T​est Your Gut Health by Doing the Food Sensitivity Test

All the supplements on the market for gut health nowadays, and did you know we can t​est your gut health by doing the food sensitivity test with a simple in-office process?

What’s Going On In Your Gut

Changes in the gut microbiome can have a therapeutic response which has led to the use of probiotics in traditional medicine since long before probiotics were identified and acknowledged as the mechanism of this response. Therefore as the use of probiotics grows, so to does the body of knowledge we have about the relationship between the microorganisms that inhabit our gut and our overall health. So now, we are able to realize the delicacy of our gut’s environment. In fact, negative changes to the gut microbiome result in altered activity of neurotransmitter systems and immune function which can be potentially detrimental and contribute to a number of disorders or conditions. Similarly, targeted positive changes to the gut microbiome may reduce the symptoms of and possibly even reverse certain conditions.

More On Gut Health Research

Today, links have been made between gut health and depression, anxiety, stress, even sleep. Actually, a recent study tested this relationship in mice, which provide a very useful model of our own digestive and nervous system. This study found that treatment with a lactic acid producing strain of probiotic may help to reduce stress as well as depression and anxiety. The lactic acid producing bacteria “induced region-dependent alterations in GABAB1b mRNA in the brain with increases in cortical regions (cingulate and prelimbic) and concomitant reductions in expression in the hippocampus, amygdala, and locus coeruleus, in comparison with control-fed mice” and more importantly, “reduced stress-induced corticosterone and anxiety- and depression-related behavior” (Bravo, 2011).

You should test your gut health by doing the Food Sensitivity Test if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Stomach Pains
  • Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
  • Complexion Blotchiness and Acne
  • Bloating
  • Chronic Pain
  • Poor Sleeping Habits
  • Slow Problem Solving
  • Low Energy & Fatigue
  • Impaired Memory
  • Joint Pain and Achiness
  • Poor Attention and Focus
  • Weight Gain
If you would like to learn more, please contact us below!

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Benefits of BioIdentical Hormone Therapy

Millions of men and women suffer from hormonal health issues that can be improved or even completely cured through the use of  hormone replacement therapy. Sadly, many of those who can benefit may not even realize that they have a medical issue, because the symptoms of hormone imbalance are often ignored or mistaken for normal “signs of aging”. Today, we are focusing on the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy for both men and women.

What Are Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets?

Hormone pellet therapy is a major step forward for both men and women. Actually, as with all treatments at New Leaf Wellness, it uses only proven, safe, and effective bioidentical hormones from New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy.

Unlike synthetic hormones developed in a laboratory, bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources. These hormones are extremely safe compared to the alternative. The pellets chemical structure exactly mimics that of the body’s own hormones.

This is crucial, since it means the body’s hormone receptors process bioidentical hormones easily. Subsequently, this accelerates the positive effects of treatment and reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Made me symptom free from menopause!

– Stacy C., New Leaf Wellness Patient

see more testimonials >>

How Do Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets Work?

When using pellets, all the discomfort and uncertainty that can be associated with other methods will disappear. You never have to worry about an injection or about carefully measuring out the right dosage. In fact, the pellet does all the work.

A time-release pellet containing the appropriate hormones and dosages is implanted into the patient using a tiny skin incision. Medication is released over time in a way that works harmoniously with the body’s systems and prompts optimal response.

They help me get my life back- play, work, sex and to feel great again! I feel young again!

– Rodney W., New Leaf Wellness Patient

see more testimonials >>

Pellet method is appropriate for both men and women:

  • Men can gain fast relief from the symptoms of low T and andropause. Our patients generally experience rapid onset of improved concentration, strength, stamina, sexual functioning and sexual sensation.
  • Women can overcome symptoms of menopause or hormone imbalance. Unfortunately, hormone imbalance often goes undiagnosed and untreated because many women don’t realize their symptoms are more severe than they should be.

