8 Reasons for Daily Lemon Water

Lemon water right at the start of the day is not only refreshing, it gives you an immediate boost of energy that can improve your mood in one quick easy step while you are being hydrated. Today, we are giving you 8 reasons why you should drink lemon water daily!

Start the Day…

Drinking lemon water first thing at the start of each day is an easy routine to get into that can improve your overall health in a very positive way. Not only is it refreshing but it jumps starts digestion and your body’s natural detoxification process, add to that lemons are loaded with iron, calcium, vitamins C and B, enzymes, potassium, magnesium, fibers, and antioxidants, which may help build up your resistance to aliments, sickness, and disease. It’s a win win refreshment with seemingly endless benefits in a simple daily routine.

Replace Caffeine?

Lemon water right at the start of the day is not only refreshing, it gives you an immediate boost of energy that can improve your mood in one quick easy step while you are being hydrated. The importance of staying properly hydrated can not be stated enough. Water is always best, but many people find it too bland, adding lemons adds some zest to it that is enjoyable which may help you also kick the caffeine habit.

Lemon Water for Immunity

Lemon water can boost your immune system as it is high in vitamin C which fights cold and flu by strengthening the immune system, and helps improve the body’s ability to absorb more iron from the foods consumed which is an important nutrient. Lemons also have antiviral and antibacterial properties that aid in fighting off colds and flu, which also soothe a sore throat.

Lemon Water for GI Tract

Lemon juice has a similar structure to the juices that are found in you stomach that helps to loosen and flush out toxins from in the digestive tract. It also helps to hydrate your colon, stimulate bile production, infuses water into stool, and aides your bowels moving in the morning. It can help to ease bloating, heartburn, and indigestion. Lemons help to flush your system and stimulate your liver to produce more enzymes and make them work more efficiently. Lemon juice works as a diuretic to keep your urinary tract toxin free and change PH levels which decreases bacterial growth.

Lemon Water for Healthy Skin

Lemons are a very rich source of antioxidants that promote healthy skin by help to restrict free radical damage that is responsible for the premature aging of your skin. The vitamin C helps rejuvenate and maintain skin’s elasticity to help prevent the formation of wrinkles and decreases blemishes.

Lemon Water Reduces Inflammation

Lemons have the ability to reduce inflammation by removing uric acid from your joints. With its sour taste lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods known that alkalize the body.  Build ups of uric acid is one of the known major cause of inflammation. Too many acids in the body not only causes inflammation, but it can also cause obesity, major diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.

Lemon Water for Weight Loss

Drinking lemon water can help you achieve faster, long term weight loss goals when added to your routine. It helps boost your metabolism, fight hunger cravings, and gives you a full feeling making you less prone to snack between meals.

Lemon Water for Emotional Health

Lemon water can give you a boost to help fight stress and depression, it creates more focus and mental clarity as it contains high levels of magnesium and potassium which are beneficial on our nerve health and brain.


Source: Natural News

Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Are you suffering from a stubborn health problem that will not go away no matter what you try? Have you left the doctor’s office feeling like are not any closer to relief? Or perhaps the medications and treatments you are taking are not actually getting at the root cause of your illness but addressing the symptoms you are experiencing? Bottomline, is your food making you sick?

What You Need To Know

If you feel this way, or know someone that does, consider some important facts:

  • Medical research has shown that sensitivities to food and food-chemicals can be involved in a wide array of painful symptoms and chronic health problems.
  • Sensitivities are a type of inflammatory reactions that is entirely different than food allergy and most doctors are unaware they are different.
  • If foods and additives in your diet are contributing to your illness, whatever medications you take will ultimately fail because they only mask the symptoms. They don’t treat the underlying cause of the symptoms – hidden inflammation caused by sensitivity reactions to foods and food-chemicals.
  • And as is too often the case, many medications have side effects that can lead to other health problems.
If food sensitivities are causing your illness, and you do not properly address them, you could easily end up suffering for many years, spending thousands of dollars for treatments that will never work the way you want. You are not alone. Unfortunately, this is the experience of millions of Americans who have mis-diagnosed or neglected food sensitivities.

Questions To Ask Yourself

  • Are you not feeling the full effects of Natural Hormone Therapy?
  • Do you have low energy and fatigue?
  • Do you have joint pain and achiness (including headaches)?
  • Are you seeing an increase in weight gain?
  • Are you suffering from impaired memory or brain fog?
The above are all signs of INFLAMMATION.
“Now, let me tell you about the New Leaf Food Sensitivity Test. I lost weight on the New Leaf Weight Loss programs, but some of the pounds had inched back on and I couldn’t figure out why. That’s when I took the Food Sensitivity Test and found out there were 35 foods I shouldn’t be eating. I’ve lost 15 pounds since making the change…1 pound per week!”
– Bonnie Lucas, WHO Radio Host & New Leaf Wellness Patient, see more
We may be ingesting foods that cause low to severe levels of inflammation. Actually, food sensitivities lead to imbalances in the gut, these sensitivities may or may not manifest a symptom right away (some reactions can be delayed up to 7 days after consumption, making it very hard to pinpoint what the sensitivity is to). Therefore, food is medicine and you can start to heal your endocrine system through nutrition. You first have to identify and remove any barriers that are preventing your body from healing and creating balance.
A good place to start is with a food sensitivity test to see what foods are causing inflammation in your body.

