Symptoms and Causes of Low Estrogen

Explaining everything you need to know about low estrogen and helping you identify if you may be in need of treatment if you resonate with any of the red flags below! Here are symptoms and causes of low estrogen…

What are the symptoms of low estrogen?

First, women of all ages can develop low estrogen.

Common symptoms of low estrogen include:

  • painful sex due to a lack of vaginal lubrication
  • an increase in urinary tract infections (UTIs) due to a thinning of the urethra
  • irregular or absent periods
  • mood swings
  • hot flashes
  • breast tenderness
  • headaches or accentuation of pre-existing migraines
  • depression
  • trouble concentrating
  • fatigue

In fact, you may also find that your bones fracture or break more easily. This may be due to a decrease in bone density. Furthermore, estrogen works in conjunction with calcium, vitamin D, and other minerals to keep bones strong. If your estrogen levels are low, you may experience decreased bone density. What causes all this? Glad you asked!

What causes low estrogen?

Estrogen is primarily produced in the ovaries. And unfortunately, anything that affects the ovaries will end up affecting estrogen production. And this isn’t for just mature age women.

Young women may experience low levels of estrogen due to:

  • excessive exercise
  • eating disorders, such as anorexia
  • a low-functioning pituitary gland
  • premature ovarian failure, which can result from genetic defects, toxins, or an autoimmune condition
  • Turner syndrome
  • chronic kidney disease

In women over age 40, low estrogen can be a sign of approaching menopause. This time of transition is called perimenopause.

During perimenopause, your ovaries will still produce estrogen. Production will continue to slow until you reach menopause. When you’re no longer producing estrogen, you’ve reached menopause. So, check your levels today!

Can Peptide Therapy Pep Up Your Fitness and Wellness?

Well, well, well… there’s a new safe and effective treatment that’s pepping up fitness buffs, health seekers and anti-aging enthusiasts with its impressive power to keep your body and mind at their best. How can peptide therapy pep up your fitness and wellness? We’re going to explain. And tell you how our clients are seeing optimal results! This exciting wellness wonder is well worth getting to know for how it can help improve your health, fitness, appearance and quality of life. We call this Peptide Therapy—but you’ll call it your fountain of youth.

What is Peptide Therapy?

Before getting to the beauty of this new treatment, let’s begin with the basics. So, peptides are tiny proteins made up of short chains of amino acids. They signal the cells in your body to perform in specific ways. While they may be extremely small, they’re really a big deal because they are responsible for all of the ways that your body and mind function. From your athletic performance and weight loss to your libido, appearance and memory, peptides play a role in how you feel, look and live. With different peptides affecting different cells and functions, they can be highly tailored and targeted to treat a wide variety of fitness, anti-aging, health and wellness conditions.

The Power of Peptides

Since peptides are able to improve a number of very precise concerns, they offer a wide range of benefits for overall health and appearance, including:

  • Boosts energy
  • Builds muscle
  • Enhances physical performance
  • Burns fat
  • Increases weight loss
  • Repairs muscles and tendons
  • Improves appearance
  • Increases sex drive
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • Sharpens memory and cognitive focus

The Perfect Peptides for Every Purpose

With more than 7,000 naturally-occurring peptides, the following are preferred for the ways they can help you achieve your fitness, anti-aging and wellness goals.


“My mobility is improving, almost zero stiffness when I woke up today, almost no pain when bending at the hips, it’s unreal!”

– R.O., New Leaf Wellness Client

Sermorelin + Ipamorelin

As one of a new and improved generation of peptides, this potent combination is more effective for most people and offers more targeted action to deliver these worthwhile benefits:

  • Fights the signs of aging
  • Builds collagen and reduces wrinkles
  • Increases fat loss and weight loss
  • Accelerates healing and recovery
  • Improves sleep and mood
  • Enhances cognitive function
  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Improves immune system

Call New Leaf Wellness for a complimentary consultation!


