10 Benefits of IV Therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy is the fastest way to give your body the nutrition it needs. The process allows the vitamins to go right into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive process, to give you faster, more effective results.

IV therapies have been used by hospitals for decades, treating people who are dehydrated or too sick to eat properly. Advancements in therapies now make it possible to quickly improve vitamin deficiencies, rehydrate your body, and revitalize how you feel.

Vitamin therapies are customized to meet your specific health needs and ensure you are completely satisfied with your results.  At New Leaf Wellness, we offer IV therapy to help restore your general health and well being. This therapy offers a number of other benefits, especially if you’re dealing with a chronic health condition that isn’t being helped by your regular diet.

If you’ve been wondering if IV therapy is right for you,
consider these 10 benefits of the treatment:

Some medications and medical issues can interrupt your body’s ability to properly absorb the nutrients it needs to function correctly. With IV therapy, you can rest assured the vitamins are completely and quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, which allows your body to utilize them immediately.

If you are suffering from chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, or even a common cold or respiratory illness, IV therapy can help boost your immune system to help you feel refreshed and energized.

IV therapy is the most efficient way to provide your body with optimal hydration to support all vital organ functions. It can help prevent medical issues like kidney stones, constipation, and damage to your muscles.

You won’t have to spend a lot of time waiting for your treatment to be completed. Most IV vitamin therapies can be done in under an hour. You simply relax and enjoy the process in a comfortable, relaxed environment.

There are several IV therapies available  At New Leaf Wellness, to meet your nutritional needs, including the popular Myers cocktail. This therapy is ideal if you are seeking relief from fatigue, allergies, or muscle spasms and contains important vitamins like calcium, magnesium, and vitamins B and C. Therapies are customized based on your nutritional deficiencies and treatment goals.

With customized IV therapy treatments. you can decrease the need for costly nutritional supplements you may be taking several times a day.

IV therapy can be a successful step on the road of preventive healthcare. Therapeutic doses of vitamin C have been shown to be toxic to cancer cells and are well-known for their effectiveness in building immunity. Regular therapy can also help prevent the development of chronic conditions, like respiratory illnesses and migraines.

It can take up to two days to completely digest the foods you eat. With IV therapy, you can begin to feel the positive effects on your body almost instantly. Within several hours, you can feel the full effects of the IV nutrients, as you’ll have more energy, think more clearly, and enjoy an improved mood.

People on the go often suffer with tired muscles, muscles spasms, and exhaustion. With IV therapy treatments, you can replenish lost vitamins and minerals to improve your recovery time from your workouts. IV treatments can also ensure you are properly hydrated after excessive sweating that accompanies many workouts.

Toxins in your everyday environment can take a toll on your health and your appearance. IV therapy supplies your body with the antioxidants it needs to fight off premature signs of aging and help your body flush harmful toxins out of your body more effectively.

With so many benefits, it’s no wonder you’ve been considering scheduling an IV therapy appointment of your own. To find out which therapy is right for you, book an appointment online or by calling our office.

Ask about the IV Vitamin Therapy Club Membership.

TESTOSTERONE: Moods, Motivation, And More…

Most people associate testosterone with men. It’s true that this vital hormone drives the development of the male brain and is responsible for the deep voice, facial hair, and many other features we associate with maleness. But women produce and need testosterone too (just as men have some estrogen), just in smaller amounts.

In both men and women, testosterone helps protect the nervous system and wards off depression, cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease. The aging process, however, can leave some men with low testosterone levels that have been shown to increase symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as a host of other issues.


  • Moodiness

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Lack of motivation

  • Low libido

  • Fatigue

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Erection problems

  • Increased body fat and reduced lean muscle

  • Low bone density

  • Hot flashes

  • Hair loss


Progesterone is the other major hormone in a woman’s monthly cycle. It affects the brain in the following ways:

  • Supports GABA, which helps the brain relax
  • Protects your nerves
  • Supports the myelin that “insulates” and protects neurons

When progesterone is in balance with estrogen, it calms you, brings feelings of peacefulness, and promotes sleep. But when they are imbalanced or when the relaxation hormone drops too dramatically, calmness can give way to irritability, anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, and brain fog. For some women, when progesterone and estrogen plummet right before menstruation starts, mood stability goes out the window.


