New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019!

With the new year upon us and 2018 behind us, it’s a great time to look forward. At New Leaf Wellness, we enjoy helping our patients who take the first step to living life better, and we feel extremely blessed to be a part of touching so many lives ongoing!

At New Leaf Wellness, we’re also making an impact on some of the most important issues facing Americans. Here in the U.S., we believe upwards to 95% of Americans suffer from health concerns and left unchecked it can lead to long term poor health. Also, we’re dedicated, and the testimonials we get from those we help are rewards that no money can buy. See Our Testimonials >>

New Leaf Wellness, New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy and JENLAB Diagnostics is here all year long for your health and wellness!!  Start the new year right, healthy! there’s nothing else quite like it. Enjoy this time with your friends and loved ones! Wishing you a happier, healthier, full of smiles 2019.

Working With Us

New Leaf Wellness has built a strong history helping one patient at a time and are in a unique position to help with your health needs.

  1. Your care is specifically designed for you – every time. You are unique and so is your treatment.
  2. Your care is ALWAYS managed by a physician (MD or DO), supported by Board Certified Nurse Practitioners and other licensed medical staff. In a medical world of cutting corners, your health is too important to compromise.
  3. Your derived natural hormone pellets are produced exclusively in a PCAB accredited pharmacy specific for your needs. Your hormone pellets are compounded in ISO-4 (Class-10) state of the art clean rooms to ensure high quality and consistency.
  4. Our natural hormone therapy is… well… natural. Our hormones are all derived from natural sources: wild yam plants or soybeans. We don’t offer synthetic estradiol, progesterone or testosterone… ever.

Want to Identify Your Symptoms With Our Quick Results Tests?

Hormone Health Quiz for MEN

Hormone Health Quiz for WOMEN


Weight Loss Health Quiz for MEN

Weight Loss Health Quiz for WOMEN


Aesthetics Health Quiz for MEN

Aesthetics Health Quiz for WOMEN


Migraines Health Quiz for MEN

Migraines Health Quiz for WOMEN



The Truth About Your Night Sweats

Waking Up Drenched in Sweat?

If you wake up drenched in sweat, think of your armpits as evidence. You do not have to do sleuthing to figure out what is prompting your perspiration. Night Sweats. Therefore, we are uncovering the truth about your night sweats and what your body is really telling you.

Firstly, night sweats are common. In a study published in Annals of Family Medicine, one-third of primary care patients reported night sweats during the past month. Your body is signaling to you, are you listening?

“However, no one knows exactly how common the condition is, because most sufferers of night sweats never report the symptom to their doctor”, says study author James Mold, M.D., a professor of family medicine at the University of Oklahoma. Think of night sweats as smoke detector going off in the home, it means time find the root of the alarm.


Could Night Sweats Be Hormonal?

In a literature review published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, Dr. Mold and his colleagues revealed that several factors increase the likelihood of night sweats including: panic attacks, sleep problems, fever, numbness in hands and feet, anxiety and stress, and trouble breathing at night. Night sweats may also be a symptom of unbalanced hormones.

Much like hot flashes, low estrogen effects the hypothalamus is often specifically what causes night sweats in women. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls appetite, body temperature, sleep and sex hormones.

“No night sweats or hot flashes anymore. More energy!”

Rhonda S., New Leaf Wellness Patient, see more testimonials >>

So, it’s important to us to live your best life. We provide a variety of health and wellness services personalized to your body’s deficiencies.


Not Just Women Experience Night Sweats…

It is a common misconception that only women experience night sweats. When men experience low testosterone levels like andropausal, it commonly causes false signals to the hypothalamus producing night sweats. Additionally, men with high cortisol (stress) levels, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle which can contribute to night sweats.

It is putting me in balance, and I am becoming active again.”

David B., New Leaf Wellness Patient, see more testimonials >>

Conclusively, if you wake up in a pool of sweat almost every night, you should give us a call at New Leaf Wellness to get your hormones checked.

Try our free assessment to check for your own hormonal balance. Click the appropriate link below to take the assessment and your results will be shown immediately!

