Addressing Libido in Omaha

Libido is an important aspect of overall health and well-being. It refers to a person’s sexual desire or drive and can be affected by a variety of factors, including hormone levels. At New Leaf Wellness Clinic based in Omaha, NE, we recognize the importance of addressing libido concerns for our patients and offer personalized treatment options to help restore sexual vitality.

How Does Oxytocin Benefit Your Health?

Hormones play a significant role in regulating libido. In men, testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for sexual desire, while in women, a combination of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone contributes to libido. As we age, hormone levels naturally decline, which can result in a decreased sex drive.

However, hormonal imbalances can also occur in younger individuals, which can lead to low libido.

Symptoms That Affect Libido

There are many symptoms that can affect a person’s libido or sex drive. Here are some common symptoms that can impact libido:

  1. Physical illnesses
  2. Certain medications
  3. Stress and anxiety
  4. Lack of sleep
  5. Relationship issues
  6. Age
  7. Menopause and pregnancy
  8. Body image issues

Firstly, it is important to address any symptoms that may be affecting libido in order to improve overall sexual health and wellness.

Addressing Libido Concerns at New Leaf Wellness, Omaha, NE

At New Leaf Wellness, hormone therapy is used to address a variety of concerns, including low libido. After a thorough evaluation and testing, personalized treatment plans are developed for each patient to address their specific hormone imbalances.
The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be recommended for men with low testosterone levels. This treatment involves dosing the correct level of testosterone for the best care of our patients and their testosterone levels to improve sexual desire. TRT can also help to improve other symptoms associated with low testosterone, such as fatigue and mood swings.

Natural hormone replacement therapy (NHT) may be recommended for women. To address hormonal imbalances and improve sexual desire, NHT uses hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. NHT can also help to improve other symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
In addition to hormone therapy, New Leaf Wellness also offers other treatments to address libido concerns, such as PT-141, Oxytocin, and compounded Sildenafil or tadalafil medications. These treatments use non-invasive techniques to improve blood flow and stimulate tissue growth, leading to improved sexual function and desire.


In Omaha, NE, New Leaf Wellness prioritizes addressing concerns related to sexual desire as part of overall health and well-being. Through personalized hormone therapy and other treatments, New Leaf Wellness can help its patients restore sexual vitality and improve their quality of life. In conclusion, if you are experiencing concerns related to low libido, schedule a consultation with New Leaf Wellness to explore your treatment options.

Change Starts With Hope

Watch this video to learn more about our programs that inspire HOPE.

Continue reading “Change Starts With Hope”


January 31, 20223 • 6:00 – 7:00 pm (CST)

Please join us for the first-ever Dr. Robert Sieman Virtual Health Event at New Leaf Wellness. Dr. Sieman had an incredible passion for overall wellness for everyone and we want to honor this! Use the form below to register for this Virtual Health Event on January 31st from 6  to 7 pm (CST) to receive the link to join from the comfort of your home! We will also send you a reminder so you don’t miss this incredible event!

Let New Leaf Wellness help support you in your journey for a healthier lifestyle as you deserve to feel confident, strong, and healthy. Dr. Robert Sieman was our Founding Medical Director guiding New Leaf Wellness for over 10 years and we will continue to follow his lead! Dr. Sieman was also instrumental in the addition of New Leaf Specialty Compounding Pharmacy, NLRX Nutrition, and JENLAB Diagnostics so we can provide quality care for all aspects of our patients. Our guest Hostess will be Loretta Sieman as she continues to support what her husband provided for years, dedicated patient care.

We want you to know how important you are to us – You are our mission! Our commitment is to heal, comfort, and support everyone we serve. We want to be your specialty healthcare partner throughout life. To convey this we will be gifting everyone who attends New Leaf Wellness bucks!*


*Must meet with a consultant to confirm eligibility!

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a Mother, a Father, a Daughter, a Son a Co-worker!