Follow Up Treatment:

Follow the Dr’s recommendation on the elimination diet. Test yearly for the latest information on what is causing inflammation in your body. Be sure you are getting your follow up tests completed and you will not have chronic health problems due to inflammation caused by sensitivities of food.

STRESS RESET Supplements

STRESS RESET is herbal and nutritional supplements designed to support adrenal function. The adrenal glands assist the body in adjusting to stress as the result of internal and external forces. So, STRESS RESET combines a number of natural ingredients to assist the body in managing the negative effects of stress and maintain health cortisol levels. STRESS RESET Supplements can aid with a variety of symptoms.

What is Adrenal Fatigue? 

The state when adrenal glands are exhausted and unable to produce adequate quantities of hormones, primarily the glucocorticoid cortisol, due to chronic stress or infections.

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue:

1. Emotional stress (#1 cause) 
2. Diet (too much sugar)
3. Insufficient sleep (body requires at least 7-8 hrs.)
4. Chemicals and Pollutants (toxins in our food, pollutants in the air, chlorine in our drinking water, antibiotics in our meat, and pesticides in our vegetables)
5. Chronic Disease (such as fibromyalgia, lyme disease, chronic pain, asthma, arthritis, diabetes.)
6. Trauma (car accident, major surgery, etc.) 

Do You Have These Symptoms?

1. Waking up extremely tired and “foggy”, even after getting a long sleep.
2.  High levels of fatigue each day.
3. Inability to handle stress
4. Cravings for salty foods
5. Higher energy levels in the evening (insomnia)
6. A weakened immune system (can eventually lead to chronic inflammation, allergies and autoimmune diseases) 
So, these symptoms may be clues that you have adrenal fatigue and could benefit from STRESS RESET. For more, click to learn more or purchase a 30-day supply. Stress Reset Cortisol Revival supplements >

Most importantly if you have questions or feel you may need something more, we also offer a Hormone Health Quiz to help identify when there’s more personalized hormone health attention needed. So, click below to take our quiz!

Hormone Health Quiz for WOMEN

Hormone Health Quiz for MEN

Follow Up Treatment:

Lab tests and meeting with the Provider should be done every 3 months. It is also recommend to eliminate hard-to-digest foods and toxins from  your diet and to have a Food Sensitivity Test completed. Adrenal Fatigue can take up to 2 years to completely heal so follow all of the Providers recommendations.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenal_fatigue ; https://adrenalfatiguesolution.com/adrenal-fatigue-symptoms/ ; https://adrenalfatiguesolution.com/causes-of-adrenal-fatigue/

Is What You’re Eating Making You Sick?

Do you make eating a healthy diet a priority? Did you know that some of the healthy foods you eat, even ones that you eat frequently, may actually be making you feel bad, as well as harming your overall health?

Sometimes even a ‘good’ food can be ‘bad’ for a certain individual, due to their personal allergies and sensitivities. 

For optimal health, it is beneficial to determine the best foods for you to eat to help you feel, look and live your best, as well as determine the foods that you should avoid.

You may think that you don’t have any food sensitivities, but perhaps the symptoms have gone unnoticed. Your body, however, is very aware of the sensitivity and it is affecting you internally.

There are two types of allergic reactions to food. One is easier for you to identify, the other often goes unnoticed and unaddressed.

The 2 Types of Allergic Reaction

Immediate Reaction: this occurs within hours of ingesting the specific food item

Symptoms can vary including:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Throat Constriction
  • Tingling Extremities
  • Diarrhea

Because of the immediate, usually strong reaction after eating a certain food, it is usually easier to tell that you are allergic to something and what that specific item is.

Delayed Reaction: these symptoms occur up to 72 hours after food is ingested.

Because of the delayed reaction, it’s often difficult to tell which food you have sensitivity to (think of all the different things you eat in a 3 day period!)  Unidentified food sensitivities can actually contribute to many serious illnesses including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Infections and even Eczema, as well as many others.

Foods that you have a sensitivity to can cause internal inflammation in your body, which opens the door to potential future serious health conditions.

The Most Common Sensitivity Causing Foods Are:

  • Milk
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Tree Nuts

Though these items are the most common foods people have sensitivities to, there are many others foods that can cause a inflammation reaction as well. This is why we test for 90 different foods in our patients with the Food Sensitivity Test.  Once the offending foods have been determined, we can customize an eating and treatment plan to address your needs.

The end result?

  • Inflammation is greatly reduced in your body, preventing many different diseases
  • Sensitivity symptoms are eliminated: everything from excess bloating to skin irritations related to your sensitivity dissipate
  • Overall health and quality of life, including energy, will greatly improve.  Your body will be functioning at it’s optimal level based on the customized fuel you are feeding it.

To learn more about our Food Sensitivity Test and more options to relieve your symptoms and understand what is causing them, give us a call at 1-888-728-7555 or contact us.We look forward to you having your best year yet!

What Now?

Follow the Dr’s recommendation on the elimination diet. Test yearly for the latest information on what is causing inflammation in your body. Be sure you are getting your follow up tests completed and you will not have chronic health problems due to inflammation caused by sensitivities of food.