Also, short for “body protection compound,” this power-packed peptide is a true healing hero for the way it significantly speeds up the healing process for all kinds of tissues, from muscles and tendons to your gut and your brain.

It can help in the following ways:

  • Accelerates muscle and tendon healing
  • Aids in reducing arthritis pain
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Increases collagen production
  • Repairs lean tissue throughout the body
  • Improves intestinal health
  • Enhances GABA neurotransmission
  • Counteracts the effects of Parkinson’s disease


“After years of doing the traditional medicine route, I finally have discovered the answer to overall body pain, fatigue, and lack of energy. I feel like I’m getting my life back.”

– M.F., New Leaf Wellness Client

AOD 9604

Next, stubborn fat and pesky pounds are no match for this fragment of Human Growth Hormone, which stimulates fat burning and weight loss without affecting blood insulin levels.

This fat fighter is a favorite for the way it:

  • Reduces fat
  • Regulates fat metabolism
  • Simulates the breakdown of fat
  • Triggers fat release
  • Increases your metabolism

GHK-CU Copper Peptide

Finally, an anti-aging powerhouse, this peptide is considered a skin savior for its many beautiful benefits, such as:

  • Improves overall skin appearance
  • Increases skin firmness, elasticity and clarity
  • Repairs the skin’s protective barrier
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, inflammation and free radical damage
  • Diminishes photo-damage and hyper-pigmentation
  • Stimulates wound healing
  • Protects skin cells from UV radiation
  • Increases hair growth and thickness


At New Leaf Wellness, our medical experts have a solid understanding of the complexities of different peptides. This expertise empowers them to customize these treatments to enhance your healthy lifestyle. Call New Leaf Wellness today to schedule your private, personal consultation.

“New Leaf has been a life changer with all the opportunities offered. It’s well worth it. It helped give me my life back….literally!”

– R.B., New Leaf Wellness Client, see more testimonials >>

Epionce, The Power of Botanicals

Epionce products combine the power of botanicals and active complexes for clinical results you can see. At New Leaf Wellness, we like to incorporate natural options for our body to better bounce back

A Simple Approach

Actually, Epionce products are hand-selected for their efficacy to address a variety of skin issues including signs of aging, rough or uneven skin texture and dark spots. In fact, the unique blend of botanical ingredients in every Epionce product works synergistically to reveal:

  • Radiant, healthier-looking skin
  • Improve the visible effects of aging

Does It Work?

Short answer, yes. But let’s take a deeper dive about why… Established on decades of skin research by founder Dr. Carl Thornfeldt, Epionce is backed by over 16 independent clinical studies using the finished, market-ready products on patients. Also, studies have demonstrated superior results from Epionce regimens that utilized botanical ingredients, proving that beautiful, healthy-looking skin can be achieved without the “pain to get the gain” characterized by harsh, irritating ingredients.

Most notably, flagship Renewal Facial Cream, when used with Lytic Tx, displayed superior results against the gold-standard anti-aging retinoid for visible improvement of skin aging. So by employing a blend of unique botanicals and active complexes—in stable formulations—both products work together to provide clinically proven anti-aging results.

Don’t wait, contact your Epionce skin care professional to find the best products for your unique skin. 

Contact our New Leaf Wellness Epionce Specialist Today!


Want to learn more about all of our Professional Aesthetic Services for both men and women, check out our full list of services!

NLW Services for Women

NLW Services for Men


You can also take our complimentary skin quiz that instantly sends you results to your inbox!

Take our Aesthetics Quiz for WOMEN

Take our Aesthetics Quiz for MEN

T​est Your Gut Health by Doing the Food Sensitivity Test

All the supplements on the market for gut health nowadays, and did you know we can t​est your gut health by doing the food sensitivity test with a simple in-office process?

