Aesthetic Services- Chemical Peels & Dermaplaning

Exfoliation is an important part of having younger skin, and who doesn’t want to have younger looking skin? Two of my favorite aesthetic services are types of exfoliation- peels and dermaplaning. Peels are a chemical exfoliation, while dermaplaning is a mechanical exfoliation. Before we get into these two types of exfoliation, let’s discuss the need for exfoliation.

Need for Exfoliation

As humans age, we lose the collagen and elastin in our skin along with the ability to turn over skin cells at a faster rate. Now, collagen is the molecule that is responsible for plumping skin to keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay while the elastin gives our skin elasticity. And elastin is too big of a molecule to put back in our skin. While collagen is also a big molecule, pores are large enough for some collagen to penetrate back in. Therefore, anti-aging results will be limited without exfoliation such as dermaplaning or peel. So, these exfoliation methods not only slough off dead skin cells, but they also stimulate the production of new skin cells which will produce collagen and elastin.

Note, both peels and dermaplaning exfoliate; however, peels will produce a deeper exfoliation because it is a chemical that penetrates down to the dermis while a dermaplaning will only work on the epidermis.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels come in different types. Glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane and is an alpha-hydroxy acid good for anti-aging and brightening the skin, while salicylic acid is derived from aspirin and is a beta-hydroxy acid known for combating acne. Actually, there is also a lactic acid which is the safest form of peel because women produce lactic acid. The VI Peel is done at New Leaf Wellness under the direction of a medical director, because it is a deep peel.

Peels are not usually recommended for pregnant women, as the chemicals can seep into bloodstream, although I have seen some estheticians perform a light lactic peel on a pregnant woman. In fact, peels are also not recommended for people higher on the Fitzpatrick scale due to risk of hyperpig­mentation. Hyperpig­mentation happens when the skin produces too much melanin and forms darker spots in some areas. Also, other contrain­dications for peels include scarring, scabbing, cold sores or herpes break out around the mouth, if already present.


Dermaplaning, which we could also just call, “shaving your face,” because this treatment involves gently pulling a blade along your skin. But! Dermaplaning, unlike traditional shaving, uses a smaller blade to slough off dead skin cells in addition to removing wispy facial hair, so skin is more even in tone and texture. Interestingly, it’s superficial (there will not be blood) and strangely reminiscent of a cat lick(tickly, sandpapery). Perk: It makes makeup go on smoother too!

What to Choose?

So, peels yield deeper, long lasting result, although they usually come with a downtime of 2-7 days depending on the pH of the peel. However, peels are usually recommended in a series of 3-6 to get the results the you want to see. In comparison, dermaplaning is a safer exfoliation method that almost everyone can use and results are immediate. Both exfoliation methods can be used on different areas of the body along with various other aesthetic services we offer. To decide which is better, use your skin care knowledge or consult with your provider, and you will see younger, firmer, glowing, healthy skin in no time. For added skin care, check out our super supplements that assist with skin care initiatives. Check out our products>

How To Schedule:

Contact New Leaf Wellness today to learn more  about our aesthetic services or give us a call at 888-728-7555! You can also take our short informational quiz to help point you in the best direction for your skin! Check it out below.

Aesthetic Health Quiz- FOR WOMEN

Aesthetic Health Quiz- FOR MEN

Dermaplaning 101

Will My Hair Grow Back Darker or Thicker?

No it won’t grow back thicker or darker.  There are different types of hair on your body.  Vellus hair aka “Peach Fuzz” is the kind that grows on your face, your upper forearm, the tops of your feet. It’s the finest hair on your body, and it will remain the same color and texture regardless of how many times it’s been removed. The hair on your eyebrows and legs is called terminal hair, these hairs are thicker and coarser and they will always stay that way.  Because of this you really don’t notice when vellus hair grows back as you would when your leg hair is getting longer and you can feel all the stubble.

What Are The Benefits of Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a manual form of exfoliation that takes off the top layer of superficial dead skin sitting on the epidermis along with all the “fuzz”. It differs from Microdermabrasion, which is also a manual exfoliation, because that service doesn’t remove hair. Hair can hold excess dirt and oils which can clog pores so it’s important to remove them to avoid breakouts.  Dermplaning also triggers cell regeneration which allows anything you use at home to penetrate deeper into the skin. We always tell our clients, why should you let your expensive skincare products sit on dead skin and hair when they can do their job so much better once they’re removed. Once all the guck is gone, you’ll  be able to use less product which is a nice financial bonus. In addition, the other comment we hear most is how much better makeup goes on and stays on once the hair is gone.

Can Your Get Dermaplaning If You Have Severe Acne?

The safe answer is, no. Dermaplaning can spread active acne.  However, If it’s just a spot here and there then we can work around it.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

Anyone who feels like their skin needs a pick me up. If you find your skin is dry, hyper-pigmented, aging, has fine lines and wrinkles or acne scarring, you should try dermaplaning.  If you’re tired of pulling down your driver side mirror and seeing the fuzz glowing in the light, you’ll love the results. It’s even safe for pregnant and breastfeeding clients. The word we feel best describes the after effects of dermaplaning is GLOW.

How Does The Procedure Work? How Is It Done?

It sounds scarier then it is. It’s done with a surgical scalpel and due to the fact that it has no guard on it, it’s essentially like getting a the best straight razor shave you’ve ever had (ask the guys about this) minus the lathering foam. It’s not painful and in fact most of our clients find it really soothing and many fall asleep. Someone equated it to a cat licking your face and that’s pretty accurate.

Can It Be Performed With Other Services? If So, Which Ones?

Dermaplaning can be performed with a facial which allows for a deep cleansing prior and follows with a skin specific mask, or you can do it as a stand-alone service. For those looking for even deeper exfoliation, we recommend pairing it with one of our organic facials. We are actually introducing a new protocol for our dermaplaning and peels therapy that includes natural enzyme and lactic acid peels to deep clean pores, even out skin tone, reduce hyperpigmentation and stimulate collagen production to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The end result is truly transformative. We’ve found peels that are super effective yet require no downtime. But truly, there’s no wrong way to incorporate dermaplaning into your beauty routine.

How Frequently Should I Have The Procedure Performed?

Most people turn their skin over every 4 weeks but some don’t have as much peach fuzz as others so based on personal preference every 4-6 weeks is ideal.  Once you feel the baby smooth skin the first time it is hard not to get addicted.


Call New Leaf Wellness today to schedule your dermaplaning service! Call us at 888-728-7555