Healthy Lifestyle” to “Having a Very Heathy Lifestyle”.

Losing Weight + Keeping It Off

How to lose weight and keep it off…

Everyone seems to want the miracle for weight loss. Let’s face it–there is no such thing. There are plenty of places out there that make a lot of money selling the concept that there is such a thing but they don’t deliver long term results. However, there are doable things that you can do in order to achieve a healthy weight and stay there.

You must first realize that the goal is to feel great and once you feel great it is up to you to do the healthy things that it takes to reach a healthy weight. A healthy weight is not about the numbers on a scale, it is about having a good body composition with a lot of lean muscle, sturdy bones, and a feeling of strength and vitality. In order to do this your hormones must first be in balance.

Hormones and Weight Loss

We often see men and women who have been told by regular physicians that their hormones are fine. However, we find otherwise after thoroughly going through their symptoms and looking at their labs to see if they are at optimal levels.

Your thyroid must be in an optimal range in order for you to have the energy and metabolism to burn fat. In addition, your Testosterone, Estrogen, and Progesterone must be at optimal levels for you to be able to build muscle and burn fat, as well as have the energy and mental state to eat right and exercise. It is also common to see deficiencies of vitamin b12 and other nutrients that assist your body in having energy and fat burning capabilities. These issues must all be addressed properly by a hormone specialist at New Leaf Wellness.

Once these hormonal issues are resolved and your body is functioning more optimally, you will find that it is easier to do the things that are required to have a healthy weight. This is a long term fix that is entirely doable if you invest some time, money, and focus on your health.

Check your hormones with a quick quiz and immediate results!

TEST for Women

TEST for Men

Vitamin IV Nutrition Boosts Weight Loss

How to boost your weight loss efforts…

It is a rare person who likes needles. Sharp and pointy- they aren’t the most pleasant thing to have stuck into you, right? Why then, would someone voluntarily roll up their sleeves and ask for a vitamin drip?

The answer is simple – to be the healthiest version you can be.

Vitamin IV Nutrition boost weight loss by making you the healthiest version of yourself.

When your body works better, you can lose weight more easily. With an IV Vitamin Drip, you can give your weight loss goals a boost. And, here are five reasons why:

1. Optimizing Vitamin Levels Restores Your Energy Level

As you try and lose weight, it’s not uncommon to limit calories and workout hard. This can cause your energy levels to dip. Vitamin IV Drips, like our “Revive Me” Slow Drip, deliver a big dose of electrolytes so you can feel energized quickly.

2. Improving Your Sleep Increases Weight Loss

While you’re awake, your body has to work hard simply tackling the daily business of living. It’s while you’re asleep that your body can heal and really begin to repair any abnormalities in its daily function. This is why sleep is one of the essential elements of an effective weight loss strategy. Unfortunately, when you are vitamin deficient, your sleep becomes irregular. This hinders your weight loss goals, causing you to hold onto excess fat.

3. IV Drips Maximize Your Vitamin Absorption

Even with the most efficient digestive system, you only absorb 15 – 25 percent of the vitamins and minerals you ingest orally. With a Vitamin IV Drip, you’re able to immediately receive 100 percent of the key nutrients you need.

When your body works better, you lose weight more easily. Vitamin IV Drips help your body work better.

4. Recovering More Quickly From a Workout Lets You Get Back at It

As you work to achieve your weight loss goals, you put your body under an immense amount of strain. A deficiency of any level can make it more difficult for your body to recover, in turn hampering your ability to lose weight.

5. IV Drips Give Your Adrenal Gland a Boost

When you are trying to lose weight, you want to burn as many calories as possible. If your metabolism isn’t operating at its peak, you won’t be able to do so. Vitamin IV Drips can help you fight adrenal fatigue so you can shed your excess pounds.

At New Leaf Wellness, we have 2 IV Nutrition treatments specifically written to support weight loss.

  • 30 minute treatment
  • 60 minute treatment

Take our quiz to learn if you would be a good candidate!