Benefits of BioIdentical Hormone Therapy

benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy

Millions of men and women suffer from hormonal health issues that can be improved or even completely cured through the use of  hormone replacement therapy. Sadly, many of those who can benefit may not even realize that they have a medical issue, because the symptoms of hormone imbalance are often ignored or mistaken for normal “signs of aging”. Today, we are focusing on the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy for both men and women.

What Are Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets?

Hormone pellet therapy is a major step forward for both men and women. Actually, as with all treatments at New Leaf Wellness, it uses only proven, safe, and effective bioidentical hormones from New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy.

Unlike synthetic hormones developed in a laboratory, bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources. These hormones are extremely safe compared to the alternative. The pellets chemical structure exactly mimics that of the body’s own hormones.

This is crucial, since it means the body’s hormone receptors process bioidentical hormones easily. Subsequently, this accelerates the positive effects of treatment and reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Made me symptom free from menopause!

– Stacy C., New Leaf Wellness Patient

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How Do Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets Work?

When using pellets, all the discomfort and uncertainty that can be associated with other methods will disappear. You never have to worry about an injection or about carefully measuring out the right dosage. In fact, the pellet does all the work.

A time-release pellet containing the appropriate hormones and dosages is implanted into the patient using a tiny skin incision. Medication is released over time in a way that works harmoniously with the body’s systems and prompts optimal response.

They help me get my life back- play, work, sex and to feel great again! I feel young again!

– Rodney W., New Leaf Wellness Patient

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Pellet method is appropriate for both men and women:

  • Men can gain fast relief from the symptoms of low T and andropause. Our patients generally experience rapid onset of improved concentration, strength, stamina, sexual functioning and sexual sensation.
  • Women can overcome symptoms of menopause or hormone imbalance. Unfortunately, hormone imbalance often goes undiagnosed and untreated because many women don’t realize their symptoms are more severe than they should be.

Therefore, with no downtime and no costly medications of daily intake, you can start to feel small improvements within a couple weeks and most patients see noticable changes in their bodies within 6 weeks or more.