Hormone Health Assessment For WOMEN

Hormone Health Assessment For MEN

Your Gut Health & Weight Loss

If only weight management were really as simple as they make it seem. Eat less, move more and in a caloric deficit you will lose weight; right? Wrong… Let’s talk about your gut health and weight loss today for a few minutes.

What is Gut Health?

If you try to keep ‘in the know’ of weight loss and health trends, there’s a lot of talk about probiotics, gut health and even diet changes such as dairy free and gluten free. Perhaps you personally have tried a supplement or reducing your processed food intake? It can be frustrating not truly knowing what your body needs. You see, the microbiome or gut plays a major role in the processing of nutrients and calories as well as influences how the body stores those nutrients and calories. If you are reducing caloric intake, exercising and still not seeing results, perhaps we need to shift our attention to your gut health?

Basic Ways the Gut Impacts Metabolism & Weight Loss:

1. Different bacterias are responsible for different functions. Some love to store fat! If your microbiome is out of balance, your bacteria could have an overabundance of “friends” trying to store some extra for the winter.

2. If your gut is off, you are likely missing many of the digestive enzymes needed to properly break down macronutrients, resulting in improperly stored calories as well as a lack of nutrient absorption.

3. The “bad” bacteria thrive on sugar. When we have an overgrowth of these bacteria, they will communicate their dietary desires to your brain encouraging you to eat more often as well as crave simply carbohydrates and sugars which are easily stored as fat.

4. Too much “bad” bacteria communicate stress signals to the brain, increasing cortisol the hormone associated with fat storage and blood sugar dips.

5. “Leaky Gut” leads to inflammation which negatively impacts metabolism. More on Leaky Gut >>

These are just some examples of how and why we need to balance our microbiome when trying to lose weight. If you feel this applies to your struggles with weight loss and just feeling ‘bloated’, contact us to take the Food Sensitivity Test and learn more about your gut!
We also have supplements specially formulated for you in mind! Visit our online supplement store for discount on your first purchase or contact us if you have questions.

What Now?

Follow the Dr’s recommendation on the elimination diet. Test yearly for the latest information on what is causing inflammation in your body. Be sure you are getting your follow up tests completed and you will not have chronic health problems due to inflammation caused by sensitivities of food.

Testosterone Pellets for Men and Women

We live in an imperfect world that has chemicals in our food, water, personal care products, cleaning products, etc. We are under stress from living in today’s rushed and “connected” world. We eat more processed foods and consume more sugar and gluten than past generations. All of this contributes to a hormone imbalance. Today, we want to explain the “why” of Testosterone pellets for men and women.

First, You Need To Know

Replacing your deficient hormones is one part of feeling optimal. Testosterone in particular is often found to be low in both men and women. Testosterone helps you to think more clearly, sleep better, have focus, be in a good mood, and recover better from exercise; among other things. When your Testosterone is low you may feel moody, grumpy, have more aches and pains, feel tired, have brain fog, etc. It is not just the “sex” hormone.

How Bioidentical Testosterone Pellets Can Help

Bioidentical Testosterone pellets are a great way to replace Testosterone for both men and women. They are about the size of a thin tic tac. The pellets are placed in the fatty area of your buttock area–somewhat near your hip in a simple procedure in the office. The Testosterone is released in small amounts on a consistent basis: just like your body should be doing but is not. When you have increased blood flow (from increased activity) your body will draw more Testosterone for its increased needs.

My strength and overall health has improved, sex life with my beautiful lady has been great. I sleep better and not [having] night sweats.

– Ken D., New Leaf Wellness Patient, More Testimonials

Bioidentical Testosterone pellets provide you with the Testosterone that your body needs in a manner that closely resembles what your body should naturally be doing but is not because of all of the hormone disruptors surrounding us. Proper hormone balancing is an important part of feeling optimal and getting out of the “rabbit hole” of not feeling good.

Don’t wait for symptoms to keep you from living your best life. Take our free and easy Hormone Health Quiz. Click the matching link below.

