Testosterone Series: Low Testosterone & Sex

Males with Low Testosterone And How it Affects the Libido

Common Question: Can I have low Testosterone and still have a sex drive?

Men typically ignore their symptoms of low testosterone or often referred to as low-T. They think that if they have a sex drive and can still get an erection that they have a good Testosterone level. Things could not be further from the truth.

Common Myth: Your Testosterone levels are good if you still have a sex drive and can still get an erection.

Low Testosterone can show up in many ways. You can have low energy, poor focus, feel grumpy or irritable, and/or have trouble sleeping. You may have trouble recovering from workouts and have problems building muscle. There may be a general feeling of not being at your best. And yet, you may still be able to get erections and have a sex drive.

Common Signs of Low-T:

  • Low Energy
  • Lack of Focus
  • Just Not Feeling Normal
  • Irritability/Grumpy
  • The word testosterone written on a sticky noteSleep Apnea

At New Leaf Wellness, we have found that many men do not realize that a low Testosterone can be the cause of their symptoms. Optimal Testosterone levels are important for your overall health and vitality. Testosterone performs a wide variety of functions and you need an optimal level to function at your best. You can have sub-optimal Testosterone that is affecting your body and still be having erections and have a libido.


If you feel that you are not functioning at an optimal level you will want to get your hormones evaluated by your New Leaf Wellness Hormone Specialist.


Contact us to get started!

Call 888-728-7555 or e-mail us.

Are you feeling fatigued???

Do you get tired more easily?  Feel older than your chronological age?? Lack the energy to do the things you want to do??

Fatigue, feeling tired, is a common complaint. You want to get a work up for this as it can be caused by many things: sleep apnea, heart issues, anemia, infections, poor water intake, poor nutrition, lung issues, etc. It is important to have your physician, who knows you well, evaluate you to make sure everything is OK.

The problem arises when your evaluation is “normal” and there is no apparent cause of your fatigue. This is where anti depressants are often prescribed (sometimes they are needed but generally they are not). This is when you really should think about a hormonal imbalance  causing your issues—especially if you are between 35 and 55 years old. Of course, hormonal imbalances can affect men and women younger or older than this.

Most people think of low thyroid as a cause of fatigue and it can be overlooked by physicians when the levels are “normal” but not optimal. However, low Testosterone in men and women is more often missed in traditional office settings and is a common cause of fatigue, as well as brain fog, muscle mass loss, loss of overall vitality, etc. Men are typically not treated until their Testosterone levels are critically low, and then they are only offered synthetic replacements and their Testosterone levels are not even brought up to optimal levels. Women are generally not even treated at all for low Testosterone in a traditional medical setting.  Medical training programs forget that women need Testosterone too, just at lower levels than men.

The long term risks of not correcting low Testosterone is bone loss (osteoporosis), dementia, possible increased heart disease risk, etc. plus an overall decrease in vitality and energy. If you feel that you may have a hormonal imbalance and you have not gotten the help you need, you naturally want that help.

Take Hormone Quiz for MEN

Take Hormone Quiz for WOMEN