Supplements Every Guy or Gal Needs

Mixed messages, misguided information, supplement companies partnering with other industries  as ambassadors for their brand and it is all so confusing what to believe. So, today we can at least shed some light on supplements every guy or gal needs.

Supplements Every Guy or Gal Needs

You try to eat healthy, but there are still those splurges on nachos, beer, and pizza (and that’s just the short list of your cheat foods). So, you are likely nowhere close to getting all the nutrients you need each day. You are not alone. Who really eats nine servings of fruits and veggies every day? That’s where a few well chosen capsules can help.

“Supplements won’t counteract poor eating habits, but they can help to make a healthy diet better.”   – Dr. Robert Sieman, Medical Director of New Leaf Wellness

In other words, while you still need all the fruits and vegetables you can stomach, on those days when you opt for a beer rather than a smoothie, the right supplements can help to fill in the gaps from a less than ideal diet.

Like Multivitamins

No rocket science here, but it’s surprising just how many guys and gals still do not take a multi. The key to making them work is to make them part of your routine. Instead of stashing the bottle on a shelf, keep it by your toothbrush or coffee pot- something you hit every day without fail.


We have carefully crafted a multi for both guys and gals that helps fill in the gaps to ensure you are getting the most nutrition everyday. So, if you want to splurge on the nachos on Friday night, go for it.

Learn more about Xena Vitality Women’s Multi Complex or Alpha Vitality Men’s Multi Complex at:


Feel like you need more than a multi? Are you struggling with a disease that is attacking your immune system? Do you have a bug and no time to let it run its coarse? Check out our IV Therapy options!


Male Menopause?

Male Menopause? What’s that?

Even though there is more public talk about women and menopause, men also encounter a hormonal imbalance as they age (andropause). Because women tend to have a more abrupt hormonal change they are more likely than men to realize that their symptoms are from a hormonal imbalance. Men tend to have a more gradual change–with symptoms slowly appearing over 20 year period. Often the symptoms are not seen as a hormonal decline.

Male menopause (called andropause) has many different symptoms. These symptoms come from a drop in Testosterone.

Andropause (male menopause) Symptoms:

  • depression
  • irritability
  • decreased morning erections
  • longer recovery time from workouts
  • stiffness and pain in joints and muscles
  • decreased concentration
  • decreased ability to build muscle
  • lowered mental acuity
  • loss of the competitive edge
  • overall loss of vitality
  • fatigue
  • sleep disturbances
  • and more

A man may still have a good libido (sex drive) but be suffering from a decrease in his Testosterone levels because he does not realize that Testosterone performs many functions in the body. Testosterone is not just a “sex” hormone.

“I feel back in balance. I have more energy and feel more focused.”
– Charlee P., New Leaf Wellness Patint

Strong associations between low Testosterone and…..

  • bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • dementia
  • type 2 diabetes
  • elevated LDL cholesterol
  • arthritis

There is a lot of incorrect information about the negative side effects of Testosterone and when you research the studies you will find that when bio-identical Testosterone is prescribed and monitored by a hormone specialist, Testosterone is a benefit to the overall health and vitality of men and has not been shown to cause cancer or heart disease. Proper hormone balancing for men results in a man who feels great, thinks clearly, moves easier, and enjoys life better.

We at New Leaf Wellness like to help you live life better. To get started, contact us for a complimentary consultation.

Testosterone and Heart Attacks

Testosterone replacement is safe and helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Let’s take a look at the link of testosterone and heart attacks.

Due to media hype and the misrepresentation of studies done on Testosterone, let’s revisit this topic. Sadly, there are news reports that discourage the use of Testosterone despite overwhelming evidence. Properly administered Testosterone actually helps patients with many medical issues, including reducing the risk of heart attacks. It is actually low levels of Testosterone and higher levels of Estrogen in men that have been shown to be associated with an increased heart disease risk. The misrepresentation of Testosterone arose from studies that did not look at Estrogen levels. Testosterone replacement without looking at Estrogen levels can cause problems. Proper Testosterone replacement while addressing Estrogen elevation is a different story. When Testosterone is optimized while making sure Estrogen stays in an optimal range, the men studied had fewer heart attacks and also felt more vital.