What’s Going On In Your Gut

Changes in the gut microbiome can have a therapeutic response which has led to the use of probiotics in traditional medicine since long before probiotics were identified and acknowledged as the mechanism of this response. Therefore as the use of probiotics grows, so to does the body of knowledge we have about the relationship between the microorganisms that inhabit our gut and our overall health. So now, we are able to realize the delicacy of our gut’s environment. In fact, negative changes to the gut microbiome result in altered activity of neurotransmitter systems and immune function which can be potentially detrimental and contribute to a number of disorders or conditions. Similarly, targeted positive changes to the gut microbiome may reduce the symptoms of and possibly even reverse certain conditions.

More On Gut Health Research

Today, links have been made between gut health and depression, anxiety, stress, even sleep. Actually, a recent study tested this relationship in mice, which provide a very useful model of our own digestive and nervous system. This study found that treatment with a lactic acid producing strain of probiotic may help to reduce stress as well as depression and anxiety. The lactic acid producing bacteria “induced region-dependent alterations in GABAB1b mRNA in the brain with increases in cortical regions (cingulate and prelimbic) and concomitant reductions in expression in the hippocampus, amygdala, and locus coeruleus, in comparison with control-fed mice” and more importantly, “reduced stress-induced corticosterone and anxiety- and depression-related behavior” (Bravo, 2011).

You should test your gut health by doing the Food Sensitivity Test if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Stomach Pains
  • Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
  • Complexion Blotchiness and Acne
  • Bloating
  • Chronic Pain
  • Poor Sleeping Habits
  • Slow Problem Solving
  • Low Energy & Fatigue
  • Impaired Memory
  • Joint Pain and Achiness
  • Poor Attention and Focus
  • Weight Gain
If you would like to learn more, please contact us below!

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Benefits of BioIdentical Hormone Therapy

Millions of men and women suffer from hormonal health issues that can be improved or even completely cured through the use of  hormone replacement therapy. Sadly, many of those who can benefit may not even realize that they have a medical issue, because the symptoms of hormone imbalance are often ignored or mistaken for normal “signs of aging”. Today, we are focusing on the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy for both men and women.

What Are Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets?

Hormone pellet therapy is a major step forward for both men and women. Actually, as with all treatments at New Leaf Wellness, it uses only proven, safe, and effective bioidentical hormones from New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy.

Unlike synthetic hormones developed in a laboratory, bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources. These hormones are extremely safe compared to the alternative. The pellets chemical structure exactly mimics that of the body’s own hormones.

This is crucial, since it means the body’s hormone receptors process bioidentical hormones easily. Subsequently, this accelerates the positive effects of treatment and reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Made me symptom free from menopause!

– Stacy C., New Leaf Wellness Patient

see more testimonials >>

How Do Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets Work?

When using pellets, all the discomfort and uncertainty that can be associated with other methods will disappear. You never have to worry about an injection or about carefully measuring out the right dosage. In fact, the pellet does all the work.

A time-release pellet containing the appropriate hormones and dosages is implanted into the patient using a tiny skin incision. Medication is released over time in a way that works harmoniously with the body’s systems and prompts optimal response.

They help me get my life back- play, work, sex and to feel great again! I feel young again!

– Rodney W., New Leaf Wellness Patient

see more testimonials >>

Pellet method is appropriate for both men and women:

  • Men can gain fast relief from the symptoms of low T and andropause. Our patients generally experience rapid onset of improved concentration, strength, stamina, sexual functioning and sexual sensation.
  • Women can overcome symptoms of menopause or hormone imbalance. Unfortunately, hormone imbalance often goes undiagnosed and untreated because many women don’t realize their symptoms are more severe than they should be.

Therefore, with no downtime and no costly medications of daily intake, you can start to feel small improvements within a couple weeks and most patients see noticable changes in their bodies within 6 weeks or more.



Have You Tried DIM?

What is it?

DIM stands for Diindolylmethane. It is a natural plant-based chemical found in many cruciferous vegetables. DIM works to create a health balance of estrogen and testosterone in your body.