On the outside, it looks like you’ve got it all together but on the inside, it’s a different story.

You’re exhausted.
Your life has been taken over by work.
You’re no longer present for the people you love,
And it feels like life is passing you by.

You know there has to be more than this,
but you have no idea what to do about it.
If you keep going like this, you’ll hit a breaking point.
You’ll either burn out or burn down what you’ve worked so hard to build.

There IS another way.


Our patients come to us often having tried to ignore this nagging feeling for far too long. They’ve changed jobs, gotten promotions, worked harder, met with life coaches, done wine therapy, talk therapy, shop therapy, taken anxiety medicine, sleeping pills, even done yoga and read self-help books…yet none of it worked long-term.

The reason none of those things work is that they don’t get to the root cause of why men and women seem to burn out.

If you don’t get to the underlying cause, then you’ll never find a lasting solution.

There IS another way.

We work with our patients to heal the underlying causes of burnout for good…and we give you the support necessary to have a fulfilling and meaningful life!


Is it ADD…or could your hormones just be out of whack?

Are you feeling down and worried that you might have depression? Do you have memory problems or trouble focusing and are worried that you might have ADD? Are you gaining weight and don’t know why? It could be your hormones!

Hormones are chemical messengers produced in the body that control and regulate the activity of certain cells or organs. Neurohormones have an important impact on the brain. The human body produces hundreds of hormones, but the following four of them have a very direct influence on brain health/mental health:

  • Thyroid—energy regulation
  • Estrogen—mood modulator
  • Progesterone—nature’s anti-anxiety hormone
  • Testosterone—motivation, mood, sexuality, strength


Communication between the brain and hormones goes both ways. The brain sends out signals that instruct your body’s glands to produce and release hormones, and hormones from within the body send messages back to the brain that influences its activity.

When hormones are healthy, you tend to feel vibrant and energetic. When the hormones that affect your brain neurohormones are off, you are off. You may experience symptoms that change the way you think, feel, and act in negative ways. It also makes you more vulnerable to conditions like anxiety, depression, and even psychosis. If nobody checks your hormone levels, you will never know the root cause of your issues. And if your hormones are the problem, no amount of psychiatric medications will get you right.


The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in your lower neck that plays a powerful role in keeping your brain and body healthy. This gland regulates how your body uses energy, and it also has a strong impact on the brain because it controls the production of many neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, serotonin, and GABA. Problems occur when thyroid dysfunction causes the gland to produce too little hormone (hypothyroidism) or too much hormone (hyperthyroidism).

Hypothyroidism: Brain SPECT scans of people with hypothyroidism show overall decreased brain activity, which often leads to depression, cognitive impairment, anxiety, and brain fog.

Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid produces too much hormone, making everything in your body work too fast. It can feel like you’re in hyper-drive—you feel jittery and edgy, as though you’ve had way too much caffeine.



  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Depression
  • Attentional problems
  • Psychosis


  • Sleeplessness, restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Racing thoughts
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Depression
  • Mania
  • Psychosis


We’re all susceptible to burnout. One day, you’re on top of the world! Crossing tasks off your to-do lists, working out regularly, eating right. Then suddenly, you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, need more coffee, and start reaching for sweet treats. In your haze, you notice you’ve been more jumpy, jittery, and exhausted, but you can’t sleep and little stressors fluster you. Life has become overwhelming…

If any of this sounds like you, you might be experiencing burnout! It may feel like this new norm is irreparable but with these seven minor lifestyle adjustments, you can get yourself back on track and feel incredible again!

Step 1: Metabolic Diet & Lifestyle Plan

Unfortunately, that means you’re going to have to cut the sweet treats and midnight fridge raids. The first step to feeling better is reducing blood glucose spikes and dips. Your meals should contain lean proteins (chicken, turkey), healthy fats (avocado, coconut, nuts), and fibrous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts). Lean proteins help clear brain fog and improve memory and focus. Healthy fats provide you with energy, increase vitamin absorption, and encourage hormone production. Fibrous vegetables keep you feeling full longer and stave away afternoon cravings.

