Putting the Pieces Together

Does everyone know hormones affect everything we do?
The answer to this question is unfortunately (sigh) still no.

When we are young, it is the abundance and perfectly tuned balance of hormones that makes us vital, wrinkle-free, sexually active and quick to recover from colds and flu. Hormones keep us fertile, and our joints limber and well- lubricated. It is our hormones that help us think well, remember where we put our keys and relate to others in intimate, connected ways.

As we age, hormones begin to fade, though exposure to toxins, eating badly processed foods, leading sedentary lives and not getting enough sleep also play their parts.

We can reverse or at a minimum stall the ravages of aging with hormone support. There are many types of hormones that work together to create the puzzle that becomes our lives and the more pieces (hormones) of the puzzle we put together in proper balance and in the right formulations, the more likely we are to age in a healthy, vibrant and beautiful way.

The best hormones to use are the bioidentical ones and that is what New Leaf Wellness uses. They are prescription medications estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid and adrenal support, and they are pharmaceutically made to look identical to the hormones our own bodies make when we are young and healthy.

With the proper hormones, prescribed by doctors who are trained and experienced in how to use them and when to use them safely and effectively, we spend less money on health care, on going from doctor to doctor and test to test with no hope of improvement in sight.

With hormones in balance we don’t need yo-yo dieting. Our bodies stay at their optimal weight, and exercise is pleasant with results we can be proud of. With hormones we find ourselves getting sleep again and feeling refreshed in the morning.

Hormones are safe and they protect us from diseases of aging. They protect our bones from osteoporosis and our hearts and brains from deterioration.

Yes, it may sound like hormones are the fountain of youth, but all you have to do is ask and look at those who take them and compare them to their peers who don’t.

When I see patients for the first time I ask: If you didn’t know how old you are, how old would you think you are?

The answer from people on hormones is always 20 years younger. From those who don’t take hormones, it’s always at least 20 years older. menopause, Tictoc, BioTe

Which would you like to be?

What is IV Nutritional Therapy

IV therapy is a method of delivering vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the body, through the bloodstream. A small intravenous catheter is placed into a vein so that these nutrients can be delivered into the body over a period of time. IV therapy is firmly based on medical and scientific research, and it is used in a variety of treatment regimens because of its power to heal the body, improve health and well being and prevent certain conditions.

Below are some of the nutrients commonly used in IV therapy:

Vitamin B5, B6, B12
Vitamin C

All of these vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids work together to restore what is depleted in the body.

What are the Benefits of IV Therapy?
There are clear cut advantages to IV therapy, and the benefits differ depending on the condition treated, the protocol used, the overall health of the client, and how many treatments are done.

The greatest advantage to IV nutritional therapy is that the body gets vital nutrients, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients bypass the stomach and go directly to the organs. Levels in the body are restored so that addicts feel stronger and healthier. This is a complete turnaround from the addicted body that is exhausted from drug use, irregular sleeping, poor diet and other harmful behaviors. Withdrawal only depletes the body further.

Here are some of the improvements that are seen from IV Nutritional Therapy:

Improved energy
Improved mental focus
Decreased cravings
Increased pleasure
Pain relief
Enhanced mood
Increased calmness and relaxation
Balanced blood sugar
Improved sleep patterns

How Can You ​Get Started?
Even though IV therapy involves placing a needle into the arm, the process is very comfortable. It starts with getting labs drawn and having them reviewed by the Provider.  Then when you​ get the IV Nutrition, you​ will sit in a bright and clean room with comfy chairs during the process, and ​enjoy beautiful images and messages on the TV screen. The rest and rejuvenation that comes from IV therapy makes this experience positive, laying the foundation for a long-term, healthy recovery.

Understand the Role of Testosterone

Testosterone is created by the male body in the testes. The hormone is responsible for maintaining bone density, muscle mass, strength, sex drive, distribution of fat, sperm production and the production of red blood cells. As the male body ages, the production of testosterone slows. After the age of 40, the production of testosterone starts to decline.

Testosterone replacement therapy can help older men deficient in the hormone reduce their risks of heart disease, diabetes, and death, according to new research presented at ENDO 08, the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society.

”The goal of testosterone treatment is to keep the levels within normal range,” says Farid Saad, director of scientific affairs for Bayer Schering Pharma in Berlin. Saad presented two of the studies at the meeting, held in San Francisco. Bayer Schering Pharma makes several testosterone products.

Low levels of testosterone are common with age, Saad says, occurring in about 18% of 70-year-olds. Low levels of testosterone, he says, are associated with the metabolic syndrome — a cluster of risk factors such as abnormal cholesterol and high blood pressure that boost risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes as well as other risks to health.

In the studies, Saad and his colleagues found that testosterone replacement therapy reduced the metabolic syndrome risk factors and did so in a similar way in all the age ranges studied.

By Kathleen Doheny
WebMD Health News

The Importance of Proper Hydration on your Weight Loss Journey

As you start your journey of weight loss, one thing you are very likely looking at is your meals. You want to make sure that you’re giving your body precisely what it needs but not over feed it where it stores fat. But, are you overlooking another critical element in the game? Many people aren’t giving nearly as much consideration to what they’re drinking in and around weight loss…but they should.

The impacts of dehydration on weight loss are significant and this could be one factor that improves weight loss. Let’s look at how dehydration will impact you so that you can get straight how important this is.

Muscular Endurance
The very first manner in which dehydration impacts you is with your muscular endurance. Basically, you are going to feel fatigue quicker during the day. Your body needs to move in order to loose weight.

Fluid losses equal to just 1-2% of your total body weight will negatively impact your weight loss. The primary reason this tends to occur is because the maximum pumping capacity of the heart that can be achieved during the day will decrease, which then decreases overall activity capacity. In addition, the decrease in plasma volume will mean that there is a lower blood pressure and blood is thicker, which can also induce feelings of fatigue.

Muscular Strength
Don’t think that if you aren’t exercising you’re protected from these harmful effects of dehydration. That is not the case at all.

In addition to seeing declines in endurance, you’ll also see declines in physical strength. When around 3% of total body weight in dehydration occurs, this can result in strength losses of up to 5%, showing a greater magnitude than the dehydration itself.

Therefore, this is going to be very problematic for those who have more weight to loose. This again is going to be due to decreased reduction in blood flow and blood pressure along with an increase in core temperature.

One additional point to know here is that dehydration can also increase the rate of glycogen use by the muscle tissues, and since during strenuous activities muscle glycogen is the primary fuel being utilized, this will have a significant influence on your ability to generate force over time.

Focus And Concentration
Finally, dehydration can also influence your ability to focus and concentration. This is huge as weigh loss takes a lot of focus and concentration. When we loos focus we tend to look at the here and now not the what can be. At this point it is easy to give up.

If you don’t have the mental tenacity that you need to pursue weight loss due to dehydration, you won’t be concentrating on your future goal, thus you will be mentally weaker overall and give into temptation.

Maintaining a strong level of concentration is imperative for weight loss and dehydration will prevent you from doing so. Some may also find they start experiencing headaches during weight loss as well and some may even become light-headed or dizzy if blood pressure gets too low. This could then go on to impact balance, making it harder to focus.

So there you have the main areas that dehydration will influence your weight loss. To maintain adequate hydration, make sure to drink when you are thirsty. At New Leaf Wellness we recommend at least 96 oz– but you could do an IV Nutrition session, that will help also.

If you do this, you can rest assured you are keeping yourself well hydrated.