Therefore, with no downtime and no costly medications of daily intake, you can start to feel small improvements within a couple weeks and most patients see noticable changes in their bodies within 6 weeks or more.



Testosterone Pellets for Men and Women

We live in an imperfect world that has chemicals in our food, water, personal care products, cleaning products, etc. We are under stress from living in today’s rushed and “connected” world. We eat more processed foods and consume more sugar and gluten than past generations. All of this contributes to a hormone imbalance. Today, we want to explain the “why” of Testosterone pellets for men and women.

First, You Need To Know

Replacing your deficient hormones is one part of feeling optimal. Testosterone in particular is often found to be low in both men and women. Testosterone helps you to think more clearly, sleep better, have focus, be in a good mood, and recover better from exercise; among other things. When your Testosterone is low you may feel moody, grumpy, have more aches and pains, feel tired, have brain fog, etc. It is not just the “sex” hormone.

How Bioidentical Testosterone Pellets Can Help

Bioidentical Testosterone pellets are a great way to replace Testosterone for both men and women. They are about the size of a thin tic tac. The pellets are placed in the fatty area of your buttock area–somewhat near your hip in a simple procedure in the office. The Testosterone is released in small amounts on a consistent basis: just like your body should be doing but is not. When you have increased blood flow (from increased activity) your body will draw more Testosterone for its increased needs.

My strength and overall health has improved, sex life with my beautiful lady has been great. I sleep better and not [having] night sweats.

– Ken D., New Leaf Wellness Patient, More Testimonials

Bioidentical Testosterone pellets provide you with the Testosterone that your body needs in a manner that closely resembles what your body should naturally be doing but is not because of all of the hormone disruptors surrounding us. Proper hormone balancing is an important part of feeling optimal and getting out of the “rabbit hole” of not feeling good.

Don’t wait for symptoms to keep you from living your best life. Take our free and easy Hormone Health Quiz. Click the matching link below.

Hormone Health Quiz for MEN

Hormone Health Quiz for WOMEN

NLW Patient Testimonial: Meet J.M.

Meet J.M.

New Leaf Wellness is proud of our patient’s success, and it makes it why we’re so passionate about educating and learning to live your life better. J.M. came into our office with a very common issue, and so we are proud to share his patient testimonial so that it may help others.

J.M. is a 55 year old fireman and over the past few years he had noticed that he could not run in and out of buildings like he used to. He found himself getting irritated more easily and felt like he had passed his peak. Even though he was working out, he had a difficult time building muscle. He even noticed a little muscle loss and a hard time losing fat.

We see a lot of patients initially accepting the feeling of ‘degenerating’ is just a part of aging….. this is why we’re so thankful for J.M. sharing his patient testimonial.

J.M. was examined by his primary doctor and was told that his lab work was normal and that he was just getting older. Luckily, he did not accept that as fact and sought out help. His hormone lab work was definitely not optimal.

Did you know that in a typical routine blood exam, hormone counts are not even reviewed? Do you know where your hormone levels? And if they are optimal?

What You Need To Know

Normal ranges at the labs are determined by testing a part of the population and then coming up with the average numbers. But what happens when the people they are testing are out of balance hormonally? In modern society, the average person does have a hormonal imbalance and this results in the “normal” lab values being incorrect.

Your hormone lab values may be interpreted as “normal” when in actuality they are low–the imbalance is missed simply because the “normal” lab values are incorrect. The medical profession gets pressured from many angles and most doctors are hesitant to look outside the “normal” values. They tend to accept the “normal” lab values without question. They forget to really look at the person and see that there is a hormonal imbalance. They are simply not questioning the validity of the “normal” values. This is not their fault–due to the nature of insurances, they do not have the luxury of time to treat “outside the box”.

Hormonal imbalances exhibit specific symptoms and it takes time to get to know the patient and determine what he/she requires to achieve and maintain proper balance.

