5 Awesome Ways to Prepare Your Skin for Fall

Summer is drawing to a close. Is your skin ready? It’s in store for a fairly dramatic transition. After becoming accustomed to the warm, sunny, moist weather of summer, your skin must adapt to the drier, cooler air of fall. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to do it alone. By taking the right steps and using the right products, you can lay the foundation for a seamless transition from summer to fall–and for glowing, beautiful skin throughout the year.

Five Tips for Preparing Your Skin for the Fall

1. Keep Using Sunscreen

One of the worst mistakes that people make when fall rolls around is to stop using sunscreen. Just because the weather gets cooler and less sunny doesn’t mean that your skin isn’t still pummeled continuously by damaging UV-A and UV-B rays. You don’t have to use a separate sunscreen if you don’t want. Instead, choose a primer that contains SPF 30 or higher.

2. Use a Serum Under Your Moisturizer

During the summer, a lightweight moisturizer is all that’s typically needed to keep skin from drying out. Cooler weather brings drier air, however, so you’ll need to switch to something heavier and creamier. It’s a bit soon for that, though, so try using a serum beneath a medium-weight moisturizer instead. This gives you the added benefit of using thicker moisturizer while shielding your skin from pore-clogging cream.

3. Keep Exfoliating

Skin gets drier during the fall, and this makes it more susceptible to damage. Still, don’t stop exfoliating. Just take it a bit easier when you do. After all, the dryness of the season will cause dead skin cells to accumulate quickly. Keep your skin looking fresh and new by using a gentle exfoliant twice a week. After exfoliating, apply a serum and moisturizer.

4. Protect the Area Around Your Eyes

The skin around your eyes is especially fine and fragile. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t cope well with constant exposure to dry, cool air. Ward off fine lines and wrinkles in this area by using a moisturizing eye cream. They have special formulas that can be worn at night for exceptional moisture, and there are lighter weight formulas that are perfect for use by day.

5. Eat Right

Fall is often a busy time of year. It’s easy to fall off the healthy eating wagon. Healthy skin starts within, though, so get back on track by eating right. Stick with whole foods that are rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. Fish like salmon and seafood like oysters are good for this. As for antioxidants, you’ll get your fill from carrots, blueberries, cucumbers, cauliflower and many other fruits and veggies.

After being so careful to protect your skin throughout the summer, don’t let that hard work go to waste. By keeping the above advice in mind, you can transition your skin from moist, humid, hot summer weather to cool, dry fall weather with ease. Get on track now to ensure that your skin stays in tip-top shape into the New Year and beyond.

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