Hormone Health Quiz for MEN

Hormone Health Quiz for WOMEN



One of the many functions of vitamin D is muscle function and bone strength. Vitamin D regulates calcium throughout the body. Because calcium is integral to bone and muscle structure and function, appropriate vitamin D production and intake is necessary. Without enough vitamin D, our bones and muscles become weak, which result in a very noticeable increase in difficulty in daily motility.


Vitamin D is also a fundamental part of the immune system. It acts a messenger between cells. Without exposure to sunlight and vitamin D rich foods or supplements, there are various issues that tend to crop up, one of them being an increased chance and rate of infections. Lack of communication between cells leads to lack of response from the immune system toward bacteria or viruses. So if you’ve been sick more times in the past few months than usual, there is a definite possibility of a vitamin D deficiency.


Skeletal and Immune weakness can both result in general fatigue that stems from a deficiency. Vitamin D is directly related to the overall well being for most body systems. Without enough vitamin D, there is an increased chance of fatigue due to the gross effort the body must invest in normal function and process. This fatigue can lead to feelings of depression. This lack of motivation and general fatigue is definitely a symptom for a vitamin D deficiency.

Though these symptoms seems easy to recognize, remember that there is no greater accuracy than a diagnostic blood test. These tests are painless and the benefits are virtually endless. New Leaf Wellness aims to find the roots of illnesses to begin the preventative process through these simple diagnostic tests.

See our full listing of MEN and WOMEN services to better serve you! To contact a NLW staff member now, you can call us at 888-728-7555We look forward to speaking with you!

Part 2: How Do Bio-Identical Pellets Work?

Bio-identical pellets are made of an inert substance that holds it together along with either bio-identical Testosterone or Estradiol. If you require Estradiol it is one small pellet. Men, and also women, require Testosterone. There are different dosages (mg) of Testosterone pellets (25 mg up to 200 mg) and which mg pellet and how many Testosterone pellets you receive depends on the end dose that you require. This dosage is based on whether you are a man or woman, your weight, your baseline Testosterone level, and your activity level; among other things. A hormone specialist can determine what you require after your consultation. Want to learn more about how do bio-identical pellets work?

The Bio-identical pellets release a small amount of the hormone that they contain into the blood stream at a fairly constant level–a lot like your glands would do if they were functioning properly. When you have an increased cardiac output (I.e. with exercising) then you will get an increased amount of the hormone. This helps you to recover better from exercising.

The bio-identical hormone pellets give your body what it needs in as close to physiologic doses as is possible. Your body uses up the pellets at an individual rate and most people require a re-pellet after 3-6 months. Over time most people end up being able to have their pellets last 5-6 months.

Are you ready to check your hormone health? Take a short quiz to recognize what to look for when considering if you would be a good candidate for bio-identical pellets.



Read Part 1: What are Hormone Pellets?

Part 1: What are Hormone Pellets?

Bio-Identical Pellets

Bio-Identical are used in both men and women to treat hormone deficiencies and imbalances. Sterile pellets are small, about the size of a grain of rice, containing compressed bio-identical hormones. They are placed beneath the skin in the upper part of your buttocks area in the fat. It is a simple office procedure. But what are hormone pellets?

This method of bio-identical hormone delivery allows the body to slowly draw out small, physiologic doses of the needed hormone, providing for a more consistent steady-state delivery. The pellets typically dissolve over a period of three to four months, sometimes lasting up to six months. The timing depends upon how fast your body uses up the hormones. After a few pellet insertions, you will know how often to get re-pelleted.

“New Leaf has helped me get my hormones regulated. I feel god, have energy, get better rest and have not experienced the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. They make me feel together worthy and my sex life is great! I would recommend New Leaf to all couples wanting to improve their health, emotionally and physically. PS. I have also lost weight one jean size!” – Kathy B., New Leaf Wellness Patient, see more testimonials

Pellet hormone therapy has been used since the late 1930s and is often considered one of the most natural ways to deliver hormones to the body. The hormones are identical to the body’s own both structurally and biologically. Because the body does the work on its own once the pellets are inserted, many people find this type of hormone therapy easier than other forms.