  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • PMS
  • Premenstrual headaches
  • Postpartum depression
  • Bone loss


Estrogen is one of the primary hormones involved in a woman’s menstrual cycle. When estrogen levels are healthy and balanced, it helps optimize neurotransmitter production and brain function so you feel good all month long. When estrogen levels are off, it causes problems.

Too much estrogen in relation to progesterone can lead to a condition called estrogen dominance. This causes the gentle monthly hormonal rise and fall to turn into a series of intense spikes and dramatic drop-offs that disrupt important brain processes and make you anxious and irritable.

Too little estrogen leads to feeling depressed and confused. The loss of estrogen also hinders critical thinking, short-term memory, and other cognitive functions. These problems can worsen during perimenopause when estrogen levels can fluctuate wildly and during menopause when the hormone drops and stays low.


• Mood swings, depression
• Fatigue
• Sluggish metabolism
• Low libido
• Headaches or migraines
• Brain fog, memory loss
• Weight gain, especially in the belly and hips
• Thyroid dysfunction
• Sleep disturbances
• Fibrocystic breasts
• Bloating
• Vaginal or oral yeast (thrush)
• Heavy bleeding
• Carbohydrate cravings

• Mood changes, depression, weepiness
• Fatigue
• Heart palpitations
• Osteoporosis
• Painful intercourse
• Brain fog, memory loss, focus problems
• Weight gain
• Bladder incontinence and infections
• Sleep disturbances
• Pain
• Hot flashes

Hormone Evaluation and Replacement Therapy

Are you feeling down and worried that you might have depression? Do you have memory problems or trouble focusing and are worried that you might have ADD? Are you gaining weight and don’t know why? It could be your hormones!

Hormones are chemical messengers produced in the body that control and regulate the activity of certain cells or organs. Neurohormones have an important impact on the brain. The human body produces hundreds of hormones, but the following four of them have a very direct influence on brain health/mental health:

• Thyroid—energy regulation
• Estrogen—mood modulator
• Progesterone—nature’s anti-anxiety hormone
• Testosterone—mood, motivation, sexuality, strength


Communication between the brain and hormones goes both ways. The brain sends out signals that instruct your body’s glands to produce and release hormones, and hormones from within the body send messages back to the brain that influences its activity.

When hormones are healthy, you tend to feel vibrant and energetic. When the hormones that affect your brain neurohormones are off, you are off. You may experience symptoms that change the way you think, feel, and act in negative ways. It also makes you more vulnerable to conditions like anxiety, depression, and even psychosis. If nobody checks your hormone levels, you will never know the root cause of your issues. And if your hormones are the problem, no amount of psychiatric medications will get you right.


The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in your lower neck that plays a powerful role in keeping your brain and body healthy. This gland regulates how your body uses energy, and it also has a strong impact on the brain because it controls the production of many neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, serotonin, and GABA. Problems occur when thyroid dysfunction causes the gland to produce too little hormone (hypothyroidism) or too much hormone (hyperthyroidism).

Hypothyroidism: Brain SPECT scans of people with hypothyroidism show overall decreased brain activity, which often leads to depression, cognitive impairment, anxiety, and brain fog.

Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid produces too much hormone, making everything in your body work too fast. It can feel like you’re in hyper-drive—you feel jittery and edgy, as though you’ve had way too much caffeine.



• Fatigue
• Difficulty concentrating
• Memory problems
• Depression
• Attentional problems
• Psychosis


• Sleeplessness, restlessness
• Anxiety
• Irritability
• Racing thoughts
• Difficulty concentrating
• Memory problems
• Depression
• Mania
• Psychosis

The Benefits of Estradiol

Estradiol protects the nervous system from the body’s fight against its effort to detoxify free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. This stress is increased without estradiol, causing the toxic effects of free radicals, and is dangerous to the central nervous system. The consequences of being without the protection of estradiol may be neurodegenerative diseases including gene mutations, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart and blood vessels disorders, heart failures, heart attacks and inflammatory diseases. Further insults on the body come from disruptions in normal mechanisms of cellular signaling, which may cause cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s atherosclerosis, fragile X syndrome, Sickle Cell Disease, lichen planus, vitiligo, autism, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

“Estrogen replacement therapy is associated with improvement of cognitive deficits and reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.”