Lab work is just a piece of information, and it needs to be interpreted looking at optimal values, not the “normal” values.

Optimal lab values are the values we see in people who are functioning at a high level and feel great. Unfortunately, these values can be flagged as “abnormal” on lab results. This can scare the uninformed. “Abnormal” is often optimal. Look around you at the general population’s health. This is a sad truth.

The goal of proper hormone balancing is to get rid of your symptoms and prevent future medical issues like dementia, heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, etc. This is only possible by taking the time and investing in yourself by seeking the help of a specially trained hormone specialist.

The truth is we can share about our services and show proven methods, but it is a patient testimonial like J.M. that really inspire us all to understand just how life changing hormone balancing can be.

How NLW Helped J.M.

When J.M. came across New Leaf Wellness, he got the lab results he needed to see. He was found to have a significant Testosterone deficiency. We also found a B-12 deficiency and slight thyroid imbalance. Once these deficiencies were corrected, he regained his vitality. His workouts are creating a muscle gain and fat loss. J.M has the energy to enjoy his free time and is now really living his life thanks to his treatment at New Leaf Wellness. And we’re so thankful we were able to aid in J.M. living life better!

For more patient testimonials, visit our pages by clicking the links below.

Testimonials from MEN

Testimonials from WOMEN

To learn more about how to get the RIGHT lab results, give us a call or contact us TODAY!

Is What You’re Eating Making You Sick?

Do you make eating a healthy diet a priority? Did you know that some of the healthy foods you eat, even ones that you eat frequently, may actually be making you feel bad, as well as harming your overall health?

Sometimes even a ‘good’ food can be ‘bad’ for a certain individual, due to their personal allergies and sensitivities. 

For optimal health, it is beneficial to determine the best foods for you to eat to help you feel, look and live your best, as well as determine the foods that you should avoid.

You may think that you don’t have any food sensitivities, but perhaps the symptoms have gone unnoticed. Your body, however, is very aware of the sensitivity and it is affecting you internally.

There are two types of allergic reactions to food. One is easier for you to identify, the other often goes unnoticed and unaddressed.

The 2 Types of Allergic Reaction

Immediate Reaction: this occurs within hours of ingesting the specific food item

Symptoms can vary including:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Throat Constriction
  • Tingling Extremities
  • Diarrhea

Because of the immediate, usually strong reaction after eating a certain food, it is usually easier to tell that you are allergic to something and what that specific item is.

Delayed Reaction: these symptoms occur up to 72 hours after food is ingested.

Because of the delayed reaction, it’s often difficult to tell which food you have sensitivity to (think of all the different things you eat in a 3 day period!)  Unidentified food sensitivities can actually contribute to many serious illnesses including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Infections and even Eczema, as well as many others.

Foods that you have a sensitivity to can cause internal inflammation in your body, which opens the door to potential future serious health conditions.

The Most Common Sensitivity Causing Foods Are:

  • Milk
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Tree Nuts

Though these items are the most common foods people have sensitivities to, there are many others foods that can cause a inflammation reaction as well. This is why we test for 90 different foods in our patients with the Food Sensitivity Test.  Once the offending foods have been determined, we can customize an eating and treatment plan to address your needs.

The end result?

  • Inflammation is greatly reduced in your body, preventing many different diseases
  • Sensitivity symptoms are eliminated: everything from excess bloating to skin irritations related to your sensitivity dissipate
  • Overall health and quality of life, including energy, will greatly improve.  Your body will be functioning at it’s optimal level based on the customized fuel you are feeding it.

To learn more about our Food Sensitivity Test and more options to relieve your symptoms and understand what is causing them, give us a call at 1-888-728-7555 or contact us.We look forward to you having your best year yet!

What Now?

Follow the Dr’s recommendation on the elimination diet. Test yearly for the latest information on what is causing inflammation in your body. Be sure you are getting your follow up tests completed and you will not have chronic health problems due to inflammation caused by sensitivities of food.