Need Optimal Testosterone Levels?

Both men and women need optimal Testosterone levels. Testosterone surprisingly effects more than we realize. When we review lab work, patients are always interested in understanding how hormones effect their issues with sleep, concentration and other psychological factors. Truth be told, sometimes we can just get a little “off” and it can throw a lot of our daily body functions out of whack. We see a lot of men and women for testosterone therapy, and here is why:

“It is putting me in balance and I am becoming active again.”

– David B. New Leaf Wellness Patient

Benefits of Testosterone:

  1. Decrease joint and muscle pain.
  2. One of the best anti-depressants around. It helps to elevate your mood naturally and enable you to feel balanced.
  3. Helps you to reduce fat and increase muscle mass (appropriately for your size).
  4. Helps to improve your focus, concentration, and memory.
  5. Aides you in getting a better night’s sleep.
  6. Increases your energy and motivation.
  7. Increases your libido (sex drive), if a low Testosterone level is the source of a lessened libido. (libido has a lot to do with psychological factors as we)
  8. Improves your endurance and ability to recover after exercise.
  9. For men–Testosterone is important for having healthy erections. (please note that men can have sub optimal Testosterone levels and yet still have a decent libido and erections–do not be fooled into thinking that your Testosterone levels are great just because you still have a libido and erections.)For Women–Testosterone decreases or eliminates your night sweats and overall feeling of “being too warm”.
  10. Testosterone enhances your overall well being.

“I started New Leaf in November of 2014. I weighed 285 pounds. New Leaf treatments gave me the energy to start working out again and over 18 months I lost 95 pounds through exercise and healthy eating, NOT DIETING, I’m too old for that. During my 18 months I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, I was told I would miss several weeks of work and take months to recover. I missed 10 days of work and returned to the gym 2 weeks after my treatments which I attribute to my hormone therapy at New Leaf.”

– Van P., New Leaf Wellness Patient

Testosterone is a needed hormone and when your body is at optimal levels, it makes it easier to bounce back from whatever lies throws your way.

Testosterone is a hormone that is present in both men and women. Optimizing your Testosterone level by utilizing the Natural Hormone Therapy at New Leaf Wellness is an important part of your overall wellness as you age in today’s world.

Interested to know more? Take our quick hormone assessment and get immediate results!



Testosterone and Heart Attacks

Testosterone replacement is safe and helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Let’s take a look at the link of testosterone and heart attacks.

Due to media hype and the misrepresentation of studies done on Testosterone, let’s revisit this topic. Sadly, there are news reports that discourage the use of Testosterone despite overwhelming evidence. Properly administered Testosterone actually helps patients with many medical issues, including reducing the risk of heart attacks. It is actually low levels of Testosterone and higher levels of Estrogen in men that have been shown to be associated with an increased heart disease risk. The misrepresentation of Testosterone arose from studies that did not look at Estrogen levels. Testosterone replacement without looking at Estrogen levels can cause problems. Proper Testosterone replacement while addressing Estrogen elevation is a different story. When Testosterone is optimized while making sure Estrogen stays in an optimal range, the men studied had fewer heart attacks and also felt more vital.

In fact, A common cause of disability and death is actually related to low Testosterone. Low levels of Testosterone are associated with diabetes, increased belly fat, insulin resistance, and various arterial changes that increase the risk of heart attacks. Conversely, when Testosterone is replaced to optimal levels by a specially trained physician there is increased muscle mass, decreased belly fat, improved insulin sensitivity, improved memory, increased energy, better sleep, happier moods, and an improvement in cardiovascular health.

In conclusion, testosterone is simply not evil. In fact, it is critical for your optimal health and well being. The key is to have it replaced with proper oversight and the hormone experts at New Leaf Wellness can do this!

Get started today and get heart healthy by checking your hormone levels with a New Leaf Wellness medical staff! Yes, I want to be healthy!

Take our Hormone Quiz: