Adrenal Dysfunction Leads to Weight Problems

Adrenal Dysfunction Leads to Weight Problems

There are several mechanisms by which Adrenal Fatigue or a stress response dysfunction can lead to weight problems.

The majority of these problems lead to weight gain. Patients who lose weight and have difficulty keeping it off are also a smaller percentage.

Common Reasons for Adrenal Fatigue Weight Gain

1) The ability or inability to convert food into a universal form of energy in the body (my definition of metabolism) is compromised.

2) A suppressed thyroid

3) Cortisol (an adrenal stress hormone) makes you gain and hold onto fat.

Suppressed Metabolism Due to Adrenal Fatigue

Simply put, we are all designed to eat food, digest it, absorb it, and convert the smaller bits into a universal form of energy (ATP). We then use this energy to make our body perform tasks like thinking, walking, breathing, and self-repair. Everything is dependent on this energy.

Mitochondria convert these foods into ATP through metabolic processes. Eventually, overactive stress physiology significantly damages the mitochondria. The adrenals and thyroid work together to regulate this process.

Our metabolic process is compromised — in one way or another — when our body is in an active stress response. Sooner or later, this metabolic pattern remains when there is chronic stress; even when the stressors are removed.

Balance the Adrenals to Balance Your Weight

The adrenals act as the oil and gas in your engine — the thyroid. If you crank up the engine without paying attention to the oil and gas, you will eventually cause trouble.

It may not be for a couple of months or even a couple of years, but that engine will eventually run out of oil and gas completely, leaving you to break down again.

A sustainable solution would be to treat the adrenal problem first. Fill up the oil and gas, the thyroid will likely kick back in on its own.

Chronic Stress Leads to Adrenal Fatigue

Over time, chronic stress can overwhelm the adrenal capacity for stress. The adrenal glands produce elevated stress hormones — like cortisol — during the initial stages of stress response and Adrenal Fatigue.

The cortisol is an appropriate response to the fight or flight stimulation. During fight or flight, we would need fuel. And the major fuel of the body is glucose.

Eating food to provide glucose in an emergency situation would be too slow of a process. So, the body has developed a storage form of glucose called glycogen.

Cortisol stimulates the liver and fat cells to convert this glycogen back into glucose and release it into the bloodstream. This is when your body can use it as fuel to fight the proverbial tiger (i.e. dealing with your boss, traffic, social media, the news — you get the idea).

Weight Gain and Insulin Resistance

In a fight or flight situation, your body detects an increase in glucose levels.

Insulin is then released by the pancreas in response to the elevated blood sugar, to assist in getting the glucose out of the blood. If there were an actual tiger to fight or to run from, you would burn off this excess blood sugar.

But if there is no tiger to run from, the excess sugar in the blood can cause damage.

The primary mechanism insulin uses to lower blood sugar is to escort and open the door for the sugar to get into the individual cells.

Cells, however, will hold the door to the cell closed if they already have sufficient fuel or sugar. The cells become “resistant” to insulin.

During insulin resistance, the pancreas produces increasing amounts of insulin to get the sugar out of the blood into the cells.

If the cells will not take in any glucose, the insulin then converts the glucose into a triglyceride: a molecule of fat plus sugar.

The body then stores the triglyceride as fat in the body for use at a later date. Typical storage sites for fat include the hips, thighs, and abdomen.

The Most Dangerous Fat Caused by Weight Gain

Fat in the abdomen is sensitive to cortisol. It is the preferred target for the storage of triglycerides during stress. Increased triglyceride in abdominal fat leads to an increase in the size of fat cells in the abdomen. Additionally, this leads to increased belly fat.

Research shows that abdominal fat is the most dangerous location for fat deposition.

Insulin resistance is also called Metabolic Syndrome. This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The pancreas has a limited capacity to produce insulin and can become “exhausted.” The exhausted pancreas cannot produce adequate amounts of insulin to handle the glucose in the blood. Blood sugar rises, because of limited insulin to manage it. This is the leading cause of diabetes.

Bottom Line on Weight Gain

Ultimately, there are only two ways to raise blood sugar and gain bodyweight

• overeating food (especially sugar and carbs)

• getting “stressed”

Stress will increase cortisol, and cortisol increases sugar.

