Putting the Pieces Together

Does everyone know hormones affect everything we do?
The answer to this question is unfortunately (sigh) still no.

When we are young, it is the abundance and perfectly tuned balance of hormones that makes us vital, wrinkle-free, sexually active and quick to recover from colds and flu. Hormones keep us fertile, and our joints limber and well- lubricated. It is our hormones that help us think well, remember where we put our keys and relate to others in intimate, connected ways.

As we age, hormones begin to fade, though exposure to toxins, eating badly processed foods, leading sedentary lives and not getting enough sleep also play their parts.

We can reverse or at a minimum stall the ravages of aging with hormone support. There are many types of hormones that work together to create the puzzle that becomes our lives and the more pieces (hormones) of the puzzle we put together in proper balance and in the right formulations, the more likely we are to age in a healthy, vibrant and beautiful way.

The best hormones to use are the bioidentical ones and that is what New Leaf Wellness uses. They are prescription medications estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid and adrenal support, and they are pharmaceutically made to look identical to the hormones our own bodies make when we are young and healthy.

With the proper hormones, prescribed by doctors who are trained and experienced in how to use them and when to use them safely and effectively, we spend less money on health care, on going from doctor to doctor and test to test with no hope of improvement in sight.

With hormones in balance we don’t need yo-yo dieting. Our bodies stay at their optimal weight, and exercise is pleasant with results we can be proud of. With hormones we find ourselves getting sleep again and feeling refreshed in the morning.

Hormones are safe and they protect us from diseases of aging. They protect our bones from osteoporosis and our hearts and brains from deterioration.

Yes, it may sound like hormones are the fountain of youth, but all you have to do is ask and look at those who take them and compare them to their peers who don’t.

When I see patients for the first time I ask: If you didn’t know how old you are, how old would you think you are?

The answer from people on hormones is always 20 years younger. From those who don’t take hormones, it’s always at least 20 years older. menopause, Tictoc, BioTe

Which would you like to be?

Intermittent Fasting Could Prolong Your Life

Fasting is mainly considered to be a weight loss management technique or one of the tools to normalize your diet. However, intermittent fasting could prolong your life–eat less, live longer. Let’s take a look at the 3 benefits of fasting and their effects on our longevity:

1. Cleans up dead cells

Recent research on intermittent fasting has shown that fasting can actually increase the process of dead cell removal in the body, called autophagy. This essentially means that after the damaged cells are broken down, there’s room for new ones, which help with various bodily functions, increasing longevity and potentially preventing the risk of cancers or other age-related diseases.

2. Lowers oxidative stress with alternate-day fasting

When there’s an imbalance in free radicals and antioxidants in the body, our cells, proteins, and DNA can be damaged. According to research, when consuming less unhealthy foods and replacing them with healthy calories, the antioxidant uric acid increases, therefore reducing the harmful effects of oxidative stress and potentially prolonging our lifespan.

3. Reduces the risk for age-related diseases

Reduced risk of Type-2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases, lowered cholesterol levels, incorporated exercise, and many others could fall into the list of benefits of intermittent fasting. It’s not simply saying that everything gets better with a consistently nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. We’re talking science here!

Benefits You May Receive From Fasting…

Fasting partners well with Semaglutide. The good thing with Semaglutide is that it will always keep your hunger at bay and your cravings in line. You might be worried about how much weight you might gain after eating all the delicious foods that you are possibly going to come across during the upcoming holidays. The solution for all this is taking Semaglutide because it will ensure that you feel full and do not have to keep snacking all the time.

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about Fasting and Supplements that can aid your journey.


Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D is crucial to keeping you healthy and feeling good. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods. Some of these include fish, fish liver oils, egg yolks, and fortified dairy and grain products.

Since it is found in very few foods, it is difficult to rely solely on diet to fulfill your body’s need for Vitamin D. It is also produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. In short, when ultraviolet rays contact the skin, Vitamin D synthesis occurs. Depending on where you live or your particular job or lifestyle, Vitamin D production could be decreasing, or even absent, during certain months of the year. What’s even more interesting is that sunscreen, while extremely important in keeping us youthful and protecting our skin, can also decrease Vitamin D production.

Unfortunately, many people today are not getting enough Vitamin D and it is having negative consequences on their health. For this reason, the use of Vitamin D supplements is on the rise (and for good reason)!


Why do I need Vitamin D?

