Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D is crucial to keeping you healthy and feeling good. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods. Some of these include fish, fish liver oils, egg yolks, and fortified dairy and grain products.

Since it is found in very few foods, it is difficult to rely solely on diet to fulfill your body’s need for Vitamin D. It is also produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. In short, when ultraviolet rays contact the skin, Vitamin D synthesis occurs. Depending on where you live or your particular job or lifestyle, Vitamin D production could be decreasing, or even absent, during certain months of the year. What’s even more interesting is that sunscreen, while extremely important in keeping us youthful and protecting our skin, can also decrease Vitamin D production.

Unfortunately, many people today are not getting enough Vitamin D and it is having negative consequences on their health. For this reason, the use of Vitamin D supplements is on the rise (and for good reason)!


Why do I need Vitamin D?

Without Vitamin D, your bones become brittle, soft, and fragile. This happens because your body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Even more concerning, Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to the following (and more):

  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Depression
  • Osteomalacia
  • Rickets
  • Decreased cognitive health

Now that we’ve seen why Vitamin D deficiency is so important to avoid, let’s take a look at all the wonderful things Vitamin D can do for you and how to incorporate more into your life!


Benefits of Vitamin D

1. Regulates phosphorus & calcium absorption
Perhaps the most vital benefit of Vitamin D is its ability to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in your body. This is crucial to facilitate a normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin D is important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as maintaining your bone’s health and strength. If you can keep your bones healthy, you can avoid many chronic diseases processes that stem from the bones.

2. Increases ability to fight disease
Vitamin D plays a vital role in the immune system. The immune system is your body’s defense system to ward off unwanted disease processes. It helps protect it against infections and other illnesses. Studies show that it can help prevent you from getting the flu, decrease chances of developing heart disease, and may also play a role in reducing your risk of multiple sclerosis, as shown in a study by the Journal of American Medical Association.

3. Blocks parathyroid hormone & helps maintain bone strength
Vitamin D plays a role in blocking the release of parathyroid hormone. Keeping this hormone in check and balanced is crucial for your health and wellness. When parathyroid hormone levels run too high, this hormone reabsorbs bone tissue and makes bones thin and brittle. The parathyroid glands are part of the endocrine system and are located in the neck. Their role is to secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), which regulates calcium and phosphate, which in return regulates PTH. Having good Vitamin D levels help the body be able to absorb calcium and also keeps the PTH levels in check.

4. Reduce symptoms or feelings of depression
Research shows that Vitamin D plays a part in controlling mood and also helps lower feelings of depression. Scientists found that increasing Vitamin D decreased feelings of depression and that people reported a noticeable improvement in their symptoms and overall sense of well-being.


How can I get more Vitamin D?

As we learned above, Vitamin D is available in a very limited number of foods. Therefore, getting enough Vitamin D from your diet alone is difficult. While sun exposure does produce Vitamin D, too much sun exposure is not good for our health. Therefore, many people need Vitamin D supplements.

What’s even better? Studies show a link between taking a daily Vitamin D supplement and weight loss which can be accredited to its ability to suppress your appetite.


Visit to get the supplements you need!

NLRxNutrition Vitamin D3 capsules are the perfect supplements to boost the immune system, keep your heart healthy, mood lifted, and fight off the flu.

All NLRxNutrition supplements are available online or at any New Leaf Centers.



“Planning is the key to success. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,
so come up with a plan and follow through.”

– Gordon Tredgold, Founder and CEO, Leadership Principles

We found a study that shows exactly how important planning is to success. In fact, we’ll cover the findings which show us proof that Gordon Tredgold was right. Just how right was he, and how does this relate to Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy? Let’s go there!

Here’s the thing: That study applies to more than work or school.
Think about it… when we plan we have the opportunity to see many possible scenarios and prepare ourselves so that we’re equipped to take on the future. We plan our weekends, we plan for holidays, we plan our careers, and we plan for retirement.

It makes sense that we do so much planning. Sure, life can be unpredictable, but when you have a specific goal or vision for your life, it’s a lot more likely to happen when you plan your path there.

So Why Isn’t Everyone Planning For Wellness?

Nobody wants to grow old and feeble… yet many people ultimately do exactly that. Sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, bad habits, etc., all lead people to age poorly and ultimately suffer through the last leg of this race we call life.

Forget that!
So we know that you CAN plan for success in life, but how do you plan for wellness? How do you make sure you age gracefully and maintain your independence, mobility, and YOUTH!

We help our patients plan to live their best lives every day. Here’s how we treat men, and here’s how we treat women using Bio-identical Hormones to get fantastic results.

Our Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy is incredibly powerful in combating the tell-tale symptoms of aging. The reason so many of us begin to feel old as we age is a decline in hormone production. Hormones control our bodily functions and mental wellbeing. Hormone replacement therapy gives us back our youth, literally.

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy.

