STRESS RESET Supplements

STRESS RESET is herbal and nutritional supplements designed to support adrenal function. The adrenal glands assist the body in adjusting to stress as the result of internal and external forces. So, STRESS RESET combines a number of natural ingredients to assist the body in managing the negative effects of stress and maintain health cortisol levels. STRESS RESET Supplements can aid with a variety of symptoms.

What is Adrenal Fatigue? 

The state when adrenal glands are exhausted and unable to produce adequate quantities of hormones, primarily the glucocorticoid cortisol, due to chronic stress or infections.

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue:

1. Emotional stress (#1 cause) 
2. Diet (too much sugar)
3. Insufficient sleep (body requires at least 7-8 hrs.)
4. Chemicals and Pollutants (toxins in our food, pollutants in the air, chlorine in our drinking water, antibiotics in our meat, and pesticides in our vegetables)
5. Chronic Disease (such as fibromyalgia, lyme disease, chronic pain, asthma, arthritis, diabetes.)
6. Trauma (car accident, major surgery, etc.) 

Do You Have These Symptoms?

1. Waking up extremely tired and “foggy”, even after getting a long sleep.
2.  High levels of fatigue each day.
3. Inability to handle stress
4. Cravings for salty foods
5. Higher energy levels in the evening (insomnia)
6. A weakened immune system (can eventually lead to chronic inflammation, allergies and autoimmune diseases) 
So, these symptoms may be clues that you have adrenal fatigue and could benefit from STRESS RESET. For more, click to learn more or purchase a 30-day supply. Stress Reset Cortisol Revival supplements >

Most importantly if you have questions or feel you may need something more, we also offer a Hormone Health Quiz to help identify when there’s more personalized hormone health attention needed. So, click below to take our quiz!

Hormone Health Quiz for WOMEN

Hormone Health Quiz for MEN

Follow Up Treatment:

Lab tests and meeting with the Provider should be done every 3 months. It is also recommend to eliminate hard-to-digest foods and toxins from  your diet and to have a Food Sensitivity Test completed. Adrenal Fatigue can take up to 2 years to completely heal so follow all of the Providers recommendations.

Sources: ; ;

NLW Patient Testimonial: Meet J.M.

Meet J.M.

New Leaf Wellness is proud of our patient’s success, and it makes it why we’re so passionate about educating and learning to live your life better. J.M. came into our office with a very common issue, and so we are proud to share his patient testimonial so that it may help others.

J.M. is a 55 year old fireman and over the past few years he had noticed that he could not run in and out of buildings like he used to. He found himself getting irritated more easily and felt like he had passed his peak. Even though he was working out, he had a difficult time building muscle. He even noticed a little muscle loss and a hard time losing fat.

We see a lot of patients initially accepting the feeling of ‘degenerating’ is just a part of aging….. this is why we’re so thankful for J.M. sharing his patient testimonial.

J.M. was examined by his primary doctor and was told that his lab work was normal and that he was just getting older. Luckily, he did not accept that as fact and sought out help. His hormone lab work was definitely not optimal.

Did you know that in a typical routine blood exam, hormone counts are not even reviewed? Do you know where your hormone levels? And if they are optimal?

What You Need To Know

Normal ranges at the labs are determined by testing a part of the population and then coming up with the average numbers. But what happens when the people they are testing are out of balance hormonally? In modern society, the average person does have a hormonal imbalance and this results in the “normal” lab values being incorrect.

Your hormone lab values may be interpreted as “normal” when in actuality they are low–the imbalance is missed simply because the “normal” lab values are incorrect. The medical profession gets pressured from many angles and most doctors are hesitant to look outside the “normal” values. They tend to accept the “normal” lab values without question. They forget to really look at the person and see that there is a hormonal imbalance. They are simply not questioning the validity of the “normal” values. This is not their fault–due to the nature of insurances, they do not have the luxury of time to treat “outside the box”.

Hormonal imbalances exhibit specific symptoms and it takes time to get to know the patient and determine what he/she requires to achieve and maintain proper balance.

Lab work is just a piece of information, and it needs to be interpreted looking at optimal values, not the “normal” values.

Optimal lab values are the values we see in people who are functioning at a high level and feel great. Unfortunately, these values can be flagged as “abnormal” on lab results. This can scare the uninformed. “Abnormal” is often optimal. Look around you at the general population’s health. This is a sad truth.

The goal of proper hormone balancing is to get rid of your symptoms and prevent future medical issues like dementia, heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, etc. This is only possible by taking the time and investing in yourself by seeking the help of a specially trained hormone specialist.

The truth is we can share about our services and show proven methods, but it is a patient testimonial like J.M. that really inspire us all to understand just how life changing hormone balancing can be.

How NLW Helped J.M.

When J.M. came across New Leaf Wellness, he got the lab results he needed to see. He was found to have a significant Testosterone deficiency. We also found a B-12 deficiency and slight thyroid imbalance. Once these deficiencies were corrected, he regained his vitality. His workouts are creating a muscle gain and fat loss. J.M has the energy to enjoy his free time and is now really living his life thanks to his treatment at New Leaf Wellness. And we’re so thankful we were able to aid in J.M. living life better!

For more patient testimonials, visit our pages by clicking the links below.

Testimonials from MEN

Testimonials from WOMEN

To learn more about how to get the RIGHT lab results, give us a call or contact us TODAY!

Recipe: Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, your body must be able to utilize its fat stores and turn the fat into energy. All of the cells in your body prefer to burn fat rather than glucose for energy, with the exception of your brain cells who prefer glucose. Fat is more efficiently stored than glucose (a simple carbohydrate). So, whose ready to know the recipe for weight loss?

We wish it was as simple as gathering ingredients and mixing it together. However, the body is more complex and to further complicate things, all of our bodies need different things. Luckily, we have specialized in formulating the right “recipe” for weight loss for many years!


The food that we eat gets mainly stored as fat for usage at a later time, only a small amount is used immediately for energy. Our bodies are designed for a world where the next meal is in question. This is why our bodies have a system to store dietary calories as fat. This fat can be turned into energy later when an immediate good source is not available.

Of course, we live in a world where food is readily available for most of us. Our bodies still have the system in place to conserve the energy from our dietary intake. In order to lose weight, your body must be able to take the stored fat and convert it to energy.


There are quite a few things that interfere with your body’s ability to do this. The more carbohydrates you eat the less likely your body is to use its fat stores. Our diets today are full of carbohydrates. Another major factor that blocks fat utilization is hormonal deficiencies. In particular, deficiencies of Testosterone, Thyroid, and Growth Hormone will reduce your body’s ability to “burn” it’s fat stores.

More energy, weight control, better sex drive, sleep better, no hot flashes or night sweats anymore. – Kim S. from Clive, Iowa

Poor fat utilization leads to poor oxygen utilization which leads to decreased energy production. This shows up as increased weight along with decreased energy and wellbeing.


Proper nutrition, supplements, exercise, and hormonal balancing all help your body to regain it’s fat utilization capability. We specializing in repairing bodies to life a better life. To learn more about our services, contact us!

Take our Quiz:

Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR WOMEN

Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR MEN