Without Vitamin D, your bones become brittle, soft, and fragile. This happens because your body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Even more concerning, Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to the following (and more):

  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Depression
  • Osteomalacia
  • Rickets
  • Decreased cognitive health

Now that we’ve seen why Vitamin D deficiency is so important to avoid, let’s take a look at all the wonderful things Vitamin D can do for you and how to incorporate more into your life!


Benefits of Vitamin D

1. Regulates phosphorus & calcium absorption
Perhaps the most vital benefit of Vitamin D is its ability to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in your body. This is crucial to facilitate a normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin D is important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as maintaining your bone’s health and strength. If you can keep your bones healthy, you can avoid many chronic diseases processes that stem from the bones.

2. Increases ability to fight disease
Vitamin D plays a vital role in the immune system. The immune system is your body’s defense system to ward off unwanted disease processes. It helps protect it against infections and other illnesses. Studies show that it can help prevent you from getting the flu, decrease chances of developing heart disease, and may also play a role in reducing your risk of multiple sclerosis, as shown in a study by the Journal of American Medical Association.

3. Blocks parathyroid hormone & helps maintain bone strength
Vitamin D plays a role in blocking the release of parathyroid hormone. Keeping this hormone in check and balanced is crucial for your health and wellness. When parathyroid hormone levels run too high, this hormone reabsorbs bone tissue and makes bones thin and brittle. The parathyroid glands are part of the endocrine system and are located in the neck. Their role is to secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), which regulates calcium and phosphate, which in return regulates PTH. Having good Vitamin D levels help the body be able to absorb calcium and also keeps the PTH levels in check.

4. Reduce symptoms or feelings of depression
Research shows that Vitamin D plays a part in controlling mood and also helps lower feelings of depression. Scientists found that increasing Vitamin D decreased feelings of depression and that people reported a noticeable improvement in their symptoms and overall sense of well-being.


How can I get more Vitamin D?

As we learned above, Vitamin D is available in a very limited number of foods. Therefore, getting enough Vitamin D from your diet alone is difficult. While sun exposure does produce Vitamin D, too much sun exposure is not good for our health. Therefore, many people need Vitamin D supplements.

What’s even better? Studies show a link between taking a daily Vitamin D supplement and weight loss which can be accredited to its ability to suppress your appetite.


Visit NLRxNutrition.com to get the supplements you need!

NLRxNutrition Vitamin D3 capsules are the perfect supplements to boost the immune system, keep your heart healthy, mood lifted, and fight off the flu.

All NLRxNutrition supplements are available online or at any New Leaf Centers.



Have you ever noticed that when you eat poorly, you feel tired and worn out? And then when you start to make healthy food choices, you feel more energetic and able to accomplish more? This is because our bodies respond to the nutrients (or lack of nutrients) in the food we eat. So when you switch from eating fast food and begin eating wholesome, home-cooked meals, you’re giving your body more of what it needs to function efficiently.

Now imagine: what if you could take some of those wholesome nutrients from your home-cooked food and inject them directly into your body? You’d probably feel pretty darn good, right? Well, that’s exactly what vitamin injections do. They provide you with the nutrients that aid in the optimal functioning of your body.

What does this mean for weight loss? Sometimes, when diet and exercise alone don’t produce results, it’s because the body does not have everything it needs to work properly. So no matter how little a person eats or how many hours they spend on the treadmill, the weight still won’t come off. Or maybe that person just can’t seem to muster the energy needed to even get to the gym. Often, vitamin deficiencies are to blame. And at New Leaf Wellness, we’ve found that in many cases, vitamin injections are the key to reaching weight loss goals.

Vitamin C helps keep your immune system healthy, and it can also help you burn body fat during moderate exercise.

Vitamin B6 aids in stress reduction and helps keep your hormones in balance. In addition, it helps your body extract nutrients from food. So if you’re counting calories and eating a small lunch, vitamin B6 will help make sure you get the most out of every chickpea and green bean in your salad.

Vitamin B12 is the energy vitamin. When you’re low on B12, you’re going to be low, period. If mustering the energy to get outside for a bike ride is your biggest challenge, vitamin B12 injections might be exactly the right next step on your weight loss journey.

All the B vitamins at once? Yes! The benefits of B-complex injections include increasing your good cholesterol and lowering the bad, metabolizing fats and carbohydrates into energy, protecting the immune system, and providing anti-aging effects.

