January 31, 20223 • 6:00 – 7:00 pm (CST)

Please join us for the first-ever Dr. Robert Sieman Virtual Health Event at New Leaf Wellness. Dr. Sieman had an incredible passion for overall wellness for everyone and we want to honor this! Use the form below to register for this Virtual Health Event on January 31st from 6  to 7 pm (CST) to receive the link to join from the comfort of your home! We will also send you a reminder so you don’t miss this incredible event!

Let New Leaf Wellness help support you in your journey for a healthier lifestyle as you deserve to feel confident, strong, and healthy. Dr. Robert Sieman was our Founding Medical Director guiding New Leaf Wellness for over 10 years and we will continue to follow his lead! Dr. Sieman was also instrumental in the addition of New Leaf Specialty Compounding Pharmacy, NLRX Nutrition, and JENLAB Diagnostics so we can provide quality care for all aspects of our patients. Our guest Hostess will be Loretta Sieman as she continues to support what her husband provided for years, dedicated patient care.

We want you to know how important you are to us – You are our mission! Our commitment is to heal, comfort, and support everyone we serve. We want to be your specialty healthcare partner throughout life. To convey this we will be gifting everyone who attends New Leaf Wellness bucks!*


*Must meet with a consultant to confirm eligibility!

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Intermittent Fasting Could Prolong Your Life

Fasting is mainly considered to be a weight loss management technique or one of the tools to normalize your diet. However, intermittent fasting could prolong your life–eat less, live longer. Let’s take a look at the 3 benefits of fasting and their effects on our longevity:

1. Cleans up dead cells

Recent research on intermittent fasting has shown that fasting can actually increase the process of dead cell removal in the body, called autophagy. This essentially means that after the damaged cells are broken down, there’s room for new ones, which help with various bodily functions, increasing longevity and potentially preventing the risk of cancers or other age-related diseases.

2. Lowers oxidative stress with alternate-day fasting

When there’s an imbalance in free radicals and antioxidants in the body, our cells, proteins, and DNA can be damaged. According to research, when consuming less unhealthy foods and replacing them with healthy calories, the antioxidant uric acid increases, therefore reducing the harmful effects of oxidative stress and potentially prolonging our lifespan.

3. Reduces the risk for age-related diseases

Reduced risk of Type-2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases, lowered cholesterol levels, incorporated exercise, and many others could fall into the list of benefits of intermittent fasting. It’s not simply saying that everything gets better with a consistently nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. We’re talking science here!

Benefits You May Receive From Fasting…

Fasting partners well with Semaglutide. The good thing with Semaglutide is that it will always keep your hunger at bay and your cravings in line. You might be worried about how much weight you might gain after eating all the delicious foods that you are possibly going to come across during the upcoming holidays. The solution for all this is taking Semaglutide because it will ensure that you feel full and do not have to keep snacking all the time.

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about Fasting and Supplements that can aid your journey.


You Only Get This One Body, So Treat It Accordingly.

We live in a world that often encourages us to prioritize convenience and overlook the long-term health effects of our daily decisions. It’s also no secret that our healthcare system is flawed in many ways; some of those flaws make it easy for us to write off certain precautionary measures in favor of spending less money. Here’s the thing, we can “save” money in the short term but lose out big time in the long run if we’re not careful about where we spend our wellness budget.

Here’s the thing…Being Well Costs Money!

t’s just the truth of the matter. It is, undeniably, cheaper (at least in the short term) to be unhealthy: Fast food/junk food is cheaper than organic whole foods, gym memberships and trainers can be expensive, and the amount of time it takes to focus on wellness is just something not everyone can afford.

However, with that unfortunate truth comes an even more worrisome reality: Those of us who don’t take care of ourselves now will be forced to face the repercussions later in life. Think about it – if you drive a car and you’re skipping regularly scheduled maintenance, you’re putting cheap gas in the tank, and you’re going thousands of miles over your oil recommended lifespan, you wouldn’t expect your car to drive to 300,000 miles… you’d be lucky to hit 100k!

But this isn’t a car we’re talking about… it’s your body!

This compilation of studies shows, as predicted, the positive relation between weekly physical activity and the occurrence of Coronary Heart Disease in over 15,000 individuals. Meaning there is a direct correlation between exercise and preventing heart disease. That’s something you can do for FREE and it will help you avoid the #1 killer in America. How’s that for return on investment?

Your Health is Your Wealth!

Maybe you’ve heard that phrase before, or maybe this is your first time; either way, the sentiment rings true. If you want to live the long, healthy, happy life you deserve, now is the time to invest in yourself. We plan for retirement, we plan for our kids’ college, we plan our big purchases and vacations, but where’s the wellness plan in your life? How do you expect to be your grandchildren’s best friend? How do you see yourself at your 50th wedding anniversary? I bet in your vision of the future you’re beaming with life! Well, there’s really only one way to achieve true wealth: Health.

There are LOTS of ways to make sure you’re aging well and setting yourself up for a graceful second half of life. If you ask me, one of the greatest investments you can make in yourself is beginning Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy. Men and Women alike get AMAZING results with our treatment plans here at the New Leaf Wellness, and I can tell you firsthand that the patients we’ve had for over 10 years now are living proof that healthy aging is possible.

Our Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy is incredibly powerful in combating the tell-tale symptoms of aging. The reason so many of us begin to feel old as we age is a decline in hormone production. Hormones control our bodily functions and mental wellbeing. Hormone replacement therapy gives us back our youth, literally.

“If you think you might be experiencing the ravages of hormone decline,
listen to me: There’s a better way to age.”

