Waking Up Drenched in Sweat?
Try our free assessment to check for your own hormonal balance. Click the appropriate link below to take the assessment and your results will be shown immediately!
Waking Up Drenched in Sweat?
Try our free assessment to check for your own hormonal balance. Click the appropriate link below to take the assessment and your results will be shown immediately!
The Bio-identical pellets release a small amount of the hormone that they contain into the blood stream at a fairly constant level–a lot like your glands would do if they were functioning properly. When you have an increased cardiac output (I.e. with exercising) then you will get an increased amount of the hormone. This helps you to recover better from exercising.
The bio-identical hormone pellets give your body what it needs in as close to physiologic doses as is possible. Your body uses up the pellets at an individual rate and most people require a re-pellet after 3-6 months. Over time most people end up being able to have their pellets last 5-6 months.
Are you ready to check your hormone health? Take a short quiz to recognize what to look for when considering if you would be a good candidate for bio-identical pellets.
With modern sanitation, medicine, and an abundance of food we are living longer lives. Unfortunately with longer lives we are seeing a marked increase in the number of chronic illnesses and the number of years that an individual is alive but is in a deteriorating state. We can not avoid dying but we can shorten the dying process and increase the number of years that we live feeling younger. If you are all about the quality of life then continue reading.
Declining hormones, along with poor lifestyle choices, are largely responsible for the slow deterioration that we are seeing all around us. The good news is that we have the capability to prevent this slow deterioration, and even reverse some of it . This gives us the ability to live long AND vital lives, not just long lives.
Decreased levels of Testosterone, Thyroid,
Replacing your declining hormones with bio-identical hormones is the best form of hormone replacement since it replaces your hormones with a man made bio-equivalent hormone. This means that your body sees these replacement hormones as if your body made it on its own. There is no chemical difference between what your body makes and the bio-identical hormones given to you. This is different than man made “synthetic” hormones that have chemical differences from the hormones that your body makes. These differences are so that the “synthetic” hormone can be patented. These chemical differences can result in dangerous side effects. Doesn’t it make sense to replace your hormones with bio-identical hormones that are exactly the same chemically as the ones that your body naturally makes?
Pellets, capsules, creams, and gels are different ways that you may get your bio-identical hormones. Which form you use depends on the hormone(s) that you need as well as your personal preference. You can only decide this after an informed discussion about the pros and cons of each form.
Taking bio-identical hormones are an important piece of the optimal wellness pie, it is also important to make lifestyle changes that enable your body to function optimally. A healthy organic whole food based diet that is low in sugar, devoid of gluten (as much as possible), and with no (or very little) processed food is also an important piece. Regular exercise and regular sleep are two other very important pieces. Living a full and vital life is within your reach. You first have to decide that you wish to go down that path and then obtain the personalized guidance that you require. You can reach your goals one step at a time with the right guidance.
If you’re ready to add some quality back to your years, and you want to do it with bio-identical hormone therapy, call us!
Learn More about Testosterone and Fatigue
However, the study being cited had tested older, high heart disease risk men whose Testosterone level was never in an optimal range and they were treated for too short a time to even show a benefit. Optimal Testosterone levels are around 600-1400 depending on the male, men in this study were averaging levels in the 300 range. This was a poorly done study, and it is a shame that it was used to scare men away from seeking help.
In fact, there are many studies showing that when Testosterone levels are optimized and given enough time to work, that Testosterone actually is protective for the heart as well as the brain. Remember that the normal Testosterone lab values are not optimal–they are simply the expected values based on testing the male population—both ill and healthy. You want optimal levels if you want a life of vitality.
Optimizing a man’s Testosterone level involves replacing his Testosterone along with starting healthy lifestyle changes. Testosterone is best replaced with bio-identical Testosterone–biologically identical to what your body is designed to respond to. Mark was given the choices on replacing his Testosterone. Creams which are applied twice a day. There are synthetic gels and patches on the market but they are not bio-identical-using them can cause unforeseen complications since they are chemically different from what your body is designed to work with. A compounding pharmacy makes the bio-identical Testosterone. You can not buy it at a regular pharmacy. A quality compounding pharmacy offers safe and effective bio-identical creams.