Research suggests that intermittent fasting has many benefits for the body, including boosting your metabolism and allowing your body to burn calories and fat between meals! You are allotted an 8-10 hour window in which you can eat, discouraging you from those late-night treats.

Step 2: Take Stress Reset

The adrenal glands are responsible for regulating metabolism, responding to stressors, and supporting the immune system. They do this by producing cortisol and other adrenal hormones. When you’re stressed, your body goes into fight or flight mode. The key to maintaining your cool and fighting off illness is to support your adrenal glands with Stress Reset. Click to ORDER.


Exercise releases endorphins that help improve your mood. It also gets the blood flowing, improving brain function and clearing brain fog. Low-impact exercises like walking, yoga, and light strength training benefit your body more than extreme exercises, like high-intensity cycling, because they don’t overwork your stress glands. Over-exercising, over-thinking, and over-indulging all tax your body and ultimately have no benefits, especially when you’re burnt out.

Step 4: Drink Water

The human body is 60% water so it’s no wonder that dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatigue and decreased brain function. Drinking water with lemon or trace minerals like Celtic or Himalayan sea salt helps with absorption and can be a great pick-me-up when you’re starting to feel sluggish.

Step 5: Find Peace and Quiet in a Private Spot

Just 10 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time can reset your mind, body, and soul. You don’t have to meditate in a cross-legged position. Lying in bed, going for a walk, or even sitting in your car with the seat reclined and your eyes closed will work just as well! Couple this quiet time with some deep, cleansing breaths. You can even make up a mantra to help you get into the mindset like: “Breathe in love, breathe out stress.” Think of this as your time to ground yourself. It should be spent without your cellphone or any other distractions.

Step 6: Prioritize Sleep

Research shows that the body requires a minimum of 7-8 hours of deep, restorative sleep per day, and more when we are stressed. Between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m., the body produces the vital hormones that are responsible for recovery. By staying up late and ignoring your internal body clock, you’re overwhelming your brain, nervous system, hormonal system, and physical body. This prevents your body from properly recovering and stunting its ability to produce necessary hormones to get you through the next day.

Sleep begets sleep! The less you sleep, the harder it is to fall asleep. Create a healthy bedtime routine and enjoy how incredible it feels to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

Step 7: Balance Your Hormones

Hormones play an important role in the balance of our lives. The fact is, most adults begin significant loss of hormones after their early 20s. In some people, the depletion is so severe there is no measurable amount of hormones detected in their blood tests. Basically, they are empty.

Options for Treating Hormone Depletion
What do we do about it? Is there a way to restart the engine that keeps our hormones balanced in our bodies? Yes, with our Bio-identical hormone treatment!

Our therapy is personally designed to restore and rebalance your hormones to the levels appropriate for your life and health.

We always ask each patient to self-report their symptoms before and after each treatment to let us know how they are progressing.  You are unique – and your journey to better health must be your own!

You have the tools for recovery from burnout and it’s never too soon to take the first steps down the road to optimal health. Start your journey today!

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy.


You Only Get This One Body, So Treat It Accordingly.

We live in a world that often encourages us to prioritize convenience and overlook the long-term health effects of our daily decisions. It’s also no secret that our healthcare system is flawed in many ways; some of those flaws make it easy for us to write off certain precautionary measures in favor of spending less money. Here’s the thing, we can “save” money in the short term but lose out big time in the long run if we’re not careful about where we spend our wellness budget.

Here’s the thing…Being Well Costs Money!

t’s just the truth of the matter. It is, undeniably, cheaper (at least in the short term) to be unhealthy: Fast food/junk food is cheaper than organic whole foods, gym memberships and trainers can be expensive, and the amount of time it takes to focus on wellness is just something not everyone can afford.