Gray, Stephanie. Your Longevity Blueprint, Advantage Media Group, 2017.
Donovitz, Gary, and Cotten, Mandy. Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone: Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study. European Journal of Breast Health (2021): 17, 2. 150-156.
Donovitz, Gary. Testosterone Matters… More! The Secret to Healthy Aging in Women, Wheatmark Publishing, 2020.
Sieman, Robert S. Live Life Better with Natural Hormone Therapy, New Leaf Wellness, 2017.


Are you tired during the day, then when you try to fall asleep at night your brain just will not turn off? Your body’s cortisol may be imbalanced which could be due to stress. When getting interrupted sleep or wakefulness at night, your immune and nervous systems start to become compromised. This means your ability to fight off bacteria, illness and viruses is also compromised. While you sleep, your body releases hormones that boost your immune system which we need for restoration.

So, if you are not sleeping well, you may consider testing and supplementation to help calibrate your body’s cortisol rhythms. You can make an appointment at any New Leaf Wellness location or order a hormone relief testing kit to be sent to you. It is worth figuring out any existing imbalance that may be causing you daily distress. While stress may be the culprit, stress can be detrimental to your health, so how you feel now should never be dismissed as JUST stress. You may want to consider the supplements Stress Reset & B Complex to help improve your cortisol rhythm and support your daily stress cycle.

Visit to get the supplements you need!

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about NLRx Supplements and how they can help you

Gray, Stephanie. Your Longevity Blueprint, Advantage Media Group, 2017.
Donovitz, Gary, and Cotten, Mandy. Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone: Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study. European Journal of Breast Health (2021): 17, 2. 150-156.
Donovitz, Gary. Testosterone Matters… More! The Secret to Healthy Aging in Women, Wheatmark Publishing, 2020.
Sieman, Robert S. Live Life Better with Natural Hormone Therapy, New Leaf Wellness, 2017.

NLW Patient Testimonial: Meet J.M.

Meet J.M.

New Leaf Wellness is proud of our patient’s success, and it makes it why we’re so passionate about educating and learning to live your life better. J.M. came into our office with a very common issue, and so we are proud to share his patient testimonial so that it may help others.

J.M. is a 55 year old fireman and over the past few years he had noticed that he could not run in and out of buildings like he used to. He found himself getting irritated more easily and felt like he had passed his peak. Even though he was working out, he had a difficult time building muscle. He even noticed a little muscle loss and a hard time losing fat.

We see a lot of patients initially accepting the feeling of ‘degenerating’ is just a part of aging….. this is why we’re so thankful for J.M. sharing his patient testimonial.

J.M. was examined by his primary doctor and was told that his lab work was normal and that he was just getting older. Luckily, he did not accept that as fact and sought out help. His hormone lab work was definitely not optimal.

Did you know that in a typical routine blood exam, hormone counts are not even reviewed? Do you know where your hormone levels? And if they are optimal?

What You Need To Know

Normal ranges at the labs are determined by testing a part of the population and then coming up with the average numbers. But what happens when the people they are testing are out of balance hormonally? In modern society, the average person does have a hormonal imbalance and this results in the “normal” lab values being incorrect.

Your hormone lab values may be interpreted as “normal” when in actuality they are low–the imbalance is missed simply because the “normal” lab values are incorrect. The medical profession gets pressured from many angles and most doctors are hesitant to look outside the “normal” values. They tend to accept the “normal” lab values without question. They forget to really look at the person and see that there is a hormonal imbalance. They are simply not questioning the validity of the “normal” values. This is not their fault–due to the nature of insurances, they do not have the luxury of time to treat “outside the box”.

Hormonal imbalances exhibit specific symptoms and it takes time to get to know the patient and determine what he/she requires to achieve and maintain proper balance.

Lab work is just a piece of information, and it needs to be interpreted looking at optimal values, not the “normal” values.

Optimal lab values are the values we see in people who are functioning at a high level and feel great. Unfortunately, these values can be flagged as “abnormal” on lab results. This can scare the uninformed. “Abnormal” is often optimal. Look around you at the general population’s health. This is a sad truth.

The goal of proper hormone balancing is to get rid of your symptoms and prevent future medical issues like dementia, heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, etc. This is only possible by taking the time and investing in yourself by seeking the help of a specially trained hormone specialist.

The truth is we can share about our services and show proven methods, but it is a patient testimonial like J.M. that really inspire us all to understand just how life changing hormone balancing can be.

How NLW Helped J.M.

When J.M. came across New Leaf Wellness, he got the lab results he needed to see. He was found to have a significant Testosterone deficiency. We also found a B-12 deficiency and slight thyroid imbalance. Once these deficiencies were corrected, he regained his vitality. His workouts are creating a muscle gain and fat loss. J.M has the energy to enjoy his free time and is now really living his life thanks to his treatment at New Leaf Wellness. And we’re so thankful we were able to aid in J.M. living life better!

For more patient testimonials, visit our pages by clicking the links below.

Testimonials from MEN

Testimonials from WOMEN

To learn more about how to get the RIGHT lab results, give us a call or contact us TODAY!