In fact, A common cause of disability and death is actually related to low Testosterone. Low levels of Testosterone are associated with diabetes, increased belly fat, insulin resistance, and various arterial changes that increase the risk of heart attacks. Conversely, when Testosterone is replaced to optimal levels by a specially trained physician there is increased muscle mass, decreased belly fat, improved insulin sensitivity, improved memory, increased energy, better sleep, happier moods, and an improvement in cardiovascular health.

In conclusion, testosterone is simply not evil. In fact, it is critical for your optimal health and well being. The key is to have it replaced with proper oversight and the hormone experts at New Leaf Wellness can do this!

Get started today and get heart healthy by checking your hormone levels with a New Leaf Wellness medical staff! Yes, I want to be healthy!

Take our Hormone Quiz:



Men + Skin Care: What You Need To Know

Today, we are talking about men + skin care and what you need to know. Men are a fast-growing segment of consumers in the esthetic market, yet they can be underrep­resented in an often female-dominated industry. But it seems the tide is changing.

A survey by Allergan found that 48% of men would be open to discussing treatment for facial wrinkles with a doctor in the next two years. Additionally, 71% say they want to look good and almost half are willing to spend money on their facial appearance—40% of which would spend more than $250 for a single treatment.


[of men] say they want to look good and almost half are willing to spend money on their facial appearance—40% of which would spend more than $250 for a single treatment.

Men + Skin Care

A polished appearance in men helps them feel more confident, have stronger interpersonal relationships and stay more competitive in the job market,” she explained. “Another big trend is the prevalence of social media where your appearance is everything, especially when it comes to online dating. … It’s also become more accepted in today’s world so they don’t feel ashamed to get Botox, waxing, hair restoration or even manicures.

When men get Botox injections, they differ from women in that they are more prone to have their whole face done if instructed by an esthetic professional, according to Allergan.

Key injection areas for men include:

  • Glabellar lines
  • Eye area
  • Forehead
  • Frown lines
  • Double chin

Hear What Our Patients Are Saying:

Feel better overall. Friendly staff, easy to schedule, easy access, and very warm and comfortable environment.  – George M.  

View More Testimonials>>


Call New Leaf Wellness for any of your Professional Aesthetic Needs at 888-728-7555.

Morning or Night Workouts: Which is Best for Weight Loss?

Welcome Kris Wiese, fitness expert from MyGenetx today for her guest blogging for New Leaf Wellness.

Whether you are an early bird that gets the worm or a night owl that burns the oil, a workout regimen based on your optimum time of day can provide benefits. According to many sources, one is not better than the other. They both have advantages.

Morning Workout Benefits:

  • Boosting endorphins in the morning revs up your metabolism for the day!
  • Raising your body temperature helps wake you up quickly.
  • The quiet of the morning can mean less distractions and temptations to to ditch the workout.
  • When you finish an early workout, the tone is set for the day and you are more likely to eat healthy.
  • Sleep should come easy after a morning workout and full day of activity.

Evening Workout Benefits:

  • Late afternoons and early evenings are great to work off any stress of the day, which will reduce your levels of the stress hormone, cortisol that can lead to over eating.
  • Less warm-up time is required. (You may need an hour or two cool down before bed to prepare your body for good night’s sleep.)
  • Between 2pm-6pm is the peak time for a workout based on enzyme activity and muscular function.
  • If the workout is the last task of the day, you will have no time constraints.

On days when you feel great, you can extend your workout time!

When combined with a healthy diet, four workouts a week are encouraged for weight loss. If you are not sure what your optimum time is, try two morning workouts and two night workouts the first week to determine the best fit.

Information provided by Kris Wiese, Healthcare Content Specialist Director of Communications at MyGenetx. For more on fitness, contact Kris at


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