The beneficial effects of bio-identical estradiol was touted in an article published by The Endocrine Society in 2002: “Estrogen replacement therapy is associated with improvement of cognitive deficits and reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. This combination, protected against glutamate toxicity. Without becoming too complicated, glutamate is a neurotransmitter. It is especially important in the brain to keep us thinking and remembering. Having just the right amount is paramount. Too much glutamate is toxic to the brain and results in memory loss and eventually Alzheimer’s. Estradiol and progesterone ,that are natural to humans, protect the brain from excess glutamate.

Check your levels TODAY
for healthy cognitive processes TOMORROW!

How does hormone health impact your immune system?

With all of us trying to stay healthy and avoid getting sick, it seems like everyone is willing to try anything to strengthen their immune system for better protection from disease. Many adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating better and getting more exercise. Others stock up on supplements. And some try getting more sleep. But few people realize that all of these habits may not be enough if your hormones are unbalanced. That’s because your hormones have a direct effect on the strength of your immune system. See, balanced hormones equal better immunity. If you’re experiencing hormonal imbalance, it’s more important than ever to discover the root and the remedy to keep your immune system strong and tip the scales in favor of better health. 

The Balancing Act Between Hormones and Your Immunity

So how do your hormones affect your health and your life? Well, hormones are chemical messengers produced by your body that regulate many processes, from your mood and your energy level, to your blood pressure, appetite, sex drive, physical performance—and yes, your immune system. As a result, hormones control how you feel and function.

The Impact of an Imbalance

The hormones that play the biggest role in our health and our quality of life are estrogen, progesterone and androgens like testosterone. As we age, our body’s natural levels of these hormones can drastically fluctuate. This sudden shift can also result from menopause, obesity and other medical conditions.

No matter the cause, the result is a hormonal imbalance that completely disrupts the many processes that your hormones normally control. That’s why so many women and men that have a hormonal imbalance experience fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, loss of sex drive, lack of strength—and yes, a weakened immune system which leaves you more likely to feel run down and makes it harder to stay healthy.

Don’t Get Mad, Get Even

You should never ignore a hormonal imbalance. Not only because the symptoms are too uncomfortable to ignore, but because one of the processes it impacts and impairs is your immune system. And the longer your hormones are out of whack, the harder they are to get back in sync. So if you’re trying to boost your immunity but your hormones are unbalanced, you can take an alphabet of vitamin supplements or completely change your lifestyle, but nothing you do may do any good.

Help for Hormonal Imbalance

If you’re worried about a hormonal imbalance, you need to speak to a healthcare provider, like New Leaf Wellness, to discuss your different options. One possible and popular treatment is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Several studies support its benefits, with research showing that estrogen plays an important role in a woman’s immune response, along with medical evidence that HRT can reverse the hormonal changes that women naturally face after menopause. Another alternative is nutrient IV therapy, which infuses high doses of vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream to help support and strengthen your immune system. But only your New Leaf Wellness provider can help you find the remedy that’s right for you.

Take the Next Step

By getting to the root of the issue and getting your hormones back in balance, you will be able to get your immune system and your life back on track. Set up a FREE consult today!

New Leaf Wellness offers comprehensive, individualized, and a healing approach to total wellness and age management. By focusing on customized medicine, New Leaf Wellness helps patients earlier in the aging process in order to help prevent, rather than treat age-related issues. Dr Robert Sieman, Medical Director, is dedicated to helping patients identify the root causes of any issues in order to restore the body to its peak performance, alleviate symptoms and ultimately, reverse the effects of aging and prevent age-related diseases. New Leaf Wellness creates personalized treatment plans with proven, effective and safe anti-aging solutions that include highly advanced testing, bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrient therapy, sexual health programs, medical aesthetics, weight loss and much more.