– Dr. Robert Sieman

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy.


Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D is crucial to keeping you healthy and feeling good. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods. Some of these include fish, fish liver oils, egg yolks, and fortified dairy and grain products.

Since it is found in very few foods, it is difficult to rely solely on diet to fulfill your body’s need for Vitamin D. It is also produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. In short, when ultraviolet rays contact the skin, Vitamin D synthesis occurs. Depending on where you live or your particular job or lifestyle, Vitamin D production could be decreasing, or even absent, during certain months of the year. What’s even more interesting is that sunscreen, while extremely important in keeping us youthful and protecting our skin, can also decrease Vitamin D production.

Unfortunately, many people today are not getting enough Vitamin D and it is having negative consequences on their health. For this reason, the use of Vitamin D supplements is on the rise (and for good reason)!


Why do I need Vitamin D?

Without Vitamin D, your bones become brittle, soft, and fragile. This happens because your body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Even more concerning, Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to the following (and more):

  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Depression
  • Osteomalacia
  • Rickets
  • Decreased cognitive health

Now that we’ve seen why Vitamin D deficiency is so important to avoid, let’s take a look at all the wonderful things Vitamin D can do for you and how to incorporate more into your life!


Benefits of Vitamin D

1. Regulates phosphorus & calcium absorption
Perhaps the most vital benefit of Vitamin D is its ability to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in your body. This is crucial to facilitate a normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin D is important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as maintaining your bone’s health and strength. If you can keep your bones healthy, you can avoid many chronic diseases processes that stem from the bones.

2. Increases ability to fight disease
Vitamin D plays a vital role in the immune system. The immune system is your body’s defense system to ward off unwanted disease processes. It helps protect it against infections and other illnesses. Studies show that it can help prevent you from getting the flu, decrease chances of developing heart disease, and may also play a role in reducing your risk of multiple sclerosis, as shown in a study by the Journal of American Medical Association.

3. Blocks parathyroid hormone & helps maintain bone strength
Vitamin D plays a role in blocking the release of parathyroid hormone. Keeping this hormone in check and balanced is crucial for your health and wellness. When parathyroid hormone levels run too high, this hormone reabsorbs bone tissue and makes bones thin and brittle. The parathyroid glands are part of the endocrine system and are located in the neck. Their role is to secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), which regulates calcium and phosphate, which in return regulates PTH. Having good Vitamin D levels help the body be able to absorb calcium and also keeps the PTH levels in check.

4. Reduce symptoms or feelings of depression
Research shows that Vitamin D plays a part in controlling mood and also helps lower feelings of depression. Scientists found that increasing Vitamin D decreased feelings of depression and that people reported a noticeable improvement in their symptoms and overall sense of well-being.


How can I get more Vitamin D?

As we learned above, Vitamin D is available in a very limited number of foods. Therefore, getting enough Vitamin D from your diet alone is difficult. While sun exposure does produce Vitamin D, too much sun exposure is not good for our health. Therefore, many people need Vitamin D supplements.

What’s even better? Studies show a link between taking a daily Vitamin D supplement and weight loss which can be accredited to its ability to suppress your appetite.


Visit to get the supplements you need!

NLRxNutrition Vitamin D3 capsules are the perfect supplements to boost the immune system, keep your heart healthy, mood lifted, and fight off the flu.

All NLRxNutrition supplements are available online or at any New Leaf Centers.



Have you ever noticed that when you eat poorly, you feel tired and worn out? And then when you start to make healthy food choices, you feel more energetic and able to accomplish more? This is because our bodies respond to the nutrients (or lack of nutrients) in the food we eat. So when you switch from eating fast food and begin eating wholesome, home-cooked meals, you’re giving your body more of what it needs to function efficiently.

Now imagine: what if you could take some of those wholesome nutrients from your home-cooked food and inject them directly into your body? You’d probably feel pretty darn good, right? Well, that’s exactly what vitamin injections do. They provide you with the nutrients that aid in the optimal functioning of your body.

What does this mean for weight loss? Sometimes, when diet and exercise alone don’t produce results, it’s because the body does not have everything it needs to work properly. So no matter how little a person eats or how many hours they spend on the treadmill, the weight still won’t come off. Or maybe that person just can’t seem to muster the energy needed to even get to the gym. Often, vitamin deficiencies are to blame. And at New Leaf Wellness, we’ve found that in many cases, vitamin injections are the key to reaching weight loss goals.

Vitamin C helps keep your immune system healthy, and it can also help you burn body fat during moderate exercise.

Vitamin B6 aids in stress reduction and helps keep your hormones in balance. In addition, it helps your body extract nutrients from food. So if you’re counting calories and eating a small lunch, vitamin B6 will help make sure you get the most out of every chickpea and green bean in your salad.

Vitamin B12 is the energy vitamin. When you’re low on B12, you’re going to be low, period. If mustering the energy to get outside for a bike ride is your biggest challenge, vitamin B12 injections might be exactly the right next step on your weight loss journey.

All the B vitamins at once? Yes! The benefits of B-complex injections include increasing your good cholesterol and lowering the bad, metabolizing fats and carbohydrates into energy, protecting the immune system, and providing anti-aging effects.

Weight Loss Specialists at New Leaf Wellness, we specialize in weight loss, and if you’re struggling to lose weight, we can help. Our individualized programs include cutting-edge weight loss technology and one-on-one support by qualified and certified weight loss experts. Contact us by calling 888-728-7555. Let us help you reach your weight loss goals.