Causes of Estrogen Dominance

  • Processed foods and sugar
  • Alcohol and caffeine
  • Artificial fragrances
  • Makeup and hair products
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Pharmaceuticals

Benefits of DIM

  • Anti-cancer properties (may prevent estrogen driven cancers like breast and cervical)
  • Weight Loss
  • Helps to restore a better ratio of “good” and “bad” estrogens
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Decrease hormonal acne
  • Decrease menopause symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats)

Do You Have These Symptoms?

  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Breast tenderness
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular Periods
  • PMS
  • Thyroid Issues
  • Depression or Anxiety
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Low Libido
  • Cramps

These symptoms may be clues that you have estrogen dominance symptoms and could benefit from DIM supplements. To purchase online, visit our supplement store, New Leaf Rx Nutrition Shop.


Sources: relief-cancer-prevention-and-more/

8 Reasons for Daily Lemon Water

Lemon water right at the start of the day is not only refreshing, it gives you an immediate boost of energy that can improve your mood in one quick easy step while you are being hydrated. Today, we are giving you 8 reasons why you should drink lemon water daily!

Start the Day…

Drinking lemon water first thing at the start of each day is an easy routine to get into that can improve your overall health in a very positive way. Not only is it refreshing but it jumps starts digestion and your body’s natural detoxification process, add to that lemons are loaded with iron, calcium, vitamins C and B, enzymes, potassium, magnesium, fibers, and antioxidants, which may help build up your resistance to aliments, sickness, and disease. It’s a win win refreshment with seemingly endless benefits in a simple daily routine.

Replace Caffeine?

Lemon water right at the start of the day is not only refreshing, it gives you an immediate boost of energy that can improve your mood in one quick easy step while you are being hydrated. The importance of staying properly hydrated can not be stated enough. Water is always best, but many people find it too bland, adding lemons adds some zest to it that is enjoyable which may help you also kick the caffeine habit.

Lemon Water for Immunity

Lemon water can boost your immune system as it is high in vitamin C which fights cold and flu by strengthening the immune system, and helps improve the body’s ability to absorb more iron from the foods consumed which is an important nutrient. Lemons also have antiviral and antibacterial properties that aid in fighting off colds and flu, which also soothe a sore throat.

Lemon Water for GI Tract

Lemon juice has a similar structure to the juices that are found in you stomach that helps to loosen and flush out toxins from in the digestive tract. It also helps to hydrate your colon, stimulate bile production, infuses water into stool, and aides your bowels moving in the morning. It can help to ease bloating, heartburn, and indigestion. Lemons help to flush your system and stimulate your liver to produce more enzymes and make them work more efficiently. Lemon juice works as a diuretic to keep your urinary tract toxin free and change PH levels which decreases bacterial growth.

Lemon Water for Healthy Skin

Lemons are a very rich source of antioxidants that promote healthy skin by help to restrict free radical damage that is responsible for the premature aging of your skin. The vitamin C helps rejuvenate and maintain skin’s elasticity to help prevent the formation of wrinkles and decreases blemishes.

Lemon Water Reduces Inflammation

Lemons have the ability to reduce inflammation by removing uric acid from your joints. With its sour taste lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods known that alkalize the body.  Build ups of uric acid is one of the known major cause of inflammation. Too many acids in the body not only causes inflammation, but it can also cause obesity, major diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.

Lemon Water for Weight Loss

Drinking lemon water can help you achieve faster, long term weight loss goals when added to your routine. It helps boost your metabolism, fight hunger cravings, and gives you a full feeling making you less prone to snack between meals.

Lemon Water for Emotional Health

Lemon water can give you a boost to help fight stress and depression, it creates more focus and mental clarity as it contains high levels of magnesium and potassium which are beneficial on our nerve health and brain.


Source: Natural News

Aesthetic Services- Chemical Peels & Dermaplaning

Exfoliation is an important part of having younger skin, and who doesn’t want to have younger looking skin? Two of my favorite aesthetic services are types of exfoliation- peels and dermaplaning. Peels are a chemical exfoliation, while dermaplaning is a mechanical exfoliation. Before we get into these two types of exfoliation, let’s discuss the need for exfoliation.