Weight Loss Specialists at New Leaf Wellness, we specialize in weight loss, and if you’re struggling to lose weight, we can help. Our individualized programs include cutting-edge weight loss technology and one-on-one support by qualified and certified weight loss experts. Contact us by calling 888-728-7555. Let us help you reach your weight loss goals.


What is Pellet Therapy and why should you consider it? Subcutaneous estrogen replacement therapy often referred to as “Pellet Therapy” is not a novel idea. It was initially described in 1938 as an alternative treatment for menopausal symptoms. Subcutaneous estrogen replacement involves the placement of crystalline, biodegradable pellets of estradiol subcutaneously into the buttocks. Placement is performed in the office using local anesthesia.

Advantages of Pellet Therapy

Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is very advantageous. ERT is superior to any other remedy for the treatment of hot flashes and vaginal atrophy. It has also been found to be cardio-protective, to improve cognitive effects, and to aid in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Despite these advantages, many patients discontinue their ERT for various reasons. The most common include irregular bleeding and or concern about breast cancer. Women discontinue therapy due to unreliability in taking pills, skin reactions to patches, nausea, or incomplete relief of symptoms. These patients may benefit from alternative routes of ERT like “pellet therapy”.

Subcutaneous ERT, unlike oral estrogen therapy, is better able to mimic premenopausal physiologic levels of estradiol and estrone. Subcutaneous estrogen has a favorable effect on lipid profiles with an increase in “good” cholesterol HDL and decreased level of LDL’s “bad” cholesterol. Although estradiol levels differ among patients, individual levels within each patient have very little variation. Implants provide more stable circulating estrogen levels than any other route of administration.


Insertion is easily performed in the office. After a small area of skin is prepared with local anesthesia, a 5 mm skin incision is made in the subcutaneous fat of the buttocks. The trocar with cannula is advanced through the incision. The trocar is removed and the pellets are loaded into the barrel of the cannula. The obturator is inserted forcing the pellets out of the instrument into the subcutaneous layers of the buttocks. Complications, albeit rare, include bleeding from the insertion site, bruising, or wound infection.

Testosterone & Progesterone Therapy

Another potential benefit of pellet therapy is the ability to combine subcutaneous estradiol and testosterone replacement. Testosterone therapy has been used for patients who complain of reduced libido. A combined dose of estrogen and testosterone has been shown to significantly improve libido, sexual enjoyment, and menopausal symptoms lasting for 5-6 months.

Appropriate patients include peri/postmenopausal women seeking to relieve hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, maintain or increase bone density, and produce favorable lipid changes. Patients with an intact uterus require progesterone therapy to protect the endometrium, as do patients using other forms of estrogen replacement.

Pellet Therapy and Libido

Subcutaneous ERT or “Pellet therapy” is a convenient form of estrogen replacement therapy, eliminating the need for daily pill or patch. Furthermore, combined therapy adding testosterone can also be used to adjudicate symptoms of decreased libido, leading to more sexual enjoyment.

New Leaf Wellness has a vision to provide women with awareness, options, and solutions. We take pride in providing a safe space for women to explore choices for their sexual health, rejuvenating their appearance, and improving their lives. New Leaf Wellness understands the intensely personal and sexual health issues involved in these surgeries/treatments. Our staff is dedicated to patients having the best outcomes with the highest levels of safety and comfort.

Lastly, if you have questions, please reach out using the contact form below and we will make arrangements for a FREE personal consultation!


Winter is almost over, but with winter months come more illness. There are good reasons why we tend to see more illness during the winter months. One of those reasons is lower Vitamin D levels. As spring approaches it is vital you get your Vitamin D levels back to their optimal levels.

Humans are supposed to get over 90% of their vitamin D from the sun (diet provides very little), and the recommended Daily Value (or previously the RDA) assumed that most people received plenty of vitamin D from the sun. Our ancestors (both ancient and recent) spent a lot of time outdoors in the sun. However, in today’s modern world many people do not get enough vitamin D even during the summer months. People living in northern locales get even less. If you haven’t had your vitamin D levels checked (and most people have not) we highly recommend asking your New Leaf Provider about it. In America, most people test insufficient or deficient for this important vitamin. It is thought that most people need from 7,500-20,000 IUs per day (from all sources, including sun) to meet our needs; we need more when we’re sick or stressed.

