How Vitamin B12 Can Help You Lose Weight & Shed Fat

Weight loss difficulties can be caused by a number of different conditions. One of the most common, yet hardest to notice in yourself, is a vitamin deficiency. The body relies on a variety of vitamins to maintain optimal health, and B12 is among the most important for weight control. If you want to lose excess weight, vitamin B12 has been linked to weight loss and energy enhancing. Vitamin B12 plays a major role in the body’s essential functions, including DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 also helps the body convert fats and proteins into energy. Here’s how Vitamin B12 can help you lose weight and shed fat:

What Foods Have B12?

Vitamin B12 is found in a variety of foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. It is used constantly by the human body to maintain essential functions.

Some of its most crucial functions include:

  • Supporting the development of red blood cells
  • Strengthening the brain and nervous system
  • Enhancing immune reactions and function

Vitamin B12 is present in many foods, but people with certain dietary restrictions may have a higher chance of developing a deficiency. This is especially true for vegetarians, vegans, and those with diets that don’t allow many animal proteins in their diet. Even when vitamin B12 is regularly ingested, your body could have trouble processing it and putting it to use if you aren’t also consuming these proteins.

“I’m currently receiving the B12 injections weekly and I can say for me, getting them regularly really does make a difference. My increased energy, mood control and iron levels are better when I get them.”

– Jade, NLW Patient in Coralville, Iowa

When someone suffers a prolonged B12 deficiency, there’s a chance that they will develop anemia, a condition characterized by low levels of red blood cells. The body struggles to transport sufficient amounts of oxygen to its various tissues, which can cause debilitating weakness.

Can’t Shed Pounds?

B12 deficiency can create problems even before anemia develops. It has serious, pervasive symptoms including tiredness, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, constipation, and more. It can also sabotage body systems responsible for weight management.

During aerobic exercise, which contributes to fat loss, the body relies strongly upon its respiratory and circulatory systems. Both of these are hindered by low B12 levels. In that case, exercise may produce fewer results, and fatigue means sufferers will be incapable of prolonged exercise.

“B12 has been a life saver for my energy levels and stress. I don’t feel tired in the afternoon, I haven’t been sick this winter and I have energy to play with my daughter after working all day! I love doing the injection then I don’t have to remember to take something every day!! “

– Angie, NLW Patient in Clive, Iowa

B12 deficiency can lead to long-term weight control problems. When the body’s natural balance is disrupted, it typically responds by slowing down your metabolism, conserving fat stores, and burning fewer calories throughout the day.

B12 injections

Like many vitamin deficiencies, B12 problems are easily treatable. While it’s a good idea to change dietary habits to include more B12, injections are often the best way to return to a healthy and more energetic lifestyle. New Leaf Wellness offers a range of quick, easy nutrient injections which include methylcobalamin (the most easily absorbable form of B12) when you are feeling symptomatic.

Take back your life and find out more about our nutrient therapy and individualized services like vitamin B12 shots, contact New Leaf Wellness today.

Losing Weight + Keeping It Off

Have you struggled with losing those few extra pounds that you put on? Or are you struggling to lose more? Do you seem to yo-yo up and down with your weight? You are not alone. Everyone knows what to do to lose weight and yet if it were that simple, no one would have any weight issues. Losing excess weight and keeping it off for the long term involves balancing a complex network of your mind, your diet, your sleep patterns, your hormones, your exercise and your toxic load.


Our suggestion is to start with one piece of the puzzle and get that piece working, and then move onto the next. If you can work on several pieces at once, that is great; however, many people feel overwhelmed and fail if they take on too much at once. Your goal is long term weight loss, with you maintaining a healthy weight: feeling vital and having the energy to do the things that you want to do in life for the long term. With that goal in mind, it makes sense to focus on one piece of the puzzle and then another, and another; doesn’t it? It is a continual process that gets you to your goal and keeps you there. And, yes, change takes work and change does not always come easily; but it is worth it!!! First decide that you want to achieve a healthy weight, then next decide what you want to focus on first.

I have been doing New leaf Wellness weight loss program for approximately 4 months. I have lost 35 pounds and have felt wonderful. My energy levels are higher and my attitude is better. I eat real foods and my hunger levels are very low. – Lori. H from Coralville, Iowa

Then next, break it down into small easy steps that are achievable until you reach your major goal. The key is to set achievable goals each week so that you can attain them and reach success. It may seem slow at times, but slow and steady wins the race!! (remember the story of the tortoise and the hare??) You want long term results, not the yo yo frustration that so many people live through.

Many people do not relate hormone imbalance with weight but they are intimately connected. As I stated above, hormone balance is a significant piece to the optimal weight puzzle. Hormones are chemicals in your body that stimulate reactions and bodily functions to take place. A bodily function such as weight loss is definitely affected by hormones. When your hormones are out of balance you can experience difficulty in losing weight. Insulin, Thyroid, Cortisol, Testosterone, and Estrogen are key hormones in the weight loss game.


Many things can affect your hormone balance: stress, aging, nutrition, toxins. By balancing your nutrition you can actually help your hormones. This can be done by eliminating foods that you are sensitive too, by eating healthy foods, and by focusing on a balanced vegetable, fruit, protein diet. People underestimate the effect that nutrition has on their body but it is a major player for affecting how you feel, as well as the weight that you carry. Food sensitivities are highly under diagnosed and unrecognized by patients and doctors alike. Do not rely on blood tests to diagnose food allergies. Be aware of your body and pay attention to how it responds to certain foods. If you know that a food makes you feel bloated or tired, avoid it; even if a test showed you that you were not allergic to that food. Trust your own body! But a Food Sensitivity Test is really the best way to determine if you have any food sensitivity and New Leaf Wellness can conduct this for you. The results are very specific and exact.

I was always been a big kid, but ten years after football I found myself at 420 Ibs., and nowhere near the athlete I used to be. Last October I knew something drastic had to change and that’s when I went to New Leaf Wellness. I had heard about HCG years ago but thought it was just another fad. But instantly after meeting with the staff I knew that with the support of New Leaf’s incredible staff I was going to be successful. Like any diet, at first it was hard. But because of the drastic changes I saw almost overnight it was easy to stay dedicated. Three months later, I’m down almost 70 Ibs. and I’m starting to get the athleticism I’d lost back! I feel better than I ever have and continue to see drastic changes every week, even 3 months in! I will never be able to thank the amazing staff at New Leaf Wellness enough for giving me my life back. – Sam M. from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Stress reduction is a key component to your overall well being as well as helping to keep your hormones and weight balanced. Turn off the news and focus on positive things in your life. Breathe out for longer than you breathe in–this is a great way to immediately reduce stress. Take a few breaths throughout the day where you breathe in slow for the count of 3 and breathe out for the count of 5 – 7. This also helps you if you are having trouble sleeping. Remember to regularly allow yourself to have fun and to turn off your phone as much as you can. You do not have to be connected 24/7. And, of course fit exercise into your schedule no matter how small amount the time is. Some movement is better than no movement.


Achieving hormone balance and a healthy weight is complex but we hope that these tips have helped you to focus on a few things to start with. Even when prescribed a customized bio-identical hormone  Rx, we highly encourage patients to do the above things at New Leaf Wellness. Everything is important for your health–they are all pieces to the optimal health puzzle!! Decide that you want change, and then start with a small step now to achieve your long term goals!

When you are ready to get started, give us a call at 888-728-7555 or contact us!