Take our Hormone Health Test



Declining Hormones

Imagine moving around and being able to do the things that you love to do. Perhaps, you are already feeling vital and strong, but perhaps you are like the majority of people out there who yearn for a body that serves them better. Are you feeling tired, achy, moody, flabby or just feel that you have passed your peak?? Declining hormones? Men and women both can feel this way and it is not the way that you have to age. Having a slow decline in your health is not your destiny—you can live with vitality and when it is your time to go, leave this earth quickly and not after a slow deterioration over 30, or more years.

Improving the Quality of Life As We Age

With modern sanitation, medicine, and an abundance of food we are living longer lives. Unfortunately with longer lives we are seeing a marked increase in the number of chronic illnesses and the number of years that an individual is alive but is in a deteriorating state. We can not avoid dying but we can shorten the dying process and increase the number of years that we live feeling younger. If you are all about the quality of life then continue reading.

Declining hormones, along with poor lifestyle choices, are largely responsible for the slow deterioration that we are seeing all around us. The good news is that we have the capability to prevent this slow deterioration, and even reverse some of it . This gives us the ability to live long AND vital lives, not just long lives.

What You Need To Know About Reversing The Years

Decreased levels of Testosterone, Thyroid, Estrogen (women only), Progesterone, and Growth Hormone are often experienced for years before a person seeks medical attention. The decline can be subtle, especially for men, and is often misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety, the normal aging process, or simply that nothing is wrong with the person. The problem lies in the fact that the majority of doctors are not specially trained in detecting hormone imbalances as they are taught to look at normal values and they are not allowed the proper time to get to know you and your unique needs. Let’s face it–you do not want to be average, you want to be above average, right?? The “normal” values do not represent optimal.

Symptoms of Declining Hormones can Include:

  • Emotional changes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of muscle strength
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Increased wrinkles
  • Loss of focus
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Loss of vitality
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Osteoporosis
  • Brain fog or decreased memory
  • Increase in body aches/pains
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Decrease in morning erections for men

Can You Replace What’s Lost?

Replacing your declining hormones with bio-identical hormones is the best form of hormone replacement since it replaces your hormones with a man made bio-equivalent hormone. This means that your body sees these replacement hormones as if your body made it on its own. There is no chemical difference between what your body makes and the bio-identical hormones given to you. This is different than man made “synthetic” hormones that have chemical differences from the hormones that your body makes. These differences are so that the “synthetic” hormone can be patented. These chemical differences can result in dangerous side effects. Doesn’t it make sense to replace your hormones with bio-identical hormones that are exactly the same chemically as the ones that your body naturally makes?

Bio-Identical Hormones Explained

Pellets, capsules, creams, and gels are different ways that you may get your bio-identical hormones. Which form you use depends on the hormone(s) that you need as well as your personal preference. You can only decide this after an informed discussion about the pros and cons of each form.

Taking bio-identical hormones are an important piece of the optimal wellness pie, it is also important to make lifestyle changes that enable your body to function optimally. A healthy organic whole food based diet that is low in sugar, devoid of gluten (as much as possible), and with no (or very little) processed food is also an important piece. Regular exercise and regular sleep are two other very important pieces. Living a full and vital life is within your reach. You first have to decide that you wish to go down that path and then obtain the personalized guidance that you require. You can reach your goals one step at a time with the right guidance.

If you’re ready to add some quality back to your years, and you want to do it with bio-identical hormone therapy, call us!

Testosterone and Fatigue

Learn More about Testosterone and Fatigue

“Mark”, a 48 year old gentleman came to my office complaining of fatigue, an increase in aches/pains, an increase in irritability, and a decreased ability to build muscle. He still has a good libido but had noticed a decrease in morning erections. “Mark” had seen his regular doctor who told him his labs were normal and that he needed to exercise more but he was too tired to do that. He knew there was something else going on. When NLW doctor reviewed his symptoms and lab results, we both agreed that he suffered from low Testosterone. At first, “Mark” was concerned about the risks associated with replacing Testosterone based on recent news releases. We went over the study that the news was citing. The news reports were telling men that Testosterone replacement increased heart disease risk.

However, the study being cited had tested older, high heart disease risk men whose Testosterone level was never in an optimal range and they were treated for too short a time to even show a benefit. Optimal Testosterone levels are around 600-1400 depending on the male, men in this study were averaging levels in the 300 range. This was a poorly done study, and it is a shame that it was used to scare men away from seeking help.

More on Testosterone Studies

In fact, there are many studies showing that when Testosterone levels are optimized and given enough time to work, that Testosterone actually is protective for the heart as well as the brain. Remember that the normal Testosterone lab values are not optimal–they are simply the expected values based on testing the male population—both ill and healthy. You want optimal levels if you want a life of vitality.

Optimizing a man’s Testosterone level involves replacing his Testosterone along with starting healthy lifestyle changes. Testosterone is best replaced with bio-identical Testosterone–biologically identical to what your body is designed to respond to. Mark was given the choices on replacing his Testosterone. Creams which are applied twice a day. There are synthetic gels and patches on the market but they are not bio-identical-using them can cause unforeseen complications since they are chemically different from what your body is designed to work with. A compounding pharmacy makes the bio-identical Testosterone. You can not buy it at a regular pharmacy. A quality compounding pharmacy offers safe and effective bio-identical creams.

What Are Other Options?

Creams are painless but you do need to remember to apply them daily and there can be a pulse like absorption after application. In addition, you do need to be careful about getting the Testosterone cream on others. Testosterone injections are another possible form of Testosterone replacement, and they tend to be more effective than creams but your liver has to process it into a bio-identical Testosterone. There is also a pulse like absorption, and you need an injection once to twice a week. This mode of replacement requires the most monitoring by lab work.

Testosterone pellets are bio-identical and are absorbed on a more constant level with a natural increase when your cardiac input increases–similar to your natural physiology. They work very effectively. Testosterone pellets have been well documented to protect the heart, bones, and brain as well as resolve symptoms. It does involve an in office procedure where the pellets are inserted in the fatty tissue of your buttocks and it is the more costly of the three choices. Which form of Testosterone replacement a man chooses depends on the individual.

What about “Mark”?

“Mark” chose Testosterone pellets, and after about 2-3 weeks he felt better- he has energy, is able to build muscle, feels mentally balanced and can pole vault out of bed again. He also has the focus to get back into the gym and fine tune his diet to include more vegetables (organic) and less processed foods.

Do you have symptoms similar to Mark? Take our hormone health quiz for a quick, overall checkup! Click here > Hormone Health Test for Men

We also offer a Hormone Health Test for Women!

Sleep without Medication

Want to know how to sleep without medication?

Do you ever have trouble sleeping?? Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?? You are not alone! Lack of quality sleep is a big problem and it is a cause of many other problems.

There are prescription medications that can help you, but they can be addictive and have side effects. If you want to avoid prescription medications and still get good sleep, you can!

What first…

First, you want to try to figure out why you are not sleeping. If it is something that is on your mind then you will want to seek the help of a counselor. Daily journaling and regular exercise has proven to help calm your mind. If you are drinking caffeine limit your intake to 1 or 2 cups a day and no later than 1 pm. Be sure that you are eating small meals throughout the day and keeping your blood sugar balanced. If it is hot flashes or night sweats that wake you up, then get your hormones checked. Balancing your progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen definitely help hormonal symptoms.

Take a quick Hormone Health Quiz to check!



Please note: If you think that you have any underlying medical concern affecting your sleep, you should get a medical evaluation.

What’s safe?

There are several natural supplements that can help you to sleep. Melatonin, kava, and valerian are the most effective. It also helps to take slow deep breaths when lying in bed and keeping your bedroom dark and quiet.  With a little effort on your part, you can get great sleep without medication!

We offer a free consultation to discuss these symptoms and figure out if you are in need of hormone balancing. Contact us to get started!