However, with that unfortunate truth comes an even more worrisome reality: Those of us who don’t take care of ourselves now will be forced to face the repercussions later in life. Think about it – if you drive a car and you’re skipping regularly scheduled maintenance, you’re putting cheap gas in the tank, and you’re going thousands of miles over your oil recommended lifespan, you wouldn’t expect your car to drive to 300,000 miles… you’d be lucky to hit 100k!

But this isn’t a car we’re talking about… it’s your body!

This compilation of studies shows, as predicted, the positive relation between weekly physical activity and the occurrence of Coronary Heart Disease in over 15,000 individuals. Meaning there is a direct correlation between exercise and preventing heart disease. That’s something you can do for FREE and it will help you avoid the #1 killer in America. How’s that for return on investment?

Your Health is Your Wealth!

Maybe you’ve heard that phrase before, or maybe this is your first time; either way, the sentiment rings true. If you want to live the long, healthy, happy life you deserve, now is the time to invest in yourself. We plan for retirement, we plan for our kids’ college, we plan our big purchases and vacations, but where’s the wellness plan in your life? How do you expect to be your grandchildren’s best friend? How do you see yourself at your 50th wedding anniversary? I bet in your vision of the future you’re beaming with life! Well, there’s really only one way to achieve true wealth: Health.

There are LOTS of ways to make sure you’re aging well and setting yourself up for a graceful second half of life. If you ask me, one of the greatest investments you can make in yourself is beginning Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy. Men and Women alike get AMAZING results with our treatment plans here at the New Leaf Wellness, and I can tell you firsthand that the patients we’ve had for over 10 years now are living proof that healthy aging is possible.

Our Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy is incredibly powerful in combating the tell-tale symptoms of aging. The reason so many of us begin to feel old as we age is a decline in hormone production. Hormones control our bodily functions and mental wellbeing. Hormone replacement therapy gives us back our youth, literally.

“If you think you might be experiencing the ravages of hormone decline,
listen to me: There’s a better way to age.”

– Dr. Robert Sieman

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about Bio-identical Hormone Optimization Therapy.


Most of us know that a healthy intimate relationship feels good and improves all of our relationships while giving us a bit of pep in our step the following day. However, most women have no idea that good intimate relationships release hormones that improve how our entire body works. Hormones are pretty incredible.

They serve as messengers between body systems to regulate behavior, digestion, metabolism, respiration, tissue function, sleep, stress, growth, movement, reproduction, and mood. Hormones tell your body when you are hungry, sleepy, stressed, or getting a little frisky.

Orgasms increase the brain chemical dopamine, which provides a sense of well-being, even in the midst of high stress. Overall, orgasms immediately induce a calming effect on the nervous system and move us from a state of “survival” to a state of “rest and relax,” which our entire system is crying out for at the end of a stressful day. This Valentine’s Day enjoy all your relationships including your intimate ones! ❤️❤️❤️

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about bioidentical hormones and how they can help you

Gray, Stephanie. Your Longevity Blueprint, Advantage Media Group, 2017.
Donovitz, Gary, and Cotten, Mandy. Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone: Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study. European Journal of Breast Health (2021): 17, 2. 150-156.
Donovitz, Gary. Testosterone Matters… More! The Secret to Healthy Aging in Women, Wheatmark Publishing, 2020.
Sieman, Robert S. Live Life Better with Natural Hormone Therapy, New Leaf Wellness, 2017.


By Brenda Lee Herrod, APRN, MSN, WHNP-BC


Some people think of estrogen as the female hormone and testosterone as the male hormone. The truth is that testosterone is very important to women too. Testosterone is important for men and women as it protects every organ and body system. Your overall well-being and life quality are maintained by testosterone. It is a source of youth, longevity, and vitality. By age 40, a woman has lost half of her testosterone production. In today’s environment, we also have a lot of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that reduce our testosterone too. They are found in personal care products that we use daily, like lotions, make-up, nail polish, soap, pharmaceuticals, and plastics.