Creams are painless but you do need to remember to apply them daily and there can be a pulse like absorption after application. In addition, you do need to be careful about getting the Testosterone cream on others. Testosterone injections are another possible form of Testosterone replacement, and they tend to be more effective than creams but your liver has to process it into a bio-identical Testosterone. There is also a pulse like absorption, and you need an injection once to twice a week. This mode of replacement requires the most monitoring by lab work.
Testosterone pellets are bio-identical and are absorbed on a more constant level with a natural increase when your cardiac input increases–similar to your natural physiology. They work very effectively. Testosterone pellets have been well documented to protect the heart, bones, and brain as well as resolve symptoms. It does involve an in office procedure where the pellets are inserted in the fatty tissue of your buttocks and it is the more costly of the three choices. Which form of Testosterone replacement a man chooses depends on the individual.
“Mark” chose Testosterone pellets, and after about 2-3 weeks he felt better- he has energy, is able to build muscle, feels mentally balanced and can pole vault out of bed again. He also has the focus to get back into the gym and fine tune his diet to include more vegetables (organic) and less processed foods.
Do you have symptoms similar to Mark? Take our hormone health quiz for a quick, overall checkup! Click here > Hormone Health Test for Men
We also offer a Hormone Health Test for Women!
When replacing your hormones with bio-identical hormones you have several options: capsules, creams, troches, and pellets. Pellet therapy is not well known but has been around for decades. It is a safe and effective way to get Testosterone (for men and women) and Estrogen (for women). The dosage that you receive is customized based on your age, sex, weight, activity level, symptoms and lab work. Bio-identical hormone pellets are not a one size fit all solution.
Bio-identical pellets are about the size of a tic-tac (but thinner)and are placed in the fat in the upper outer quadrant of your buttocks. This is done in an office setting after local anesthesia is applied. The procedure takes a mere minutes and is very well tolerated. The area is slightly sore for a few days for women and about a week for men. It is easily tolerated and the incision site is so small no sutures (stitches) are needed.
For women, it is advised that for four days to avoid exercise that works the buttocks muscles and avoid baths and jacuzzi tubs. Basically, you are not to immerse your incision site in water or heavily work your buttocks for four days after the procedure. Walking and showering is fine.
For men, we advise the same restrictions but for seven days. Men get more Testosterone pellets than women do which can be a little bit larger incision for additional pellets. So again, you are not to immerse your incision site in water or heavily work your buttocks for seven days after the procedure.
Could your hormone levels be off? Is that what is causing YOUR SYMPTOMS?
Find out now with our Hormone Health Test that provides immediate results!
The hormones in the pellets are released over time and most closely resemble the body’s natural hormone production. With initial pellet therapy, it may take one to three weeks to feel the effect of the hormones and then the results are maintained over a period of three to six months. If there is no effect four weeks after the initial pellet insertion then consult with your physician. Most individuals can start to feel a difference in a week. **Lab work and a possible booster may be in order if you are not seeing bodily changes after a month.
We have had the pleasure of working with thousands of individuals who like you are just searching to find something to feel better or on the verge of accepting these aging symptoms as the new quality of life, and we are here to share with you the thousands of people have chosen not to accept this as good as it gets. To read our testimonials from our patients, click here!
Once your hormones balance, your physician will work with you individually to come up with an optimal time for you to re-pellet. This is dependent on your body’s needs and usage of Testosterone and/or Estrogen. Bio-identical hormone replacement is a customized therapy that is individualized to you! To schedule a complimentary consultation, please contact us today and start living a better life!
Male Menopause? What’s that?
Male menopause (called andropause) has many different symptoms. These symptoms come from a drop in Testosterone.
Andropause (male menopause) Symptoms:
- depression
- irritability
- decreased morning erections
- longer recovery time from workouts
- stiffness and pain in joints and muscles
- decreased concentration
- decreased ability to build muscle
- lowered mental acuity
- loss of the competitive edge
- overall loss of vitality
- fatigue
- sleep disturbances
- and more
A man may still have a good libido (sex drive) but be suffering from a decrease in his Testosterone levels because he does not realize that Testosterone performs many functions in the body. Testosterone is not just a “sex” hormone.