Effects of Low Estrogen

Estrogen is an essential hormone so the effects can be quite wide-ranging. Learn about just what all the effects are of low estrogen.

Symptoms of low estrogen may include the following:

  • Irregular periods: Estrogen is one of the main hormones driving the menstrual cycle. Low estrogen may lead to missed or irregular periods.
  • Infertility: Low estrogen levels can prevent ovulation and make getting pregnant difficult, leading to infertility.
  • Weak bones: Estrogen helps keep the bones healthful and strong. As estrogen levels decrease, bone loss may occur. For example, women who are post-menopausal are at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis and bone fractures.
  • Painful intercourse: Estrogen can affect vaginal lubrication. If levels become too low, vaginal dryness can occur, which often leads to painful sex.
  • Hot flashes: Hot flashes often happen during menopause due to low estrogen levels.
  • Depression: Estrogen is thought to increase serotonin, which is a chemical in the brain that boosts mood. Estrogen deficiency may cause a decline in serotonin that contributes to mood swings or depression.
  • Increase in urinary tract infections: Increased urinary tract infections may occur due to the thinning of the tissue in the urethra, which can develop with decreased estrogen.

See What Our Patients’ Are Saying About Their Experience With Our Comprehensive Natural Hormone Therapy Program >>

Effect on Weight

Hormones including estrogen can play a role in weight management and how much fat the body stores. Low estrogen levels, such as during perimenopause and menopause, may contribute to weight gain.

The areas where women store fat may also change during menopause. Typically, women store fat in their hips and thighs. But that changes as estrogen levels drop. According to the Journal of Climacteric, the decrease in estrogen at midlife is associated with an increase in abdominal fat.

Although weight gain due to low estrogen levels is typical, it does not have to be inevitable. Eating a healthful diet and getting regular exercise can help women reduce their chances of weight gain.

“I always wondered why at such a young age my energy, concentration, and libido were so low. How could a 25 year old not have any desire?! Natural Hormone Therapy saved my sanity. I no longer wondered why I was different. Knowing that other women and men struggled with the same issues was comforting. I have never doubted the effectiveness of NHT. This is one aspect of my life I will never give up. I hope other men and women can find what I was looking for at New Leaf.”

– Amanda L., New Leaf Wellness Patient


A diagnosis of low estrogen often starts with a physical exam, medical history, and a review of symptoms. Telltale indicators of low estrogen include hot flashes and missed periods. But some of these symptoms can also occur as a result of other conditions, including thyroid problems.

To determine the cause of low estrogen, New Leaf Wellness does a blood test to check hormone levels. The Provider may also recommend additional tests to rule out other conditions that might be causing symptoms similar to low estrogen.

What Should You Do Now?

Don’t wait. Contact us today and start living your best life. Fill out the form below to schedule an appointment with us.

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Can Peptide Therapy Pep Up Your Fitness and Wellness?

Well, well, well… there’s a new safe and effective treatment that’s pepping up fitness buffs, health seekers and anti-aging enthusiasts with its impressive power to keep your body and mind at their best. How can peptide therapy pep up your fitness and wellness? We’re going to explain. And tell you how our clients are seeing optimal results! This exciting wellness wonder is well worth getting to know for how it can help improve your health, fitness, appearance and quality of life. We call this Peptide Therapy—but you’ll call it your fountain of youth.

What is Peptide Therapy?

Before getting to the beauty of this new treatment, let’s begin with the basics. So, peptides are tiny proteins made up of short chains of amino acids. They signal the cells in your body to perform in specific ways. While they may be extremely small, they’re really a big deal because they are responsible for all of the ways that your body and mind function. From your athletic performance and weight loss to your libido, appearance and memory, peptides play a role in how you feel, look and live. With different peptides affecting different cells and functions, they can be highly tailored and targeted to treat a wide variety of fitness, anti-aging, health and wellness conditions.

The Power of Peptides

Since peptides are able to improve a number of very precise concerns, they offer a wide range of benefits for overall health and appearance, including:

  • Boosts energy
  • Builds muscle
  • Enhances physical performance
  • Burns fat
  • Increases weight loss
  • Repairs muscles and tendons
  • Improves appearance
  • Increases sex drive
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • Sharpens memory and cognitive focus

The Perfect Peptides for Every Purpose

With more than 7,000 naturally-occurring peptides, the following are preferred for the ways they can help you achieve your fitness, anti-aging and wellness goals.