By having your hormone levels optimized, you can feel your energy increase, enjoy better sleep quality and mental clarity, be able to achieve your goal body composition, increase your sex drive, and protect your bones, brain, heart and lower your breast cancer risk as a woman. You will be able to gain confidence, feel stronger and be more vibrant to enjoy life more. Isn’t that what life is all about?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) using pellets is the best way to optimize your testosterone levels to achieve energy, longevity, and wellness. The hormone powder of wild yams is compounded in a special pharmacy and pressed into a tiny pellet, the size of a grain of rice. Lidocaine is injected into the fatty tissue of the upper buttocks and the pellet is inserted using sterile technique and secured with steri strips and a small dressing. The gradual release of pellets simulates the body’s natural hormone release of testosterone and estradiol. The pellets are released slowly over three to six months according to your cardiac output. They are conserved when you are sleeping, as you don’t need high levels of hormones while you are in a state of rest and relaxation.

Pellets are more convenient than other methods of HRT such as using daily types of hormones like messy creams, gels, sublingual troches, or getting weekly injections. Another important benefit is that your hormone levels do not fluctuate with pellets like they do with other forms of HRT. Pellets mimic the natural release of estradiol and testosterone and levels stay steady much longer, avoiding the ups and downs of your hormones. Hormone levels are allowed to rise higher because they are placed subcutaneously and not metabolized in the liver such as injectable testosterone or oral forms.

At New Leaf Wellness, we will work with you to set expectations, closely monitor your labs and symptoms to help you safely achieve the full benefits of hormone optimization. We want to improve your outcome so you can have an improved sense of well-being and outlook. This stage of life can be very fulfilling and rewarding when you feel amazing again! You deserve this!

Schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about bioidentical hormones and how they can help you

Gray, Stephanie. Your Longevity Blueprint, Advantage Media Group, 2017.
Donovitz, Gary, and Cotten, Mandy. Breast Cancer Incidence Reduction in Women Treated with Subcutaneous Testosterone: Testosterone Therapy and Breast Cancer Incidence Study. European Journal of Breast Health (2021): 17, 2. 150-156.
Donovitz, Gary. Testosterone Matters… More! The Secret to Healthy Aging in Women, Wheatmark Publishing, 2020.
Sieman, Robert S. Live Life Better with Natural Hormone Therapy, New Leaf Wellness, 2017.


Moving forward and finding joy or connecting to the feeling of joy gives us hope. Having a healthy lifestyle helps us heal and move forward!  Some tips to move forward from the point that we are at:

• Eating a balanced diet. Choose a variety of colorful fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Limit processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol.
• Drink water!
• If you are a smoker, try to quit. Smoking can trigger hot flashes, weaken bones, and irritate the bladder.
• Incorporate regular physical activity into your daily routine. Exercise improves bone density, reduces weight gain, and elevates your mood.
• Stress management techniques like meditation and yoga improve coping skills.

Balance your hormones! Hormone therapy is an option for men and women. Your New Leaf Wellness health provider will help educate you regarding the benefits and together you will decide on a treatment plan that is right for you.

Schedule an appointment to review your symptoms, medical history, family history, and lifestyle. Your provider will work with you to tailor a treatment to meet your needs to reduce symptoms, improve your quality of life!

When you are busy with your own emotions – worrying about the future, regretting the past, thinking about what others have done wrong – you are missing what this moment has to offer.

What is really important right now is living life with JOY. But you cannot fill a cup that is already full. You have to empty the cup to let new energy come in. Follow the tips above to empty “your cup”! If you are open, you can find joy, things to be grateful for, and move forward.  However, if you are filled with all types of stress and negative emotions it is challenging to move forward.

Let lifestyle changes and balanced hormones help you move forward and better yet…move forward with JOY!

Schedule a FREE Consultation to start moving forward with Joy!