T​est Your Gut Health by Doing the Food Sensitivity Test

T​est Your Gut Health by Doing the Food Sensitivity Test
All the supplements on the market for gut health nowadays, and did you know we can t​est your gut health by doing the food sensitivity test with a simple in-office process?

What’s Going On In Your Gut

Changes in the gut microbiome can have a therapeutic response which has led to the use of probiotics in traditional medicine since long before probiotics were identified and acknowledged as the mechanism of this response. Therefore as the use of probiotics grows, so to does the body of knowledge we have about the relationship between the microorganisms that inhabit our gut and our overall health. So now, we are able to realize the delicacy of our gut’s environment. In fact, negative changes to the gut microbiome result in altered activity of neurotransmitter systems and immune function which can be potentially detrimental and contribute to a number of disorders or conditions. Similarly, targeted positive changes to the gut microbiome may reduce the symptoms of and possibly even reverse certain conditions.

More On Gut Health Research

Today, links have been made between gut health and depression, anxiety, stress, even sleep. Actually, a recent study tested this relationship in mice, which provide a very useful model of our own digestive and nervous system. This study found that treatment with a lactic acid producing strain of probiotic may help to reduce stress as well as depression and anxiety. The lactic acid producing bacteria “induced region-dependent alterations in GABAB1b mRNA in the brain with increases in cortical regions (cingulate and prelimbic) and concomitant reductions in expression in the hippocampus, amygdala, and locus coeruleus, in comparison with control-fed mice” and more importantly, “reduced stress-induced corticosterone and anxiety- and depression-related behavior” (Bravo, 2011).

You should test your gut health by doing the Food Sensitivity Test if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Stomach Pains
  • Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
  • Complexion Blotchiness and Acne
  • Bloating
  • Chronic Pain
  • Poor Sleeping Habits
  • Slow Problem Solving
  • Low Energy & Fatigue
  • Impaired Memory
  • Joint Pain and Achiness
  • Poor Attention and Focus
  • Weight Gain
If you would like to learn more, please contact us below!

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