Weight Loss Workshop

Many people try to lose weight but are simply unable to lose it or to keep off their weight loss. Often, people turn to commercial diet programs since their ads tout ease of use and unbelievable before and after photos. Some even try fad diets. In the meantime, they continue to get fatter.

If you want to lose weight and stay healthy and satisfied in the process, the best way to do this is through a lifestyle change program. This approach treats chronic health problems, such as high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and unhealthy body composition. A lot of programs help you to lose weight temporarily but you are not healthy in the process, and your body puts the fat right back on when you are done with the program. With the Advanced weight loss program, you eat regular food and you get to eat a lot. It is all in eating the right foods and in proper proprotions.

There are three partss to our healthy weight loss program. The first part is also focused on getting the water balance in your body corrected. The second part is the personalized weight loss plan. You will need to count calories. We encourage you to eat throughout the days–we educate you on the right types of foods to eat.. You get to feel full and satisfied. We guide you on eating a variety of foods that keep your body healthy and help rid it of unwanted fat. The third part is using a very specific dose of hCG as monitored by the New Leaf Wellness Provider. When you are at your weight loss goal, we help transition you to maintenance. We will make sure that you have life long success in maintaining your healthy body and weight.

During the Advanced weight loss program, we can support you with vitamin, Lipo(MIC) or GAC shots that help to enhance weight loss. We focus on repairing nutritional deficiencies with food, not supplements. The goal of our program is to give you the support that you need–both emotionally and physically–so that you can achieve a healthy weight.




Morning or Night Workouts: Which is Best for Weight Loss?

Welcome Kris Wiese, fitness expert from MyGenetx today for her guest blogging for New Leaf Wellness.

Whether you are an early bird that gets the worm or a night owl that burns the oil, a workout regimen based on your optimum time of day can provide benefits. According to many sources, one is not better than the other. They both have advantages.

Morning Workout Benefits:

  • Boosting endorphins in the morning revs up your metabolism for the day!
  • Raising your body temperature helps wake you up quickly.
  • The quiet of the morning can mean less distractions and temptations to to ditch the workout.
  • When you finish an early workout, the tone is set for the day and you are more likely to eat healthy.
  • Sleep should come easy after a morning workout and full day of activity.

Evening Workout Benefits:

  • Late afternoons and early evenings are great to work off any stress of the day, which will reduce your levels of the stress hormone, cortisol that can lead to over eating.
  • Less warm-up time is required. (You may need an hour or two cool down before bed to prepare your body for good night’s sleep.)
  • Between 2pm-6pm is the peak time for a workout based on enzyme activity and muscular function.
  • If the workout is the last task of the day, you will have no time constraints.

On days when you feel great, you can extend your workout time!

When combined with a healthy diet, four workouts a week are encouraged for weight loss. If you are not sure what your optimum time is, try two morning workouts and two night workouts the first week to determine the best fit.

Information provided by Kris Wiese, Healthcare Content Specialist Director of Communications at MyGenetx. For more on fitness, contact Kris at info@newleafcenters.com.


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