Vitamin D helps our immune systems stay balanced during the cold and flu season. There are Vitamin D receptors and activating enzymes on the surfaces of all White Blood Cells. The role that vitamin D plays in keeping the immune system healthy is very complex because the immune system has to be perfectly balanced. If there is too much stimulation, autoimmune diseases can set in. If there is not enough immune system activity, frequent infections can occur.

Low levels of vitamin D have been linked with both extremes, including being associated with worsening autoimmune diseases. Low levels of vitamin D are not the underlying cause of the autoimmune disease, but low levels of vitamin D can make autoimmune disease states worse. Low levels of vitamin D have also been associated with frequent infections. In 2009, the National Institute of Health warned that low vitamin D levels are associated with frequent colds and influenza.

So it appears that vitamin D helps keep the immune system balanced much like a gymnast walking on a balance beam. It is important that daily and weekly vitamin D supplementation help keep your immune system balanced during the cold and flu season.

Five Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Even Many Doctors Don’t Know

As we age, we drop in essential hormones, such as Estrogen, Testosterone and Progesterone These hormones are not only responsible for your secondary sex characteristics, but also keep your body youthful and strong. As your hormones decrease, your tissues and bones begin to degrade. You may experience:

Vasomotor symptoms — hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations, and migraines

Urogenital symptoms — stress incontinence, urge incontinence, dry vagina, uncomfortable sex, loss of libido (sexual desire)

Psychogenic symptoms — anger, irritability, insomnia, loss of self-esteem, brain fog, memory loss, global cognitive decline, anxiety, and depression

Accelerated Cardiovascular decline — menopause is associated with significant deterioration in cholesterol and other lipid and blood sugar control parameters that cause heart attacks, strokes, and vascular obstruction illnesses. A drop in these hormones is simultaneously associated with other increased risk factors including increased incidence of diabetes and obesity that are independent harbingers of heart attacks and strokes.

Here are five benefits of taking Hormones:

Natural Hormone Therapy or Low-T Therapy are an identical match to your body’s own hormones: Bioidentical hormones are created from plant sources such as soy and yam. The estrogens in the plants are synthesized so they have exactly the same chemical structures of hormones found in the human body. Because the structure of bioidentical hormones is the same as the chemical structure of your own hormones, your body identifies and accepts them more readily. You’re less likely to have side effects and can take them safely over the long term.

Natural Hormone Therapy or Low-T Therapy controls hot flashes and night sweats: Those uncomfortable surges of heat that make you peel off layers during the day or wake up sweating at night are caused by your hypothalamus, which is your body’s thermostat. When your hormones are out of balance, your hypothalamus overreacts to even slight changes in temperature. After starting treatment, your hormone levels stabilize, and your hypothalamus becomes less reactive.

Natural Hormone Therapy or Low-T Therapy makes sex fun again: The loss of interest in sexual activity (libido) will subside. You also might notice fewer urinary symptoms, too, such as leaking when you sneeze, cough, or laugh.

Natural Hormone Therapy or Low-T Therapy promotes better sleep and mood: Balanced hormones help your body and brain function optimally. Getting a good night’s sleep also helps improve your mood by giving your brain the restorative rest it needs.

Natural Hormone Therapy or Low-T Therapy gives you better skin, hair, and bones: You don’t feel old, so why should you look it? When you restore your body’s healthy hormonal balance, your skin starts to act younger again, too. Your body ramps up production of the proteins collagen and elastin, which give your skin support and flexibility.

Put aging biology, risks and symptoms behind you while preserving your cardiovascular health, brain health, bones, skin, and hair.

Our NATURAL HORMONE THERAPY comes with many added benefit programs. Whether you want Vitamin Cocktail Injections to boost your energy and overall health, discounted Weight Loss programs, or $9 Botox units–we have a monthly package perfect for your needs.

10 Benefits of IV Therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy is the fastest way to give your body the nutrition it needs. The process allows the vitamins to go right into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive process, to give you faster, more effective results.

IV therapies have been used by hospitals for decades, treating people who are dehydrated or too sick to eat properly. Advancements in therapies now make it possible to quickly improve vitamin deficiencies, rehydrate your body, and revitalize how you feel.

Vitamin therapies are customized to meet your specific health needs and ensure you are completely satisfied with your results.  At New Leaf Wellness, we offer IV therapy to help restore your general health and well being. This therapy offers a number of other benefits, especially if you’re dealing with a chronic health condition that isn’t being helped by your regular diet.