How to Reverse Adrenal Fatigue Weight Gain Woes

Adrenal Fatigue involves several systems of your body. It is important to give your body time to heal and turn off its overactive stress response.

Here’s the goal, in a nutshell:

• Get your cortisol back in line. Manage your stressors and improve your resilience to stress by understanding how your body works and interacting with it.

• Stop suppressing the engine of your body (thyroid) by staying stuck in a stress response. You must rewire your system so that it chooses calm over stress.

• Eat a hypoglycemic diet (or what is called a “Stress-Less Diet”). By doing this, you keep your sugar and carb levels low. If your weight doesn’t want to budge, you can look at your sugar and carb intake and cut it in half again. That usually does the trick.

The Next Step in Adrenal Fatigue Weight Gain

  • Over one-third of Adrenal Fatigue patients state that their weight is one of their primary concerns. Healing Adrenal Fatigue effectively and regulating cortisol and stress are the key factors in weight maintenance.

Decreasing Inflammation

Watch this video to learn more about DECREASING INFLAMMATION for:

Increased Energy and Vitality

Improved Digestive Health

Increased Sex Drive

Better Sleep

Improved Mood

Enhanced Immune Function

Improved Skin Health

Continue reading “Decreasing Inflammation”

Menopause RELIEF in Omaha, NE

Menopause is a natural biological process that happens in women and her hormone levels, specifically estrogen, progesterone and testosterone decline. The transition to menopause can take several years for women everywhere including in Omaha, NE, and the symptoms associated with it can vary greatly from woman to woman.

Symptoms of menopause can include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, and difficulty sleeping. These symptoms are caused by the decrease in estrogen levels and can last for several years. Some women experience more severe symptoms than others, and the duration of symptoms can vary as well. Other symptoms are low libido and loss of muscle mass caused by the decrease of testosterone. And the reduced level of progesterone can cause loss of sleep and mood swings just to name a few!

While menopause is a natural part of the aging process, it can be challenging for many women to navigate. It can also have an impact on a woman’s overall health. Estrogen plays a role in bone health, and the decline in estrogen levels can lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Women also have an increased risk of heart disease after menopause. Testosterone plays a role in sex drive, muscle mass, energy and mood and progesterone plays a role irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, and bloating. So all 3 of these hormones are important for females to keep healthy even through menopause.

There are several treatment options available for women experiencing menopausal symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy (NHT) is one option that involves taking estrogen, testosterone and progesterone to replace the hormones that are no longer being produced by the ovaries. NHT can help alleviate symptoms.

Non-hormonal treatments are also available for menopausal symptoms. These include lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress. There are also NLRX Nutrition Supplements & compounding formulations from New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy available that can help with specific symptoms, such as Stress Reset for mood changes and low-dose vaginal estrogen for vaginal dryness.

It’s essential for women to talk to the provider at New Leaf Wellness about their symptoms and treatment options. Each woman’s experience with menopause is unique, and treatment should be tailored to her individual needs and health history.

In conclusion, menopause is a natural part of the aging process for women. While it can be challenging to navigate, there are treatment options available to alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of health complications. Women should talk to their provider at New Leaf Wellness, Omaha, NE and the other New Leaf Wellness clinics about their options and develop a plan that is right for them.

Addressing Libido in Omaha

Libido is an important aspect of overall health and well-being. It refers to a person’s sexual desire or drive and can be affected by a variety of factors, including hormone levels. At New Leaf Wellness Clinic based in Omaha, NE, we recognize the importance of addressing libido concerns for our patients and offer personalized treatment options to help restore sexual vitality.

How Does Oxytocin Benefit Your Health?

Hormones play a significant role in regulating libido. In men, testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for sexual desire, while in women, a combination of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone contributes to libido. As we age, hormone levels naturally decline, which can result in a decreased sex drive.

However, hormonal imbalances can also occur in younger individuals, which can lead to low libido.

