A Closer Look At Natural Hormone Therapy (NHT)

Hormone balance is essential for optimal health and wellness, but as we age, our body’s hormone levels naturally decrease. Other factors can also contribute to hormone loss such as menopause, disease, or trauma. Without these important hormones, our physical and mental health begins to deteriorate, thus starting an accelerated aging process. Typically, by the age of 40 (sometimes earlier), we begin to lose hormones, which is why starting treatments such as Natural Hormone Therapy (NHT) is important to achieving the long-term protective benefits of hormone balance. Let’s take a closer look at the process…

Who needs NHT?

Anyone experiencing hormone imbalance, typically starting over the age of 40 and in some cases in the 30’s. As we age, we experience a natural decline of hormones due to environmental and dietary toxins. If you experience any of the symptoms listed below, you may be a good candidate for NHT.

  • Weight gain
  • Limited Energy
  • Hair Loss
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Mood Swings
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor Concentration
  • Memory Loss
  • Fatigue

What is the difference between bio identical hormones and synthetic hormones?

Bio-identical hormones come from natural sources, such as yams, and are designed to replicate the same chemical structure as the hormones naturally produced by the human body. Synthetic hormones are manufactured hormones produced in a lab.

There are many advantages to using bio-identical over synthetic. Because bio-identical hormones are derived naturally, our bodies can metabolize them properly. On the flip side, because synthetic hormones are produced in a lab, they cannot metabolize correctly in our bodies. This often leads to side effects such as bloating, bleeding, and mood swings, and in some cases have been linked to both breast and uterine cancers.

Pharmaceutical companies cannot patent bio-identical hormones because each regimen is specifically formulated to treat patients on an individual basis. Synthetic hormones use a “one size fits all approach”, and are therefore patentable.

How does the process work?

First you will meet with one of our highly trained physicians that will provide comprehensive lab testing and an in depth questionnaire to determine your specific needs. You will then be given a personalized treatment plan often including pharmaceutical grade supplements.   Based on your hormone levels, a specialized compounding pharmacy will individually tailor a bio identical hormone specifically designed for you.

For additional information on our Natural Hormone Therapy or to schedule a consultation, please give us a call at 888-728-7555, we have 4 convenient locations to serve you.

Why To “IV”- The Benefits Of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy

What is a Myers’ Cocktail, and what conditions does it address?

A Myers’ “Wellness” Cocktail is a nutritional “cocktail” given intravenously (IV), or through a vein.  It consists of magnesium, calcium, various B vitamins, and vitamin C.  The Myers’ Cocktail has been used to treat general fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia, relieve acute asthma attacks, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinus infections, seasonal allergies, migraine headaches, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, as well as to support recovery from endurance athletics. Many relatively healthy patients choose to receive periodic Myers’ Cocktail injections because it enhances their overall well being for variable periods of time.

This cocktail is named after John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland.  He treated patients with IV nutrient therapy for over 25 years. Since then, thousands of patients nationwide have received this cocktail with great benefits.

How does IV nutrient therapy work?

IV administration of nutrients can achieve blood concentrations not obtainable with oral (pills or liquid), or even intramuscular (IM) administration. For example, an IV of Vitamin C can raise the blood levels 50 – 100 times higher than what a person can do taking it orally.  Because of this, a person doesn’t develop diarrhea and at these higher blood levels, IV vitamin C can exert effects similar to pharmaceutical drugs such as antivirals (e.g. influenza drugs), anti-histamines (e.g. Benadryl or Claritin), or smooth muscle relaxants (e.g. asthma and angina drugs).

IV nutrient therapy may be more effective for correcting nutrient deficits inside cells, where they are needed.  In certain disease states, the capacity of nutrients to get in and stay inside the cells may be diminished.  IV administration helps get those nutrients inside the cell.  If cells are repeatedly “flooded” with nutrients, the improvement may be cumulative in their ability to heal, and improve their illness/condition.

When treating patients with IV nutrition, some patients get progressively better and after a series of treatments no longer require therapy.  Other patients need regular injections in order to better control and counteract their medical conditions. In some cases, continued IV therapy may be necessary because a person’s disease state is too advanced to be reversible, therefore ongoing IV nutritional support is recommended.

I’m tired all the time or I am getting a cold. Is a Myers’ Cocktail right for me?

One of the biggest reasons we recommend and administer Wellness IVs is because a person is run down, fatigued, under moderate to severe stress or is at the beginning of an illness such as flu or cold.  Many patients respond to treatment with results lasting days to several months.  About 50% of the people we have given IV Myers’ for an oncoming flu/cold/respiratory bug get immediate relief and resolution of their illness.  Others get a significant reduction in illness severity and length.

Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or fibromyalgia usually improve with weekly or twice monthly injections.  In some cases, the improvements are after the first IV, others after 3-4 treatments.  As mentioned above, some patients become progressively healthier and eventually stop treatment.  Other patients maintain periodic injections to help them function better and restore more energy.

Other conditions we have treated with good success include depression, recovery from athletic training or endurance events, allergies, drug withdrawal, and menstrual cramps.

What are the side effects, if any?

Does feeling better and having great stamina and energy count as a side effect?  IV Nutrient Therapy is generally very safe and poses minimal if any negative side effects.

Given too fast, an IV may lower blood pressure causing warmth, dizziness or faintness (so we don’t do that!).  The only known allergic reaction to IV nutrients has been when using those with preservatives, and these reactions are quite rare.  Some patients may experience burning at the localized IV site.  As with any injectable treatment, there is always a risk of infection or phlebitis, although it is also very rare.