If you’ve been wondering if IV therapy is right for you,
consider these 10 benefits of the treatment:

Some medications and medical issues can interrupt your body’s ability to properly absorb the nutrients it needs to function correctly. With IV therapy, you can rest assured the vitamins are completely and quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, which allows your body to utilize them immediately.

If you are suffering from chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, or even a common cold or respiratory illness, IV therapy can help boost your immune system to help you feel refreshed and energized.

IV therapy is the most efficient way to provide your body with optimal hydration to support all vital organ functions. It can help prevent medical issues like kidney stones, constipation, and damage to your muscles.

You won’t have to spend a lot of time waiting for your treatment to be completed. Most IV vitamin therapies can be done in under an hour. You simply relax and enjoy the process in a comfortable, relaxed environment.

There are several IV therapies available  At New Leaf Wellness, to meet your nutritional needs, including the popular Myers cocktail. This therapy is ideal if you are seeking relief from fatigue, allergies, or muscle spasms and contains important vitamins like calcium, magnesium, and vitamins B and C. Therapies are customized based on your nutritional deficiencies and treatment goals.

With customized IV therapy treatments. you can decrease the need for costly nutritional supplements you may be taking several times a day.

IV therapy can be a successful step on the road of preventive healthcare. Therapeutic doses of vitamin C have been shown to be toxic to cancer cells and are well-known for their effectiveness in building immunity. Regular therapy can also help prevent the development of chronic conditions, like respiratory illnesses and migraines.

It can take up to two days to completely digest the foods you eat. With IV therapy, you can begin to feel the positive effects on your body almost instantly. Within several hours, you can feel the full effects of the IV nutrients, as you’ll have more energy, think more clearly, and enjoy an improved mood.

People on the go often suffer with tired muscles, muscles spasms, and exhaustion. With IV therapy treatments, you can replenish lost vitamins and minerals to improve your recovery time from your workouts. IV treatments can also ensure you are properly hydrated after excessive sweating that accompanies many workouts.

Toxins in your everyday environment can take a toll on your health and your appearance. IV therapy supplies your body with the antioxidants it needs to fight off premature signs of aging and help your body flush harmful toxins out of your body more effectively.

With so many benefits, it’s no wonder you’ve been considering scheduling an IV therapy appointment of your own. To find out which therapy is right for you, book an appointment online or by calling our office.

Ask about the IV Vitamin Therapy Club Membership.

5 Things Your Gut is Trying to Tell You

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Gut

It’s surprising how much you can tell about your overall health from the condition of your gut. The state of your gut has been known to have a direct correlation between overall health and wellness and can even indicate problems in other parts of the body. Because research indicates that 70 percent of the immune system may be found in the gut, paying attention to your gut health is incredibly important because problems with the gut can be the first signs of problems elsewhere in the body. If you are experiencing gastrointestinal problems, your gut may be trying to indicate a mild or serious problem. Here are a few of the ways that gut health and overall health are connected

1. The Link Between Gut Health and Depression

The gut is sometimes referred to as “the second brain,” thanks to a multitude of studies indicating a strong link between gut health and brain health. From depression and anxiety to brain fog and fatigue, your bathroom habits and the presence of other gut-related conditions like the rapid onset of nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea can tell you quite a lot about your mental health.

How Gut Health Affects the Brain

The link between gut health and brain health indicates the state of our brains and our stomachs have a direct connection. Numerous research studies have indicated that individuals with chronic depression experience frequent bouts of constipation, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. This is believed to be caused by the bacteria in your gut since evidence suggests those with depression tend to have higher chances of having gut biomes that contain a large amount of “bad bacteria” or inadequate amounts of “good bacteria.” An imbalance of gut bacteria can lead to many additional side effects, including:

  • Acid Reflux
  • Delayed Digestion
  • Delayed Gastric Emptying
  • Flatulence
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Upset Stomach
  • Vomiting

2. The Link Between Anxiety and Gut Health

As with depression, there’s evidence to suggest a direct link exists between anxiety and gut health. This is again believed to be the result of an imbalance of bacteria, and it makes sense. When you don’t feel well, you can become more agitated, restless, and anxious, so if there’s a chronic or permanent problem in the stomach, the lining of the intestines, or other digestive areas, it’s easy to see how anxiety can become a chronic problem.  

