Recipe: Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, your body must be able to utilize its fat stores and turn the fat into energy. All of the cells in your body prefer to burn fat rather than glucose for energy, with the exception of your brain cells who prefer glucose. Fat is more efficiently stored than glucose (a simple carbohydrate). So, whose ready to know the recipe for weight loss?

We wish it was as simple as gathering ingredients and mixing it together. However, the body is more complex and to further complicate things, all of our bodies need different things. Luckily, we have specialized in formulating the right “recipe” for weight loss for many years!


The food that we eat gets mainly stored as fat for usage at a later time, only a small amount is used immediately for energy. Our bodies are designed for a world where the next meal is in question. This is why our bodies have a system to store dietary calories as fat. This fat can be turned into energy later when an immediate good source is not available.

Of course, we live in a world where food is readily available for most of us. Our bodies still have the system in place to conserve the energy from our dietary intake. In order to lose weight, your body must be able to take the stored fat and convert it to energy.


There are quite a few things that interfere with your body’s ability to do this. The more carbohydrates you eat the less likely your body is to use its fat stores. Our diets today are full of carbohydrates. Another major factor that blocks fat utilization is hormonal deficiencies. In particular, deficiencies of Testosterone, Thyroid, and Growth Hormone will reduce your body’s ability to “burn” it’s fat stores.

More energy, weight control, better sex drive, sleep better, no hot flashes or night sweats anymore. – Kim S. from Clive, Iowa

Poor fat utilization leads to poor oxygen utilization which leads to decreased energy production. This shows up as increased weight along with decreased energy and wellbeing.


Proper nutrition, supplements, exercise, and hormonal balancing all help your body to regain it’s fat utilization capability. We specializing in repairing bodies to life a better life. To learn more about our services, contact us!

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Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR WOMEN

Quick Weight Loss Quiz- FOR MEN

Healthy Weight and Hormones

Many people struggle with weight and there are a lot of reasons why people keep excess weight on. Of course diet, exercise, and sleep are a critical component of a healthy body and sleep. Proper hormone balance is also critical. Healthy weight and hormones are a component we need to talk about for a minute.

There are many hormones involved in keeping a healthy weight. The most common hormones that are out of balance in your body are thyroid and testosterone. Thyroid is mainly responsible for your metabolic rate i.e. your ability to burn calories and keep your energy up. Cortisol is largely responsible for dealing with stress and inflammation, and storing fat is a part of that function. Insulin is responsible for metabolizing blood sugar, which is critical to your body, and also fat storage. Testosterone is known as the male sex hormone but is present in both men and women.

Testosterone has numerous functions, one of them being the ability to build muscle and enhance energy and fat burning.

Your body was not designed to deal with chronic, daily stress. Today’s world is extremely stressful: emotionally and physically.You are exposed to a lot of chemicals on a daily basis that is stressful on your body to deal with and process. You are also bombarded by daily “noise”—depressing news by radio/tv, constant access to cell phones, computers, financial stresses, etc.

Your hormones are there to keep you safe and healthy. There is no bad hormone. The problem is that with the chronic, daily stress your hormones become imbalanced. As a result you feel tired, become moody, gain weight, etc. The good thing is that you can fix that with proper hormone balancing with Natural Hormone Therapy combined with some healthy lifestyle changes. It just takes the desire to feel better to get started.

Take a look at our testimonials of people who once felt tired, lethargic and frustrated with their clothes not fitting or the scales only seeming to go up. They got tired of being tired. Are you ready to live your life better?

Testimonials – WOMEN

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Losing Weight + Keeping It Off

How to lose weight and keep it off…

Everyone seems to want the miracle for weight loss. Let’s face it–there is no such thing. There are plenty of places out there that make a lot of money selling the concept that there is such a thing but they don’t deliver long term results. However, there are doable things that you can do in order to achieve a healthy weight and stay there.

You must first realize that the goal is to feel great and once you feel great it is up to you to do the healthy things that it takes to reach a healthy weight. A healthy weight is not about the numbers on a scale, it is about having a good body composition with a lot of lean muscle, sturdy bones, and a feeling of strength and vitality. In order to do this your hormones must first be in balance.

Hormones and Weight Loss

We often see men and women who have been told by regular physicians that their hormones are fine. However, we find otherwise after thoroughly going through their symptoms and looking at their labs to see if they are at optimal levels.

Your thyroid must be in an optimal range in order for you to have the energy and metabolism to burn fat. In addition, your Testosterone, Estrogen, and Progesterone must be at optimal levels for you to be able to build muscle and burn fat, as well as have the energy and mental state to eat right and exercise. It is also common to see deficiencies of vitamin b12 and other nutrients that assist your body in having energy and fat burning capabilities. These issues must all be addressed properly by a hormone specialist at New Leaf Wellness.

Once these hormonal issues are resolved and your body is functioning more optimally, you will find that it is easier to do the things that are required to have a healthy weight. This is a long term fix that is entirely doable if you invest some time, money, and focus on your health.

Check your hormones with a quick quiz and immediate results!

TEST for Women

TEST for Men