I am 59 years old and have been using hormone pellet therapy for over a decade. It has been a true life saver for me in more ways than anyone could imagine. About 9 months ago I started using pellets from New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy and my world got even better. I truly had no idea that there could be such a noticeable difference in the pellets themselves. I have always been a fan of this therapy, and moving forward I will only use New Leaf’s pellets. I only wish that I had the words to explain how amazing I feel. Thank you New Leaf!!

Jacksonville, FL Patient, Under Care of New Leaf Wellness Providers**

85% of all Patients report Hot Flashes or Night Sweats as a symptom. 94% report almost COMPLETE RELIEF of these symptoms within 4 weeks of PELLET therapy!

95% of all patients report SIGNIFICANT RELIEF of one or more symptom with PELLET therapy!

94% of all patients report IMPROVEMENT of LOW SEX DRIVE with PELLET therapy!

Using QUALITY MATERIALS and external testing for potency & sterility is all part of our PELLET compounding in our 503A STATE-OF-THE-ART facility for the SUCCESS and HEALTH of our patients at New Leaf Wellness.


  • Pellet implants deliver consistent, physiologic levels of hormones.
  • The consistent and physiologic dosing has been shown to maintain and improve bone density.
  • Pellet implants bypass the liver and don’t negatively impact clotting factors, blood pressure, lipid levels, glucose, or liver function.
  • Pellet implants have consistently been shown to improve:
    1. Cardiovascular Health
    2. Sex Drive and Libido
    3. Headaches and Migraines
    4.  Insomnia
 / Hot Flashes
    5. Mood and Depression
    6. Joint Aches and Pains 
along with many other symptoms!

An individualized approach to hormone replacement therapy, using biologically identical hormones, pinpoints a person’s exact hormone levels, and what hormones are needed to balance their hormone deficiency. The differences between synthetic and biologically identical hormones are in their chemical structures and functionality. Biologically identical hormones have the same chemical structure as the hormones created naturally in the human body.

At New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy fused hormone pellet implants are compounded using biologically identical hormones. The hormones are pressed / fused into very small cylinders. New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy compounds Estradiol and Testosterone quality pellets.

Pellet insertion is a relatively simple in-office procedure. The pellets are inserted subcutaneously (under the fatty lining of skin), either in the lower abdomen or the upper buttocks through a very small incision. The incision is then closed with sterile-tape strips. Patients cannot feel the implants under their skin. Implants placed under the skin consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones, which have been shown to have many benefits including those listed above.

Fused Pellet Implants typically last between 3-4 months, depending on how rapidly the hormones are metabolized. After insertion of the pellets, vigorous physical activity should be avoided for 2-3 days, or as suggested by the provider. Some patients begin to feel symptom relief within 48 hours, while others may take up to two weeks to notice a marked difference or longer depending on a patients starting point. The pellets do not need to be removed, they are completely dissolved by the body.

Generally, there are minimal side-effects associated with the pellet implant procedure. Other than slight bruising, the other complications are very rare. Hormone “natural” side-effects vary and should be discussed with your healthcare provider.

Before starting any hormone replacement therapy, patients will work directly with a knowledgeable advisor to have hormone testing done to evaluate their personal hormone profile. Based on existing hormone levels and health history, the provider will make a hormone replacement recommendation. Once pellets have been inserted, hormone levels will be reevaluated prior to the insertion of the next round of pellets.

Pellet implants require a prescription from a provider. It is very important to work with a provider that is well versed in hormones as well as the actual pellet implant procedure and at New Leaf Wellness there is combined experience in this area of over 100 years. The placement of the pellet and the hormone dosing are extremely important in determining safety and efficacy. Pellets made by New Leaf Specialty Pharmacy follow strict United States Pharmacopeia (USP) guidelines.