Need for Exfoliation

As humans age, we lose the collagen and elastin in our skin along with the ability to turn over skin cells at a faster rate. Now, collagen is the molecule that is responsible for plumping skin to keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay while the elastin gives our skin elasticity. And elastin is too big of a molecule to put back in our skin. While collagen is also a big molecule, pores are large enough for some collagen to penetrate back in. Therefore, anti-aging results will be limited without exfoliation such as dermaplaning or peel. So, these exfoliation methods not only slough off dead skin cells, but they also stimulate the production of new skin cells which will produce collagen and elastin.

Note, both peels and dermaplaning exfoliate; however, peels will produce a deeper exfoliation because it is a chemical that penetrates down to the dermis while a dermaplaning will only work on the epidermis.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels come in different types. Glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane and is an alpha-hydroxy acid good for anti-aging and brightening the skin, while salicylic acid is derived from aspirin and is a beta-hydroxy acid known for combating acne. Actually, there is also a lactic acid which is the safest form of peel because women produce lactic acid. The VI Peel is done at New Leaf Wellness under the direction of a medical director, because it is a deep peel.

Peels are not usually recommended for pregnant women, as the chemicals can seep into bloodstream, although I have seen some estheticians perform a light lactic peel on a pregnant woman. In fact, peels are also not recommended for people higher on the Fitzpatrick scale due to risk of hyperpig­mentation. Hyperpig­mentation happens when the skin produces too much melanin and forms darker spots in some areas. Also, other contrain­dications for peels include scarring, scabbing, cold sores or herpes break out around the mouth, if already present.


Dermaplaning, which we could also just call, “shaving your face,” because this treatment involves gently pulling a blade along your skin. But! Dermaplaning, unlike traditional shaving, uses a smaller blade to slough off dead skin cells in addition to removing wispy facial hair, so skin is more even in tone and texture. Interestingly, it’s superficial (there will not be blood) and strangely reminiscent of a cat lick(tickly, sandpapery). Perk: It makes makeup go on smoother too!

What to Choose?

So, peels yield deeper, long lasting result, although they usually come with a downtime of 2-7 days depending on the pH of the peel. However, peels are usually recommended in a series of 3-6 to get the results the you want to see. In comparison, dermaplaning is a safer exfoliation method that almost everyone can use and results are immediate. Both exfoliation methods can be used on different areas of the body along with various other aesthetic services we offer. To decide which is better, use your skin care knowledge or consult with your provider, and you will see younger, firmer, glowing, healthy skin in no time. For added skin care, check out our super supplements that assist with skin care initiatives. Check out our products>

How To Schedule:

Contact New Leaf Wellness today to learn more  about our aesthetic services or give us a call at 888-728-7555! You can also take our short informational quiz to help point you in the best direction for your skin! Check it out below.

Aesthetic Health Quiz- FOR WOMEN

Aesthetic Health Quiz- FOR MEN

What Do You Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

So, what do you really know about vitamin B12 deficiency? Fatigue is the most common symptom of people who have low levels of vitamin B12. But fatigue by itself, can be a sign of almost any health condition — or just that you haven’t been sleeping enough! Other signs of B12 deficiency include confusion, cognitive impairment, unsteady gait, numbness, tingling and fatigue.

What Causes B12 Deficiencies?
Vitamin B12 deficiencies may happen when you aren’t getting the right nutrients in your diet, when your body can’t absorb nutrients properly, and when you have various other problems of the digestive system.

Since most B12 in our diets comes from animal products, vegans are at risk for B12 deficiency. Furthermore, Crohn’s and celiac disease, weight loss surgery, and chronic alcoholism can all interfere with a person’s ability to absorb enough of the nutrients they need. Actually, seniors have more problems with nutrient absorption and malnutrition as well.

In fact, vitamin B12 is a critical nutrient that helps your body make healthy red blood cells. If you have a chronic lack of B12, your body can’t make the amount of red blood cells that it needs, which can lead to anemia.