I have been administering IV nutrients for over 10 years, am a licensed medical provider in the state of Colorado and have an extensive background in intensive/critical care.  Experience counts if there is ever an urgent or emergent situation, and although chances are quite minimal of this occurring it can happen.  From a legal standpoint, a patient should seek IV treatment from a properly licensed medical professional who can legally obtain and administer medication and who also has advanced training in dealing with medical emergencies.  These laws vary from state to state as to what constitutes and defines a medical provider, so be sure to seek a professional who is licensed in the state in which they are currently practicing.

IV Vitamins | What is Intravenous Vitamin Therapy?

The average person is exposed to thousands of toxins in their lifetime, many of which, the body does not know how to break down. Even though our exposure to these substances is small, the buildup of toxins throughout the years is what makes us vulnerable to disease. Clinical studies have shown that these toxins may be the cause of many cancers and diseases in humans and animals.

IV Vitamin Therapy Image

What are IV Vitamins?

IV Vitamin Therapy is a safe and natural method of infusing nutrients through the bloodstream to deliver effective doses of vitamins that are essential to the functioning of our body. Normally vitamins have very poor absorption when taken orally, so IV or intravenous therapy delivers higher blood levels without causing side effects.

At New Leaf Wellness, our Providers  understand that there is a necessity to “detoxify” our bodies from toxins that have been building up for years and years. Our IV Vitamin Therapy program offers YOU the ability to detox in a safe and painless manner. IV Vitamin therapy will improve your performance, increase your energy, prevent premature aging and boost your immune system to be better prepared to fight diseases. All this results in improved blood flow, which in turn restores the ability of body to oxygenate tissue and cells.

With our IV therapy program, you can now chose to become healthier. The goal of IV Nutrition is to make you feel and look your best, starting from the inside out.

IV Vitamin Therapy is the perfect start to a healthier YOU.

Benefits from IV Vitamin Therapy

  • Detoxification – It helps the body eliminate free radicals, chemical pollutants and bacterial toxins.
  • Increases Energy – It helps patients fight fatigue
  • Antiviral and Antibacterial Agent – It is excellent to treat acute and chronic viral infections. Because it boosts the immune system, it helps control reactivated viral infections (for example, cold sores and shingles) too.
  • Immune modulator – Restores balance to the immune system, making it more efficient and ready to fight recurrent infections, chronic fatigue, immune disorders and allergies.
  • Reduces stress – It helps patients feel more energetic, happier, increases concentration
    and improves mood.
  • Healthier Skin – The increased circulation promotes healthier and glowing skin. It improves acne and other immune related disorders that target the skin.
  • Decreases Risk of Heart Disease – It helps reverse the inflammatory effect on arteries, which in turn decreases the formation of arteriosclerosis, which is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Ask for a consultation with one of our IV Vitamin experts. We are here to offer you a safe and natural way of looking and feeling your best.

What is Glutathione and why do we need it?

Glutathione Series Part 1 of 3:

Glutathione is the master antioxidant and detoxifier of every cell in your body.

It is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids- cysteine, glutaminic acid and glycine. Glutathione is the most important antioxidant produced by the body. It prevents cellular damage caused by free radicals and peroxides. Some of its antioxidant functions in the body include:

  • Maintaining vitamins C and E in their reduced, active forms
  • Tightly regulating the production of hydrogen peroxide
  • Neutralizing lipid peroxides-breakdown products of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in our cell membranes
  • Assisting in making drugs and other toxic chemicals more water-soluble for easier excretion


Frequently asked questions about this important antioxidant!

Q. Where does Glutathione come from?
A. Glutathione is synthesized in the body from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and glycine. The amino acid cysteine is responsible for the biological activity of Glutathione. Supplies of cysteine are the rate-limiting factor in Glutathione synthesis by the cells, since cysteine is relatively rare in foodstuffs. Furthermore, if taken as the free amino acid, cysteine is toxic and spontaneously destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma.

Q. Why is Glutathione important?
A. Increasing cellular Glutathione can dramatically raise energy levels, strengthen the immune system, fight inflammation, improve athletic performance, detoxify the body, aid in cellular repair and slow down the aging process.

Q. What depletes Glutathione in the cells?
A. Environmental pollutants, pharmaceutical drugs and a poor lifestyle all lead to lower levels of Glutathione.

Q. What toxins affect Glutathione levels?
A. Toxins affecting Glutathione include:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other pharmaceuticals
  • Acetone, solvents, paint removers, fuels, fuel by-products
  • Pesticides, herbicides
  • Benzopyrenes: From tobacco smoke, barbequed foods, and fuel exhaust
  • Alcohol
  • Housewares: Certain non-stick coating of pans, plastic containers, plastic linings of tin cans and other food packaging
  • Formaldehyde and styrene: From photocopiers and toner printers
  • Chlorine in treated water
  • Medical X-rays
  • UV radiation

Q. What lifestyles affect Glutathione levels?
A. Life style factors that deplete Glutathione include:

  • Poor diet: Glutathione has to work hard to cover for missing or insufficient nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Strenuous exercise: Though not a toxic substance it produces many free radicals in the body.
  • Stress

Q. How can I increase my Glutathione levels?
A. Get a Glutathione Push at New Leaf Wellness.