“I feel back in balance. I have more energy and feel more focused.”– Charlee P., New Leaf Wellness Patint
There is a lot of incorrect information about the negative side effects of Testosterone and when you research the studies you will find that when bio-identical Testosterone is prescribed and monitored by a hormone specialist, Testosterone is a benefit to the overall health and vitality of men and has not been shown to cause cancer or heart disease. Proper hormone balancing for men results in a man who feels great, thinks clearly, moves easier, and enjoys life better.
We at New Leaf Wellness like to help you live life better. To get started, contact us for a complimentary consultation.
Both men and women need optimal Testosterone levels. Testosterone surprisingly effects more than we realize. When we review lab work, patients are always interested in understanding how hormones effect their issues with sleep, concentration and other psychological factors. Truth be told, sometimes we can just get a little “off” and it can throw a lot of our daily body functions out of whack. We see a lot of men and women for testosterone therapy, and here is why:
“It is putting me in balance and I am becoming active again.”
– David B. New Leaf Wellness Patient
“I started New Leaf in November of 2014. I weighed 285 pounds. New Leaf treatments gave me the energy to start working out again and over 18 months I lost 95 pounds through exercise and healthy eating, NOT DIETING, I’m too old for that. During my 18 months I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, I was told I would miss several weeks of work and take months to recover. I missed 10 days of work and returned to the gym 2 weeks after my treatments which I attribute to my hormone therapy at New Leaf.”
– Van P., New Leaf Wellness Patient
Testosterone is a needed hormone and when your body is at optimal levels, it makes it easier to bounce back from whatever lies throws your way.
Testosterone is a hormone that is present in both men and women. Optimizing your Testosterone level by utilizing the Natural Hormone Therapy at New Leaf Wellness is an important part of your overall wellness as you age in today’s world.
Interested to know more? Take our quick hormone assessment and get immediate results!
A decreased sex drive can arise for many reasons and it can affect both women and men. A healthy sexual relationship with someone that you love is important. It is sometimes too easy to ignore this fact and let this part of your life slip away. But we want to help you learn how to naturally better your sex life!
Balancing your hormones is one part of having a healthy libido. Without a proper balance of Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone it is difficult to have a healthy sex drive. Our hormones get out of balance for many reasons and utilizing bio-identical hormones helps to fix that problem. Balancing your hormones is like putting gas into your car.
Just like there are many other parts to your car to make it run, there are also other things that affect your libido. Stress can greatly diminish your desire. Being unhappy in your relationship or being unhappy with yourself has a definite impact with sex drive. Medications can also have an affect.
I love New Leaf because it gives me more energy, my sex life is so much better. I could tell my joint pain in my shoulders does not hurt like it has before. All is so much better now. – Joyce D., Patient of New Leaf Wellness
It is important to take time out to unplug and relax. Yoga is a great way to learn to relax and keep your body limber. Turn off the phone, TV, and computer and breathe deeply and clear your mind. Transformational breathing is a perfect to aide you in any relationship issues–with your partner and with yourself.
1. Get comfortable.
2. Let go of negativity.
3. Keep your mouth open at all times.
4. Don’t hold your breath.
5. Practice often.
6. Change positions…Once you’ve mastered lying down, try sitting up
7. Perfect the technique
Yoga alone and even with your partner can relax your body enough to deeper connect with your partner. The deeper connection allows for growth in your closeness and increasing your sex life.
No more hot flashes, enjoying making love to my husband what could be better. – Becky S., Patient of New Leaf Wellness
Having a healthy sex drive can make you feel better about yourself and can enhance your relationship. With a balanced Natural Hormone Program at New Leaf Wellness and a desire on your part to increase your libido, you should be able to regain your libido!
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions with none, mild, moderate, severe, or extremely severe. Your answers will help you to better understand the severity of your hormonal imbalance if an imbalance exists.
After answering the above questions, look at how many you answered with mild or more severe symptoms. This will give you an idea of the severity of your hormonal imbalance.
If this questionnaire has shown you that there may be an issue with your hormones, then the next step is to get your hormone levels evaluated by your New Leaf Wellness provider who specializes in hormone balancing.