“My mobility is improving, almost zero stiffness when I woke up today, almost no pain when bending at the hips, it’s unreal!”

– R.O., New Leaf Wellness Client

Sermorelin + Ipamorelin

As one of a new and improved generation of peptides, this potent combination is more effective for most people and offers more targeted action to deliver these worthwhile benefits:

  • Fights the signs of aging
  • Builds collagen and reduces wrinkles
  • Increases fat loss and weight loss
  • Accelerates healing and recovery
  • Improves sleep and mood
  • Enhances cognitive function
  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Improves immune system

Call New Leaf Wellness for a complimentary consultation!


Also, short for “body protection compound,” this power-packed peptide is a true healing hero for the way it significantly speeds up the healing process for all kinds of tissues, from muscles and tendons to your gut and your brain.

It can help in the following ways:

  • Accelerates muscle and tendon healing
  • Aids in reducing arthritis pain
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Increases collagen production
  • Repairs lean tissue throughout the body
  • Improves intestinal health
  • Enhances GABA neurotransmission
  • Counteracts the effects of Parkinson’s disease


“After years of doing the traditional medicine route, I finally have discovered the answer to overall body pain, fatigue, and lack of energy. I feel like I’m getting my life back.”

– M.F., New Leaf Wellness Client

AOD 9604

Next, stubborn fat and pesky pounds are no match for this fragment of Human Growth Hormone, which stimulates fat burning and weight loss without affecting blood insulin levels.

This fat fighter is a favorite for the way it:

  • Reduces fat
  • Regulates fat metabolism
  • Simulates the breakdown of fat
  • Triggers fat release
  • Increases your metabolism

GHK-CU Copper Peptide

Finally, an anti-aging powerhouse, this peptide is considered a skin savior for its many beautiful benefits, such as:

  • Improves overall skin appearance
  • Increases skin firmness, elasticity and clarity
  • Repairs the skin’s protective barrier
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, inflammation and free radical damage
  • Diminishes photo-damage and hyper-pigmentation
  • Stimulates wound healing
  • Protects skin cells from UV radiation
  • Increases hair growth and thickness


At New Leaf Wellness, our medical experts have a solid understanding of the complexities of different peptides. This expertise empowers them to customize these treatments to enhance your healthy lifestyle. Call New Leaf Wellness today to schedule your private, personal consultation.

“New Leaf has been a life changer with all the opportunities offered. It’s well worth it. It helped give me my life back….literally!”

– R.B., New Leaf Wellness Client, see more testimonials >>

Epionce, The Power of Botanicals

Epionce products combine the power of botanicals and active complexes for clinical results you can see. At New Leaf Wellness, we like to incorporate natural options for our body to better bounce back

A Simple Approach

Actually, Epionce products are hand-selected for their efficacy to address a variety of skin issues including signs of aging, rough or uneven skin texture and dark spots. In fact, the unique blend of botanical ingredients in every Epionce product works synergistically to reveal:

  • Radiant, healthier-looking skin
  • Improve the visible effects of aging

Does It Work?

Short answer, yes. But let’s take a deeper dive about why… Established on decades of skin research by founder Dr. Carl Thornfeldt, Epionce is backed by over 16 independent clinical studies using the finished, market-ready products on patients. Also, studies have demonstrated superior results from Epionce regimens that utilized botanical ingredients, proving that beautiful, healthy-looking skin can be achieved without the “pain to get the gain” characterized by harsh, irritating ingredients.

Most notably, flagship Renewal Facial Cream, when used with Lytic Tx, displayed superior results against the gold-standard anti-aging retinoid for visible improvement of skin aging. So by employing a blend of unique botanicals and active complexes—in stable formulations—both products work together to provide clinically proven anti-aging results.

Don’t wait, contact your Epionce skin care professional to find the best products for your unique skin. 

Contact our New Leaf Wellness Epionce Specialist Today!


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