Is B12 Deficiencies Treatable?

Most people with vitamin B12 deficiencies have a mild problem. But in some cases, vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious consequences. You can develop mental problems, including confused thinking, memory loss, and dementia, which in some serious cases can be irreversible. Low levels of B12 can also cause nerve damage and anemia and weaken your bones.

What Are The Best Natural Sources of Vitamin B12?

Animal products like meat, poultry, and seafood, and dairy foods like milk, eggs, yogurt, and cheese are the best sources of vitamin B12. In fact, honey, vegetables, and fruits are not really sources of vitamin B12, which is why people who follow a vegan diet may not get enough of it. If you’re a vegan, think about eating a breakfast cereal fortified with B12. To add to it, you can also take a B12 supplement, which is recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers who are vegans or even strict vegetarians.

Please note, sometimes B12 deficiency is caused by conditions other than diet. If your body can’t absorb B12 properly, you’ll need a doctor’s help to boost your B12 to safe levels.

In this case, describing your symptoms to your doctor may give him a clue that you could have low levels of vitamin B12. But you’ll need blood tests to confirm it. Some people can easily fix low levels of B12 by simply changing their diet, while others will need a doctor’s help.

What’s Best For YOU?

All of these drugs can interfere with your body’s ability to break down vitamin B12 from food.
For some people, taking a vitamin supplement or eating more animal products (or both) can help boost their B12 levels back to where they should be. But other people may have a severe deficiency or may have an underlying health condition that causes their B12 to drop.

Doctors can treat a B12 deficiency in several ways. If your symptoms are mild or moderate, you may start with an oral B12 supplement, which you take once a day; a vitamin B12 nasal spray used weekly; or vitamin B12 injections, which you need less frequently. Check out our products >

What’s Next?

First, give us at New Leaf Wellness a call to assess your symptoms and determine next steps. If you would benefit from some lab work to check your vitamin deficiencies, we can help you with next steps! Call today to get started to living your best life!

Adrenal Fatigue

If you are overwhelmed by chronic stress, the adrenals can get burnt out from constantly producing cortisol. The result is adrenal fatigue. Initially, the body’s biochemistry tends to react to stress in an orderly fashion. In fact, stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the autonomic nervous system, activates the secretion of hormones from endocrine glands and constricts both the blood vessels and the involuntary muscles of the body. So, when the endocrine glands are stimulated, then heart rate, glucose metabolism and oxygen consumption increase. These responses can culminate into what’s known as the “fight-or-flight” response.

Some Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Might Be: 

  • Difficulty getting up in the morning
  • High levels of fatigue each day
  • Inability to handle stress
  • Cravings for salty foods
  • Higher energy levels in the evenings
  • Overuse of stimulants like caffeine
  • A weak immune system
  • Anxiety
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Depression
  • Extreme tiredness an hour after exercise
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low blood sugar
  • Low sex drive
  • Lower back pain
  • Poor circulation
  • Weight gain

Benefits of Treatment:

  • Not having difficulty getting up in the morning.
  • Not having high levels of fatigue each day.
  • Not struggling with inability to handle stress.
  • Not having cravings for salty foods.
  • Having higher energy levels in the evenings.
  • Not having to overuse stimulants like caffeine.
  • Not having a weak immune system and more

What’s Next?

First know, you’re not alone. Over 80% of Americans struggle with hormonal imbalances, but it doesn’t have to control you. So, we have a few common questions we ask in the initial consultation in the office, but to help more people, we made a “quiz” to take online so, you can see results immediately, if this may help you. Click one of our quizzes below.

Hormone Health Quiz for Women>

Hormone Health Quiz for Men>

Follow Up Treatment:

Lab tests and meeting with the Provider should be done every 3 months. It is also recommend to eliminate hard-to-digest foods and toxins from  your diet and to have a Food Sensitivity Test completedAdrenal Fatigue can take up to 2 years to completely heal so follow all of the Providers recommendations.