Symptoms That Affect Libido

There are many symptoms that can affect a person’s libido or sex drive. Here are some common symptoms that can impact libido:

  1. Physical illnesses
  2. Certain medications
  3. Stress and anxiety
  4. Lack of sleep
  5. Relationship issues
  6. Age
  7. Menopause and pregnancy
  8. Body image issues

Firstly, it is important to address any symptoms that may be affecting libido in order to improve overall sexual health and wellness.

Addressing Libido Concerns at New Leaf Wellness, Omaha, NE

At New Leaf Wellness, hormone therapy is used to address a variety of concerns, including low libido. After a thorough evaluation and testing, personalized treatment plans are developed for each patient to address their specific hormone imbalances.
The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be recommended for men with low testosterone levels. This treatment involves dosing the correct level of testosterone for the best care of our patients and their testosterone levels to improve sexual desire. TRT can also help to improve other symptoms associated with low testosterone, such as fatigue and mood swings.

Natural hormone replacement therapy (NHT) may be recommended for women. To address hormonal imbalances and improve sexual desire, NHT uses hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. NHT can also help to improve other symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
In addition to hormone therapy, New Leaf Wellness also offers other treatments to address libido concerns, such as PT-141, Oxytocin, and compounded Sildenafil or tadalafil medications. These treatments use non-invasive techniques to improve blood flow and stimulate tissue growth, leading to improved sexual function and desire.


In Omaha, NE, New Leaf Wellness prioritizes addressing concerns related to sexual desire as part of overall health and well-being. Through personalized hormone therapy and other treatments, New Leaf Wellness can help its patients restore sexual vitality and improve their quality of life. In conclusion, if you are experiencing concerns related to low libido, schedule a consultation with New Leaf Wellness to explore your treatment options.

Save On Your Wellness Budget

We live in a world that often encourages us to prioritize convenience and overlook the long-term health effects of our daily decisions. Secondly, it is no secret that our healthcare system is flawed in many ways; some of those flaws make it easy for us to write off certain precautionary measures instead of spending less money. In the short term, we can save money, but in the long run, we can lose out if our wellness budget isn’t spent wisely.

Here’s the Thing: Being Well Costs Money.

It’s just the truth of the matter. It is, undeniably, cheaper (at least in the short term) to be unhealthy: Fast food/junk food is cheaper than organic whole foods, gym memberships, and trainers. The amount of time it takes to focus on wellness is just something not everyone can afford.

However, with that unfortunate truth comes an even more worrisome reality: Those who don’t take care of themselves will be forced to face the repercussions later in life. Think about it –if you drive a car and you’re skipping regularly scheduled maintenance, you’re putting cheap gas in the tank, and you’re going thousands of miles over your oil’s recommended lifespan, you wouldn’t expect your car to drive to 300,000 miles… you’d be lucky to hit 100k! But this isn’t a car we’re talking about… it’s your body!

This compilation of studies ( shows, as predicted, the negative relation between weekly physical activity and the occurrence of Coronary Heart Disease in over 15,000 individuals. Meaning there is a direct correlation between exercise and preventing heart disease. Excercise is something you can do for FREE. Simultaneously, it will help you avoid the #1 killer in America. How’s that for return on investment?

Your Health Is Your Wealth

Maybe you’ve heard that phrase before, or maybe this is your first time; either way, the sentiment rings true. If you want to live the long, healthy, happy life you deserve, now is the time to invest in yourself. We plan for retirement, we plan for our kids’ college, we plan our big purchases and vacations, but where’s the wellness plan in your life? How do you expect to be your grandchildren’s best friend? How do you see yourself on your 50th wedding anniversary? Surely, your vision of the future is filled with life and excitement! Well, there’s really only one way to achieve true wealth: Health.

There are LOTS of ways to ensure you’re aging well and setting yourself up for a graceful second half of life. If you ask me, one of the greatest investments you can make in yourself is beginning Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy. Men and Women alike get AMAZING results with our treatment plans here at New Leaf Wellness, and I can tell you firsthand that the patients we’ve had for over 10 years now are living proof that healthy aging is possible.

Our Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy is incredibly powerful in combating the tell-tale symptoms of aging. The reason so many of us begin to feel old as we age is a decline in hormone production. Hormones control our bodily functions and mental well-being. Hormone replacement therapy gives us back our youth, literally.