3. Celiac Disease and Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal problems are the biggest signs and symptoms of food-related autoimmune disorders like celiac disease. Celiac disease is a serious condition in which an individual’s small intestine is unable to ingest gluten, a common ingredient found naturally in wheat, barley, and rye but also as a thickening agent in salad dressings, packaged foods. In individuals with celiac disease, the immune system triggers a response to gluten, and in addition to stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation, this can also lead to physical symptoms elsewhere, including fatigue, headaches, joint pain and inflammation, and even seizures. Over time, the small intestine can even sustain permanent damage from the ingestion of gluten.

4. Vitamin Deficiencies and Gut Health

If you’re experiencing gastrointestinal issues and food allergies and sensitivities have already been ruled out, it’s possible your symptoms are related to a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D and it is anti-inflammatory and immune system regulating effects can boost your mood and your overall health. Studies have shown a vitamin D deficiency, however, may be linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), colon and rectal cancer, breast cancer, and other serious health concerns.

5. Hormonal Imbalances and Gut Health

The human body produces around 50 different hormones that are essential to the proper function of essential organs and processes. When too little or too much of these hormones are secreted, the result can be a decrease in vitality, focus, and overall health and wellness. One of the ways hormonal imbalances can manifest is through gastrointestinal problems. When the endocrine system (which is in charge of the organs that secrete hormones) isn’t functioning properly, this can also mean the digestive system, circulatory system, and other parts of the body can malfunction. Through a hormone test, your wellness provider can determine whether or not a hormone deficiency or imbalance can be the cause of your gut health concerns.

Ready to change your gut health for the better?

Contact us today to get your body back on track or feeling better than ever before because at New Leaf Wellness, our mission is for our patients to ‘live their best life’. Get started with a totally free consultation or call us at 888-728-7555.

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Nature Gives Progesterone

Nature gives progesterone to men and women alike to balance and offset the powerful effects of estrogen. Some of the most common concerns of aging women are weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and migraine. For other women, even more, debilitating conditions such as cancer, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and osteoporosis now play a predominant role in their lives. As men age, complaints of weight gain, loss of libido, and prostate enlargement top their list of health concerns. Many physicians and scientists are becoming more aware of a common link between these symptoms and conditions. That common link is often an imbalance between two sex hormones, progesterone, and estrogen.


The Key Precursor

Firstly, progesterone is a key precursor to other steroid hormones, including cortisol, testosterone, and estrogens (estriol, estradiol, and estrone). When progesterone circulates in the blood, 90% is bound to a protein or albumin fraction. Additionally, only a small percentage (3%) circulates unbound.


What Are Foreign Estrogens?

Fact: Estrogen levels may be elevated by a number of external influences. What are these external influences? We thought you’d ask. Xenoestrogens (foreign estrogens) are among a group of chemicals known to alter hormone levels. Additionally, environmental pesticides, including those found on commercially grown fruits and vegetables, are perhaps the primary source of xenoestrogens. Lastly, cosmetics, shampoo, and plastics also may contribute to the accumulation of these foreign estrogens.


Natural v. Synthetic

When discussing progesterone, it is important to understand the difference between natural progesterone and synthetic progesterone analogs called progestins. Progestogens are an umbrella term for both natural progesterone and synthetic progestins because they all have progestational effects in the uterus.


How to know if your hormones are declining >>>

Natural progesterone is synthesized in the laboratory from either soybeans or the Mexican wild yam (Dioscorea villosa). The process was discovered in the 1930s by Pennsylvania State University Professor, Russell Marker, who transformed diosgenin from wild yams into natural progesterone. Natural progesterone refers to bioidentical hormone products that have a molecular structure identical to the hormones our bodies manufacture naturally. The most effective form of bioidentical progesterone is called micronized progesterone USP. Furthermore, the process of micronization allows for steady and even absorption of the medication. Micronized progesterone is available only through a doctor’s prescription. An alternative is natural progesterone creams sold over the counter worldwide. Both the micronized progesterone and commercially available progesterone creams contain bioidentical progesterone.

To learn more about how New Leaf Wellness uses progesterone to support patients’ wellness journey, contact us today!

We offer a comprehensive Hormone Health Quiz that gives you immediate results to check your own hormone health, click the link below to check your hormone health!

Hormone Health Quiz For Women>

Hormone Health Quiz for Men>