“They help me get my life back-play, work, sex and feel great again! I feel young again!”


–New Leaf Wellness Hormone Patient

A Better Way to Age

We’re honored and privileged to be entrusted with our patients’ wellness; we want to help you live your best life! Contact us today to discuss treatment options and whether you may be a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy.

Change Starts With Hope

Watch this video to learn more about our programs that inspire HOPE.

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New Leaf Wellness Offers Wellness Coaching

New Leaf Wellness Offers Wellness Coaching.

Watch this video to see how our Wellness Coach can help you reach your goals.

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Wellness Doctors vs. Sick-Care Doctors

The providers in the field of wellness aren’t seeing sick patients every day. They aren’t trying to turn and burn patients, and they’re consistently in this field for the same reason: To offer their patients a higher quality of life through holistic care. Specifically, providers working in hormone replacement therapy have proven to be truly wellness driven.

Is Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe

Do patients at New Leaf Wellness ever wonder if their PCP takes hormones, or if they have ever considered it? At New Leaf, our providers trust Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy completely. Our hormones (pellets, creams, orals) come from New Leaf Specialty Compounding Pharmacy, which they are committed to providing safe, effective compounding treatments.

In fact, many of our providers are also a patient of New Leaf Wellness. To us, that just seems right. New Leaf’s founding Medical Director, Dr. Robert Sieman (, saw just how powerful hormone replacement therapy can be, and decided to bring that power to his community.

Our Natural Hormone Therapy is incredibly powerful in combating the tell-tale symptoms of aging. The reason so many of us begin to feel old as we age is a decline in hormone production. Hormones control our bodily functions and mental well-being. Hormone replacement therapy gives us back our youth, literally.

“New Leaf should be renamed the fountain of youth! My wife and I started testosterone treatments at 71 and that sent us on our second honeymoon that was better than our first, 50 years ago!”

– New Leaf Wellness Hormone Patient

A Better Way to Age

We’re honored and privileged to be entrusted with our patient’s wellness; we want to help you live your best life! Contact us today to discuss treatment options and whether you may be a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy.

What are you waiting for? Contact us for your Free Consultation Today!

menopause, Tictoc, BioTe

Weight Loss In 2023

Tirzepatide and Semaglutide can offer weight loss in 2023, through weekly injections. However, as many scramble to obtain these medications, the supply chain has made this difficult. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide have three main mechanisms of action.

  1. They enhance the growth of beta cells in the pancreas, which are sites of insulin production. This means your body has improved control over blood sugar or decreased insulin resistance.
  2. Compounded Tirzepatide and Semaglutide markedly delay gastric emptying. The delay in gastric emptying can reduce appetite.
  3. Finally, both medications improve control of eating and reduce food cravings. The last mechanism is what many people appreciate the most, feeling less compulsion to eat or not eating as much.

What is the difference between Semaglutide and Tirzepatide?

Tirzepatide is a dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide–GLP-1 receptor agonist. This means this medication works on two different receptors, GIP and GLP-1. The GIP receptors are activated to improve insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, satiety (feeling full), and fat burn (lipolysis). Simultaneously, the GLP-1 receptors are stimulated to decrease glucagon secretion, slow gastric emptying, and decrease appetite. Concurrent action on both GIP and GLP-1 produces weight loss, lowered cholesterol, and reduced cardiovascular risk for patients.

The dosing for compounded Tirzepatide starts at 2.5mg per week and increases based on the patient’s response. Thus dose increases with Tirzepatide are less frequent, once every 4-6 weeks on average. Semaglutide dosing starts at 0.25mg per week and increases weekly, based on the patients’ response. Both medications aim not to achieve the maximum dose but to have controlled, monitored, and safe weight loss with minimal side effects.

Based on clinical trials, patients using Tirzepatide or Semaglutide may experience:

  • Substantial A1C reductions
  • Increased weight loss
  • Improvements in cardiometabolic measures
  • Improved triglycerides levels
  • Reduced appetite
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Improved insulin sensitivity

What are you waiting for? Contact us for your Free Consultation Today!